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synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

This commit adds a transfer manager which deduplicates and schedules transfers, and also an upload manager and download manager that build on top of the transfer manager to provide high-level interfaces for uploads and downloads. The push and pull code is modified to use these building blocks. Some benefits of the changes: - Simplification of push/pull code - Pushes can upload layers concurrently - Failed downloads and uploads are retried after backoff delays - Cancellation is supported, but individual transfers will only be cancelled if all pushes or pulls using them are cancelled. - The distribution code is decoupled from Docker Engine packages and API conventions (i.e. streamformatter), which will make it easier to split out. This commit also includes unit tests for the new distribution/xfer package. The tests cover 87.8% of the statements in the package. Signed-off-by: Aaron Lehmann <aaron.lehmann@docker.com>
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package distribution
import (
type v1Pusher struct {
ctx context.Context
v1IDService *metadata.V1IDService
endpoint registry.APIEndpoint
ref reference.Named
repoInfo *registry.RepositoryInfo
config *ImagePushConfig
session *registry.Session
func (p *v1Pusher) Push(ctx context.Context) (fallback bool, err error) {
tlsConfig, err := p.config.RegistryService.TLSConfig(p.repoInfo.Index.Name)
if err != nil {
return false, err
// Adds Docker-specific headers as well as user-specified headers (metaHeaders)
tr := transport.NewTransport(
// TODO(tiborvass): was NoTimeout
client := registry.HTTPClient(tr)
v1Endpoint, err := p.endpoint.ToV1Endpoint(p.config.MetaHeaders)
if err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("Could not get v1 endpoint: %v", err)
return true, err
p.session, err = registry.NewSession(client, p.config.AuthConfig, v1Endpoint)
if err != nil {
// TODO(dmcgowan): Check if should fallback
return true, err
if err := p.pushRepository(ctx); err != nil {
// TODO(dmcgowan): Check if should fallback
return false, err
return false, nil
// v1Image exposes the configuration, filesystem layer ID, and a v1 ID for an
// image being pushed to a v1 registry.
type v1Image interface {
Config() []byte
Layer() layer.Layer
V1ID() string
type v1ImageCommon struct {
layer layer.Layer
config []byte
v1ID string
func (common *v1ImageCommon) Config() []byte {
return common.config
func (common *v1ImageCommon) V1ID() string {
return common.v1ID
func (common *v1ImageCommon) Layer() layer.Layer {
return common.layer
// v1TopImage defines a runnable (top layer) image being pushed to a v1
// registry.
type v1TopImage struct {
imageID image.ID
func newV1TopImage(imageID image.ID, img *image.Image, l layer.Layer, parent *v1DependencyImage) (*v1TopImage, error) {
v1ID := digest.Digest(imageID).Hex()
parentV1ID := ""
if parent != nil {
parentV1ID = parent.V1ID()
config, err := v1.MakeV1ConfigFromConfig(img, v1ID, parentV1ID, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &v1TopImage{
v1ImageCommon: v1ImageCommon{
v1ID: v1ID,
config: config,
layer: l,
imageID: imageID,
}, nil
// v1DependencyImage defines a dependency layer being pushed to a v1 registry.
type v1DependencyImage struct {
func newV1DependencyImage(l layer.Layer, parent *v1DependencyImage) (*v1DependencyImage, error) {
v1ID := digest.Digest(l.ChainID()).Hex()
config := ""
if parent != nil {
config = fmt.Sprintf(`{"id":"%s","parent":"%s"}`, v1ID, parent.V1ID())
} else {
config = fmt.Sprintf(`{"id":"%s"}`, v1ID)
return &v1DependencyImage{
v1ImageCommon: v1ImageCommon{
v1ID: v1ID,
config: []byte(config),
layer: l,
}, nil
// Retrieve the all the images to be uploaded in the correct order
func (p *v1Pusher) getImageList() (imageList []v1Image, tagsByImage map[image.ID][]string, referencedLayers []layer.Layer, err error) {
tagsByImage = make(map[image.ID][]string)
// Ignore digest references
_, isDigested := p.ref.(reference.Digested)
if isDigested {
tagged, isTagged := p.ref.(reference.Tagged)
if isTagged {
// Push a specific tag
var imgID image.ID
imgID, err = p.config.TagStore.Get(p.ref)
if err != nil {
imageList, err = p.imageListForTag(imgID, nil, &referencedLayers)
if err != nil {
tagsByImage[imgID] = []string{tagged.Tag()}
imagesSeen := make(map[image.ID]struct{})
dependenciesSeen := make(map[layer.ChainID]*v1DependencyImage)
associations := p.config.TagStore.ReferencesByName(p.ref)
for _, association := range associations {
if tagged, isTagged = association.Ref.(reference.Tagged); !isTagged {
// Ignore digest references.
