Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/moby/moby.git synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00
Daniel Nephin 213ed02e25 Refactor builder.calcCopyInfo and dependencies
Remove pathCache from imageContexts
Extract validateCopySourcePath
Extract copyWithWildcards
Extract copyInfoForFile and walkSource from calcCopyInfo
Move copy internals to copy.go
remove source from Builder

Signed-off-by: Daniel Nephin <dnephin@docker.com>
2017-05-17 09:54:39 -04:00

878 lines
24 KiB

package dockerfile
// This file contains the dispatchers for each command. Note that
// `nullDispatch` is not actually a command, but support for commands we parse
// but do nothing with.
// See evaluator.go for a higher level discussion of the whole evaluator
// package.
import (
// ENV foo bar
// Sets the environment variable foo to bar, also makes interpolation
// in the dockerfile available from the next statement on via ${foo}.
func env(req dispatchRequest) error {
if len(req.args) == 0 {
return errAtLeastOneArgument("ENV")
if len(req.args)%2 != 0 {
// should never get here, but just in case
return errTooManyArguments("ENV")
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
runConfig := req.state.runConfig
commitMessage := bytes.NewBufferString("ENV")
for j := 0; j < len(req.args); j += 2 {
if len(req.args[j]) == 0 {
return errBlankCommandNames("ENV")
name := req.args[j]
value := req.args[j+1]
newVar := name + "=" + value
commitMessage.WriteString(" " + newVar)
gotOne := false
for i, envVar := range runConfig.Env {
envParts := strings.SplitN(envVar, "=", 2)
compareFrom := envParts[0]
if equalEnvKeys(compareFrom, name) {
runConfig.Env[i] = newVar
gotOne = true
if !gotOne {
runConfig.Env = append(runConfig.Env, newVar)
return req.builder.commit(req.state, commitMessage.String())
// MAINTAINER some text <maybe@an.email.address>
// Sets the maintainer metadata.
func maintainer(req dispatchRequest) error {
if len(req.args) != 1 {
return errExactlyOneArgument("MAINTAINER")
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
maintainer := req.args[0]
req.state.maintainer = maintainer
return req.builder.commit(req.state, "MAINTAINER "+maintainer)
// LABEL some json data describing the image
// Sets the Label variable foo to bar,
func label(req dispatchRequest) error {
if len(req.args) == 0 {
return errAtLeastOneArgument("LABEL")
if len(req.args)%2 != 0 {
// should never get here, but just in case
return errTooManyArguments("LABEL")
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
commitStr := "LABEL"
runConfig := req.state.runConfig
if runConfig.Labels == nil {
runConfig.Labels = map[string]string{}
for j := 0; j < len(req.args); j++ {
name := req.args[j]
if name == "" {
return errBlankCommandNames("LABEL")
value := req.args[j+1]
commitStr += " " + name + "=" + value
runConfig.Labels[name] = value
return req.builder.commit(req.state, commitStr)
// ADD foo /path
// Add the file 'foo' to '/path'. Tarball and Remote URL (git, http) handling
// exist here. If you do not wish to have this automatic handling, use COPY.
func add(req dispatchRequest) error {
if len(req.args) < 2 {
return errAtLeastTwoArguments("ADD")
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
downloader := newRemoteSourceDownloader(req.builder.Output, req.builder.Stdout)
copier := copierFromDispatchRequest(req, downloader, nil)
defer copier.Cleanup()
copyInstruction, err := copier.createCopyInstruction(req.args, "ADD")
if err != nil {
return err
copyInstruction.allowLocalDecompression = true
return req.builder.performCopy(req.state, copyInstruction)
// COPY foo /path
// Same as 'ADD' but without the tar and remote url handling.
func dispatchCopy(req dispatchRequest) error {
if len(req.args) < 2 {
return errAtLeastTwoArguments("COPY")
flFrom := req.flags.AddString("from", "")
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
im, err := req.builder.getImageMount(flFrom)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid from flag value %s", flFrom.Value)
copier := copierFromDispatchRequest(req, errOnSourceDownload, im)
defer copier.Cleanup()
copyInstruction, err := copier.createCopyInstruction(req.args, "COPY")
if err != nil {
return err
return req.builder.performCopy(req.state, copyInstruction)
func (b *Builder) getImageMount(fromFlag *Flag) (*imageMount, error) {
if !fromFlag.IsUsed() {
// TODO: this could return the source in the default case as well?
