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synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

Right now, MAC addresses are randomly generated by the kernel when creating the veth interfaces. This causes different issues related to ARP, such as #4581, #5737 and #8269. This change adds support for consistent MAC addresses, guaranteeing that an IP address will always end up with the same MAC address, no matter what. Since IP addresses are already guaranteed to be unique by the IPAllocator, MAC addresses will inherit this property as well for free. Consistent mac addresses is also a requirement for stable networking (#8297) since re-using the same IP address on a different MAC address triggers the ARP issue. Finally, this change makes the MAC address accessible through docker inspect, which fixes #4033. Signed-off-by: Andrea Luzzardi <aluzzardi@gmail.com>
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package execdriver
import (
// Context is a generic key value pair that allows
// arbatrary data to be sent
type Context map[string]string
var (
ErrNotRunning = errors.New("Process could not be started")
ErrWaitTimeoutReached = errors.New("Wait timeout reached")
ErrDriverAlreadyRegistered = errors.New("A driver already registered this docker init function")
ErrDriverNotFound = errors.New("The requested docker init has not been found")
type StartCallback func(*ProcessConfig, int)
// Driver specific information based on
// processes registered with the driver
type Info interface {
IsRunning() bool
// Terminal in an interface for drivers to implement
// if they want to support Close and Resize calls from
// the core
type Terminal interface {
Resize(height, width int) error
type TtyTerminal interface {
Master() *os.File
type Driver interface {
Run(c *Command, pipes *Pipes, startCallback StartCallback) (int, error) // Run executes the process and blocks until the process exits and returns the exit code
// Exec executes the process in an existing container, blocks until the process exits and returns the exit code
Exec(c *Command, processConfig *ProcessConfig, pipes *Pipes, startCallback StartCallback) (int, error)
Kill(c *Command, sig int) error
Pause(c *Command) error
Unpause(c *Command) error
Name() string // Driver name
Info(id string) Info // "temporary" hack (until we move state from core to plugins)
GetPidsForContainer(id string) ([]int, error) // Returns a list of pids for the given container.
Terminate(c *Command) error // kill it with fire
Clean(id string) error // clean all traces of container exec
// Network settings of the container
type Network struct {
Interface *NetworkInterface `json:"interface"` // if interface is nil then networking is disabled
Mtu int `json:"mtu"`
ContainerID string `json:"container_id"` // id of the container to join network.
HostNetworking bool `json:"host_networking"`
type NetworkInterface struct {
Gateway string `json:"gateway"`
IPAddress string `json:"ip"`
IPPrefixLen int `json:"ip_prefix_len"`
MacAddress string `json:"mac_address"`
Bridge string `json:"bridge"`
type Resources struct {
Memory int64 `json:"memory"`
MemorySwap int64 `json:"memory_swap"`
CpuShares int64 `json:"cpu_shares"`
Cpuset string `json:"cpuset"`
type Mount struct {
Source string `json:"source"`
Destination string `json:"destination"`
Writable bool `json:"writable"`
Private bool `json:"private"`
Slave bool `json:"slave"`
// Describes a process that will be run inside a container.
type ProcessConfig struct {
exec.Cmd `json:"-"`
Privileged bool `json:"privileged"`
User string `json:"user"`
Tty bool `json:"tty"`
Entrypoint string `json:"entrypoint"`
Arguments []string `json:"arguments"`
Terminal Terminal `json:"-"` // standard or tty terminal
Console string `json:"-"` // dev/console path
// Process wrapps an os/exec.Cmd to add more metadata
type Command struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Rootfs string `json:"rootfs"` // root fs of the container
InitPath string `json:"initpath"` // dockerinit
WorkingDir string `json:"working_dir"`
ConfigPath string `json:"config_path"` // this should be able to be removed when the lxc template is moved into the driver
Network *Network `json:"network"`
Resources *Resources `json:"resources"`
Mounts []Mount `json:"mounts"`
AllowedDevices []*devices.Device `json:"allowed_devices"`
AutoCreatedDevices []*devices.Device `json:"autocreated_devices"`
CapAdd []string `json:"cap_add"`
CapDrop []string `json:"cap_drop"`
ContainerPid int `json:"container_pid"` // the pid for the process inside a container
ProcessConfig ProcessConfig `json:"process_config"` // Describes the init process of the container.
ProcessLabel string `json:"process_label"`
MountLabel string `json:"mount_label"`
LxcConfig []string `json:"lxc_config"`
AppArmorProfile string `json:"apparmor_profile"`