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synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

This commit adds a transfer manager which deduplicates and schedules transfers, and also an upload manager and download manager that build on top of the transfer manager to provide high-level interfaces for uploads and downloads. The push and pull code is modified to use these building blocks. Some benefits of the changes: - Simplification of push/pull code - Pushes can upload layers concurrently - Failed downloads and uploads are retried after backoff delays - Cancellation is supported, but individual transfers will only be cancelled if all pushes or pulls using them are cancelled. - The distribution code is decoupled from Docker Engine packages and API conventions (i.e. streamformatter), which will make it easier to split out. This commit also includes unit tests for the new distribution/xfer package. The tests cover 87.8% of the statements in the package. Signed-off-by: Aaron Lehmann <aaron.lehmann@docker.com>
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package distribution
import (
type v2Pusher struct {
blobSumService *metadata.BlobSumService
ref reference.Named
endpoint registry.APIEndpoint
repoInfo *registry.RepositoryInfo
config *ImagePushConfig
repo distribution.Repository
// layersPushed is the set of layers known to exist on the remote side.
// This avoids redundant queries when pushing multiple tags that
// involve the same layers.
layersPushed pushMap
type pushMap struct {
layersPushed map[digest.Digest]bool
func (p *v2Pusher) Push(ctx context.Context) (fallback bool, err error) {
p.repo, err = NewV2Repository(p.repoInfo, p.endpoint, p.config.MetaHeaders, p.config.AuthConfig, "push", "pull")
if err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("Error getting v2 registry: %v", err)
return true, err
localName := p.repoInfo.LocalName.Name()
var associations []tag.Association
if _, isTagged := p.ref.(reference.Tagged); isTagged {
imageID, err := p.config.TagStore.Get(p.ref)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("tag does not exist: %s", p.ref.String())
associations = []tag.Association{
Ref: p.ref,
ImageID: imageID,
} else {
// Pull all tags
associations = p.config.TagStore.ReferencesByName(p.ref)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("error getting tags for %s: %s", localName, err)
if len(associations) == 0 {
return false, fmt.Errorf("no tags to push for %s", localName)
for _, association := range associations {
if err := p.pushV2Tag(ctx, association); err != nil {
return false, err
return false, nil
func (p *v2Pusher) pushV2Tag(ctx context.Context, association tag.Association) error {
ref := association.Ref
logrus.Debugf("Pushing repository: %s", ref.String())
img, err := p.config.ImageStore.Get(association.ImageID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not find image from tag %s: %v", ref.String(), err)
var l layer.Layer
topLayerID := img.RootFS.ChainID()
if topLayerID == "" {
l = layer.EmptyLayer
} else {
l, err = p.config.LayerStore.Get(topLayerID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get top layer from image: %v", err)
defer layer.ReleaseAndLog(p.config.LayerStore, l)
var descriptors []xfer.UploadDescriptor
// Push empty layer if necessary
for _, h := range img.History {
if h.EmptyLayer {
descriptors = []xfer.UploadDescriptor{
layer: layer.EmptyLayer,
blobSumService: p.blobSumService,
repo: p.repo,
layersPushed: &p.layersPushed,
// Loop bounds condition is to avoid pushing the base layer on Windows.
for i := 0; i < len(img.RootFS.DiffIDs); i++ {
descriptor := &v2PushDescriptor{
layer: l,
blobSumService: p.blobSumService,
repo: p.repo,
layersPushed: &p.layersPushed,
descriptors = append(descriptors, descriptor)
l = l.Parent()
fsLayers, err := p.config.UploadManager.Upload(ctx, descriptors, p.config.ProgressOutput)
if err != nil {
return err
var tag string
if tagged, isTagged := ref.(reference.Tagged); isTagged {
tag = tagged.Tag()
m, err := CreateV2Manifest(p.repo.Name(), tag, img, fsLayers)
if err != nil {
return err
logrus.Infof("Signed manifest for %s using daemon's key: %s", ref.String(), p.config.TrustKey.KeyID())
signed, err := schema1.Sign(m, p.config.TrustKey)
if err != nil {
return err
manifestDigest, manifestSize, err := digestFromManifest(signed, p.repo.Name())
if err != nil {
return err
if manifestDigest != "" {
if tagged, isTagged := ref.(reference.Tagged); isTagged {
// NOTE: do not change this format without first changing the trust client
// code. This information is used to determine what was pushed and should be signed.