tagsByImage[association.ImageID] = append(tagsByImage[association.ImageID], tagged.Tag())
if _, present := imagesSeen[association.ImageID]; present {
// Skip generating image list for already-seen image
imagesSeen[association.ImageID] = struct{}{}
imageListForThisTag, err := p.imageListForTag(association.ImageID, dependenciesSeen, &referencedLayers)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
// append to main image list
imageList = append(imageList, imageListForThisTag...)
if len(imageList) == 0 {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("No images found for the requested repository / tag")
logrus.Debugf("Image list: %v", imageList)
logrus.Debugf("Tags by image: %v", tagsByImage)
func (p *v1Pusher) imageListForTag(imgID image.ID, dependenciesSeen map[layer.ChainID]*v1DependencyImage, referencedLayers *[]layer.Layer) (imageListForThisTag []v1Image, err error) {
img, err := p.config.ImageStore.Get(imgID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
topLayerID := img.RootFS.ChainID()
var l layer.Layer
if topLayerID == "" {
l = layer.EmptyLayer
} else {
l, err = p.config.LayerStore.Get(topLayerID)
*referencedLayers = append(*referencedLayers, l)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get top layer from image: %v", err)
dependencyImages, parent, err := generateDependencyImages(l.Parent(), dependenciesSeen)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
topImage, err := newV1TopImage(imgID, img, l, parent)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
imageListForThisTag = append(dependencyImages, topImage)
func generateDependencyImages(l layer.Layer, dependenciesSeen map[layer.ChainID]*v1DependencyImage) (imageListForThisTag []v1Image, parent *v1DependencyImage, err error) {
if l == nil {
return nil, nil, nil
imageListForThisTag, parent, err = generateDependencyImages(l.Parent(), dependenciesSeen)
if dependenciesSeen != nil {
if dependencyImage, present := dependenciesSeen[l.ChainID()]; present {
// This layer is already on the list, we can ignore it
// and all its parents.
return imageListForThisTag, dependencyImage, nil
dependencyImage, err := newV1DependencyImage(l, parent)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
imageListForThisTag = append(imageListForThisTag, dependencyImage)
if dependenciesSeen != nil {
dependenciesSeen[l.ChainID()] = dependencyImage
return imageListForThisTag, dependencyImage, nil
// createImageIndex returns an index of an image's layer IDs and tags.
func createImageIndex(images []v1Image, tags map[image.ID][]string) []*registry.ImgData {
var imageIndex []*registry.ImgData
for _, img := range images {
v1ID := img.V1ID()
if topImage, isTopImage := img.(*v1TopImage); isTopImage {
if tags, hasTags := tags[topImage.imageID]; hasTags {
// If an image has tags you must add an entry in the image index
// for each tag
for _, tag := range tags {
imageIndex = append(imageIndex, ®istry.ImgData{
ID: v1ID,
Tag: tag,
// If the image does not have a tag it still needs to be sent to the
// registry with an empty tag so that it is associated with the repository
imageIndex = append(imageIndex, ®istry.ImgData{
ID: v1ID,
Tag: "",
return imageIndex
// lookupImageOnEndpoint checks the specified endpoint to see if an image exists
// and if it is absent then it sends the image id to the channel to be pushed.
func (p *v1Pusher) lookupImageOnEndpoint(wg *sync.WaitGroup, endpoint string, images chan v1Image, imagesToPush chan string) {
defer wg.Done()
for image := range images {
v1ID := image.V1ID()
if err := p.session.LookupRemoteImage(v1ID, endpoint); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Error in LookupRemoteImage: %s", err)
imagesToPush <- v1ID
} else {
progress.Messagef(p.config.ProgressOutput, "", "Image %s already pushed, skipping", stringid.TruncateID(v1ID))
func (p *v1Pusher) pushImageToEndpoint(ctx context.Context, endpoint string, imageList []v1Image, tags map[image.ID][]string, repo *registry.RepositoryData) error {
workerCount := len(imageList)
// start a maximum of 5 workers to check if images exist on the specified endpoint.
if workerCount > 5 {
workerCount = 5
var (
wg = &sync.WaitGroup{}
imageData = make(chan v1Image, workerCount*2)
imagesToPush = make(chan string, workerCount*2)
pushes = make(chan map[string]struct{}, 1)
for i := 0; i < workerCount; i++ {
go p.lookupImageOnEndpoint(wg, endpoint, imageData, imagesToPush)
// start a go routine that consumes the images to push
go func() {
shouldPush := make(map[string]struct{})
for id := range imagesToPush {
shouldPush[id] = struct{}{}
pushes <- shouldPush
for _, v1Image := range imageList {
imageData <- v1Image
// close the channel to notify the workers that there will be no more images to check.
