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package seccomp // import ""
import ""
// Seccomp represents the config for a seccomp profile for syscall restriction.
type Seccomp struct {
DefaultAction specs.LinuxSeccompAction `json:"defaultAction"`
// Architectures is kept to maintain backward compatibility with the old
// seccomp profile.
Architectures []specs.Arch `json:"architectures,omitempty"`
ArchMap []Architecture `json:"archMap,omitempty"`
Syscalls []*Syscall `json:"syscalls"`
// Architecture is used to represent a specific architecture
// and its sub-architectures
type Architecture struct {
Arch specs.Arch `json:"architecture"`
SubArches []specs.Arch `json:"subArchitectures"`
// Filter is used to conditionally apply Seccomp rules
type Filter struct {
Caps []string `json:"caps,omitempty"`
Arches []string `json:"arches,omitempty"`
// MinKernel describes the minimum kernel version the rule must be applied
// on, in the format "<kernel version>.<major revision>" (e.g. "3.12").
// When matching the kernel version of the host, minor revisions, and distro-
// specific suffixes are ignored, which means that "3.12.25-gentoo", "3.12-1-amd64",
// "3.12", and "3.12-rc5" are considered equal (kernel 3, major revision 12).
MinKernel string `json:"minKernel,omitempty"`
// Syscall is used to match a group of syscalls in Seccomp
type Syscall struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Names []string `json:"names,omitempty"`
Action specs.LinuxSeccompAction `json:"action"`
Args []*specs.LinuxSeccompArg `json:"args"`
Comment string `json:"comment"`
Includes Filter `json:"includes"`
Excludes Filter `json:"excludes"`