
50 lines
1.6 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
source hack/make/.integration-test-helpers
# The commit or tag to use for testing
# TODO docker 17.06 cli client used in CI fails to build using a sha;
# unable to prepare context: unable to 'git clone' to temporary context directory: error fetching: error: no such remote ref ead0bb9e08c13dd3d1712759491eee06bf5a5602
#: exit status 128
: ${DOCKER_PY_COMMIT:=4.0.2}
bundle .integration-daemon-start
docker_host_scheme=`echo "${DOCKER_HOST}" | cut -d: -f1 -`
case "${docker_host_scheme}" in
# trim the tcp:// scheme, and bind-mount the docker socket into the container
run_opts="-v ${DOCKER_HOST#unix://}:/var/run/docker.sock"
# run container in host-mode networking so that it can connect to the
# daemon from the current networking namespace (e.g., to connect to localhost)
run_opts="--network=host -e DOCKER_HOST=${DOCKER_HOST}"
echo "WARN: Skipping test-docker-py: connecting to docker daemon using ${docker_host_scheme} (${DOCKER_HOST}) not supported"
bundle .integration-daemon-stop
return 0
if ! docker image inspect "dockerPyImage" &> /dev/null; then
echo INFO: Building ${docker_py_image}...
[ -n "${TESTDEBUG}" ] && set -x
exec docker build --quiet -t ${docker_py_image} -f tests/Dockerfile "${DOCKER_PY_COMMIT}"
echo INFO: Starting docker-py tests...
[ -n "${TESTDEBUG}" ] && set -x
exec docker run -t --rm ${run_opts} ${docker_py_image} py.test tests/integration
bundle .integration-daemon-stop
) 2>&1 | tee -a "$DEST/test.log"