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Ian Campbell 5894bc1abf Add docker build --iidfile=FILE
This is synonymous with `docker run --cidfile=FILE` and writes the digest of
the newly built image to the named file. This is intended to be used by build
systems which want to avoid tagging (perhaps because they are in CI or
otherwise want to avoid fixed names which can clash) by enabling e.g. Makefile
constructs like:

    image.id: Dockerfile
    	docker build --iidfile=image.id .

    do-some-more-stuff: image.id
    	do-stuff-with <image.id

Currently the only way to achieve this is to use `docker build -q` and capture
the stdout, but at the expense of losing the build output.

In non-silent mode (without `-q`) with API >= v1.29 the caller will now see a
`JSONMessage` with the `Aux` field containing a `types.BuildResult` in the
output stream for each image/layer produced during the build, with the final
one being the end product.  Having all of the intermediate images might be
interesting in some cases.

In silent mode (with `-q`) there is no change, on success the only output will
be the resulting image digest as it was previosuly.

There was no wrapper to just output an Aux section without enclosing it in a
Progress, so add one here.

Added some tests to integration cli tests.

Signed-off-by: Ian Campbell <ian.campbell@docker.com>
2017-05-05 16:35:54 +01:00

159 lines
4.4 KiB

// Package streamformatter provides helper functions to format a stream.
package streamformatter
import (
const streamNewline = "\r\n"
type jsonProgressFormatter struct{}
func appendNewline(source []byte) []byte {
return append(source, []byte(streamNewline)...)
// FormatStatus formats the specified objects according to the specified format (and id).
func FormatStatus(id, format string, a ...interface{}) []byte {
str := fmt.Sprintf(format, a...)
b, err := json.Marshal(&jsonmessage.JSONMessage{ID: id, Status: str})
if err != nil {
return FormatError(err)
return appendNewline(b)
// FormatError formats the error as a JSON object
func FormatError(err error) []byte {
jsonError, ok := err.(*jsonmessage.JSONError)
if !ok {
jsonError = &jsonmessage.JSONError{Message: err.Error()}
if b, err := json.Marshal(&jsonmessage.JSONMessage{Error: jsonError, ErrorMessage: err.Error()}); err == nil {
return appendNewline(b)
return []byte(`{"error":"format error"}` + streamNewline)
func (sf *jsonProgressFormatter) formatStatus(id, format string, a ...interface{}) []byte {
return FormatStatus(id, format, a...)
// formatProgress formats the progress information for a specified action.
func (sf *jsonProgressFormatter) formatProgress(id, action string, progress *jsonmessage.JSONProgress, aux interface{}) []byte {
if progress == nil {
progress = &jsonmessage.JSONProgress{}
var auxJSON *json.RawMessage
if aux != nil {
auxJSONBytes, err := json.Marshal(aux)
if err != nil {
return nil
auxJSON = new(json.RawMessage)
*auxJSON = auxJSONBytes
b, err := json.Marshal(&jsonmessage.JSONMessage{
Status: action,
ProgressMessage: progress.String(),
Progress: progress,
ID: id,
Aux: auxJSON,
if err != nil {
return nil
return appendNewline(b)
type rawProgressFormatter struct{}
func (sf *rawProgressFormatter) formatStatus(id, format string, a ...interface{}) []byte {
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(format, a...) + streamNewline)
func (sf *rawProgressFormatter) formatProgress(id, action string, progress *jsonmessage.JSONProgress, aux interface{}) []byte {
if progress == nil {
progress = &jsonmessage.JSONProgress{}
endl := "\r"
if progress.String() == "" {
endl += "\n"
return []byte(action + " " + progress.String() + endl)
// NewProgressOutput returns a progress.Output object that can be passed to
// progress.NewProgressReader.
func NewProgressOutput(out io.Writer) progress.Output {
return &progressOutput{sf: &rawProgressFormatter{}, out: out, newLines: true}
// NewJSONProgressOutput returns a progress.Output that that formats output
// using JSON objects
func NewJSONProgressOutput(out io.Writer, newLines bool) progress.Output {
return &progressOutput{sf: &jsonProgressFormatter{}, out: out, newLines: newLines}
type formatProgress interface {
formatStatus(id, format string, a ...interface{}) []byte
formatProgress(id, action string, progress *jsonmessage.JSONProgress, aux interface{}) []byte
type progressOutput struct {
sf formatProgress
out io.Writer
newLines bool
// WriteProgress formats progress information from a ProgressReader.
func (out *progressOutput) WriteProgress(prog progress.Progress) error {
var formatted []byte
if prog.Message != "" {
formatted = out.sf.formatStatus(prog.ID, prog.Message)
} else {
jsonProgress := jsonmessage.JSONProgress{Current: prog.Current, Total: prog.Total, HideCounts: prog.HideCounts}
formatted = out.sf.formatProgress(prog.ID, prog.Action, &jsonProgress, prog.Aux)
_, err := out.out.Write(formatted)
if err != nil {
return err
if out.newLines && prog.LastUpdate {
_, err = out.out.Write(out.sf.formatStatus("", ""))
return err
return nil
// AuxFormatter is a streamFormatter that writes aux progress messages
type AuxFormatter struct {
// Emit emits the given interface as an aux progress message
func (sf *AuxFormatter) Emit(aux interface{}) error {
auxJSONBytes, err := json.Marshal(aux)
if err != nil {
return err
auxJSON := new(json.RawMessage)
*auxJSON = auxJSONBytes
msgJSON, err := json.Marshal(&jsonmessage.JSONMessage{Aux: auxJSON})
if err != nil {
return err
msgJSON = appendNewline(msgJSON)
n, err := sf.Writer.Write(msgJSON)
if n != len(msgJSON) {
return io.ErrShortWrite
return err