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synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

Allows storing key under any directory. In the case where the "/etc/docker" directory is not preserved, this file can be specified to a location where it will be preserved to ensure the ID does not change across restarts. Note this key is currently only used today to generate the ID used in Docker info and for manifest schema v1 pushes. The key signature and finger on these manifests are not checked or used any longer for security, deprecated by notary. Removes old key migration from a pre-release of Docker which put the key under the home directory and was used to preserve ID used for swarm v1 after the file moved. closes #32135 Signed-off-by: Derek McGowan <derek@mcgstyle.net>
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package main
import (
const (
// defaultShutdownTimeout is the default shutdown timeout for the daemon
defaultShutdownTimeout = 15
// defaultTrustKeyFile is the default filename for the trust key
defaultTrustKeyFile = "key.json"
// installCommonConfigFlags adds flags to the pflag.FlagSet to configure the daemon
func installCommonConfigFlags(conf *config.Config, flags *pflag.FlagSet) {
var maxConcurrentDownloads, maxConcurrentUploads int
flags.Var(opts.NewNamedListOptsRef("storage-opts", &conf.GraphOptions, nil), "storage-opt", "Storage driver options")
flags.Var(opts.NewNamedListOptsRef("authorization-plugins", &conf.AuthorizationPlugins, nil), "authorization-plugin", "Authorization plugins to load")
flags.Var(opts.NewNamedListOptsRef("exec-opts", &conf.ExecOptions, nil), "exec-opt", "Runtime execution options")
flags.StringVarP(&conf.Pidfile, "pidfile", "p", defaultPidFile, "Path to use for daemon PID file")
flags.StringVarP(&conf.Root, "graph", "g", defaultDataRoot, "Root of the Docker runtime")
// "--graph" is "soft-deprecated" in favor of "data-root". This flag was added
// before Docker 1.0, so won't be removed, only hidden, to discourage its usage.
flags.StringVar(&conf.Root, "data-root", defaultDataRoot, "Root directory of persistent Docker state")
flags.BoolVarP(&conf.AutoRestart, "restart", "r", true, "--restart on the daemon has been deprecated in favor of --restart policies on docker run")
flags.MarkDeprecated("restart", "Please use a restart policy on docker run")
flags.StringVarP(&conf.GraphDriver, "storage-driver", "s", "", "Storage driver to use")
flags.IntVar(&conf.Mtu, "mtu", 0, "Set the containers network MTU")
flags.BoolVar(&conf.RawLogs, "raw-logs", false, "Full timestamps without ANSI coloring")
flags.Var(opts.NewListOptsRef(&conf.DNS, opts.ValidateIPAddress), "dns", "DNS server to use")
flags.Var(opts.NewNamedListOptsRef("dns-opts", &conf.DNSOptions, nil), "dns-opt", "DNS options to use")
flags.Var(opts.NewListOptsRef(&conf.DNSSearch, opts.ValidateDNSSearch), "dns-search", "DNS search domains to use")
flags.Var(opts.NewNamedListOptsRef("labels", &conf.Labels, opts.ValidateLabel), "label", "Set key=value labels to the daemon")
flags.StringVar(&conf.LogConfig.Type, "log-driver", "json-file", "Default driver for container logs")
flags.Var(opts.NewNamedMapOpts("log-opts", conf.LogConfig.Config, nil), "log-opt", "Default log driver options for containers")
flags.StringVar(&conf.ClusterAdvertise, "cluster-advertise", "", "Address or interface name to advertise")
flags.StringVar(&conf.ClusterStore, "cluster-store", "", "URL of the distributed storage backend")
flags.Var(opts.NewNamedMapOpts("cluster-store-opts", conf.ClusterOpts, nil), "cluster-store-opt", "Set cluster store options")
flags.StringVar(&conf.CorsHeaders, "api-cors-header", "", "Set CORS headers in the Engine API")
flags.IntVar(&maxConcurrentDownloads, "max-concurrent-downloads", config.DefaultMaxConcurrentDownloads, "Set the max concurrent downloads for each pull")
flags.IntVar(&maxConcurrentUploads, "max-concurrent-uploads", config.DefaultMaxConcurrentUploads, "Set the max concurrent uploads for each push")
flags.IntVar(&conf.ShutdownTimeout, "shutdown-timeout", defaultShutdownTimeout, "Set the default shutdown timeout")
flags.StringVar(&conf.SwarmDefaultAdvertiseAddr, "swarm-default-advertise-addr", "", "Set default address or interface for swarm advertised address")
flags.BoolVar(&conf.Experimental, "experimental", false, "Enable experimental features")
flags.StringVar(&conf.MetricsAddress, "metrics-addr", "", "Set default address and port to serve the metrics api on")
// "--deprecated-key-path" is to allow configuration of the key used
// for the daemon ID and the deprecated image signing. It was never
// exposed as a command line option but is added here to allow
// overriding the default path in configuration.
flags.Var(opts.NewQuotedString(&conf.TrustKeyPath), "deprecated-key-path", "Path to key file for ID and image signing")
conf.MaxConcurrentDownloads = &maxConcurrentDownloads
conf.MaxConcurrentUploads = &maxConcurrentUploads