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synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

Use strongly typed errors to set HTTP status codes. Error interfaces are defined in the api/errors package and errors returned from controllers are checked against these interfaces. Errors can be wraeped in a pkg/errors.Causer, as long as somewhere in the line of causes one of the interfaces is implemented. The special error interfaces take precedence over Causer, meaning if both Causer and one of the new error interfaces are implemented, the Causer is not traversed. Signed-off-by: Brian Goff <cpuguy83@gmail.com>
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278 lines
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package daemon
import (
networktypes "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/network"
volumestore "github.com/docker/docker/volume/store"
// ContainerInspect returns low-level information about a
// container. Returns an error if the container cannot be found, or if
// there is an error getting the data.
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerInspect(name string, size bool, version string) (interface{}, error) {
switch {
case versions.LessThan(version, "1.20"):
return daemon.containerInspectPre120(name)
case versions.Equal(version, "1.20"):
return daemon.containerInspect120(name)
return daemon.ContainerInspectCurrent(name, size)
// ContainerInspectCurrent returns low-level information about a
// container in a most recent api version.
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerInspectCurrent(name string, size bool) (*types.ContainerJSON, error) {
container, err := daemon.GetContainer(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
base, err := daemon.getInspectData(container)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
apiNetworks := make(map[string]*networktypes.EndpointSettings)
for name, epConf := range container.NetworkSettings.Networks {
if epConf.EndpointSettings != nil {
// We must make a copy of this pointer object otherwise it can race with other operations
apiNetworks[name] = epConf.EndpointSettings.Copy()
mountPoints := container.GetMountPoints()
networkSettings := &types.NetworkSettings{
NetworkSettingsBase: types.NetworkSettingsBase{
Bridge: container.NetworkSettings.Bridge,
SandboxID: container.NetworkSettings.SandboxID,
HairpinMode: container.NetworkSettings.HairpinMode,
LinkLocalIPv6Address: container.NetworkSettings.LinkLocalIPv6Address,
LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen: container.NetworkSettings.LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen,
SandboxKey: container.NetworkSettings.SandboxKey,
SecondaryIPAddresses: container.NetworkSettings.SecondaryIPAddresses,
SecondaryIPv6Addresses: container.NetworkSettings.SecondaryIPv6Addresses,
DefaultNetworkSettings: daemon.getDefaultNetworkSettings(container.NetworkSettings.Networks),
Networks: apiNetworks,
ports := make(nat.PortMap, len(container.NetworkSettings.Ports))
for k, pm := range container.NetworkSettings.Ports {
ports[k] = pm
networkSettings.NetworkSettingsBase.Ports = ports
if size {
sizeRw, sizeRootFs := daemon.getSize(base.ID)
base.SizeRw = &sizeRw
base.SizeRootFs = &sizeRootFs
return &types.ContainerJSON{
ContainerJSONBase: base,
Mounts: mountPoints,
Config: container.Config,
NetworkSettings: networkSettings,
}, nil
// containerInspect120 serializes the master version of a container into a json type.
func (daemon *Daemon) containerInspect120(name string) (*v1p20.ContainerJSON, error) {
container, err := daemon.GetContainer(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer container.Unlock()
base, err := daemon.getInspectData(container)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mountPoints := container.GetMountPoints()
config := &v1p20.ContainerConfig{
Config: container.Config,
MacAddress: container.Config.MacAddress,
NetworkDisabled: container.Config.NetworkDisabled,
ExposedPorts: container.Config.ExposedPorts,
VolumeDriver: container.HostConfig.VolumeDriver,
networkSettings := daemon.getBackwardsCompatibleNetworkSettings(container.NetworkSettings)
return &v1p20.ContainerJSON{
ContainerJSONBase: base,
Mounts: mountPoints,
Config: config,
NetworkSettings: networkSettings,
}, nil
func (daemon *Daemon) getInspectData(container *container.Container) (*types.ContainerJSONBase, error) {
// make a copy to play with
hostConfig := *container.HostConfig
children := daemon.children(container)
hostConfig.Links = nil // do not expose the internal structure
for linkAlias, child := range children {
hostConfig.Links = append(hostConfig.Links, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", child.Name, linkAlias))
// We merge the Ulimits from hostConfig with daemon default
var containerHealth *types.Health
if container.State.Health != nil {
containerHealth = &types.Health{
Status: container.State.Health.Status,
FailingStreak: container.State.Health.FailingStreak,
Log: append([]*types.HealthcheckResult{}, container.State.Health.Log...),
containerState := &types.ContainerState{
Status: container.State.StateString(),
Running: container.State.Running,
Paused: container.State.Paused,
Restarting: container.State.Restarting,
OOMKilled: container.State.OOMKilled,
Dead: container.State.Dead,
Pid: container.State.Pid,
ExitCode: container.State.ExitCode(),
Error: container.State.ErrorMsg,
StartedAt: container.State.StartedAt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
FinishedAt: container.State.FinishedAt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
Health: containerHealth,
contJSONBase := &types.ContainerJSONBase{
ID: container.ID,
Created: container.Created.Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
Path: container.Path,
Args: container.Args,
State: containerState,
Image: container.ImageID.String(),
LogPath: container.LogPath,
Name: container.Name,
RestartCount: container.RestartCount,
Driver: container.Driver,
Platform: container.Platform,
MountLabel: container.MountLabel,
ProcessLabel: container.ProcessLabel,
ExecIDs: container.GetExecIDs(),
HostConfig: &hostConfig,
// Now set any platform-specific fields
contJSONBase = setPlatformSpecificContainerFields(container, contJSONBase)
contJSONBase.GraphDriver.Name = container.Driver
graphDriverData, err := container.RWLayer.Metadata()
// If container is marked as Dead, the container's graphdriver metadata
// could have been removed, it will cause error if we try to get the metadata,
// we can ignore the error if the container is dead.
