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synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

Use the default (0) value to indicate "not set", which simplifies working with these configuration options, preventing the need to use intermediate variables etc. While changing this code, also making some small cleanups, such as replacing "fmt.Sprintf()" for "strconv" variants. Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <github@gone.nl>
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662 lines
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package config // import "github.com/docker/docker/daemon/config"
import (
const (
// DefaultMaxConcurrentDownloads is the default value for
// maximum number of downloads that
// may take place at a time for each pull.
DefaultMaxConcurrentDownloads = 3
// DefaultMaxConcurrentUploads is the default value for
// maximum number of uploads that
// may take place at a time for each push.
DefaultMaxConcurrentUploads = 5
// DefaultDownloadAttempts is the default value for
// maximum number of attempts that
// may take place at a time for each pull when the connection is lost.
DefaultDownloadAttempts = 5
// DefaultShmSize is the default value for container's shm size (64 MiB)
DefaultShmSize int64 = 64 * 1024 * 1024
// DefaultNetworkMtu is the default value for network MTU
DefaultNetworkMtu = 1500
// DisableNetworkBridge is the default value of the option to disable network bridge
DisableNetworkBridge = "none"
// DefaultShutdownTimeout is the default shutdown timeout (in seconds) for
// the daemon for containers to stop when it is shutting down.
DefaultShutdownTimeout = 15
// DefaultInitBinary is the name of the default init binary
DefaultInitBinary = "docker-init"
// DefaultRuntimeBinary is the default runtime to be used by
// containerd if none is specified
DefaultRuntimeBinary = "runc"
// DefaultContainersNamespace is the name of the default containerd namespace used for users containers.
DefaultContainersNamespace = "moby"
// DefaultPluginNamespace is the name of the default containerd namespace used for plugins.
DefaultPluginNamespace = "plugins.moby"
// LinuxV1RuntimeName is the runtime used to specify the containerd v1 shim with the runc binary
// Note this is different than io.containerd.runc.v1 which would be the v1 shim using the v2 shim API.
// This is specifically for the v1 shim using the v1 shim API.
LinuxV1RuntimeName = "io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux"
// LinuxV2RuntimeName is the runtime used to specify the containerd v2 runc shim
LinuxV2RuntimeName = "io.containerd.runc.v2"
// SeccompProfileDefault is the built-in default seccomp profile.
SeccompProfileDefault = "builtin"
// SeccompProfileUnconfined is a special profile name for seccomp to use an
// "unconfined" seccomp profile.
SeccompProfileUnconfined = "unconfined"
var builtinRuntimes = map[string]bool{
StockRuntimeName: true,
LinuxV1RuntimeName: true,
LinuxV2RuntimeName: true,
// flatOptions contains configuration keys
// that MUST NOT be parsed as deep structures.
// Use this to differentiate these options
// with others like the ones in CommonTLSOptions.
var flatOptions = map[string]bool{
"cluster-store-opts": true,
"log-opts": true,
"runtimes": true,
"default-ulimits": true,
"features": true,
"builder": true,
// skipValidateOptions contains configuration keys
// that will be skipped from findConfigurationConflicts
// for unknown flag validation.
var skipValidateOptions = map[string]bool{
"features": true,
"builder": true,
// Corresponding flag has been removed because it was already unusable
"deprecated-key-path": true,
// skipDuplicates contains configuration keys that
// will be skipped when checking duplicated
// configuration field defined in both daemon
// config file and from dockerd cli flags.
// This allows some configurations to be merged
// during the parsing.
var skipDuplicates = map[string]bool{
"runtimes": true,
// LogConfig represents the default log configuration.
// It includes json tags to deserialize configuration from a file
// using the same names that the flags in the command line use.
type LogConfig struct {
Type string `json:"log-driver,omitempty"`
Config map[string]string `json:"log-opts,omitempty"`
// commonBridgeConfig stores all the platform-common bridge driver specific
// configuration.
type commonBridgeConfig struct {
Iface string `json:"bridge,omitempty"`
FixedCIDR string `json:"fixed-cidr,omitempty"`
// NetworkConfig stores the daemon-wide networking configurations
type NetworkConfig struct {
// Default address pools for docker networks
DefaultAddressPools opts.PoolsOpt `json:"default-address-pools,omitempty"`
// NetworkControlPlaneMTU allows to specify the control plane MTU, this will allow to optimize the network use in some components
NetworkControlPlaneMTU int `json:"network-control-plane-mtu,omitempty"`
// CommonTLSOptions defines TLS configuration for the daemon server.