return nil, nil
imageRefOrID := fromFlag.Value
stage, err := b.buildStages.get(fromFlag.Value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if stage != nil {
imageRefOrID = stage.ImageID()
return b.imageSources.Get(imageRefOrID)
// FROM imagename[:tag | @digest] [AS build-stage-name]
func from(req dispatchRequest) error {
stageName, err := parseBuildStageName(req.args)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
image, err := req.builder.getFromImage(req.shlex, req.args[0])
if err != nil {
return err
if err := req.builder.buildStages.add(stageName, image); err != nil {
return err
req.state.beginStage(stageName, image)
if image.ImageID() == "" {
// Typically this means they used "FROM scratch"
return nil
return processOnBuild(req)
func parseBuildStageName(args []string) (string, error) {
stageName := ""
switch {
case len(args) == 3 && strings.EqualFold(args[1], "as"):
stageName = strings.ToLower(args[2])
if ok, _ := regexp.MatchString("^[a-z][a-z0-9-_\\.]*$", stageName); !ok {
return "", errors.Errorf("invalid name for build stage: %q, name can't start with a number or contain symbols", stageName)
case len(args) != 1:
return "", errors.New("FROM requires either one or three arguments")
return stageName, nil
// scratchImage is used as a token for the empty base image. It uses buildStage
// as a convenient implementation of builder.Image, but is not actually a
// buildStage.
var scratchImage builder.Image = &buildStage{}
func (b *Builder) getFromImage(shlex *ShellLex, name string) (builder.Image, error) {
substitutionArgs := []string{}
for key, value := range b.buildArgs.GetAllMeta() {
substitutionArgs = append(substitutionArgs, key+"="+value)
name, err := shlex.ProcessWord(name, substitutionArgs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if im, ok := b.buildStages.getByName(name); ok {
return im, nil
// Windows cannot support a container with no base image.
if name == api.NoBaseImageSpecifier {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
return nil, errors.New("Windows does not support FROM scratch")
return scratchImage, nil
imageMount, err := b.imageSources.Get(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return imageMount.Image(), nil
func processOnBuild(req dispatchRequest) error {
dispatchState := req.state
// Process ONBUILD triggers if they exist
if nTriggers := len(dispatchState.runConfig.OnBuild); nTriggers != 0 {
word := "trigger"
if nTriggers > 1 {
word = "triggers"
fmt.Fprintf(req.builder.Stderr, "# Executing %d build %s...\n", nTriggers, word)
// Copy the ONBUILD triggers, and remove them from the config, since the config will be committed.
onBuildTriggers := dispatchState.runConfig.OnBuild
dispatchState.runConfig.OnBuild = []string{}
// Reset stdin settings as all build actions run without stdin
dispatchState.runConfig.OpenStdin = false
dispatchState.runConfig.StdinOnce = false
// parse the ONBUILD triggers by invoking the parser
for _, step := range onBuildTriggers {
dockerfile, err := parser.Parse(strings.NewReader(step))
if err != nil {
return err
for _, n := range dockerfile.AST.Children {
if err := checkDispatch(n); err != nil {
return err
upperCasedCmd := strings.ToUpper(n.Value)
switch upperCasedCmd {
case "ONBUILD":
return errors.New("Chaining ONBUILD via `ONBUILD ONBUILD` isn't allowed")
return errors.Errorf("%s isn't allowed as an ONBUILD trigger", upperCasedCmd)
if _, err := dispatchFromDockerfile(req.builder, dockerfile, dispatchState); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ONBUILD RUN echo yo
// ONBUILD triggers run when the image is used in a FROM statement.
// ONBUILD handling has a lot of special-case functionality, the heading in
// evaluator.go and comments around dispatch() in the same file explain the
// special cases. search for 'OnBuild' in internals.go for additional special
// cases.
func onbuild(req dispatchRequest) error {
if len(req.args) == 0 {
return errAtLeastOneArgument("ONBUILD")
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
triggerInstruction := strings.ToUpper(strings.TrimSpace(req.args[0]))
switch triggerInstruction {
case "ONBUILD":
return errors.New("Chaining ONBUILD via `ONBUILD ONBUILD` isn't allowed")
return fmt.Errorf("%s isn't allowed as an ONBUILD trigger", triggerInstruction)
runConfig := req.state.runConfig
original := regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^\s*ONBUILD\s*`).ReplaceAllString(req.original, "")
runConfig.OnBuild = append(runConfig.OnBuild, original)
return req.builder.commit(req.state, "ONBUILD "+original)
// WORKDIR /tmp
// Set the working directory for future RUN/CMD/etc statements.
func workdir(req dispatchRequest) error {
if len(req.args) != 1 {
return errExactlyOneArgument("WORKDIR")
err := req.flags.Parse()
if err != nil {
return err
runConfig := req.state.runConfig
// This is from the Dockerfile and will not necessarily be in platform
// specific semantics, hence ensure it is converted.
runConfig.WorkingDir, err = normaliseWorkdir(runConfig.WorkingDir, req.args[0])
if err != nil {
return err
// For performance reasons, we explicitly do a create/mkdir now
// This avoids having an unnecessary expensive mount/unmount calls
// (on Windows in particular) during each container create.
