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synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

Instead of allocating all possible IPs in advance, generate them as needed. A loop will cycle through all possible IPs in sequential order, allocating them as needed and marking them as in use. Once the loop exhausts all IPs, it will wrap back to the beginning. IPs that are already in use will be skipped. When an IP is released, it will be cleared and be available for allocation again. Two decisions went into this design: 1) Minimize memory footprint by only allocating IPs that are actually in use 2) Minimize reuse of released IP addresses to avoid sending traffic to the wrong containers As a side effect, the functions for IP/Mask<->int conversion have been rewritten to never be able to fail in order to reduce the amount of error returns. Fixes gh-231
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package docker
import (
const (
networkBridgeIface = "lxcbr0"
portRangeStart = 49153
portRangeEnd = 65535
// Calculates the first and last IP addresses in an IPNet
func networkRange(network *net.IPNet) (net.IP, net.IP) {
netIP := network.IP.To4()
firstIP := netIP.Mask(network.Mask)
lastIP := net.IPv4(0, 0, 0, 0).To4()
for i := 0; i < len(lastIP); i++ {
lastIP[i] = netIP[i] | ^network.Mask[i]
return firstIP, lastIP
// Converts a 4 bytes IP into a 32 bit integer
func ipToInt(ip net.IP) int32 {
return int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(ip.To4()))
// Converts 32 bit integer into a 4 bytes IP address
func intToIp(n int32) net.IP {
b := make([]byte, 4)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b, uint32(n))
return net.IP(b)
// Given a netmask, calculates the number of available hosts
func networkSize(mask net.IPMask) int32 {
m := net.IPv4Mask(0, 0, 0, 0)
for i := 0; i < net.IPv4len; i++ {
m[i] = ^mask[i]
return int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(m)) + 1
// Wrapper around the iptables command
func iptables(args ...string) error {
path, err := exec.LookPath("iptables")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("command not found: iptables")
if err := exec.Command(path, args...).Run(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("iptables failed: iptables %v", strings.Join(args, " "))
return nil
// Return the IPv4 address of a network interface
func getIfaceAddr(name string) (net.Addr, error) {
iface, err := net.InterfaceByName(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
addrs, err := iface.Addrs()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var addrs4 []net.Addr
for _, addr := range addrs {
ip := (addr.(*net.IPNet)).IP
if ip4 := ip.To4(); len(ip4) == net.IPv4len {
addrs4 = append(addrs4, addr)
switch {
case len(addrs4) == 0:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Interface %v has no IP addresses", name)
case len(addrs4) > 1:
fmt.Printf("Interface %v has more than 1 IPv4 address. Defaulting to using %v\n",
name, (addrs4[0].(*net.IPNet)).IP)
return addrs4[0], nil
// Port mapper takes care of mapping external ports to containers by setting
// up iptables rules.
// It keeps track of all mappings and is able to unmap at will
type PortMapper struct {
mapping map[int]net.TCPAddr
func (mapper *PortMapper) cleanup() error {
// Ignore errors - This could mean the chains were never set up
iptables("-t", "nat", "-D", "PREROUTING", "-j", "DOCKER")
iptables("-t", "nat", "-D", "OUTPUT", "-j", "DOCKER")
iptables("-t", "nat", "-F", "DOCKER")
iptables("-t", "nat", "-X", "DOCKER")
mapper.mapping = make(map[int]net.TCPAddr)
return nil
func (mapper *PortMapper) setup() error {
if err := iptables("-t", "nat", "-N", "DOCKER"); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to create DOCKER chain: %s", err)
if err := iptables("-t", "nat", "-A", "PREROUTING", "-j", "DOCKER"); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to inject docker in PREROUTING chain: %s", err)
if err := iptables("-t", "nat", "-A", "OUTPUT", "-j", "DOCKER"); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to inject docker in OUTPUT chain: %s", err)
return nil
func (mapper *PortMapper) iptablesForward(rule string, port int, dest net.TCPAddr) error {
return iptables("-t", "nat", rule, "DOCKER", "-p", "tcp", "--dport", strconv.Itoa(port),
"-j", "DNAT", "--to-destination", net.JoinHostPort(dest.IP.String(), strconv.Itoa(dest.Port)))
func (mapper *PortMapper) Map(port int, dest net.TCPAddr) error {
if err := mapper.iptablesForward("-A", port, dest); err != nil {
return err
mapper.mapping[port] = dest
return nil
func (mapper *PortMapper) Unmap(port int) error {
dest, ok := mapper.mapping[port]
if !ok {
return errors.New("Port is not mapped")
if err := mapper.iptablesForward("-D", port, dest); err != nil {
return err
delete(mapper.mapping, port)
return nil
func newPortMapper() (*PortMapper, error) {
