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synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

This utility was just a shallow wrapper around executing the regular expression, and in some cases, we didn't even use the error it returned, so better to inline the code instead of abstracting it away. Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <github@gone.nl>
459 lines
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459 lines
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package mounts // import "github.com/docker/docker/volume/mounts"
import (
// NewWindowsParser creates a parser with Windows semantics.
func NewWindowsParser() Parser {
return &windowsParser{
fi: defaultFileInfoProvider{},
type windowsParser struct {
fi fileInfoProvider
const (
// Spec should be in the format [source:]destination[:mode]
// Examples: c:\foo bar:d:rw
// c:\foo:d:\bar
// myname:d:
// d:\
// Explanation of this regex! Thanks @thaJeztah on IRC and gist for help. See
// https://gist.github.com/thaJeztah/6185659e4978789fb2b2. A good place to
// test is https://regex-golang.appspot.com/assets/html/index.html
// Useful link for referencing named capturing groups:
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20750843/using-named-matches-from-go-regex
// There are three match groups: source, destination and mode.
// rxHostDir is the first option of a source
rxHostDir = `(?:\\\\\?\\)?[a-z]:[\\/](?:[^\\/:*?"<>|\r\n]+[\\/]?)*`
// rxName is the second option of a source
rxName = `[^\\/:*?"<>|\r\n]+`
// RXReservedNames are reserved names not possible on Windows
rxReservedNames = `(con)|(prn)|(nul)|(aux)|(com[1-9])|(lpt[1-9])`
// rxPipe is a named path pipe (starts with `\\.\pipe\`, possibly with / instead of \)
rxPipe = `[/\\]{2}.[/\\]pipe[/\\][^:*?"<>|\r\n]+`
// rxSource is the combined possibilities for a source
rxSource = `((?P<source>((` + rxHostDir + `)|(` + rxName + `)|(` + rxPipe + `))):)?`
// Source. Can be either a host directory, a name, or omitted:
// HostDir:
// - Essentially using the folder solution from
// https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/regular-expressions-cookbook/9781449327453/ch08s18.html
// but adding case insensitivity.
// - Must be an absolute path such as c:\path
// - Can include spaces such as `c:\program files`
// - And then followed by a colon which is not in the capture group
// - And can be optional
// Name:
// - Must not contain invalid NTFS filename characters (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365247(v=vs.85).aspx)
// - And then followed by a colon which is not in the capture group
// - And can be optional
// rxDestination is the regex expression for the mount destination
rxDestination = `(?P<destination>((?:\\\\\?\\)?([a-z]):((?:[\\/][^\\/:*?"<>\r\n]+)*[\\/]?))|(` + rxPipe + `))`
// rxMode is the regex expression for the mode of the mount
// Mode (optional):
// - Hopefully self explanatory in comparison to above regex's.
// - Colon is not in the capture group
rxMode = `(:(?P<mode>(?i)ro|rw))?`
var (
volumeNameRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^` + rxName + `$`)
reservedNameRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^` + rxReservedNames + `$`)
hostDirRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^` + rxHostDir + `$`)
mountDestinationRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^` + rxDestination + `$`)
windowsSplitRawSpecRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^` + rxSource + rxDestination + rxMode + `$`)
type mountValidator func(mnt *mount.Mount) error
func (p *windowsParser) splitRawSpec(raw string, splitRegexp *regexp.Regexp) ([]string, error) {
match := splitRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(strings.ToLower(raw))
if len(match) == 0 {
return nil, errInvalidSpec(raw)
var split []string
matchgroups := make(map[string]string)
// Pull out the sub expressions from the named capture groups
for i, name := range splitRegexp.SubexpNames() {
matchgroups[name] = strings.ToLower(match[i])
if source, exists := matchgroups["source"]; exists {
if source != "" {
split = append(split, source)
if destination, exists := matchgroups["destination"]; exists {
if destination != "" {
split = append(split, destination)
if mode, exists := matchgroups["mode"]; exists {
if mode != "" {
split = append(split, mode)
// Fix #26329. If the destination appears to be a file, and the source is null,
// it may be because we've fallen through the possible naming regex and hit a
// situation where the user intention was to map a file into a container through
// a local volume, but this is not supported by the platform.
