
286 lines
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package manager
import (
const (
// roleReconcileInterval is how often to retry removing a node, if a reconciliation or
// removal failed
roleReconcileInterval = 5 * time.Second
// removalTimeout is how long to wait before a raft member removal fails to be applied
// to the store
removalTimeout = 5 * time.Second
// roleManager reconciles the raft member list with desired role changes.
type roleManager struct {
ctx context.Context
cancel func()
store *store.MemoryStore
raft *raft.Node
doneChan chan struct{}
// pendingReconciliation contains changed nodes that have not yet been reconciled in
// the raft member list.
pendingReconciliation map[string]*api.Node
// pendingRemoval contains the IDs of nodes that have been deleted - if these correspond
// to members in the raft cluster, those members need to be removed from raft
pendingRemoval map[string]struct{}
// leave this nil except for tests which need to inject a fake time source
clocksource clock.Clock
// newRoleManager creates a new roleManager.
func newRoleManager(store *store.MemoryStore, raftNode *raft.Node) *roleManager {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
return &roleManager{
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
store: store,
raft: raftNode,
doneChan: make(chan struct{}),
pendingReconciliation: make(map[string]*api.Node),
pendingRemoval: make(map[string]struct{}),
// getTicker returns a ticker based on the configured clock source
func (rm *roleManager) getTicker(interval time.Duration) clock.Ticker {
if rm.clocksource == nil {
return clock.NewClock().NewTicker(interval)
return rm.clocksource.NewTicker(interval)
// Run is roleManager's main loop. On startup, it looks at every node object in the cluster and
// attempts to reconcile the raft member list with all the nodes' desired roles. If any nodes
// need to be demoted or promoted, it will add them to a reconciliation queue, and if any raft
// members' node have been deleted, it will add them to a removal queue.
// These queues are processed immediately, and any nodes that failed to be processed are
// processed again in the next reconciliation interval, so that nodes will hopefully eventually
// be reconciled. As node updates come in, any promotions or demotions are also added to the
// reconciliation queue and reconciled. As node removals come in, they are added to the removal
// queue to be removed from the raft cluster.
// Removal from a raft cluster is idempotent (and it's the only raft cluster change that will occur
// during reconciliation or removal), so it's fine if a node is in both the removal and reconciliation
// queues.
// The ctx param is only used for logging.
func (rm *roleManager) Run(ctx context.Context) {
defer close(rm.doneChan)
var (
nodes []*api.Node
// ticker and tickerCh are used to time the reconciliation interval, which will
// periodically attempt to re-reconcile nodes that failed to reconcile the first
// time through
ticker clock.Ticker
tickerCh <-chan time.Time
watcher, cancelWatch, err := store.ViewAndWatch(,
func(readTx store.ReadTx) error {
var err error
nodes, err = store.FindNodes(readTx, store.All)
return err
defer cancelWatch()
if err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("failed to check nodes for role changes")
} else {
// Assume all raft members have been deleted from the cluster, until the node list
// tells us otherwise. We can make this assumption because the node object must
// exist first before the raft member object.
// Background life-cycle for a manager: it joins the cluster, getting a new TLS
// certificate. To get a TLS certificate, it makes an RPC call to the CA server,
// which on successful join adds its information to the cluster node list and
// eventually generates a TLS certificate for it. Once it has a TLS certificate,
// it can contact the other nodes, and makes an RPC call to request to join the
// raft cluster. The node it contacts will add the node to the raft membership.
for _, member := range rm.raft.GetMemberlist() {
rm.pendingRemoval[member.NodeID] = struct{}{}
for _, node := range nodes {
// if the node exists, we don't want it removed from the raft membership cluster
// necessarily
delete(rm.pendingRemoval, node.ID)
// reconcile each existing node
rm.pendingReconciliation[node.ID] = node
rm.reconcileRole(ctx, node)
for nodeID := range rm.pendingRemoval {
rm.evictRemovedNode(ctx, nodeID)
// If any reconciliations or member removals failed, we want to try again, so
// make sure that we start the ticker so we can try again and again every
// roleReconciliationInterval seconds until the queues are both empty.
if len(rm.pendingReconciliation) != 0 || len(rm.pendingRemoval) != 0 {
ticker = rm.getTicker(roleReconcileInterval)
tickerCh = ticker.C()
for {
select {
case event := <-watcher:
switch ev := event.(type) {
case api.EventUpdateNode:
rm.pendingReconciliation[ev.Node.ID] = ev.Node
rm.reconcileRole(ctx, ev.Node)
case api.EventDeleteNode:
rm.pendingRemoval[ev.Node.ID] = struct{}{}
rm.evictRemovedNode(ctx, ev.Node.ID)
// If any reconciliations or member removals failed, we want to try again, so
// make sure that we start the ticker so we can try again and again every
// roleReconciliationInterval seconds until the queues are both empty.
