mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

The main intent of handling plugin exit is for graceful shutdown of plugins during daemon shutdown. So avoid plugin lookup during plugin exits caused by other reasons (eg. force remove) Signed-off-by: Anusha Ragunathan <anusha@docker.com>
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// +build experimental
package plugin
import (
const defaultPluginRuntimeDestination = "/run/docker/plugins"
var manager *Manager
// ErrNotFound indicates that a plugin was not found locally.
type ErrNotFound string
func (name ErrNotFound) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("plugin %q not found", string(name)) }
// ErrInadequateCapability indicates that a plugin was found but did not have the requested capability.
type ErrInadequateCapability struct {
name string
capability string
func (e ErrInadequateCapability) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("plugin %q found, but not with %q capability", e.name, e.capability)
type plugin struct {
//sync.RWMutex TODO
PluginObj types.Plugin `json:"plugin"`
client *plugins.Client
restartManager restartmanager.RestartManager
runtimeSourcePath string
exitChan chan bool
func (p *plugin) Client() *plugins.Client {
return p.client
// IsLegacy returns true for legacy plugins and false otherwise.
func (p *plugin) IsLegacy() bool {
return false
func (p *plugin) Name() string {
name := p.PluginObj.Name
if len(p.PluginObj.Tag) > 0 {
// TODO: this feels hacky, maybe we should be storing the distribution reference rather than splitting these
name += ":" + p.PluginObj.Tag
return name
func (pm *Manager) newPlugin(ref reference.Named, id string) *plugin {
p := &plugin{
PluginObj: types.Plugin{
Name: ref.Name(),
ID: id,
runtimeSourcePath: filepath.Join(pm.runRoot, id),
if ref, ok := ref.(reference.NamedTagged); ok {
p.PluginObj.Tag = ref.Tag()
return p
func (pm *Manager) restorePlugin(p *plugin) error {
p.runtimeSourcePath = filepath.Join(pm.runRoot, p.PluginObj.ID)
if p.PluginObj.Active {
return pm.restore(p)
return nil
type pluginMap map[string]*plugin
type eventLogger func(id, name, action string)
// Manager controls the plugin subsystem.
type Manager struct {
libRoot string
runRoot string
plugins pluginMap // TODO: figure out why save() doesn't json encode *plugin object
nameToID map[string]string
handlers map[string]func(string, *plugins.Client)
containerdClient libcontainerd.Client
registryService registry.Service
handleLegacy bool
liveRestore bool
shutdown bool
pluginEventLogger eventLogger
// GetManager returns the singleton plugin Manager
func GetManager() *Manager {
return manager
// Init (was NewManager) instantiates the singleton Manager.
// TODO: revert this to NewManager once we get rid of all the singletons.
func Init(root string, remote libcontainerd.Remote, rs registry.Service, liveRestore bool, evL eventLogger) (err error) {
if manager != nil {
return nil
root = filepath.Join(root, "plugins")
manager = &Manager{
libRoot: root,
runRoot: "/run/docker",
plugins: make(map[string]*plugin),
nameToID: make(map[string]string),
handlers: make(map[string]func(string, *plugins.Client)),
registryService: rs,
handleLegacy: true,
liveRestore: liveRestore,
pluginEventLogger: evL,
if err := os.MkdirAll(manager.runRoot, 0700); err != nil {
return err
manager.containerdClient, err = remote.Client(manager)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := manager.init(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Handle sets a callback for a given capability. The callback will be called for every plugin with a given capability.
// TODO: append instead of set?
func Handle(capability string, callback func(string, *plugins.Client)) {
pluginType := fmt.Sprintf("docker.%s/1", strings.ToLower(capability))
manager.handlers[pluginType] = callback
if manager.handleLegacy {
plugins.Handle(capability, callback)
func (pm *Manager) get(name string) (*plugin, error) {
defer pm.RUnlock()
id, nameOk := pm.nameToID[name]
if !nameOk {
return nil, ErrNotFound(name)
p, idOk := pm.plugins[id]
if !idOk {
return nil, ErrNotFound(name)
return p, nil
// FindWithCapability returns a list of plugins matching the given capability.
func FindWithCapability(capability string) ([]Plugin, error) {
handleLegacy := true
result := make([]Plugin, 0, 1)
if manager != nil {
handleLegacy = manager.handleLegacy
defer manager.RUnlock()
for _, p := range manager.plugins {
for _, typ := range p.PluginObj.Manifest.Interface.Types {
if typ.Capability != capability || typ.Prefix != "docker" {
continue pluginLoop
result = append(result, p)
if handleLegacy {
pl, err := plugins.GetAll(capability)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("legacy plugin: %v", err)
for _, p := range pl {
if _, ok := manager.nameToID[p.Name()]; !ok {
result = append(result, p)
return result, nil
// LookupWithCapability returns a plugin matching the given name and capability.
func LookupWithCapability(name, capability string) (Plugin, error) {
var (
p *plugin
err error
handleLegacy := true
if manager != nil {
fullName := name
if named, err := reference.ParseNamed(fullName); err == nil { // FIXME: validate
if reference.IsNameOnly(named) {
named = reference.WithDefaultTag(named)
ref, ok := named.(reference.NamedTagged)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid name: %s", named.String())
fullName = ref.String()
p, err = manager.get(fullName)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(ErrNotFound); !ok {
return nil, err
handleLegacy = manager.handleLegacy
} else {
handleLegacy = false
if handleLegacy {
p, err := plugins.Get(name, capability)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("legacy plugin: %v", err)
return p, nil
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
capability = strings.ToLower(capability)
for _, typ := range p.PluginObj.Manifest.Interface.Types {
if typ.Capability == capability && typ.Prefix == "docker" {
return p, nil
return nil, ErrInadequateCapability{name, capability}
// StateChanged updates plugin internals using libcontainerd events.
