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synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

Due to the iptables package being `init`ed at start of the docker runtime, this means the iptables --wait command listing all rules is run, no matter if the command is simply "docker -h". It makes more sense to both locate the iptables command and check for the wait flag support at the time iptables is actually used, as it may not be used at all if certain network support is off/configured differently. Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Phil Estes <estesp@linux.vnet.ibm.com> (github: estesp)
292 lines
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292 lines
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package iptables
import (
log "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus"
type Action string
type Table string
const (
Append Action = "-A"
Delete Action = "-D"
Insert Action = "-I"
Nat Table = "nat"
Filter Table = "filter"
var (
iptablesPath string
supportsXlock = false
ErrIptablesNotFound = errors.New("Iptables not found")
type Chain struct {
Name string
Bridge string
Table Table
type ChainError struct {
Chain string
Output []byte
func (e *ChainError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Error iptables %s: %s", e.Chain, string(e.Output))
func initCheck() error {
if iptablesPath == "" {
path, err := exec.LookPath("iptables")
if err != nil {
return ErrIptablesNotFound
iptablesPath = path
supportsXlock = exec.Command(iptablesPath, "--wait", "-L", "-n").Run() == nil
return nil
func NewChain(name, bridge string, table Table) (*Chain, error) {
c := &Chain{
Name: name,
Bridge: bridge,
Table: table,
if string(c.Table) == "" {
c.Table = Filter
// Add chain if it doesn't exist
if _, err := Raw("-t", string(c.Table), "-n", "-L", c.Name); err != nil {
if output, err := Raw("-t", string(c.Table), "-N", c.Name); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if len(output) != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not create %s/%s chain: %s", c.Table, c.Name, output)
switch table {
case Nat:
preroute := []string{
"-m", "addrtype",
"--dst-type", "LOCAL"}
if !Exists(preroute...) {
if err := c.Prerouting(Append, preroute...); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to inject docker in PREROUTING chain: %s", err)
output := []string{
"-m", "addrtype",
"--dst-type", "LOCAL",
"!", "--dst", ""}
if !Exists(output...) {
if err := c.Output(Append, output...); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to inject docker in OUTPUT chain: %s", err)
case Filter:
link := []string{"FORWARD",
"-o", c.Bridge,
"-j", c.Name}
if !Exists(link...) {
insert := append([]string{string(Insert)}, link...)
if output, err := Raw(insert...); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if len(output) != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not create linking rule to %s/%s: %s", c.Table, c.Name, output)
return c, nil
func RemoveExistingChain(name string, table Table) error {
c := &Chain{
Name: name,
Table: table,
if string(c.Table) == "" {
c.Table = Filter
return c.Remove()
// Add forwarding rule to 'filter' table and corresponding nat rule to 'nat' table
func (c *Chain) Forward(action Action, ip net.IP, port int, proto, destAddr string, destPort int) error {
daddr := ip.String()
if ip.IsUnspecified() {
// iptables interprets "" as "", whereas we
// want "". "0/0" is correctly interpreted as "any
// value" by both iptables and ip6tables.
daddr = "0/0"
if output, err := Raw("-t", string(Nat), string(action), c.Name,
"-p", proto,
"-d", daddr,
"--dport", strconv.Itoa(port),
"!", "-i", c.Bridge,
"-j", "DNAT",
"--to-destination", net.JoinHostPort(destAddr, strconv.Itoa(destPort))); err != nil {
return err
} else if len(output) != 0 {
return &ChainError{Chain: "FORWARD", Output: output}
if output, err := Raw("-t", string(Filter), string(action), c.Name,
"!", "-i", c.Bridge,
"-o", c.Bridge,
"-p", proto,
"-d", destAddr,
"--dport", strconv.Itoa(destPort),
"-j", "ACCEPT"); err != nil {
return err
} else if len(output) != 0 {
return &ChainError{Chain: "FORWARD", Output: output}
if output, err := Raw("-t", string(Nat), string(action), "POSTROUTING",
"-p", proto,
"-s", destAddr,
"-d", destAddr,
"--dport", strconv.Itoa(destPort),
"-j", "MASQUERADE"); err != nil {
return err
} else if len(output) != 0 {
return &ChainError{Chain: "FORWARD", Output: output}
return nil
// Add reciprocal ACCEPT rule for two supplied IP addresses.
