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Ian Campbell f02221a794 pkg/jsonmessage: Use terminfo rather than open coding ANSI escape codes
Although our use of ANSI codes here is rather simple it is generally good
practice to use terminfo in order to be portable to different terminal

Vendor github.com/Nvveen/Gotty (actually my fork with a fix, see
https://github.com/Nvveen/Gotty/pull/1) and use that to parse the terminfo

Note that "\e]2K" (clear entire line) is not covered by terminfo. We can
achieve the same end by first clearing from begining of line to cursor
(el1="\e]1K") and then clearing from cursor to end of line (el="\e]k").

Test suite has been updated and forces (either directly or by setting $TERM to
something highly unlikely to exist) the use of the non-terminfo fallbacks which
retains the same output behaviour as previously. This is preferable even to
relying on a well-known and relatively static terminfo (like vt102) since even
that in principal might have different terminfo encodings.

In case terminfo is not available at all for $TERM or doesn't expose the
specific capabilities which we use then fall back to the previous manual
escapes, with the exception that we avoid "\e]2K" as discussed above.

Tested with a manual docker pull with rxvt-unicode ($TERM=rxvt-unicode), xterm
($TERM=xterm), mlterm ($TERM=mlterm) and aterm ($TERM=kterm).

Signed-off-by: Ian Campbell <ian.campbell@docker.com>
2016-11-11 11:40:53 +00:00

362 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright 2012 Neal van Veen. All rights reserved.
// Usage of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package gotty
import (
var exp = [...]string{
"%(:[\\ #\\-\\+]{0,4})?(\\d+\\.\\d+|\\d+)?[doxXs]",
var regex *regexp.Regexp
var staticVar map[byte]stacker
// Parses the attribute that is received with name attr and parameters params.
func (term *TermInfo) Parse(attr string, params ...interface{}) (string, error) {
// Get the attribute name first.
iface, err := term.GetAttribute(attr)
str, ok := iface.(string)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if !ok {
return str, errors.New("Only string capabilities can be parsed.")
// Construct the hidden parser struct so we can use a recursive stack based
// parser.
ps := &parser{}
// Dynamic variables only exist in this context.
ps.dynamicVar = make(map[byte]stacker, 26)
ps.parameters = make([]stacker, len(params))
// Convert the parameters to insert them into the parser struct.
for i, x := range params {
ps.parameters[i] = x
// Recursively walk and return.
result, err := ps.walk(str)
return result, err
// Parses the attribute that is received with name attr and parameters params.
// Only works on full name of a capability that is given, which it uses to
// search for the termcap name.
func (term *TermInfo) ParseName(attr string, params ...interface{}) (string, error) {
tc := GetTermcapName(attr)
return term.Parse(tc, params)
// Identify each token in a stack based manner and do the actual parsing.
func (ps *parser) walk(attr string) (string, error) {
// We use a buffer to get the modified string.
var buf bytes.Buffer
// Next, find and identify all tokens by their indices and strings.
tokens := regex.FindAllStringSubmatch(attr, -1)
if len(tokens) == 0 {
return attr, nil
indices := regex.FindAllStringIndex(attr, -1)
q := 0 // q counts the matches of one token
// Iterate through the string per character.
for i := 0; i < len(attr); i++ {
// If the current position is an identified token, execute the following
// steps.
if q < len(indices) && i >= indices[q][0] && i < indices[q][1] {
// Switch on token.
switch {
case tokens[q][0][:2] == "%%":
// Literal percentage character.
case tokens[q][0][:2] == "%c":
// Pop a character.
c, err := ps.st.pop()
if err != nil {
return buf.String(), err
case tokens[q][0][:2] == "%s":
// Pop a string.
str, err := ps.st.pop()
if err != nil {
return buf.String(), err
if _, ok := str.(string); !ok {
return buf.String(), errors.New("Stack head is not a string")
case tokens[q][0][:2] == "%p":
// Push a parameter on the stack.
index, err := strconv.ParseInt(tokens[q][1], 10, 8)
if err != nil {
return buf.String(), err
if int(index) >= len(ps.parameters) {
return buf.String(), errors.New("Parameters index out of bound")
case tokens[q][0][:2] == "%P":
// Pop a variable from the stack as a dynamic or static variable.
val, err := ps.st.pop()
if err != nil {
return buf.String(), err
index := tokens[q][2]
if len(index) > 1 {
errorStr := fmt.Sprintf("%s is not a valid dynamic variables index",
return buf.String(), errors.New(errorStr)
// Specify either dynamic or static.
if index[0] >= 'a' && index[0] <= 'z' {
ps.dynamicVar[index[0]] = val
} else if index[0] >= 'A' && index[0] <= 'Z' {
staticVar[index[0]] = val
case tokens[q][0][:2] == "%g":
// Push a variable from the stack as a dynamic or static variable.
index := tokens[q][3]
if len(index) > 1 {
errorStr := fmt.Sprintf("%s is not a valid static variables index",