// It includes json tags to deserialize configuration from a file
// using the same names that the flags in the command line use.
type CommonTLSOptions struct {
CAFile string `json:"tlscacert,omitempty"`
CertFile string `json:"tlscert,omitempty"`
KeyFile string `json:"tlskey,omitempty"`
// DNSConfig defines the DNS configurations.
type DNSConfig struct {
DNS []string `json:"dns,omitempty"`
DNSOptions []string `json:"dns-opts,omitempty"`
DNSSearch []string `json:"dns-search,omitempty"`
HostGatewayIP net.IP `json:"host-gateway-ip,omitempty"`
// CommonConfig defines the configuration of a docker daemon which is
// common across platforms.
// It includes json tags to deserialize configuration from a file
// using the same names that the flags in the command line use.
type CommonConfig struct {
AuthzMiddleware *authorization.Middleware `json:"-"`
AuthorizationPlugins []string `json:"authorization-plugins,omitempty"` // AuthorizationPlugins holds list of authorization plugins
AutoRestart bool `json:"-"`
Context map[string][]string `json:"-"`
DisableBridge bool `json:"-"`
ExecOptions []string `json:"exec-opts,omitempty"`
GraphDriver string `json:"storage-driver,omitempty"`
GraphOptions []string `json:"storage-opts,omitempty"`
Labels []string `json:"labels,omitempty"`
Mtu int `json:"mtu,omitempty"`
NetworkDiagnosticPort int `json:"network-diagnostic-port,omitempty"`
Pidfile string `json:"pidfile,omitempty"`
RawLogs bool `json:"raw-logs,omitempty"`
RootDeprecated string `json:"graph,omitempty"`
Root string `json:"data-root,omitempty"`
ExecRoot string `json:"exec-root,omitempty"`
SocketGroup string `json:"group,omitempty"`
CorsHeaders string `json:"api-cors-header,omitempty"`
// Proxies holds the proxies that are configured for the daemon.
Proxies `json:"proxies"`
// TrustKeyPath is used to generate the daemon ID and for signing schema 1 manifests
// when pushing to a registry which does not support schema 2. This field is marked as
// deprecated because schema 1 manifests are deprecated in favor of schema 2 and the
// daemon ID will use a dedicated identifier not shared with exported signatures.
TrustKeyPath string `json:"deprecated-key-path,omitempty"`
// LiveRestoreEnabled determines whether we should keep containers
// alive upon daemon shutdown/start
LiveRestoreEnabled bool `json:"live-restore,omitempty"`
// ClusterStore is the storage backend used for the cluster information. It is used by both
// multihost networking (to store networks and endpoints information) and by the node discovery
// mechanism.
// Deprecated: host-discovery and overlay networks with external k/v stores are deprecated
ClusterStore string `json:"cluster-store,omitempty"`
// ClusterOpts is used to pass options to the discovery package for tuning libkv settings, such
// as TLS configuration settings.
// Deprecated: host-discovery and overlay networks with external k/v stores are deprecated
ClusterOpts map[string]string `json:"cluster-store-opts,omitempty"`
// ClusterAdvertise is the network endpoint that the Engine advertises for the purpose of node
// discovery. This should be a 'host:port' combination on which that daemon instance is
// reachable by other hosts.
// Deprecated: host-discovery and overlay networks with external k/v stores are deprecated
ClusterAdvertise string `json:"cluster-advertise,omitempty"`
// MaxConcurrentDownloads is the maximum number of downloads that
// may take place at a time for each pull.
MaxConcurrentDownloads int `json:"max-concurrent-downloads,omitempty"`
// MaxConcurrentUploads is the maximum number of uploads that
// may take place at a time for each push.
MaxConcurrentUploads int `json:"max-concurrent-uploads,omitempty"`
// MaxDownloadAttempts is the maximum number of attempts that
// may take place at a time for each push.
MaxDownloadAttempts int `json:"max-download-attempts,omitempty"`
// ShutdownTimeout is the timeout value (in seconds) the daemon will wait for the container
// to stop when daemon is being shutdown
ShutdownTimeout int `json:"shutdown-timeout,omitempty"`
Debug bool `json:"debug,omitempty"`
Hosts []string `json:"hosts,omitempty"`
LogLevel string `json:"log-level,omitempty"`
TLS *bool `json:"tls,omitempty"`
TLSVerify *bool `json:"tlsverify,omitempty"`
// Embedded structs that allow config
// deserialization without the full struct.