// Traffic is allowed from ip1 to ip2 and vice-versa
func (c *Chain) Link(action Action, ip1, ip2 net.IP, port int, proto string) error {
if output, err := Raw("-t", string(Filter), string(action), c.Name,
"-i", c.Bridge, "-o", c.Bridge,
"-p", proto,
"-s", ip1.String(),
"-d", ip2.String(),
"--dport", strconv.Itoa(port),
"-j", "ACCEPT"); err != nil {
return err
} else if len(output) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Error iptables forward: %s", output)
if output, err := Raw("-t", string(Filter), string(action), c.Name,
"-i", c.Bridge, "-o", c.Bridge,
"-p", proto,
"-s", ip2.String(),
"-d", ip1.String(),
"--sport", strconv.Itoa(port),
"-j", "ACCEPT"); err != nil {
return err
} else if len(output) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Error iptables forward: %s", output)
return nil
// Add linking rule to nat/PREROUTING chain.
func (c *Chain) Prerouting(action Action, args ...string) error {
a := []string{"-t", string(Nat), string(action), "PREROUTING"}
if len(args) > 0 {
a = append(a, args...)
if output, err := Raw(append(a, "-j", c.Name)...); err != nil {
return err
} else if len(output) != 0 {
return &ChainError{Chain: "PREROUTING", Output: output}
return nil
// Add linking rule to an OUTPUT chain
func (c *Chain) Output(action Action, args ...string) error {
a := []string{"-t", string(c.Table), string(action), "OUTPUT"}
if len(args) > 0 {
a = append(a, args...)
if output, err := Raw(append(a, "-j", c.Name)...); err != nil {
return err
} else if len(output) != 0 {
return &ChainError{Chain: "OUTPUT", Output: output}
return nil
func (c *Chain) Remove() error {
// Ignore errors - This could mean the chains were never set up
if c.Table == Nat {
c.Prerouting(Delete, "-m", "addrtype", "--dst-type", "LOCAL")
c.Output(Delete, "-m", "addrtype", "--dst-type", "LOCAL", "!", "--dst", "")
c.Output(Delete, "-m", "addrtype", "--dst-type", "LOCAL") // Created in versions <= 0.1.6
Raw("-t", string(c.Table), "-F", c.Name)
Raw("-t", string(c.Table), "-X", c.Name)
return nil
// Check if a rule exists
func Exists(args ...string) bool {
// iptables -C, --check option was added in v.1.4.11
// http://ftp.netfilter.org/pub/iptables/changes-iptables-1.4.11.txt
// try -C
// if exit status is 0 then return true, the rule exists
if _, err := Raw(append([]string{"-C"}, args...)...); err == nil {
return true
// parse iptables-save for the rule
rule := strings.Replace(strings.Join(args, " "), "-t nat ", "", -1)
existingRules, _ := exec.Command("iptables-save").Output()
// regex to replace ips in rule
// because MASQUERADE rule will not be exactly what was passed
re := regexp.MustCompile(`[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\/[0-9]{1,2}`)
return strings.Contains(
re.ReplaceAllString(string(existingRules), "?"),
re.ReplaceAllString(rule, "?"),
// Call 'iptables' system command, passing supplied arguments
func Raw(args ...string) ([]byte, error) {
if err := initCheck(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if supportsXlock {
args = append([]string{"--wait"}, args...)
log.Debugf("%s, %v", iptablesPath, args)
output, err := exec.Command(iptablesPath, args...).CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("iptables failed: iptables %v: %s (%s)", strings.Join(args, " "), output, err)
// ignore iptables' message about xtables lock
if strings.Contains(string(output), "waiting for it to exit") {
output = []byte("")
return output, err