return buf.String(), errors.New(errorStr)
var val stacker
if index[0] >= 'a' && index[0] <= 'z' {
val = ps.dynamicVar[index[0]]
} else if index[0] >= 'A' && index[0] <= 'Z' {
val = staticVar[index[0]]
case tokens[q][0][:2] == "%'":
// Push a character constant.
con := tokens[q][4]
if len(con) > 1 {
errorStr := fmt.Sprintf("%s is not a valid character constant", con)
return buf.String(), errors.New(errorStr)
case tokens[q][0][:2] == "%{":
// Push an integer constant.
con, err := strconv.ParseInt(tokens[q][5], 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return buf.String(), err
case tokens[q][0][:2] == "%l":
// Push the length of the string that is popped from the stack.
popStr, err := ps.st.pop()
if err != nil {
return buf.String(), err
if _, ok := popStr.(string); !ok {
errStr := fmt.Sprintf("Stack head is not a string")
return buf.String(), errors.New(errStr)
case tokens[q][0][:2] == "%?":
// If-then-else construct. First, the whole string is identified and
// then inside this substring, we can specify which parts to switch on.
ifReg, _ := regexp.Compile("%\\?(.*)%t(.*)%e(.*);|%\\?(.*)%t(.*);")
ifTokens := ifReg.FindStringSubmatch(tokens[q][0])
var (
ifStr string
err error
// Parse the if-part to determine if-else.
if len(ifTokens[1]) > 0 {
ifStr, err = ps.walk(ifTokens[1])
} else { // else
ifStr, err = ps.walk(ifTokens[4])
// Return any errors
if err != nil {
return buf.String(), err
} else if len(ifStr) > 0 {
// Self-defined limitation, not sure if this is correct, but didn't
// seem like it.
return buf.String(), errors.New("If-clause cannot print statements")
var thenStr string
// Pop the first value that is set by parsing the if-clause.
choose, err := ps.st.pop()
if err != nil {
return buf.String(), err
// Switch to if or else.
if choose.(int) == 0 && len(ifTokens[1]) > 0 {
thenStr, err = ps.walk(ifTokens[3])
} else if choose.(int) != 0 {
if len(ifTokens[1]) > 0 {
thenStr, err = ps.walk(ifTokens[2])
} else {
thenStr, err = ps.walk(ifTokens[5])
if err != nil {
return buf.String(), err
case tokens[q][0][len(tokens[q][0])-1] == 'd': // Fallthrough for printing
case tokens[q][0][len(tokens[q][0])-1] == 'o': // digits.
case tokens[q][0][len(tokens[q][0])-1] == 'x':
case tokens[q][0][len(tokens[q][0])-1] == 'X':
case tokens[q][0][len(tokens[q][0])-1] == 's':
token := tokens[q][0]
// Remove the : that comes before a flag.
if token[1] == ':' {
token = token[:1] + token[2:]
digit, err := ps.st.pop()
if err != nil {
return buf.String(), err
// The rest is determined like the normal formatted prints.
digitStr := fmt.Sprintf(token, digit.(int))
case tokens[q][0][:2] == "%i":
// Increment the parameters by one.
if len(ps.parameters) < 2 {
return buf.String(), errors.New("Not enough parameters to increment.")
val1, val2 := ps.parameters[0].(int), ps.parameters[1].(int)
ps.parameters[0], ps.parameters[1] = val1, val2
// The rest of the tokens is a special case, where two values are
// popped and then operated on by the token that comes after them.
op1, err := ps.st.pop()
if err != nil {
return buf.String(), err
op2, err := ps.st.pop()
if err != nil {
return buf.String(), err
var result stacker
switch tokens[q][0][:2] {
case "%+":
// Addition
result = op2.(int) + op1.(int)
case "%-":
// Subtraction
result = op2.(int) - op1.(int)
case "%*":
// Multiplication
result = op2.(int) * op1.(int)
case "%/":
// Division
result = op2.(int) / op1.(int)
case "%m":
// Modulo
result = op2.(int) % op1.(int)
case "%&":
// Bitwise AND
result = op2.(int) & op1.(int)
case "%|":
// Bitwise OR
result = op2.(int) | op1.(int)
case "%^":
// Bitwise XOR
result = op2.(int) ^ op1.(int)
case "%=":
// Equals
result = op2 == op1
case "%>":
// Greater-than
result = op2.(int) > op1.(int)
case "%<":
// Lesser-than
result = op2.(int) < op1.(int)
case "%A":
// Logical AND
result = op2.(bool) && op1.(bool)
case "%O":
// Logical OR
result = op2.(bool) || op1.(bool)
case "%!":
// Logical complement
result = !op1.(bool)
case "%~":
// Bitwise complement
result = ^(op1.(int))
i = indices[q][1] - 1
} else {
// We are not "inside" a token, so just skip until the end or the next
// token, and add all characters to the buffer.
j := i
if q != len(indices) {
for !(j >= indices[q][0] && j < indices[q][1]) {
} else {
j = len(attr)
i = j
// Return the buffer as a string.
return buf.String(), nil
// Push a stacker-value onto the stack.
func (st *stack) push(s stacker) {
*st = append(*st, s)
// Pop a stacker-value from the stack.
func (st *stack) pop() (stacker, error) {
if len(*st) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("Stack is empty.")
newStack := make(stack, len(*st)-1)
val := (*st)[len(*st)-1]
copy(newStack, (*st)[:len(*st)-1])
*st = newStack
return val, nil
// Initialize regexes and the static vars (that don't get changed between
// calls.
func init() {
// Initialize the main regex.
expStr := strings.Join(exp[:], "|")
regex, _ = regexp.Compile(expStr)
// Initialize the static variables.
staticVar = make(map[byte]stacker, 26)