// SwarmDefaultAdvertiseAddr is the default host/IP or network interface
// to use if a wildcard address is specified in the ListenAddr value
// given to the /swarm/init endpoint and no advertise address is
// specified.
SwarmDefaultAdvertiseAddr string `json:"swarm-default-advertise-addr"`
// SwarmRaftHeartbeatTick is the number of ticks in time for swarm mode raft quorum heartbeat
// Typical value is 1
SwarmRaftHeartbeatTick uint32 `json:"swarm-raft-heartbeat-tick"`
// SwarmRaftElectionTick is the number of ticks to elapse before followers in the quorum can propose
// a new round of leader election. Default, recommended value is at least 10X that of Heartbeat tick.
// Higher values can make the quorum less sensitive to transient faults in the environment, but this also
// means it takes longer for the managers to detect a down leader.
SwarmRaftElectionTick uint32 `json:"swarm-raft-election-tick"`
MetricsAddress string `json:"metrics-addr"`
BridgeConfig // bridgeConfig holds bridge network specific configuration.
// FIXME(vdemeester) This part is not that clear and is mainly dependent on cli flags
// It should probably be handled outside this package.
ValuesSet map[string]interface{} `json:"-"`
Experimental bool `json:"experimental"` // Experimental indicates whether experimental features should be exposed or not
// Exposed node Generic Resources
// e.g: ["orange=red", "orange=green", "orange=blue", "apple=3"]
NodeGenericResources []string `json:"node-generic-resources,omitempty"`
// ContainerAddr is the address used to connect to containerd if we're
// not starting it ourselves
ContainerdAddr string `json:"containerd,omitempty"`
// CriContainerd determines whether a supervised containerd instance
// should be configured with the CRI plugin enabled. This allows using
// Docker's containerd instance directly with a Kubernetes kubelet.
CriContainerd bool `json:"cri-containerd,omitempty"`
// Features contains a list of feature key value pairs indicating what features are enabled or disabled.
// If a certain feature doesn't appear in this list then it's unset (i.e. neither true nor false).
Features map[string]bool `json:"features,omitempty"`
Builder BuilderConfig `json:"builder,omitempty"`
ContainerdNamespace string `json:"containerd-namespace,omitempty"`
ContainerdPluginNamespace string `json:"containerd-plugin-namespace,omitempty"`
DefaultRuntime string `json:"default-runtime,omitempty"`
// Proxies holds the proxies that are configured for the daemon.
type Proxies struct {
HTTPProxy string `json:"http-proxy,omitempty"`
HTTPSProxy string `json:"https-proxy,omitempty"`
NoProxy string `json:"no-proxy,omitempty"`
// IsValueSet returns true if a configuration value
// was explicitly set in the configuration file.
func (conf *Config) IsValueSet(name string) bool {
if conf.ValuesSet == nil {
return false
_, ok := conf.ValuesSet[name]
return ok
// New returns a new fully initialized Config struct
func New() *Config {
return &Config{
CommonConfig: CommonConfig{
LogConfig: LogConfig{
Config: make(map[string]string),
// GetConflictFreeLabels validates Labels for conflict
// In swarm the duplicates for labels are removed
// so we only take same values here, no conflict values
// If the key-value is the same we will only take the last label
func GetConflictFreeLabels(labels []string) ([]string, error) {
labelMap := map[string]string{}
for _, label := range labels {
stringSlice := strings.SplitN(label, "=", 2)
if len(stringSlice) > 1 {
// If there is a conflict we will return an error
if v, ok := labelMap[stringSlice[0]]; ok && v != stringSlice[1] {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("conflict labels for %s=%s and %s=%s", stringSlice[0], stringSlice[1], stringSlice[0], v)
labelMap[stringSlice[0]] = stringSlice[1]
newLabels := []string{}
for k, v := range labelMap {
newLabels = append(newLabels, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))
return newLabels, nil
// Reload reads the configuration in the host and reloads the daemon and server.
func Reload(configFile string, flags *pflag.FlagSet, reload func(*Config)) error {
logrus.Infof("Got signal to reload configuration, reloading from: %s", configFile)
newConfig, err := getConflictFreeConfiguration(configFile, flags)
if err != nil {
if flags.Changed("config-file") || !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to configure the Docker daemon with file %s", configFile)
newConfig = New()
// Check if duplicate label-keys with different values are found
newLabels, err := GetConflictFreeLabels(newConfig.Labels)
if err != nil {
return err
newConfig.Labels = newLabels
// TODO(thaJeztah) This logic is problematic and needs a rewrite;
// This is validating newConfig before the "reload()" callback is executed.