if matchgroups["source"] == "" && matchgroups["destination"] != "" {
if volumeNameRegexp.MatchString(matchgroups["destination"]) {
if reservedNameRegexp.MatchString(matchgroups["destination"]) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("volume name %q cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames", matchgroups["destination"])
} else {
exists, isDir, _ := p.fi.fileInfo(matchgroups["destination"])
if exists && !isDir {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("file '%s' cannot be mapped. Only directories can be mapped on this platform", matchgroups["destination"])
return split, nil
func windowsValidMountMode(mode string) bool {
if mode == "" {
return true
// TODO should windows mounts produce an error if any mode was provided (they're a no-op on windows)
return rwModes[strings.ToLower(mode)]
func windowsValidateNotRoot(p string) error {
p = strings.ToLower(strings.Replace(p, `/`, `\`, -1))
if p == "c:" || p == `c:\` {
return fmt.Errorf("destination path cannot be `c:` or `c:\\`: %v", p)
return nil
var windowsValidators mountValidator = func(m *mount.Mount) error {
if err := windowsValidateNotRoot(m.Target); err != nil {
return err
if !mountDestinationRegexp.MatchString(strings.ToLower(m.Target)) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid mount path: '%s'", m.Target)
return nil
func windowsValidateAbsolute(p string) error {
if !mountDestinationRegexp.MatchString(strings.ToLower(p)) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid mount path: '%s' mount path must be absolute", p)
return nil
func windowsDetectMountType(p string) mount.Type {
if strings.HasPrefix(p, `\\.\pipe\`) {
return mount.TypeNamedPipe
} else if hostDirRegexp.MatchString(p) {
return mount.TypeBind
} else {
return mount.TypeVolume
func (p *windowsParser) ReadWrite(mode string) bool {
return strings.ToLower(mode) != "ro"
// ValidateVolumeName checks a volume name in a platform specific manner.
func (p *windowsParser) ValidateVolumeName(name string) error {
if !volumeNameRegexp.MatchString(name) {
return errors.New("invalid volume name")
if reservedNameRegexp.MatchString(name) {
return fmt.Errorf("volume name %q cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames", name)
return nil
func (p *windowsParser) ValidateMountConfig(mnt *mount.Mount) error {
return p.validateMountConfigReg(mnt, windowsValidators)
type fileInfoProvider interface {
fileInfo(path string) (exist, isDir bool, err error)
type defaultFileInfoProvider struct {
func (defaultFileInfoProvider) fileInfo(path string) (exist, isDir bool, err error) {
fi, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false, false, err
return false, false, nil
return true, fi.IsDir(), nil
func (p *windowsParser) validateMountConfigReg(mnt *mount.Mount, additionalValidators ...mountValidator) error {
if len(mnt.Target) == 0 {
return &errMountConfig{mnt, errMissingField("Target")}
for _, v := range additionalValidators {
if err := v(mnt); err != nil {
return &errMountConfig{mnt, err}
switch mnt.Type {
case mount.TypeBind:
if len(mnt.Source) == 0 {
return &errMountConfig{mnt, errMissingField("Source")}
// Don't error out just because the propagation mode is not supported on the platform
if opts := mnt.BindOptions; opts != nil {
if len(opts.Propagation) > 0 {
return &errMountConfig{mnt, fmt.Errorf("invalid propagation mode: %s", opts.Propagation)}
if mnt.VolumeOptions != nil {
return &errMountConfig{mnt, errExtraField("VolumeOptions")}
if err := windowsValidateAbsolute(mnt.Source); err != nil {
return &errMountConfig{mnt, err}
exists, isdir, err := p.fi.fileInfo(mnt.Source)
if err != nil {
return &errMountConfig{mnt, err}
if !exists {
return &errMountConfig{mnt, errBindSourceDoesNotExist(mnt.Source)}
if !isdir {
return &errMountConfig{mnt, fmt.Errorf("source path must be a directory")}
case mount.TypeVolume:
if mnt.BindOptions != nil {
return &errMountConfig{mnt, errExtraField("BindOptions")}
if len(mnt.Source) == 0 && mnt.ReadOnly {
return &errMountConfig{mnt, fmt.Errorf("must not set ReadOnly mode when using anonymous volumes")}
if len(mnt.Source) != 0 {
if err := p.ValidateVolumeName(mnt.Source); err != nil {
return &errMountConfig{mnt, err}
case mount.TypeNamedPipe:
if len(mnt.Source) == 0 {
return &errMountConfig{mnt, errMissingField("Source")}
if mnt.BindOptions != nil {
return &errMountConfig{mnt, errExtraField("BindOptions")}
if mnt.ReadOnly {
return &errMountConfig{mnt, errExtraField("ReadOnly")}
if windowsDetectMountType(mnt.Source) != mount.TypeNamedPipe {
return &errMountConfig{mnt, fmt.Errorf("'%s' is not a valid pipe path", mnt.Source)}