// Prior to 1.13, the mkdir was deferred and not executed at this step.
if req.builder.disableCommit {
// Don't call back into the daemon if we're going through docker commit --change "WORKDIR /foo".
// We've already updated the runConfig and that's enough.
return nil
comment := "WORKDIR " + runConfig.WorkingDir
runConfigWithCommentCmd := copyRunConfig(runConfig, withCmdCommentString(comment))
if hit, err := req.builder.probeCache(req.state, runConfigWithCommentCmd); err != nil || hit {
return err
container, err := req.builder.docker.ContainerCreate(types.ContainerCreateConfig{
Config: runConfigWithCommentCmd,
// Set a log config to override any default value set on the daemon
HostConfig: &container.HostConfig{LogConfig: defaultLogConfig},
if err != nil {
return err
req.builder.tmpContainers[container.ID] = struct{}{}
if err := req.builder.docker.ContainerCreateWorkdir(container.ID); err != nil {
return err
return req.builder.commitContainer(req.state, container.ID, runConfigWithCommentCmd)
// RUN some command yo
// run a command and commit the image. Args are automatically prepended with
// the current SHELL which defaults to 'sh -c' under linux or 'cmd /S /C' under
// Windows, in the event there is only one argument The difference in processing:
// RUN echo hi # sh -c echo hi (Linux)
// RUN echo hi # cmd /S /C echo hi (Windows)
// RUN [ "echo", "hi" ] # echo hi
func run(req dispatchRequest) error {
if !req.state.hasFromImage() {
return errors.New("Please provide a source image with `from` prior to run")
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
stateRunConfig := req.state.runConfig
args := handleJSONArgs(req.args, req.attributes)
if !req.attributes["json"] {
args = append(getShell(stateRunConfig), args...)
cmdFromArgs := strslice.StrSlice(args)
buildArgs := req.builder.buildArgs.FilterAllowed(stateRunConfig.Env)
saveCmd := cmdFromArgs
if len(buildArgs) > 0 {
saveCmd = prependEnvOnCmd(req.builder.buildArgs, buildArgs, cmdFromArgs)
runConfigForCacheProbe := copyRunConfig(stateRunConfig,
withEntrypointOverride(saveCmd, nil))
hit, err := req.builder.probeCache(req.state, runConfigForCacheProbe)
if err != nil || hit {
return err
runConfig := copyRunConfig(stateRunConfig,
withEnv(append(stateRunConfig.Env, buildArgs...)),
withEntrypointOverride(saveCmd, strslice.StrSlice{""}))
// set config as already being escaped, this prevents double escaping on windows
runConfig.ArgsEscaped = true
logrus.Debugf("[BUILDER] Command to be executed: %v", runConfig.Cmd)
cID, err := req.builder.create(runConfig)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := req.builder.run(cID, runConfig.Cmd); err != nil {
return err
return req.builder.commitContainer(req.state, cID, runConfigForCacheProbe)
// Derive the command to use for probeCache() and to commit in this container.
// Note that we only do this if there are any build-time env vars. Also, we
// use the special argument "|#" at the start of the args array. This will
// avoid conflicts with any RUN command since commands can not
// start with | (vertical bar). The "#" (number of build envs) is there to
// help ensure proper cache matches. We don't want a RUN command
// that starts with "foo=abc" to be considered part of a build-time env var.
// remove any unreferenced built-in args from the environment variables.
// These args are transparent so resulting image should be the same regardless
// of the value.
func prependEnvOnCmd(buildArgs *buildArgs, buildArgVars []string, cmd strslice.StrSlice) strslice.StrSlice {
var tmpBuildEnv []string
for _, env := range buildArgVars {
key := strings.SplitN(env, "=", 2)[0]
if buildArgs.IsReferencedOrNotBuiltin(key) {
tmpBuildEnv = append(tmpBuildEnv, env)
tmpEnv := append([]string{fmt.Sprintf("|%d", len(tmpBuildEnv))}, tmpBuildEnv...)
return strslice.StrSlice(append(tmpEnv, cmd...))
// CMD foo
// Set the default command to run in the container (which may be empty).
