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synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

to include an external CA certificate when updating external CAs. Signed-off-by: Ying Li <ying.li@docker.com>
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282 lines
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package controlapi
import (
var minRootExpiration = 1 * helpers.OneYear
// determines whether an api.RootCA, api.RootRotation, or api.CAConfig has a signing key (local signer)
func hasSigningKey(a interface{}) bool {
switch b := a.(type) {
case *api.RootCA:
return len(b.CAKey) > 0
case *api.RootRotation:
return b != nil && len(b.CAKey) > 0
case *api.CAConfig:
return len(b.SigningCACert) > 0 && len(b.SigningCAKey) > 0
panic("needsExternalCAs should be called something of type *api.RootCA, *api.RootRotation, or *api.CAConfig")
// Creates a cross-signed intermediate and new api.RootRotation object.
// This function assumes that the root cert and key and the external CAs have already been validated.
func newRootRotationObject(ctx context.Context, securityConfig *ca.SecurityConfig, apiRootCA *api.RootCA, newCARootCA ca.RootCA, extCAs []*api.ExternalCA, version uint64) (*api.RootCA, error) {
var (
rootCert, rootKey, crossSignedCert []byte
newRootHasSigner bool
err error
rootCert = newCARootCA.Certs
if s, err := newCARootCA.Signer(); err == nil {
rootCert, rootKey = s.Cert, s.Key
newRootHasSigner = true
// we have to sign with the original signer, not whatever is in the SecurityConfig's RootCA (which may have an intermediate signer, if
// a root rotation is already in progress)
switch {
case hasSigningKey(apiRootCA):
var oldRootCA ca.RootCA
oldRootCA, err = ca.NewRootCA(apiRootCA.CACert, apiRootCA.CACert, apiRootCA.CAKey, ca.DefaultNodeCertExpiration, nil)
if err == nil {
crossSignedCert, err = oldRootCA.CrossSignCACertificate(rootCert)
case !newRootHasSigner: // the original CA and the new CA both require external CAs
return nil, grpc.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "rotating from one external CA to a different external CA is not supported")
// We need the same credentials but to connect to the original URLs (in case we are in the middle of a root rotation already)
externalCA := securityConfig.ExternalCA().Copy()
var urls []string
for _, c := range extCAs {
if c.Protocol == api.ExternalCA_CAProtocolCFSSL {
urls = append(urls, c.URL)
if len(urls) == 0 {
return nil, grpc.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument,
"must provide an external CA for the current external root CA to generate a cross-signed certificate")
crossSignedCert, err = externalCA.CrossSignRootCA(ctx, newCARootCA)
if err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("unable to generate a cross-signed certificate for root rotation")
return nil, grpc.Errorf(codes.Internal, "unable to generate a cross-signed certificate for root rotation")
copied := apiRootCA.Copy()
copied.RootRotation = &api.RootRotation{
CACert: rootCert,
CAKey: rootKey,
CrossSignedCACert: ca.NormalizePEMs(crossSignedCert),
copied.LastForcedRotation = version
return copied, nil
// Checks that a CA URL is connectable using the credentials we have and that its server certificate is signed by the
// root CA that we expect. This uses a TCP dialer rather than an HTTP client; because we have custom TLS configuration,
// if we wanted to use an HTTP client we'd have to create a new transport for every connection. The docs specify that
// Transports cache connections for future re-use, which could cause many open connections.
func validateExternalCAURL(dialer *net.Dialer, tlsOpts *tls.Config, caURL string) error {
parsed, err := url.Parse(caURL)
if err != nil {
return err
if parsed.Scheme != "https" {
return errors.New("invalid HTTP scheme")
host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(parsed.Host)
if err != nil {
// It either has no port or is otherwise invalid (e.g. too many colons). If it's otherwise invalid the dialer
// will error later, so just assume it's no port and set the port to the default HTTPS port.
host = parsed.Host
port = "443"
conn, err := tls.DialWithDialer(dialer, "tcp", net.JoinHostPort(host, port), tlsOpts)
if conn != nil {
return err
// Validates that there is at least 1 reachable, valid external CA for the given CA certificate. Returns true if there is, false otherwise.
// Requires that the wanted cert is already normalized.
func validateHasAtLeastOneExternalCA(ctx context.Context, externalCAs map[string][]*api.ExternalCA, securityConfig *ca.SecurityConfig,
wantedCert []byte, desc string) ([]*api.ExternalCA, error) {
specific, ok := externalCAs[string(wantedCert)]
if ok {
pool := x509.NewCertPool()
dialer := net.Dialer{Timeout: 5 * time.Second}
opts := tls.Config{
RootCAs: pool,
Certificates: securityConfig.ClientTLSCreds.Config().Certificates,
for i, ca := range specific {
if ca.Protocol == api.ExternalCA_CAProtocolCFSSL {
if err := validateExternalCAURL(&dialer, &opts, ca.URL); err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Warnf("external CA # %d is unreachable or invalid", i+1)
} else {
return specific, nil
return nil, grpc.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "there must be at least one valid, reachable external CA corresponding to the %s CA certificate", desc)
// validates that the list of external CAs have valid certs associated with them, and produce a mapping of subject/pubkey:external
// for later validation of required external CAs
func getNormalizedExtCAs(caConfig *api.CAConfig, normalizedCurrentRootCACert []byte) (map[string][]*api.ExternalCA, error) {
extCAs := make(map[string][]*api.ExternalCA)
for _, extCA := range caConfig.ExternalCAs {
associatedCert := normalizedCurrentRootCACert
// if no associated cert is provided, assume it's the current root cert
if len(extCA.CACert) > 0 {
associatedCert = ca.NormalizePEMs(extCA.CACert)
certKey := string(associatedCert)
extCAs[certKey] = append(extCAs[certKey], extCA)
return extCAs, nil
// validateAndUpdateCA validates a cluster's desired CA configuration spec, and returns a RootCA value on success representing
// current RootCA as it should be. Validation logic and return values are as follows:
// 1. Validates that the contents are complete - e.g. a signing key is not provided without a signing cert, and that external
// CAs are not removed if they are needed. Otherwise, returns an error.