mapper := &PortMapper{}
if err := mapper.cleanup(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := mapper.setup(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return mapper, nil
// Port allocator: Atomatically allocate and release networking ports
type PortAllocator struct {
ports chan (int)
func (alloc *PortAllocator) populate(start, end int) {
alloc.ports = make(chan int, end-start)
for port := start; port < end; port++ {
alloc.ports <- port
func (alloc *PortAllocator) Acquire() (int, error) {
select {
case port := <-alloc.ports:
return port, nil
return -1, errors.New("No more ports available")
return -1, nil
func (alloc *PortAllocator) Release(port int) error {
select {
case alloc.ports <- port:
return nil
return errors.New("Too many ports have been released")
return nil
func newPortAllocator(start, end int) (*PortAllocator, error) {
allocator := &PortAllocator{}
allocator.populate(start, end)
return allocator, nil
// IP allocator: Atomatically allocate and release networking ports
type IPAllocator struct {
network *net.IPNet
queueAlloc chan allocatedIP
queueReleased chan net.IP
inUse map[int32]struct{}
type allocatedIP struct {
ip net.IP
err error
func (alloc *IPAllocator) run() {
firstIP, _ := networkRange(alloc.network)
ipNum := ipToInt(firstIP)
ownIP := ipToInt(alloc.network.IP)
size := networkSize(alloc.network.Mask)
pos := int32(1)
max := size - 2 // -1 for the broadcast address, -1 for the gateway address
for {
var (
newNum int32
inUse bool
// Find first unused IP, give up after one whole round
for attempt := int32(0); attempt < max; attempt++ {
newNum = ipNum + pos
pos = pos%max + 1
// The network's IP is never okay to use
if newNum == ownIP {
if _, inUse = alloc.inUse[newNum]; !inUse {
// We found an unused IP
ip := allocatedIP{ip: intToIp(newNum)}
if inUse {
ip.err = errors.New("No unallocated IP available")
select {
case alloc.queueAlloc <- ip:
alloc.inUse[newNum] = struct{}{}
case released := <-alloc.queueReleased:
r := ipToInt(released)
delete(alloc.inUse, r)
if inUse {
// If we couldn't allocate a new IP, the released one
// will be the only free one now, so instantly use it
// next time
pos = r - ipNum
} else {
// Use same IP as last time
if pos == 1 {
pos = max
} else {
func (alloc *IPAllocator) Acquire() (net.IP, error) {
ip := <-alloc.queueAlloc
return ip.ip, ip.err
func (alloc *IPAllocator) Release(ip net.IP) {
alloc.queueReleased <- ip
func newIPAllocator(network *net.IPNet) *IPAllocator {
alloc := &IPAllocator{
network: network,
queueAlloc: make(chan allocatedIP),
queueReleased: make(chan net.IP),
inUse: make(map[int32]struct{}),
go alloc.run()
return alloc
// Network interface represents the networking stack of a container
type NetworkInterface struct {
IPNet net.IPNet
Gateway net.IP
manager *NetworkManager
extPorts []int
// Allocate an external TCP port and map it to the interface
func (iface *NetworkInterface) AllocatePort(port int) (int, error) {
extPort, err := iface.manager.portAllocator.Acquire()
if err != nil {
return -1, err
if err := iface.manager.portMapper.Map(extPort, net.TCPAddr{IP: iface.IPNet.IP, Port: port}); err != nil {
return -1, err
iface.extPorts = append(iface.extPorts, extPort)
return extPort, nil
// Release: Network cleanup - release all resources
func (iface *NetworkInterface) Release() {
for _, port := range iface.extPorts {
if err := iface.manager.portMapper.Unmap(port); err != nil {
log.Printf("Unable to unmap port %v: %v", port, err)
if err := iface.manager.portAllocator.Release(port); err != nil {
log.Printf("Unable to release port %v: %v", port, err)
// Network Manager manages a set of network interfaces
// Only *one* manager per host machine should be used
type NetworkManager struct {
bridgeIface string
bridgeNetwork *net.IPNet
ipAllocator *IPAllocator
portAllocator *PortAllocator
portMapper *PortMapper
// Allocate a network interface
func (manager *NetworkManager) Allocate() (*NetworkInterface, error) {
ip, err := manager.ipAllocator.Acquire()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
iface := &NetworkInterface{
IPNet: net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: manager.bridgeNetwork.Mask},
Gateway: manager.bridgeNetwork.IP,
manager: manager,
return iface, nil
func newNetworkManager(bridgeIface string) (*NetworkManager, error) {
addr, err := getIfaceAddr(bridgeIface)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
network := addr.(*net.IPNet)
ipAllocator := newIPAllocator(network)
portAllocator, err := newPortAllocator(portRangeStart, portRangeEnd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
portMapper, err := newPortMapper()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
manager := &NetworkManager{
bridgeIface: bridgeIface,
bridgeNetwork: network,
ipAllocator: ipAllocator,
portAllocator: portAllocator,
portMapper: portMapper,
return manager, nil