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synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00
![Sebastiaan van Stijn](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
pkg/directory/directory.go:9:49: empty-lines: extra empty line at the start of a block (revive) pkg/pubsub/publisher.go:8:48: empty-lines: extra empty line at the start of a block (revive) pkg/loopback/attach_loopback.go:96:69: empty-lines: extra empty line at the start of a block (revive) pkg/devicemapper/devmapper_wrapper.go:136:48: empty-lines: extra empty line at the start of a block (revive) pkg/devicemapper/devmapper.go:391:35: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/devicemapper/devmapper.go:676:35: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/archive/changes_posix_test.go:15:38: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/devicemapper/devmapper.go:241:51: empty-lines: extra empty line at the start of a block (revive) pkg/fileutils/fileutils_test.go:17:47: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/fileutils/fileutils_test.go:34:48: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/fileutils/fileutils_test.go:318:32: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/tailfile/tailfile.go:171:6: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/tarsum/fileinfosums_test.go:16:41: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/tarsum/tarsum_test.go:198:42: empty-lines: extra empty line at the start of a block (revive) pkg/tarsum/tarsum_test.go:294:25: empty-lines: extra empty line at the start of a block (revive) pkg/tarsum/tarsum_test.go:407:34: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/ioutils/fswriters_test.go:52:45: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/ioutils/writers_test.go:24:39: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/ioutils/bytespipe_test.go:78:26: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/sysinfo/sysinfo_linux_test.go:13:37: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/archive/archive_linux_test.go:57:64: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/archive/changes.go:248:72: empty-lines: extra empty line at the start of a block (revive) pkg/archive/changes_posix_test.go:15:38: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/archive/copy.go:248:124: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/archive/diff_test.go:198:44: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/archive/archive.go:304:12: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/archive/archive.go:749:37: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/archive/archive.go:812:81: empty-lines: extra empty line at the start of a block (revive) pkg/archive/copy_unix_test.go:347:34: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/system/path.go:11:39: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/system/meminfo_linux.go:29:21: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/plugins/plugins.go:135:32: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/authorization/response.go:71:48: empty-lines: extra empty line at the start of a block (revive) pkg/authorization/api_test.go:18:51: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/authorization/middleware_test.go:23:44: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/authorization/middleware_unix_test.go:17:46: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/authorization/api_test.go:57:45: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/authorization/response.go:83:50: empty-lines: extra empty line at the start of a block (revive) pkg/authorization/api_test.go:66:47: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/authorization/middleware_unix_test.go:45:48: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) pkg/authorization/response.go:145:75: empty-lines: extra empty line at the start of a block (revive) pkg/authorization/middleware_unix_test.go:56:51: empty-lines: extra empty line at the end of a block (revive) Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <github@gone.nl>
246 lines
6.7 KiB
246 lines
6.7 KiB
//go:build linux && cgo
// +build linux,cgo
package devicemapper // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/devicemapper"
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <libdevmapper.h>
#include <linux/fs.h> // FIXME: present only for BLKGETSIZE64, maybe we can remove it?
// FIXME: Can't we find a way to do the logging in pure Go?
extern void DevmapperLogCallback(int level, char *file, int line, int dm_errno_or_class, char *str);
static void log_cb(int level, const char *file, int line, int dm_errno_or_class, const char *f, ...)
char *buffer = NULL;
va_list ap;
int ret;
va_start(ap, f);
ret = vasprintf(&buffer, f, ap);
if (ret < 0) {
// memory allocation failed -- should never happen?
DevmapperLogCallback(level, (char *)file, line, dm_errno_or_class, buffer);
static void log_with_errno_init()
import "C"
import (
type (
cdmTask C.struct_dm_task
// IOCTL consts
const (
BlkGetSize64 = C.BLKGETSIZE64
// Devicemapper cookie flags.
const (
// DeviceMapper mapped functions.