if err != nil && !container.Dead {
return nil, systemError{err}
contJSONBase.GraphDriver.Data = graphDriverData
return contJSONBase, nil
// ContainerExecInspect returns low-level information about the exec
// command. An error is returned if the exec cannot be found.
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerExecInspect(id string) (*backend.ExecInspect, error) {
e := daemon.execCommands.Get(id)
if e == nil {
return nil, errExecNotFound(id)
if container := daemon.containers.Get(e.ContainerID); container == nil {
return nil, errExecNotFound(id)
pc := inspectExecProcessConfig(e)
return &backend.ExecInspect{
ID: e.ID,
Running: e.Running,
ExitCode: e.ExitCode,
ProcessConfig: pc,
OpenStdin: e.OpenStdin,
OpenStdout: e.OpenStdout,
OpenStderr: e.OpenStderr,
CanRemove: e.CanRemove,
ContainerID: e.ContainerID,
DetachKeys: e.DetachKeys,
Pid: e.Pid,
}, nil
// VolumeInspect looks up a volume by name. An error is returned if
// the volume cannot be found.
func (daemon *Daemon) VolumeInspect(name string) (*types.Volume, error) {
v, err := daemon.volumes.Get(name)
if err != nil {
if volumestore.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, volumeNotFound(name)
return nil, systemError{err}
apiV := volumeToAPIType(v)
apiV.Mountpoint = v.Path()
apiV.Status = v.Status()
return apiV, nil
func (daemon *Daemon) getBackwardsCompatibleNetworkSettings(settings *network.Settings) *v1p20.NetworkSettings {
result := &v1p20.NetworkSettings{
NetworkSettingsBase: types.NetworkSettingsBase{
Bridge: settings.Bridge,
SandboxID: settings.SandboxID,
HairpinMode: settings.HairpinMode,
LinkLocalIPv6Address: settings.LinkLocalIPv6Address,
LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen: settings.LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen,
Ports: settings.Ports,
SandboxKey: settings.SandboxKey,
SecondaryIPAddresses: settings.SecondaryIPAddresses,
SecondaryIPv6Addresses: settings.SecondaryIPv6Addresses,
DefaultNetworkSettings: daemon.getDefaultNetworkSettings(settings.Networks),
return result
// getDefaultNetworkSettings creates the deprecated structure that holds the information
// about the bridge network for a container.
func (daemon *Daemon) getDefaultNetworkSettings(networks map[string]*network.EndpointSettings) types.DefaultNetworkSettings {
var settings types.DefaultNetworkSettings
if defaultNetwork, ok := networks["bridge"]; ok && defaultNetwork.EndpointSettings != nil {
settings.EndpointID = defaultNetwork.EndpointID
settings.Gateway = defaultNetwork.Gateway
settings.GlobalIPv6Address = defaultNetwork.GlobalIPv6Address
settings.GlobalIPv6PrefixLen = defaultNetwork.GlobalIPv6PrefixLen
settings.IPAddress = defaultNetwork.IPAddress
settings.IPPrefixLen = defaultNetwork.IPPrefixLen
settings.IPv6Gateway = defaultNetwork.IPv6Gateway
settings.MacAddress = defaultNetwork.MacAddress
return settings