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synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

This reduces memory usage with a lot of docker proxy processes.
On Docker for Mac we are currently carrying a patch to replace
the binary as we modify it to forward ports to the Mac rather
than the Linux VM, this allows us to simply replace this binary
in our packaging with one that has a compatible interface. This
patch does not provide an easy way to substitute a binary as
the interface is complex and there are few use cases, but where
needed this can be done.
Signed-off-by: Justin Cormack <justin.cormack@docker.com>
(cherry picked from commit 0682468431
Signed-off-by: Tibor Vass <tibor@docker.com>
164 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable file
164 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Downloads dependencies into vendor/ directory
mkdir -p vendor
if ! go list github.com/docker/docker/docker &> /dev/null; then
rm -rf .gopath
mkdir -p .gopath/src/github.com/docker
ln -sf ../../../.. .gopath/src/${PROJECT}
export GOPATH="${PWD}/.gopath:${PWD}/vendor"
export GOPATH="$GOPATH:${PWD}/vendor"
if [ "$(go env GOHOSTOS)" = 'windows' ]; then
clone() {
local vcs="$1"
local pkg="$2"
local rev="$3"
local url="$4"
: ${url:=https://$pkg}
local target="vendor/src/$pkg"
echo -n "$pkg @ $rev: "
if [ -d "$target" ]; then
echo -n 'rm old, '
rm -rf "$target"
echo -n 'clone, '
case "$vcs" in
git clone --quiet --no-checkout "$url" "$target"
( cd "$target" && git checkout --quiet "$rev" && git reset --quiet --hard "$rev" )
hg clone --quiet --updaterev "$rev" "$url" "$target"
echo -n 'rm VCS, '
( cd "$target" && rm -rf .{git,hg} )
echo -n 'rm vendor, '
( cd "$target" && rm -rf vendor Godeps/_workspace )
echo done
# get an ENV from the Dockerfile with support for multiline values
_dockerfile_env() {
local e="$1"
awk '
$1 == "ENV" && $2 == "'"$e"'" {
sub(/^ENV +([^ ]+) +/, "");
inEnv = 1;
inEnv {
if (sub(/\\$/, "")) {
printf "%s", $0;
' ${DOCKER_FILE:="Dockerfile"}
clean() {
local packages=(
"${PROJECT}/cmd/dockerd" # daemon package main
"${PROJECT}/cmd/docker" # client package main
"${PROJECT}/integration-cli" # external tests
local dockerPlatforms=( ${DOCKER_ENGINE_OSARCH:="linux/amd64"} $(_dockerfile_env DOCKER_CROSSPLATFORMS) )
local dockerBuildTags="$(_dockerfile_env DOCKER_BUILDTAGS)"
local buildTagCombos=(
"daemon $dockerBuildTags"
"daemon cgo $dockerBuildTags"
"experimental $dockerBuildTags"
"experimental daemon $dockerBuildTags"
"experimental daemon cgo $dockerBuildTags"
"pkcs11 $dockerBuildTags"
"pkcs11 daemon $dockerBuildTags"
"pkcs11 daemon cgo $dockerBuildTags"
echo -n 'collecting import graph, '
local IFS=$'\n'
local imports=( $(
for platform in "${dockerPlatforms[@]}"; do
export GOOS="${platform%/*}";
export GOARCH="${platform##*/}";
for buildTags in "${buildTagCombos[@]}"; do
go list -e -tags "$buildTags" -f '{{join .Deps "\n"}}' "${packages[@]}"
go list -e -tags "$buildTags" -f '{{join .TestImports "\n"}}' "${packages[@]}"
done | grep -vE "^${PROJECT}/" | sort -u
) )
imports=( $(go list -e -f '{{if not .Standard}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}' "${imports[@]}") )
unset IFS
echo -n 'pruning unused packages, '
# This directory contains only .c and .h files which are necessary
-path vendor/src/github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/code
# This package is required to build the Etcd client,
# but Etcd hard codes a local Godep full path.
# FIXME: fix_rewritten_imports fixes this problem in most platforms
# but it fails in very small corner cases where it makes the vendor
# script to remove this package.
# See: https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/19231
findArgs+=( -or -path vendor/src/github.com/ugorji/go/codec )
for import in "${imports[@]}"; do
[ "${#findArgs[@]}" -eq 0 ] || findArgs+=( -or )
findArgs+=( -path "vendor/src/$import" )
# The docker proxy command is built from libnetwork
findArgs+=( -or -path vendor/src/github.com/docker/libnetwork/cmd/proxy )
local IFS=$'\n'
local prune=( $($find vendor -depth -type d -not '(' "${findArgs[@]}" ')') )
unset IFS
for dir in "${prune[@]}"; do
$find "$dir" -maxdepth 1 -not -type d -not -name 'LICENSE*' -not -name 'COPYING*' -exec rm -v -f '{}' ';'
rmdir "$dir" 2>/dev/null || true
echo -n 'pruning unused files, '
$find vendor -type f -name '*_test.go' -exec rm -v '{}' ';'
$find vendor -type f -name 'Vagrantfile' -exec rm -v '{}' ';'
# These are the files that are left over after fix_rewritten_imports is run.
echo -n 'pruning .orig files, '
$find vendor -type f -name '*.orig' -exec rm -v '{}' ';'
echo done
# Fix up hard-coded imports that refer to Godeps paths so they'll work with our vendoring
fix_rewritten_imports () {
local pkg="$1"
local remove="${pkg}/Godeps/_workspace/src/"
local target="vendor/src/$pkg"
echo "$pkg: fixing rewritten imports"
$find "$target" -name \*.go -exec sed -i'.orig' -e "s|\"${remove}|\"|g" {} \;