var (
DmGetLibraryVersion = dmGetLibraryVersionFct
DmGetNextTarget = dmGetNextTargetFct
DmSetDevDir = dmSetDevDirFct
DmTaskAddTarget = dmTaskAddTargetFct
DmTaskCreate = dmTaskCreateFct
DmTaskDestroy = dmTaskDestroyFct
DmTaskGetDeps = dmTaskGetDepsFct
DmTaskGetInfo = dmTaskGetInfoFct
DmTaskGetDriverVersion = dmTaskGetDriverVersionFct
DmTaskRun = dmTaskRunFct
DmTaskSetAddNode = dmTaskSetAddNodeFct
DmTaskSetCookie = dmTaskSetCookieFct
DmTaskSetMessage = dmTaskSetMessageFct
DmTaskSetName = dmTaskSetNameFct
DmTaskSetSector = dmTaskSetSectorFct
DmUdevWait = dmUdevWaitFct
DmUdevSetSyncSupport = dmUdevSetSyncSupportFct
DmUdevGetSyncSupport = dmUdevGetSyncSupportFct
DmCookieSupported = dmCookieSupportedFct
LogWithErrnoInit = logWithErrnoInitFct
DmTaskDeferredRemove = dmTaskDeferredRemoveFct
DmTaskGetInfoWithDeferred = dmTaskGetInfoWithDeferredFct
func free(p *C.char) {
func dmTaskDestroyFct(task *cdmTask) {
func dmTaskCreateFct(taskType int) *cdmTask {
return (*cdmTask)(C.dm_task_create(C.int(taskType)))
func dmTaskRunFct(task *cdmTask) int {
ret, _ := C.dm_task_run((*C.struct_dm_task)(task))
return int(ret)
func dmTaskSetNameFct(task *cdmTask, name string) int {
Cname := C.CString(name)
defer free(Cname)
return int(C.dm_task_set_name((*C.struct_dm_task)(task), Cname))
func dmTaskSetMessageFct(task *cdmTask, message string) int {
Cmessage := C.CString(message)
defer free(Cmessage)
return int(C.dm_task_set_message((*C.struct_dm_task)(task), Cmessage))
func dmTaskSetSectorFct(task *cdmTask, sector uint64) int {
return int(C.dm_task_set_sector((*C.struct_dm_task)(task), C.uint64_t(sector)))
func dmTaskSetCookieFct(task *cdmTask, cookie *uint, flags uint16) int {
cCookie := C.uint32_t(*cookie)
defer func() {
*cookie = uint(cCookie)
return int(C.dm_task_set_cookie((*C.struct_dm_task)(task), &cCookie, C.uint16_t(flags)))
func dmTaskSetAddNodeFct(task *cdmTask, addNode AddNodeType) int {
return int(C.dm_task_set_add_node((*C.struct_dm_task)(task), C.dm_add_node_t(addNode)))
func dmTaskAddTargetFct(task *cdmTask, start, size uint64, ttype, params string) int {
Cttype := C.CString(ttype)
defer free(Cttype)
Cparams := C.CString(params)
defer free(Cparams)
return int(C.dm_task_add_target((*C.struct_dm_task)(task), C.uint64_t(start), C.uint64_t(size), Cttype, Cparams))
func dmTaskGetDepsFct(task *cdmTask) *Deps {
Cdeps := C.dm_task_get_deps((*C.struct_dm_task)(task))
if Cdeps == nil {
return nil
// golang issue: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/11925
var devices []C.uint64_t
devicesHdr := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&devices))
devicesHdr.Data = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(Cdeps)) + unsafe.Sizeof(*Cdeps)))
devicesHdr.Len = int(Cdeps.count)
devicesHdr.Cap = int(Cdeps.count)
deps := &Deps{
Count: uint32(Cdeps.count),
Filler: uint32(Cdeps.filler),
for _, device := range devices {
deps.Device = append(deps.Device, uint64(device))
return deps
func dmTaskGetInfoFct(task *cdmTask, info *Info) int {
Cinfo := C.struct_dm_info{}
defer func() {
info.Exists = int(Cinfo.exists)
info.Suspended = int(Cinfo.suspended)
info.LiveTable = int(Cinfo.live_table)
info.InactiveTable = int(Cinfo.inactive_table)
info.OpenCount = int32(Cinfo.open_count)
info.EventNr = uint32(Cinfo.event_nr)
info.Major = uint32(Cinfo.major)
info.Minor = uint32(Cinfo.minor)
info.ReadOnly = int(Cinfo.read_only)
info.TargetCount = int32(Cinfo.target_count)
return int(C.dm_task_get_info((*C.struct_dm_task)(task), &Cinfo))
func dmTaskGetDriverVersionFct(task *cdmTask) string {
buffer := C.malloc(128)
defer C.free(buffer)
res := C.dm_task_get_driver_version((*C.struct_dm_task)(task), (*C.char)(buffer), 128)
if res == 0 {
return ""
return C.GoString((*C.char)(buffer))
func dmGetNextTargetFct(task *cdmTask, next unsafe.Pointer, start, length *uint64, target, params *string) unsafe.Pointer {
var (
Cstart, Clength C.uint64_t
CtargetType, Cparams *C.char
defer func() {
*start = uint64(Cstart)
*length = uint64(Clength)
*target = C.GoString(CtargetType)
*params = C.GoString(Cparams)
//lint:ignore SA4000 false positive on (identical expressions on the left and right side of the '==' operator) (staticcheck)
nextp := C.dm_get_next_target((*C.struct_dm_task)(task), next, &Cstart, &Clength, &CtargetType, &Cparams)
return nextp
func dmUdevSetSyncSupportFct(syncWithUdev int) {
func dmUdevGetSyncSupportFct() int {
return int(C.dm_udev_get_sync_support())
func dmUdevWaitFct(cookie uint) int {
return int(C.dm_udev_wait(C.uint32_t(cookie)))
func dmCookieSupportedFct() int {
return int(C.dm_cookie_supported())
func logWithErrnoInitFct() {
func dmSetDevDirFct(dir string) int {
Cdir := C.CString(dir)
defer free(Cdir)
return int(C.dm_set_dev_dir(Cdir))
func dmGetLibraryVersionFct(version *string) int {
buffer := C.CString(string(make([]byte, 128)))
defer free(buffer)
defer func() {
*version = C.GoString(buffer)
return int(C.dm_get_library_version(buffer, 128))