// At this point, newConfig may be a partial configuration, to be merged
// with the existing configuration in the "reload()" callback. Validating
// this config before it's merged can result in incorrect validation errors.
// However, the current "reload()" callback we use is DaemonCli.reloadConfig(),
// which includes a call to Daemon.Reload(), which both performs "merging"
// and validation, as well as actually updating the daemon configuration.
// Calling DaemonCli.reloadConfig() *before* validation, could thus lead to
// a failure in that function (making the reload non-atomic).
// While *some* errors could always occur when applying/updating the config,
// we should make it more atomic, and;
// 1. get (a copy of) the active configuration
// 2. get the new configuration
// 3. apply the (reloadable) options from the new configuration
// 4. validate the merged results
// 5. apply the new configuration.
if err := Validate(newConfig); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "file configuration validation failed")
return nil
// boolValue is an interface that boolean value flags implement
// to tell the command line how to make -name equivalent to -name=true.
type boolValue interface {
IsBoolFlag() bool
// MergeDaemonConfigurations reads a configuration file,
// loads the file configuration in an isolated structure,
// and merges the configuration provided from flags on top
// if there are no conflicts.
func MergeDaemonConfigurations(flagsConfig *Config, flags *pflag.FlagSet, configFile string) (*Config, error) {
fileConfig, err := getConflictFreeConfiguration(configFile, flags)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// merge flags configuration on top of the file configuration
if err := mergo.Merge(fileConfig, flagsConfig); err != nil {
return nil, err
// validate the merged fileConfig and flagsConfig
if err := Validate(fileConfig); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "merged configuration validation from file and command line flags failed")
return fileConfig, nil
// getConflictFreeConfiguration loads the configuration from a JSON file.
// It compares that configuration with the one provided by the flags,
// and returns an error if there are conflicts.
func getConflictFreeConfiguration(configFile string, flags *pflag.FlagSet) (*Config, error) {
b, err := os.ReadFile(configFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var config Config
b = bytes.TrimSpace(b)
if len(b) == 0 {
// empty config file
return &config, nil
if flags != nil {
var jsonConfig map[string]interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &jsonConfig); err != nil {
return nil, err
configSet := configValuesSet(jsonConfig)
if err := findConfigurationConflicts(configSet, flags); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Override flag values to make sure the values set in the config file with nullable values, like `false`,
// are not overridden by default truthy values from the flags that were not explicitly set.
// See https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/20289 for an example.
// TODO: Rewrite configuration logic to avoid same issue with other nullable values, like numbers.
namedOptions := make(map[string]interface{})
for key, value := range configSet {
f := flags.Lookup(key)
if f == nil { // ignore named flags that don't match
namedOptions[key] = value
if _, ok := f.Value.(boolValue); ok {
f.Value.Set(fmt.Sprintf("%v", value))
if len(namedOptions) > 0 {
// set also default for mergeVal flags that are boolValue at the same time.
flags.VisitAll(func(f *pflag.Flag) {
if opt, named := f.Value.(opts.NamedOption); named {
v, set := namedOptions[opt.Name()]
_, boolean := f.Value.(boolValue)
if set && boolean {
f.Value.Set(fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
config.ValuesSet = configSet
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &config); err != nil {
return nil, err
if config.RootDeprecated != "" {
logrus.Warn(`The "graph" config file option is deprecated. Please use "data-root" instead.`)
if config.Root != "" {
return nil, errors.New(`cannot specify both "graph" and "data-root" config file options`)
config.Root = config.RootDeprecated
return &config, nil
// configValuesSet returns the configuration values explicitly set in the file.
func configValuesSet(config map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
flatten := make(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range config {
if m, isMap := v.(map[string]interface{}); isMap && !flatOptions[k] {
for km, vm := range m {
flatten[km] = vm
flatten[k] = v
return flatten
// findConfigurationConflicts iterates over the provided flags searching for
// duplicated configurations and unknown keys. It returns an error with all the conflicts if
// it finds any.
func findConfigurationConflicts(config map[string]interface{}, flags *pflag.FlagSet) error {
// 1. Search keys from the file that we don't recognize as flags.
unknownKeys := make(map[string]interface{})
for key, value := range config {
if flag := flags.Lookup(key); flag == nil && !skipValidateOptions[key] {
unknownKeys[key] = value
// 2. Discard values that implement NamedOption.