// wait for all the images that require pushes to be collected into a consumable map.
shouldPush := <-pushes
// finish by pushing any images and tags to the endpoint. The order that the images are pushed
// is very important that is why we are still iterating over the ordered list of imageIDs.
for _, img := range imageList {
v1ID := img.V1ID()
if _, push := shouldPush[v1ID]; push {
if _, err := p.pushImage(ctx, img, endpoint); err != nil {
// FIXME: Continue on error?
return err
if topImage, isTopImage := img.(*v1TopImage); isTopImage {
for _, tag := range tags[topImage.imageID] {
progress.Messagef(p.config.ProgressOutput, "", "Pushing tag for rev [%s] on {%s}", stringid.TruncateID(v1ID), endpoint+"repositories/"+p.repoInfo.RemoteName.Name()+"/tags/"+tag)
if err := p.session.PushRegistryTag(p.repoInfo.RemoteName, v1ID, tag, endpoint); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// pushRepository pushes layers that do not already exist on the registry.
func (p *v1Pusher) pushRepository(ctx context.Context) error {
imgList, tags, referencedLayers, err := p.getImageList()
defer func() {
for _, l := range referencedLayers {
if err != nil {
return err
progress.Message(p.config.ProgressOutput, "", "Sending image list")
imageIndex := createImageIndex(imgList, tags)
for _, data := range imageIndex {
logrus.Debugf("Pushing ID: %s with Tag: %s", data.ID, data.Tag)
// Register all the images in a repository with the registry
// If an image is not in this list it will not be associated with the repository
repoData, err := p.session.PushImageJSONIndex(p.repoInfo.RemoteName, imageIndex, false, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
progress.Message(p.config.ProgressOutput, "", "Pushing repository "+p.repoInfo.CanonicalName.String())
// push the repository to each of the endpoints only if it does not exist.
for _, endpoint := range repoData.Endpoints {
if err := p.pushImageToEndpoint(ctx, endpoint, imgList, tags, repoData); err != nil {
return err
_, err = p.session.PushImageJSONIndex(p.repoInfo.RemoteName, imageIndex, true, repoData.Endpoints)
return err
func (p *v1Pusher) pushImage(ctx context.Context, v1Image v1Image, ep string) (checksum string, err error) {
v1ID := v1Image.V1ID()
jsonRaw := v1Image.Config()
progress.Update(p.config.ProgressOutput, stringid.TruncateID(v1ID), "Pushing")
// General rule is to use ID for graph accesses and compatibilityID for
// calls to session.registry()
imgData := ®istry.ImgData{
ID: v1ID,
// Send the json
if err := p.session.PushImageJSONRegistry(imgData, jsonRaw, ep); err != nil {
if err == registry.ErrAlreadyExists {
progress.Update(p.config.ProgressOutput, stringid.TruncateID(v1ID), "Image already pushed, skipping")
return "", nil
return "", err
l := v1Image.Layer()
arch, err := l.TarStream()
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer arch.Close()
// don't care if this fails; best effort
size, _ := l.DiffSize()
// Send the layer
logrus.Debugf("rendered layer for %s of [%d] size", v1ID, size)
reader := progress.NewProgressReader(ioutils.NewCancelReadCloser(ctx, arch), p.config.ProgressOutput, size, stringid.TruncateID(v1ID), "Pushing")
defer reader.Close()
checksum, checksumPayload, err := p.session.PushImageLayerRegistry(v1ID, reader, ep, jsonRaw)
if err != nil {
return "", err
imgData.Checksum = checksum
imgData.ChecksumPayload = checksumPayload
// Send the checksum
if err := p.session.PushImageChecksumRegistry(imgData, ep); err != nil {
return "", err
if err := p.v1IDService.Set(v1ID, p.repoInfo.Index.Name, l.DiffID()); err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("Could not set v1 ID mapping: %v", err)
progress.Update(p.config.ProgressOutput, stringid.TruncateID(v1ID), "Image successfully pushed")
return imgData.Checksum, nil