func (pm *Manager) StateChanged(id string, e libcontainerd.StateInfo) error {
logrus.Debugf("plugin state changed %s %#v", id, e)
switch e.State {
case libcontainerd.StateExit:
var shutdown bool
shutdown = pm.shutdown
if shutdown {
p, idOk := pm.plugins[id]
if !idOk {
return ErrNotFound(id)
return nil
// AttachStreams attaches io streams to the plugin
func (pm *Manager) AttachStreams(id string, iop libcontainerd.IOPipe) error {
logger := logrus.New()
// TODO: cache writer per id
w := logger.Writer()
go func() {
io.Copy(w, iop.Stdout)
go func() {
// TODO: update logrus and use logger.WriterLevel
io.Copy(w, iop.Stderr)
return nil
func (pm *Manager) init() error {
dt, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(pm.libRoot, "plugins.json"))
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil
return err
defer dt.Close()
if err := json.NewDecoder(dt).Decode(&pm.plugins); err != nil {
return err
var group sync.WaitGroup
for _, p := range pm.plugins {
go func(p *plugin) {
defer group.Done()
if err := pm.restorePlugin(p); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("failed to restore plugin '%s': %s", p.Name(), err)
pm.nameToID[p.Name()] = p.PluginObj.ID
requiresManualRestore := !pm.liveRestore && p.PluginObj.Active
if requiresManualRestore {
// if liveRestore is not enabled, the plugin will be stopped now so we should enable it
if err := pm.enable(p, true); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("failed to enable plugin '%s': %s", p.Name(), err)
return pm.save()
func (pm *Manager) initPlugin(p *plugin) error {
dt, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(pm.libRoot, p.PluginObj.ID, "manifest.json"))
if err != nil {
return err
err = json.NewDecoder(dt).Decode(&p.PluginObj.Manifest)
if err != nil {
return err
p.PluginObj.Config.Mounts = make([]types.PluginMount, len(p.PluginObj.Manifest.Mounts))
for i, mount := range p.PluginObj.Manifest.Mounts {
p.PluginObj.Config.Mounts[i] = mount
p.PluginObj.Config.Env = make([]string, 0, len(p.PluginObj.Manifest.Env))
for _, env := range p.PluginObj.Manifest.Env {
if env.Value != nil {
p.PluginObj.Config.Env = append(p.PluginObj.Config.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", env.Name, *env.Value))
copy(p.PluginObj.Config.Args, p.PluginObj.Manifest.Args.Value)
f, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(pm.libRoot, p.PluginObj.ID, "plugin-config.json"))
if err != nil {
return err
err = json.NewEncoder(f).Encode(&p.PluginObj.Config)
return err
func (pm *Manager) remove(p *plugin, force bool) error {
if p.PluginObj.Active {
if !force {
return fmt.Errorf("plugin %s is active", p.Name())
if err := pm.disable(p); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("failed to disable plugin '%s': %s", p.Name(), err)
pm.Lock() // fixme: lock single record
defer pm.Unlock()
delete(pm.plugins, p.PluginObj.ID)
delete(pm.nameToID, p.Name())
return os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(pm.libRoot, p.PluginObj.ID))
func (pm *Manager) set(p *plugin, args []string) error {
m := make(map[string]string, len(args))
for _, arg := range args {
i := strings.Index(arg, "=")
if i < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no equal sign '=' found in %s", arg)
m[arg[:i]] = arg[i+1:]
return errors.New("not implemented")
// fixme: not safe
func (pm *Manager) save() error {
filePath := filepath.Join(pm.libRoot, "plugins.json")
jsonData, err := json.Marshal(pm.plugins)
if err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("failure in json.Marshal: %v", err)
return err
ioutils.AtomicWriteFile(filePath, jsonData, 0600)
return nil
type logHook struct{ id string }
func (logHook) Levels() []logrus.Level {
return logrus.AllLevels
func (l logHook) Fire(entry *logrus.Entry) error {
entry.Data = logrus.Fields{"plugin": l.id}
return nil
func computePrivileges(m *types.PluginManifest) types.PluginPrivileges {
var privileges types.PluginPrivileges
if m.Network.Type != "null" && m.Network.Type != "bridge" {
privileges = append(privileges, types.PluginPrivilege{
Name: "network",
Description: "",
Value: []string{m.Network.Type},
for _, mount := range m.Mounts {
if mount.Source != nil {
privileges = append(privileges, types.PluginPrivilege{
Name: "mount",
Description: "",
Value: []string{*mount.Source},
for _, device := range m.Devices {
if device.Path != nil {
privileges = append(privileges, types.PluginPrivilege{
Name: "device",
Description: "",
Value: []string{*device.Path},
if len(m.Capabilities) > 0 {
privileges = append(privileges, types.PluginPrivilege{
Name: "capabilities",
Description: "",
Value: m.Capabilities,
return privileges