progress.Messagef(p.config.ProgressOutput, "", "%s: digest: %s size: %d", tagged.Tag(), manifestDigest, manifestSize)
manSvc, err := p.repo.Manifests(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
return manSvc.Put(signed)
type v2PushDescriptor struct {
layer layer.Layer
blobSumService *metadata.BlobSumService
repo distribution.Repository
layersPushed *pushMap
func (pd *v2PushDescriptor) Key() string {
return "v2push:" + pd.repo.Name() + " " + pd.layer.DiffID().String()
func (pd *v2PushDescriptor) ID() string {
return stringid.TruncateID(pd.layer.DiffID().String())
func (pd *v2PushDescriptor) DiffID() layer.DiffID {
return pd.layer.DiffID()
func (pd *v2PushDescriptor) Upload(ctx context.Context, progressOutput progress.Output) (digest.Digest, error) {
diffID := pd.DiffID()
logrus.Debugf("Pushing layer: %s", diffID)
// Do we have any blobsums associated with this layer's DiffID?
possibleBlobsums, err := pd.blobSumService.GetBlobSums(diffID)
if err == nil {
dgst, exists, err := blobSumAlreadyExists(ctx, possibleBlobsums, pd.repo, pd.layersPushed)
if err != nil {
progress.Update(progressOutput, pd.ID(), "Image push failed")
return "", retryOnError(err)
if exists {
progress.Update(progressOutput, pd.ID(), "Layer already exists")
return dgst, nil
// if digest was empty or not saved, or if blob does not exist on the remote repository,
// then push the blob.
bs := pd.repo.Blobs(ctx)
// Send the layer
layerUpload, err := bs.Create(ctx)
if err != nil {
return "", retryOnError(err)
defer layerUpload.Close()
arch, err := pd.layer.TarStream()
if err != nil {
return "", xfer.DoNotRetry{Err: err}
// don't care if this fails; best effort
size, _ := pd.layer.DiffSize()
reader := progress.NewProgressReader(ioutils.NewCancelReadCloser(ctx, arch), progressOutput, size, pd.ID(), "Pushing")
defer reader.Close()
compressedReader := compress(reader)
digester := digest.Canonical.New()
tee := io.TeeReader(compressedReader, digester.Hash())
nn, err := layerUpload.ReadFrom(tee)
if err != nil {
return "", retryOnError(err)
pushDigest := digester.Digest()
if _, err := layerUpload.Commit(ctx, distribution.Descriptor{Digest: pushDigest}); err != nil {
return "", retryOnError(err)
logrus.Debugf("uploaded layer %s (%s), %d bytes", diffID, pushDigest, nn)
progress.Update(progressOutput, pd.ID(), "Pushed")
// Cache mapping from this layer's DiffID to the blobsum
if err := pd.blobSumService.Add(diffID, pushDigest); err != nil {
return "", xfer.DoNotRetry{Err: err}
pd.layersPushed.layersPushed[pushDigest] = true
return pushDigest, nil
// blobSumAlreadyExists checks if the registry already know about any of the
// blobsums passed in the "blobsums" slice. If it finds one that the registry
// knows about, it returns the known digest and "true".
func blobSumAlreadyExists(ctx context.Context, blobsums []digest.Digest, repo distribution.Repository, layersPushed *pushMap) (digest.Digest, bool, error) {
for _, dgst := range blobsums {
if layersPushed.layersPushed[dgst] {
// it is already known that the push is not needed and
// therefore doing a stat is unnecessary
return dgst, true, nil
for _, dgst := range blobsums {
_, err := repo.Blobs(ctx).Stat(ctx, dgst)
switch err {
case nil:
return dgst, true, nil
case distribution.ErrBlobUnknown:
// nop
return "", false, err
return "", false, nil
// CreateV2Manifest creates a V2 manifest from an image config and set of
// FSLayer digests.