if windowsDetectMountType(mnt.Target) != mount.TypeNamedPipe {
return &errMountConfig{mnt, fmt.Errorf("'%s' is not a valid pipe path", mnt.Target)}
return &errMountConfig{mnt, errors.New("mount type unknown")}
return nil
func (p *windowsParser) ParseMountRaw(raw, volumeDriver string) (*MountPoint, error) {
arr, err := p.splitRawSpec(raw, windowsSplitRawSpecRegexp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return p.parseMount(arr, raw, volumeDriver, true, windowsValidators)
func (p *windowsParser) parseMount(arr []string, raw, volumeDriver string, convertTargetToBackslash bool, additionalValidators ...mountValidator) (*MountPoint, error) {
var spec mount.Mount
var mode string
switch len(arr) {
case 1:
// Just a destination path in the container
spec.Target = arr[0]
case 2:
if windowsValidMountMode(arr[1]) {
// Destination + Mode is not a valid volume - volumes
// cannot include a mode. e.g. /foo:rw
return nil, errInvalidSpec(raw)
// Host Source Path or Name + Destination
spec.Source = strings.Replace(arr[0], `/`, `\`, -1)
spec.Target = arr[1]
case 3:
// HostSourcePath+DestinationPath+Mode
spec.Source = strings.Replace(arr[0], `/`, `\`, -1)
spec.Target = arr[1]
mode = arr[2]
return nil, errInvalidSpec(raw)
if convertTargetToBackslash {
spec.Target = strings.Replace(spec.Target, `/`, `\`, -1)
if !windowsValidMountMode(mode) {
return nil, errInvalidMode(mode)
spec.Type = windowsDetectMountType(spec.Source)
spec.ReadOnly = !p.ReadWrite(mode)
// cannot assume that if a volume driver is passed in that we should set it
if volumeDriver != "" && spec.Type == mount.TypeVolume {
spec.VolumeOptions = &mount.VolumeOptions{
DriverConfig: &mount.Driver{Name: volumeDriver},
if copyData, isSet := getCopyMode(mode, p.DefaultCopyMode()); isSet {
if spec.VolumeOptions == nil {
spec.VolumeOptions = &mount.VolumeOptions{}
spec.VolumeOptions.NoCopy = !copyData
mp, err := p.parseMountSpec(spec, convertTargetToBackslash, additionalValidators...)
if mp != nil {
mp.Mode = mode
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("%v: %v", errInvalidSpec(raw), err)
return mp, err
func (p *windowsParser) ParseMountSpec(cfg mount.Mount) (*MountPoint, error) {
return p.parseMountSpec(cfg, true, windowsValidators)
func (p *windowsParser) parseMountSpec(cfg mount.Mount, convertTargetToBackslash bool, additionalValidators ...mountValidator) (*MountPoint, error) {
if err := p.validateMountConfigReg(&cfg, additionalValidators...); err != nil {
return nil, err
mp := &MountPoint{
RW: !cfg.ReadOnly,
Destination: cfg.Target,
Type: cfg.Type,
Spec: cfg,
if convertTargetToBackslash {
mp.Destination = strings.Replace(cfg.Target, `/`, `\`, -1)
switch cfg.Type {
case mount.TypeVolume:
if cfg.Source == "" {
mp.Name = stringid.GenerateRandomID()
} else {
mp.Name = cfg.Source
mp.CopyData = p.DefaultCopyMode()
if cfg.VolumeOptions != nil {
if cfg.VolumeOptions.DriverConfig != nil {
mp.Driver = cfg.VolumeOptions.DriverConfig.Name
if cfg.VolumeOptions.NoCopy {
mp.CopyData = false
case mount.TypeBind:
mp.Source = strings.Replace(cfg.Source, `/`, `\`, -1)
case mount.TypeNamedPipe:
mp.Source = strings.Replace(cfg.Source, `/`, `\`, -1)
// cleanup trailing `\` except for paths like `c:\`
if len(mp.Source) > 3 && mp.Source[len(mp.Source)-1] == '\\' {
mp.Source = mp.Source[:len(mp.Source)-1]
if len(mp.Destination) > 3 && mp.Destination[len(mp.Destination)-1] == '\\' {
mp.Destination = mp.Destination[:len(mp.Destination)-1]
return mp, nil
func (p *windowsParser) ParseVolumesFrom(spec string) (string, string, error) {
if len(spec) == 0 {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("volumes-from specification cannot be an empty string")
specParts := strings.SplitN(spec, ":", 2)
id := specParts[0]
mode := "rw"
if len(specParts) == 2 {
mode = specParts[1]
if !windowsValidMountMode(mode) {
return "", "", errInvalidMode(mode)
// Do not allow copy modes on volumes-from
if _, isSet := getCopyMode(mode, p.DefaultCopyMode()); isSet {
return "", "", errInvalidMode(mode)
return id, mode, nil
func (p *windowsParser) DefaultPropagationMode() mount.Propagation {
return ""
func (p *windowsParser) ConvertTmpfsOptions(opt *mount.TmpfsOptions, readOnly bool) (string, error) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%s does not support tmpfs", runtime.GOOS)
func (p *windowsParser) DefaultCopyMode() bool {
return false
func (p *windowsParser) IsBackwardCompatible(m *MountPoint) bool {
return false
func (p *windowsParser) ValidateTmpfsMountDestination(dest string) error {
return errors.New("platform does not support tmpfs")
func (p *windowsParser) HasResource(m *MountPoint, absolutePath string) bool {
return false