// Argument handling is the same as RUN.
func cmd(req dispatchRequest) error {
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
runConfig := req.state.runConfig
cmdSlice := handleJSONArgs(req.args, req.attributes)
if !req.attributes["json"] {
cmdSlice = append(getShell(runConfig), cmdSlice...)
runConfig.Cmd = strslice.StrSlice(cmdSlice)
// set config as already being escaped, this prevents double escaping on windows
runConfig.ArgsEscaped = true
if err := req.builder.commit(req.state, fmt.Sprintf("CMD %q", cmdSlice)); err != nil {
return err
if len(req.args) != 0 {
req.state.cmdSet = true
return nil
// parseOptInterval(flag) is the duration of flag.Value, or 0 if
// empty. An error is reported if the value is given and less than minimum duration.
func parseOptInterval(f *Flag) (time.Duration, error) {
s := f.Value
if s == "" {
return 0, nil
d, err := time.ParseDuration(s)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if d < time.Duration(container.MinimumDuration) {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Interval %#v cannot be less than %s", f.name, container.MinimumDuration)
return d, nil
// Set the default healthcheck command to run in the container (which may be empty).
// Argument handling is the same as RUN.
func healthcheck(req dispatchRequest) error {
if len(req.args) == 0 {
return errAtLeastOneArgument("HEALTHCHECK")
runConfig := req.state.runConfig
typ := strings.ToUpper(req.args[0])
args := req.args[1:]
if typ == "NONE" {
if len(args) != 0 {
return errors.New("HEALTHCHECK NONE takes no arguments")
test := strslice.StrSlice{typ}
runConfig.Healthcheck = &container.HealthConfig{
Test: test,
} else {
if runConfig.Healthcheck != nil {
oldCmd := runConfig.Healthcheck.Test
if len(oldCmd) > 0 && oldCmd[0] != "NONE" {
fmt.Fprintf(req.builder.Stdout, "Note: overriding previous HEALTHCHECK: %v\n", oldCmd)
healthcheck := container.HealthConfig{}
flInterval := req.flags.AddString("interval", "")
flTimeout := req.flags.AddString("timeout", "")
flStartPeriod := req.flags.AddString("start-period", "")
flRetries := req.flags.AddString("retries", "")
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
switch typ {
case "CMD":
cmdSlice := handleJSONArgs(args, req.attributes)
if len(cmdSlice) == 0 {
return errors.New("Missing command after HEALTHCHECK CMD")
if !req.attributes["json"] {
typ = "CMD-SHELL"
healthcheck.Test = strslice.StrSlice(append([]string{typ}, cmdSlice...))
return fmt.Errorf("Unknown type %#v in HEALTHCHECK (try CMD)", typ)
interval, err := parseOptInterval(flInterval)
if err != nil {
return err
healthcheck.Interval = interval
timeout, err := parseOptInterval(flTimeout)
if err != nil {
return err
healthcheck.Timeout = timeout
startPeriod, err := parseOptInterval(flStartPeriod)
if err != nil {
return err
healthcheck.StartPeriod = startPeriod
if flRetries.Value != "" {
retries, err := strconv.ParseInt(flRetries.Value, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return err
if retries < 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("--retries must be at least 1 (not %d)", retries)
healthcheck.Retries = int(retries)
} else {
healthcheck.Retries = 0
runConfig.Healthcheck = &healthcheck
return req.builder.commit(req.state, fmt.Sprintf("HEALTHCHECK %q", runConfig.Healthcheck))
// ENTRYPOINT /usr/sbin/nginx
// Set the entrypoint to /usr/sbin/nginx. Will accept the CMD as the arguments
// to /usr/sbin/nginx. Uses the default shell if not in JSON format.
// Handles command processing similar to CMD and RUN, only req.runConfig.Entrypoint
// is initialized at newBuilder time instead of through argument parsing.
func entrypoint(req dispatchRequest) error {
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
runConfig := req.state.runConfig
parsed := handleJSONArgs(req.args, req.attributes)
switch {
case req.attributes["json"]:
// ENTRYPOINT ["echo", "hi"]
runConfig.Entrypoint = strslice.StrSlice(parsed)
case len(parsed) == 0:
runConfig.Entrypoint = nil
// ENTRYPOINT echo hi
runConfig.Entrypoint = strslice.StrSlice(append(getShell(runConfig), parsed[0]))
// when setting the entrypoint if a CMD was not explicitly set then
// set the command to nil
if !req.state.cmdSet {
runConfig.Cmd = nil
return req.builder.commit(req.state, fmt.Sprintf("ENTRYPOINT %q", runConfig.Entrypoint))
// EXPOSE 6667/tcp 7000/tcp
// Expose ports for links and port mappings. This all ends up in
// req.runConfig.ExposedPorts for runconfig.