// FIXME: This should be moved to the distribution repo, since it will also
// be useful for converting new manifests to the old format.
func CreateV2Manifest(name, tag string, img *image.Image, fsLayers map[layer.DiffID]digest.Digest) (*schema1.Manifest, error) {
if len(img.History) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("empty history when trying to create V2 manifest")
// Generate IDs for each layer
// For non-top-level layers, create fake V1Compatibility strings that
// fit the format and don't collide with anything else, but don't
// result in runnable images on their own.
type v1Compatibility struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Parent string `json:"parent,omitempty"`
Comment string `json:"comment,omitempty"`
Created time.Time `json:"created"`
ContainerConfig struct {
Cmd []string
} `json:"container_config,omitempty"`
ThrowAway bool `json:"throwaway,omitempty"`
fsLayerList := make([]schema1.FSLayer, len(img.History))
history := make([]schema1.History, len(img.History))
parent := ""
layerCounter := 0
for i, h := range img.History {
if i == len(img.History)-1 {
var diffID layer.DiffID
if h.EmptyLayer {
diffID = layer.EmptyLayer.DiffID()
} else {
if len(img.RootFS.DiffIDs) <= layerCounter {
return nil, errors.New("too many non-empty layers in History section")
diffID = img.RootFS.DiffIDs[layerCounter]
fsLayer, present := fsLayers[diffID]
if !present {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing layer in CreateV2Manifest: %s", diffID.String())
dgst, err := digest.FromBytes([]byte(fsLayer.Hex() + " " + parent))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
v1ID := dgst.Hex()
v1Compatibility := v1Compatibility{
ID: v1ID,
Parent: parent,
Comment: h.Comment,
Created: h.Created,
v1Compatibility.ContainerConfig.Cmd = []string{img.History[i].CreatedBy}
if h.EmptyLayer {
v1Compatibility.ThrowAway = true
jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(&v1Compatibility)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
reversedIndex := len(img.History) - i - 1
history[reversedIndex].V1Compatibility = string(jsonBytes)
fsLayerList[reversedIndex] = schema1.FSLayer{BlobSum: fsLayer}
parent = v1ID
latestHistory := img.History[len(img.History)-1]
var diffID layer.DiffID
if latestHistory.EmptyLayer {
diffID = layer.EmptyLayer.DiffID()
} else {
if len(img.RootFS.DiffIDs) <= layerCounter {
return nil, errors.New("too many non-empty layers in History section")
diffID = img.RootFS.DiffIDs[layerCounter]
fsLayer, present := fsLayers[diffID]
if !present {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing layer in CreateV2Manifest: %s", diffID.String())
dgst, err := digest.FromBytes([]byte(fsLayer.Hex() + " " + parent + " " + string(img.RawJSON())))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fsLayerList[0] = schema1.FSLayer{BlobSum: fsLayer}
// Top-level v1compatibility string should be a modified version of the
// image config.
transformedConfig, err := v1.MakeV1ConfigFromConfig(img, dgst.Hex(), parent, latestHistory.EmptyLayer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
history[0].V1Compatibility = string(transformedConfig)
// windows-only baselayer setup
if err := setupBaseLayer(history, *img.RootFS); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &schema1.Manifest{
Versioned: manifest.Versioned{
SchemaVersion: 1,
Name: name,
Tag: tag,
Architecture: img.Architecture,
FSLayers: fsLayerList,
History: history,
}, nil