// Their configuration name differs from their flag name, like `labels` and `label`.
if len(unknownKeys) > 0 {
unknownNamedConflicts := func(f *pflag.Flag) {
if namedOption, ok := f.Value.(opts.NamedOption); ok {
delete(unknownKeys, namedOption.Name())
if len(unknownKeys) > 0 {
var unknown []string
for key := range unknownKeys {
unknown = append(unknown, key)
return fmt.Errorf("the following directives don't match any configuration option: %s", strings.Join(unknown, ", "))
var conflicts []string
printConflict := func(name string, flagValue, fileValue interface{}) string {
switch name {
case "http-proxy", "https-proxy":
flagValue = MaskCredentials(flagValue.(string))
fileValue = MaskCredentials(fileValue.(string))
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: (from flag: %v, from file: %v)", name, flagValue, fileValue)
// 3. Search keys that are present as a flag and as a file option.
duplicatedConflicts := func(f *pflag.Flag) {
// search option name in the json configuration payload if the value is a named option
if namedOption, ok := f.Value.(opts.NamedOption); ok {
if optsValue, ok := config[namedOption.Name()]; ok && !skipDuplicates[namedOption.Name()] {
conflicts = append(conflicts, printConflict(namedOption.Name(), f.Value.String(), optsValue))
} else {
// search flag name in the json configuration payload
for _, name := range []string{f.Name, f.Shorthand} {
if value, ok := config[name]; ok && !skipDuplicates[name] {
conflicts = append(conflicts, printConflict(name, f.Value.String(), value))
if len(conflicts) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("the following directives are specified both as a flag and in the configuration file: %s", strings.Join(conflicts, ", "))
return nil
// Validate validates some specific configs.
// such as config.DNS, config.Labels, config.DNSSearch,
// as well as config.MaxConcurrentDownloads, config.MaxConcurrentUploads and config.MaxDownloadAttempts.
func Validate(config *Config) error {
// validate log-level
if config.LogLevel != "" {
if _, err := logrus.ParseLevel(config.LogLevel); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid logging level: %s", config.LogLevel)
// validate DNS
for _, dns := range config.DNS {
if _, err := opts.ValidateIPAddress(dns); err != nil {
return err
// validate DNSSearch
for _, dnsSearch := range config.DNSSearch {
if _, err := opts.ValidateDNSSearch(dnsSearch); err != nil {
return err
// validate Labels
for _, label := range config.Labels {
if _, err := opts.ValidateLabel(label); err != nil {
return err
// TODO(thaJeztah) Validations below should not accept "0" to be valid; see Validate() for a more in-depth description of this problem
if config.MaxConcurrentDownloads < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid max concurrent downloads: %d", config.MaxConcurrentDownloads)
if config.MaxConcurrentUploads < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid max concurrent uploads: %d", config.MaxConcurrentUploads)
if config.MaxDownloadAttempts < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid max download attempts: %d", config.MaxDownloadAttempts)
// validate that "default" runtime is not reset
if runtimes := config.GetAllRuntimes(); len(runtimes) > 0 {
if _, ok := runtimes[StockRuntimeName]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("runtime name '%s' is reserved", StockRuntimeName)
if _, err := ParseGenericResources(config.NodeGenericResources); err != nil {
return err
if defaultRuntime := config.GetDefaultRuntimeName(); defaultRuntime != "" {
if !builtinRuntimes[defaultRuntime] {
runtimes := config.GetAllRuntimes()
if _, ok := runtimes[defaultRuntime]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("specified default runtime '%s' does not exist", defaultRuntime)
for _, h := range config.Hosts {
if _, err := opts.ValidateHost(h); err != nil {
return err
// validate platform-specific settings
return config.ValidatePlatformConfig()
// GetDefaultRuntimeName returns the current default runtime
func (conf *Config) GetDefaultRuntimeName() string {
rt := conf.DefaultRuntime
return rt
// MaskCredentials masks credentials that are in an URL.
func MaskCredentials(rawURL string) string {
parsedURL, err := url.Parse(rawURL)
if err != nil || parsedURL.User == nil {
return rawURL
parsedURL.User = url.UserPassword("xxxxx", "xxxxx")
return parsedURL.String()