if (len(rm.pendingReconciliation) != 0 || len(rm.pendingRemoval) != 0) && ticker == nil {
ticker = rm.getTicker(roleReconcileInterval)
tickerCh = ticker.C()
case <-tickerCh:
for _, node := range rm.pendingReconciliation {
rm.reconcileRole(ctx, node)
for nodeID := range rm.pendingRemoval {
rm.evictRemovedNode(ctx, nodeID)
if len(rm.pendingReconciliation) == 0 && len(rm.pendingRemoval) == 0 {
ticker = nil
tickerCh = nil
case <-rm.ctx.Done():
if ticker != nil {
// evictRemovedNode evicts a removed node from the raft cluster membership. This is to cover an edge case in which
// a node might have been removed, but somehow the role was not reconciled (possibly a demotion and a removal happened
// in rapid succession before the raft membership configuration went through).
func (rm *roleManager) evictRemovedNode(ctx context.Context, nodeID string) {
// Check if the member still exists in the membership
member := rm.raft.GetMemberByNodeID(nodeID)
if member != nil {
// We first try to remove the raft node from the raft cluster. On the next tick, if the node
// has been removed from the cluster membership, we then delete it from the removed list
rm.removeMember(ctx, member)
delete(rm.pendingRemoval, nodeID)
// removeMember removes a member from the raft cluster membership
func (rm *roleManager) removeMember(ctx context.Context, member *membership.Member) {
// Quorum safeguard - quorum should have been checked before a node was allowed to be demoted, but if in the
// intervening time some other node disconnected, removing this node would result in a loss of cluster quorum.
// We leave it
if !rm.raft.CanRemoveMember(member.RaftID) {
// TODO(aaronl): Retry later
log.G(ctx).Debugf("can't demote node %s at this time: removing member from raft would result in a loss of quorum", member.NodeID)
rmCtx, rmCancel := context.WithTimeout(rm.ctx, removalTimeout)
defer rmCancel()
if member.RaftID == rm.raft.Config.ID {
// Don't use rmCtx, because we expect to lose
// leadership, which will cancel this context.
log.G(ctx).Info("demoted; transferring leadership")
err := rm.raft.TransferLeadership(context.Background())
if err == nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Info("failed to transfer leadership")
if err := rm.raft.RemoveMember(rmCtx, member.RaftID); err != nil {
// TODO(aaronl): Retry later
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Debugf("can't demote node %s at this time", member.NodeID)
// reconcileRole looks at the desired role for a node, and if it is being demoted or promoted, updates the
// node role accordingly. If the node is being demoted, it also removes the node from the raft cluster membership.
func (rm *roleManager) reconcileRole(ctx context.Context, node *api.Node) {
if node.Role == node.Spec.DesiredRole {
// Nothing to do.
delete(rm.pendingReconciliation, node.ID)
// Promotion can proceed right away.
if node.Spec.DesiredRole == api.NodeRoleManager && node.Role == api.NodeRoleWorker {
err := store.Tx) error {
updatedNode := store.GetNode(tx, node.ID)
if updatedNode == nil || updatedNode.Spec.DesiredRole != node.Spec.DesiredRole || updatedNode.Role != node.Role {
return nil
updatedNode.Role = api.NodeRoleManager
return store.UpdateNode(tx, updatedNode)
if err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Errorf("failed to promote node %s", node.ID)
} else {
delete(rm.pendingReconciliation, node.ID)
} else if node.Spec.DesiredRole == api.NodeRoleWorker && node.Role == api.NodeRoleManager {
// Check for node in memberlist
member := rm.raft.GetMemberByNodeID(node.ID)
if member != nil {
// We first try to remove the raft node from the raft cluster. On the next tick, if the node
// has been removed from the cluster membership, we then update the store to reflect the fact
// that it has been successfully demoted, and if that works, remove it from the pending list.
rm.removeMember(ctx, member)
err := store.Tx) error {
updatedNode := store.GetNode(tx, node.ID)
if updatedNode == nil || updatedNode.Spec.DesiredRole != node.Spec.DesiredRole || updatedNode.Role != node.Role {
return nil
updatedNode.Role = api.NodeRoleWorker
return store.UpdateNode(tx, updatedNode)
if err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Errorf("failed to demote node %s", node.ID)
} else {
delete(rm.pendingReconciliation, node.ID)
// Stop stops the roleManager and waits for the main loop to exit.
func (rm *roleManager) Stop() {