// 2. If no desired signing cert or key are provided, then either:
// - we are happy with the current CA configuration (force rotation value has not changed), and we return the current RootCA
// object as is
// - we want to generate a new internal CA cert and key (force rotation value has changed), and we return the updated RootCA
// object
// 3. Signing cert and key have been provided: validate that these match (the cert and key match). Otherwise, return an error.
// 4. Return the updated RootCA object according to the following criteria:
// - If the desired cert is the same as the current CA cert then abort any outstanding rotations. The current signing key
// is replaced with the desired signing key (this could lets us switch between external->internal or internal->external
// without an actual CA rotation, which is not needed because any leaf cert issued with one CA cert can be validated using
// the second CA certificate).
// - If the desired cert is the same as the current to-be-rotated-to CA cert then a new root rotation is not needed. The
// current to-be-rotated-to signing key is replaced with the desired signing key (this could lets us switch between
// external->internal or internal->external without an actual CA rotation, which is not needed because any leaf cert
// issued with one CA cert can be validated using the second CA certificate).
// - Otherwise, start a new root rotation using the desired signing cert and desired signing key as the root rotation
// signing cert and key. If a root rotation is already in progress, just replace it and start over.
func validateCAConfig(ctx context.Context, securityConfig *ca.SecurityConfig, cluster *api.Cluster) (*api.RootCA, error) {
newConfig := cluster.Spec.CAConfig.Copy()
newConfig.SigningCACert = ca.NormalizePEMs(newConfig.SigningCACert) // ensure this is normalized before we use it
if len(newConfig.SigningCAKey) > 0 && len(newConfig.SigningCACert) == 0 {
return nil, grpc.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "if a signing CA key is provided, the signing CA cert must also be provided")
normalizedRootCA := ca.NormalizePEMs(cluster.RootCA.CACert)
extCAs, err := getNormalizedExtCAs(newConfig, normalizedRootCA) // validate that the list of external CAs is not malformed
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var oldCertExtCAs []*api.ExternalCA
if !hasSigningKey(&cluster.RootCA) {
oldCertExtCAs, err = validateHasAtLeastOneExternalCA(ctx, extCAs, securityConfig, normalizedRootCA, "current")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// if the desired CA cert and key are not set, then we are happy with the current root CA configuration, unless
// the ForceRotate version has changed
if len(newConfig.SigningCACert) == 0 {
if cluster.RootCA.LastForcedRotation != newConfig.ForceRotate {
newRootCA, err := ca.CreateRootCA(ca.DefaultRootCN)
if err != nil {
return nil, grpc.Errorf(codes.Internal, err.Error())
return newRootRotationObject(ctx, securityConfig, &cluster.RootCA, newRootCA, oldCertExtCAs, newConfig.ForceRotate)
// we also need to make sure that if the current root rotation requires an external CA, those external CAs are
// still valid
if cluster.RootCA.RootRotation != nil && !hasSigningKey(cluster.RootCA.RootRotation) {
_, err := validateHasAtLeastOneExternalCA(ctx, extCAs, securityConfig, ca.NormalizePEMs(cluster.RootCA.RootRotation.CACert), "next")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &cluster.RootCA, nil // no change, return as is
// A desired cert and maybe key were provided - we need to make sure the cert and key (if provided) match.
var signingCert []byte
if hasSigningKey(newConfig) {
signingCert = newConfig.SigningCACert
newRootCA, err := ca.NewRootCA(newConfig.SigningCACert, signingCert, newConfig.SigningCAKey, ca.DefaultNodeCertExpiration, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, grpc.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, err.Error())
if len(newRootCA.Pool.Subjects()) != 1 {
return nil, grpc.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "the desired CA certificate cannot contain multiple certificates")
parsedCert, err := helpers.ParseCertificatePEM(newConfig.SigningCACert)
if err != nil {
return nil, grpc.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "could not parse the desired CA certificate")
// The new certificate's expiry must be at least one year away
if parsedCert.NotAfter.Before(time.Now().Add(minRootExpiration)) {
return nil, grpc.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "CA certificate expires too soon")
if !hasSigningKey(newConfig) {
if _, err := validateHasAtLeastOneExternalCA(ctx, extCAs, securityConfig, newConfig.SigningCACert, "desired"); err != nil {
return nil, err
// check if we can abort any existing root rotations
if bytes.Equal(normalizedRootCA, newConfig.SigningCACert) {
copied := cluster.RootCA.Copy()
copied.CAKey = newConfig.SigningCAKey
copied.RootRotation = nil
copied.LastForcedRotation = newConfig.ForceRotate
return copied, nil
// check if this is the same desired cert as an existing root rotation
if r := cluster.RootCA.RootRotation; r != nil && bytes.Equal(ca.NormalizePEMs(r.CACert), newConfig.SigningCACert) {
copied := cluster.RootCA.Copy()
copied.RootRotation.CAKey = newConfig.SigningCAKey
copied.LastForcedRotation = newConfig.ForceRotate
return copied, nil
// ok, everything's different; we have to begin a new root rotation which means generating a new cross-signed cert
return newRootRotationObject(ctx, securityConfig, &cluster.RootCA, newRootCA, oldCertExtCAs, newConfig.ForceRotate)