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mirror of https://github.com/moby/moby.git synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00
Yong Tang 55d05fc055 Replace "workdir' with const, same as other flags in service create
This is a minor fix that tries to replace `"workdir"` with const in `service create`.

Since `"workdir"` is the only string not defined as const in `func addServiceFlags()`,
I think it makes sense to replace `"workdir"` with a const to be consistent.

The flag `"workdir"` in `service update` has also been replaced.

Signed-off-by: Yong Tang <yong.tang.github@outlook.com>
2016-08-01 11:45:28 -07:00

444 lines
13 KiB

package service
import (
runconfigopts "github.com/docker/docker/runconfig/opts"
shlex "github.com/flynn-archive/go-shlex"
func newUpdateCommand(dockerCli *client.DockerCli) *cobra.Command {
opts := newServiceOptions()
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "update [OPTIONS] SERVICE",
Short: "Update a service",
Args: cli.ExactArgs(1),
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return runUpdate(dockerCli, cmd.Flags(), args[0])
flags := cmd.Flags()
flags.String("image", "", "Service image tag")
flags.String("args", "", "Service command args")
addServiceFlags(cmd, opts)
flags.Var(newListOptsVar(), flagEnvRemove, "Remove an environment variable")
flags.Var(newListOptsVar(), flagLabelRemove, "Remove a label by its key")
flags.Var(newListOptsVar(), flagContainerLabelRemove, "Remove a container label by its key")
flags.Var(newListOptsVar(), flagMountRemove, "Remove a mount by its target path")
flags.Var(newListOptsVar(), flagPublishRemove, "Remove a published port by its target port")
flags.Var(newListOptsVar(), flagNetworkRemove, "Remove a network by name")
flags.Var(newListOptsVar(), flagConstraintRemove, "Remove a constraint")
flags.Var(&opts.labels, flagLabelAdd, "Add or update service labels")
flags.Var(&opts.containerLabels, flagContainerLabelAdd, "Add or update container labels")
flags.Var(&opts.env, flagEnvAdd, "Add or update environment variables")
flags.Var(&opts.mounts, flagMountAdd, "Add or update a mount on a service")
flags.StringSliceVar(&opts.constraints, flagConstraintAdd, []string{}, "Add or update placement constraints")
flags.StringSliceVar(&opts.networks, flagNetworkAdd, []string{}, "Add or update network attachments")
flags.Var(&opts.endpoint.ports, flagPublishAdd, "Add or update a published port")
return cmd
func newListOptsVar() *opts.ListOpts {
return opts.NewListOptsRef(&[]string{}, nil)
func runUpdate(dockerCli *client.DockerCli, flags *pflag.FlagSet, serviceID string) error {
apiClient := dockerCli.Client()
ctx := context.Background()
updateOpts := types.ServiceUpdateOptions{}
service, _, err := apiClient.ServiceInspectWithRaw(ctx, serviceID)
if err != nil {
return err
err = updateService(flags, &service.Spec)
if err != nil {
return err
// only send auth if flag was set
sendAuth, err := flags.GetBool(flagRegistryAuth)
if err != nil {
return err
if sendAuth {
// Retrieve encoded auth token from the image reference
// This would be the old image if it didn't change in this update
image := service.Spec.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Image
encodedAuth, err := dockerCli.RetrieveAuthTokenFromImage(ctx, image)
if err != nil {
return err
updateOpts.EncodedRegistryAuth = encodedAuth
err = apiClient.ServiceUpdate(ctx, service.ID, service.Version, service.Spec, updateOpts)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(dockerCli.Out(), "%s\n", serviceID)
return nil
func updateService(flags *pflag.FlagSet, spec *swarm.ServiceSpec) error {
updateString := func(flag string, field *string) {
if flags.Changed(flag) {
*field, _ = flags.GetString(flag)
updateInt64Value := func(flag string, field *int64) {
if flags.Changed(flag) {
*field = flags.Lookup(flag).Value.(int64Value).Value()
updateDuration := func(flag string, field *time.Duration) {
if flags.Changed(flag) {
*field, _ = flags.GetDuration(flag)
updateDurationOpt := func(flag string, field **time.Duration) {
if flags.Changed(flag) {
val := *flags.Lookup(flag).Value.(*DurationOpt).Value()
*field = &val
updateUint64 := func(flag string, field *uint64) {
if flags.Changed(flag) {
*field, _ = flags.GetUint64(flag)