func expose(req dispatchRequest) error {
portsTab := req.args
if len(req.args) == 0 {
return errAtLeastOneArgument("EXPOSE")
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
runConfig := req.state.runConfig
if runConfig.ExposedPorts == nil {
runConfig.ExposedPorts = make(nat.PortSet)
ports, _, err := nat.ParsePortSpecs(portsTab)
if err != nil {
return err
// instead of using ports directly, we build a list of ports and sort it so
// the order is consistent. This prevents cache burst where map ordering
// changes between builds
portList := make([]string, len(ports))
var i int
for port := range ports {
if _, exists := runConfig.ExposedPorts[port]; !exists {
runConfig.ExposedPorts[port] = struct{}{}
portList[i] = string(port)
return req.builder.commit(req.state, "EXPOSE "+strings.Join(portList, " "))
// USER foo
// Set the user to 'foo' for future commands and when running the
// ENTRYPOINT/CMD at container run time.
func user(req dispatchRequest) error {
if len(req.args) != 1 {
return errExactlyOneArgument("USER")
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
req.state.runConfig.User = req.args[0]
return req.builder.commit(req.state, fmt.Sprintf("USER %v", req.args))
// VOLUME /foo
// Expose the volume /foo for use. Will also accept the JSON array form.
func volume(req dispatchRequest) error {
if len(req.args) == 0 {
return errAtLeastOneArgument("VOLUME")
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
runConfig := req.state.runConfig
if runConfig.Volumes == nil {
runConfig.Volumes = map[string]struct{}{}
for _, v := range req.args {
v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
if v == "" {
return errors.New("VOLUME specified can not be an empty string")
runConfig.Volumes[v] = struct{}{}
return req.builder.commit(req.state, fmt.Sprintf("VOLUME %v", req.args))
// STOPSIGNAL signal
// Set the signal that will be used to kill the container.
func stopSignal(req dispatchRequest) error {
if len(req.args) != 1 {
return errExactlyOneArgument("STOPSIGNAL")
sig := req.args[0]
_, err := signal.ParseSignal(sig)
if err != nil {
return err
req.state.runConfig.StopSignal = sig
return req.builder.commit(req.state, fmt.Sprintf("STOPSIGNAL %v", req.args))
// ARG name[=value]
// Adds the variable foo to the trusted list of variables that can be passed
// to builder using the --build-arg flag for expansion/substitution or passing to 'run'.
// Dockerfile author may optionally set a default value of this variable.
func arg(req dispatchRequest) error {
if len(req.args) != 1 {
return errExactlyOneArgument("ARG")
var (
name string
newValue string
hasDefault bool
arg := req.args[0]
// 'arg' can just be a name or name-value pair. Note that this is different
// from 'env' that handles the split of name and value at the parser level.
// The reason for doing it differently for 'arg' is that we support just
// defining an arg and not assign it a value (while 'env' always expects a
// name-value pair). If possible, it will be good to harmonize the two.
if strings.Contains(arg, "=") {
parts := strings.SplitN(arg, "=", 2)
if len(parts[0]) == 0 {
return errBlankCommandNames("ARG")
name = parts[0]
newValue = parts[1]
hasDefault = true
} else {
name = arg
hasDefault = false
var value *string
if hasDefault {
value = &newValue
req.builder.buildArgs.AddArg(name, value)
// Arg before FROM doesn't add a layer
if !req.state.hasFromImage() {
req.builder.buildArgs.AddMetaArg(name, value)
return nil
return req.builder.commit(req.state, "ARG "+arg)
// SHELL powershell -command
// Set the non-default shell to use.
func shell(req dispatchRequest) error {
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
shellSlice := handleJSONArgs(req.args, req.attributes)
switch {
case len(shellSlice) == 0:
// SHELL []
return errAtLeastOneArgument("SHELL")
case req.attributes["json"]:
// SHELL ["powershell", "-command"]
req.state.runConfig.Shell = strslice.StrSlice(shellSlice)
// SHELL powershell -command - not JSON
return errNotJSON("SHELL", req.original)
return req.builder.commit(req.state, fmt.Sprintf("SHELL %v", shellSlice))
func errAtLeastOneArgument(command string) error {
return fmt.Errorf("%s requires at least one argument", command)
func errExactlyOneArgument(command string) error {
return fmt.Errorf("%s requires exactly one argument", command)
func errAtLeastTwoArguments(command string) error {
return fmt.Errorf("%s requires at least two arguments", command)
func errBlankCommandNames(command string) error {
return fmt.Errorf("%s names can not be blank", command)
func errTooManyArguments(command string) error {
return fmt.Errorf("Bad input to %s, too many arguments", command)