updateUint64Opt := func(flag string, field **uint64) {
if flags.Changed(flag) {
val := *flags.Lookup(flag).Value.(*Uint64Opt).Value()
*field = &val
cspec := &spec.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec
task := &spec.TaskTemplate
taskResources := func() *swarm.ResourceRequirements {
if task.Resources == nil {
task.Resources = &swarm.ResourceRequirements{}
return task.Resources
updateString(flagName, &spec.Name)
updateLabels(flags, &spec.Labels)
updateContainerLabels(flags, &cspec.Labels)
updateString("image", &cspec.Image)
updateStringToSlice(flags, "args", &cspec.Args)
updateEnvironment(flags, &cspec.Env)
updateString(flagWorkdir, &cspec.Dir)
updateString(flagUser, &cspec.User)
updateMounts(flags, &cspec.Mounts)
if flags.Changed(flagLimitCPU) || flags.Changed(flagLimitMemory) {
taskResources().Limits = &swarm.Resources{}
updateInt64Value(flagLimitCPU, &task.Resources.Limits.NanoCPUs)
updateInt64Value(flagLimitMemory, &task.Resources.Limits.MemoryBytes)
if flags.Changed(flagReserveCPU) || flags.Changed(flagReserveMemory) {
taskResources().Reservations = &swarm.Resources{}
updateInt64Value(flagReserveCPU, &task.Resources.Reservations.NanoCPUs)
updateInt64Value(flagReserveMemory, &task.Resources.Reservations.MemoryBytes)
updateDurationOpt(flagStopGracePeriod, &cspec.StopGracePeriod)
if anyChanged(flags, flagRestartCondition, flagRestartDelay, flagRestartMaxAttempts, flagRestartWindow) {
if task.RestartPolicy == nil {
task.RestartPolicy = &swarm.RestartPolicy{}
if flags.Changed(flagRestartCondition) {
value, _ := flags.GetString(flagRestartCondition)
task.RestartPolicy.Condition = swarm.RestartPolicyCondition(value)
updateDurationOpt(flagRestartDelay, &task.RestartPolicy.Delay)
updateUint64Opt(flagRestartMaxAttempts, &task.RestartPolicy.MaxAttempts)
updateDurationOpt(flagRestartWindow, &task.RestartPolicy.Window)
if anyChanged(flags, flagConstraintAdd, flagConstraintRemove) {
if task.Placement == nil {
task.Placement = &swarm.Placement{}
updatePlacement(flags, task.Placement)
if err := updateReplicas(flags, &spec.Mode); err != nil {
return err
if anyChanged(flags, flagUpdateParallelism, flagUpdateDelay, flagUpdateFailureAction) {
if spec.UpdateConfig == nil {
spec.UpdateConfig = &swarm.UpdateConfig{}
updateUint64(flagUpdateParallelism, &spec.UpdateConfig.Parallelism)
updateDuration(flagUpdateDelay, &spec.UpdateConfig.Delay)
updateString(flagUpdateFailureAction, &spec.UpdateConfig.FailureAction)
updateNetworks(flags, &spec.Networks)
if flags.Changed(flagEndpointMode) {
value, _ := flags.GetString(flagEndpointMode)
if spec.EndpointSpec == nil {
spec.EndpointSpec = &swarm.EndpointSpec{}
spec.EndpointSpec.Mode = swarm.ResolutionMode(value)
if anyChanged(flags, flagPublishAdd, flagPublishRemove) {
if spec.EndpointSpec == nil {
spec.EndpointSpec = &swarm.EndpointSpec{}
updatePorts(flags, &spec.EndpointSpec.Ports)
if err := updateLogDriver(flags, &spec.TaskTemplate); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func updateStringToSlice(flags *pflag.FlagSet, flag string, field *[]string) error {
if !flags.Changed(flag) {
return nil
value, _ := flags.GetString(flag)
valueSlice, err := shlex.Split(value)
*field = valueSlice
return err
func anyChanged(flags *pflag.FlagSet, fields ...string) bool {
for _, flag := range fields {
if flags.Changed(flag) {
return true
return false
func updatePlacement(flags *pflag.FlagSet, placement *swarm.Placement) {
field, _ := flags.GetStringSlice(flagConstraintAdd)
placement.Constraints = append(placement.Constraints, field...)
toRemove := buildToRemoveSet(flags, flagConstraintRemove)
placement.Constraints = removeItems(placement.Constraints, toRemove, itemKey)
func updateContainerLabels(flags *pflag.FlagSet, field *map[string]string) {
if flags.Changed(flagContainerLabelAdd) {
if *field == nil {
*field = map[string]string{}
values := flags.Lookup(flagContainerLabelAdd).Value.(*opts.ListOpts).GetAll()
for key, value := range runconfigopts.ConvertKVStringsToMap(values) {
(*field)[key] = value
if *field != nil && flags.Changed(flagContainerLabelRemove) {
toRemove := flags.Lookup(flagContainerLabelRemove).Value.(*opts.ListOpts).GetAll()
for _, label := range toRemove {
delete(*field, label)
func updateLabels(flags *pflag.FlagSet, field *map[string]string) {
if flags.Changed(flagLabelAdd) {
if *field == nil {
*field = map[string]string{}
values := flags.Lookup(flagLabelAdd).Value.(*opts.ListOpts).GetAll()
for key, value := range runconfigopts.ConvertKVStringsToMap(values) {
(*field)[key] = value
if *field != nil && flags.Changed(flagLabelRemove) {
toRemove := flags.Lookup(flagLabelRemove).Value.(*opts.ListOpts).GetAll()
for _, label := range toRemove {
delete(*field, label)
func updateEnvironment(flags *pflag.FlagSet, field *[]string) {
if flags.Changed(flagEnvAdd) {
value := flags.Lookup(flagEnvAdd).Value.(*opts.ListOpts)
*field = append(*field, value.GetAll()...)
toRemove := buildToRemoveSet(flags, flagEnvRemove)
*field = removeItems(*field, toRemove, envKey)
func envKey(value string) string {
kv := strings.SplitN(value, "=", 2)
return kv[0]
func itemKey(value string) string {
return value
func buildToRemoveSet(flags *pflag.FlagSet, flag string) map[string]struct{} {
var empty struct{}
toRemove := make(map[string]struct{})
if !flags.Changed(flag) {
return toRemove
toRemoveSlice := flags.Lookup(flag).Value.(*opts.ListOpts).GetAll()
for _, key := range toRemoveSlice {
toRemove[key] = empty
return toRemove
func removeItems(
seq []string,
toRemove map[string]struct{},
keyFunc func(string) string,
) []string {
newSeq := []string{}
for _, item := range seq {
if _, exists := toRemove[keyFunc(item)]; !exists {
newSeq = append(newSeq, item)
return newSeq
func updateMounts(flags *pflag.FlagSet, mounts *[]swarm.Mount) {
if flags.Changed(flagMountAdd) {
values := flags.Lookup(flagMountAdd).Value.(*MountOpt).Value()
*mounts = append(*mounts, values...)
toRemove := buildToRemoveSet(flags, flagMountRemove)
newMounts := []swarm.Mount{}
for _, mount := range *mounts {
if _, exists := toRemove[mount.Target]; !exists {
newMounts = append(newMounts, mount)
*mounts = newMounts
func updatePorts(flags *pflag.FlagSet, portConfig *[]swarm.PortConfig) {
if flags.Changed(flagPublishAdd) {
values := flags.Lookup(flagPublishAdd).Value.(*opts.ListOpts).GetAll()
ports, portBindings, _ := nat.ParsePortSpecs(values)
for port := range ports {
*portConfig = append(*portConfig, convertPortToPortConfig(port, portBindings)...)
if !flags.Changed(flagPublishRemove) {
toRemove := flags.Lookup(flagPublishRemove).Value.(*opts.ListOpts).GetAll()
newPorts := []swarm.PortConfig{}
for _, port := range *portConfig {
for _, rawTargetPort := range toRemove {
targetPort := nat.Port(rawTargetPort)
if equalPort(targetPort, port) {
continue portLoop
newPorts = append(newPorts, port)
*portConfig = newPorts
func equalPort(targetPort nat.Port, port swarm.PortConfig) bool {
return (string(port.Protocol) == targetPort.Proto() &&
port.TargetPort == uint32(targetPort.Int()))
func updateNetworks(flags *pflag.FlagSet, attachments *[]swarm.NetworkAttachmentConfig) {
if flags.Changed(flagNetworkAdd) {
networks, _ := flags.GetStringSlice(flagNetworkAdd)
for _, network := range networks {
*attachments = append(*attachments, swarm.NetworkAttachmentConfig{Target: network})
toRemove := buildToRemoveSet(flags, flagNetworkRemove)
newNetworks := []swarm.NetworkAttachmentConfig{}
for _, network := range *attachments {
if _, exists := toRemove[network.Target]; !exists {
newNetworks = append(newNetworks, network)
*attachments = newNetworks
func updateReplicas(flags *pflag.FlagSet, serviceMode *swarm.ServiceMode) error {
if !flags.Changed(flagReplicas) {
return nil
if serviceMode == nil || serviceMode.Replicated == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("replicas can only be used with replicated mode")
serviceMode.Replicated.Replicas = flags.Lookup(flagReplicas).Value.(*Uint64Opt).Value()
return nil
// updateLogDriver updates the log driver only if the log driver flag is set.
// All options will be replaced with those provided on the command line.
func updateLogDriver(flags *pflag.FlagSet, taskTemplate *swarm.TaskSpec) error {
if !flags.Changed(flagLogDriver) {
return nil
name, err := flags.GetString(flagLogDriver)
if err != nil {
return err
if name == "" {
return nil
taskTemplate.LogDriver = &swarm.Driver{
Name: name,
Options: runconfigopts.ConvertKVStringsToMap(flags.Lookup(flagLogOpt).Value.(*opts.ListOpts).GetAll()),
return nil