mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

Currently the libnetwork function `NewNetwork` does not allow caller to pass a network ID and it is always generated internally. This is sufficient for engine use. But it doesn't satisfy the needs of libnetwork being used as an independent library in programs other than the engine. This enhancement is one of the many needed to facilitate a generic libnetwork. Signed-off-by: Jana Radhakrishnan <mrjana@docker.com>
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package api
import (
var (
successResponse = responseStatus{Status: "Success", StatusCode: http.StatusOK}
createdResponse = responseStatus{Status: "Created", StatusCode: http.StatusCreated}
mismatchResponse = responseStatus{Status: "Body/URI parameter mismatch", StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest}
badQueryResponse = responseStatus{Status: "Unsupported query", StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest}
const (
// Resource name regex
// Gorilla mux encloses the passed pattern with '^' and '$'. So we need to do some tricks
// to have mux eventually build a query regex which matches empty or word string (`^$|[\w]+`)
regex = "[a-zA-Z_0-9-]+"
qregx = "$|" + regex
// Router URL variable definition
nwName = "{" + urlNwName + ":" + regex + "}"
nwNameQr = "{" + urlNwName + ":" + qregx + "}"
nwID = "{" + urlNwID + ":" + regex + "}"
nwPIDQr = "{" + urlNwPID + ":" + qregx + "}"
epName = "{" + urlEpName + ":" + regex + "}"
epNameQr = "{" + urlEpName + ":" + qregx + "}"
epID = "{" + urlEpID + ":" + regex + "}"
epPIDQr = "{" + urlEpPID + ":" + qregx + "}"
sbID = "{" + urlSbID + ":" + regex + "}"
sbPIDQr = "{" + urlSbPID + ":" + qregx + "}"
cnIDQr = "{" + urlCnID + ":" + qregx + "}"
cnPIDQr = "{" + urlCnPID + ":" + qregx + "}"
// Internal URL variable name.They can be anything as
// long as they do not collide with query fields.
urlNwName = "network-name"
urlNwID = "network-id"
urlNwPID = "network-partial-id"
urlEpName = "endpoint-name"
urlEpID = "endpoint-id"
urlEpPID = "endpoint-partial-id"
urlSbID = "sandbox-id"
urlSbPID = "sandbox-partial-id"
urlCnID = "container-id"
urlCnPID = "container-partial-id"
// NewHTTPHandler creates and initialize the HTTP handler to serve the requests for libnetwork
func NewHTTPHandler(c libnetwork.NetworkController) func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
h := &httpHandler{c: c}
return h.handleRequest
type responseStatus struct {
Status string
StatusCode int
func (r *responseStatus) isOK() bool {
return r.StatusCode == http.StatusOK || r.StatusCode == http.StatusCreated
type processor func(c libnetwork.NetworkController, vars map[string]string, body []byte) (interface{}, *responseStatus)
type httpHandler struct {
c libnetwork.NetworkController
r *mux.Router
func (h *httpHandler) handleRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// Make sure the service is there
if h.c == nil {
http.Error(w, "NetworkController is not available", http.StatusServiceUnavailable)
// Get handler from router and execute it
h.r.ServeHTTP(w, req)
func (h *httpHandler) initRouter() {
m := map[string][]struct {
url string
qrs []string
fct processor
"GET": {
// Order matters
{"/networks", []string{"name", nwNameQr}, procGetNetworks},
{"/networks", []string{"partial-id", nwPIDQr}, procGetNetworks},
{"/networks", nil, procGetNetworks},
{"/networks/" + nwID, nil, procGetNetwork},
{"/networks/" + nwID + "/endpoints", []string{"name", epNameQr}, procGetEndpoints},
{"/networks/" + nwID + "/endpoints", []string{"partial-id", epPIDQr}, procGetEndpoints},
{"/networks/" + nwID + "/endpoints", nil, procGetEndpoints},
{"/networks/" + nwID + "/endpoints/" + epID, nil, procGetEndpoint},
{"/services", []string{"network", nwNameQr}, procGetServices},
{"/services", []string{"name", epNameQr}, procGetServices},
{"/services", []string{"partial-id", epPIDQr}, procGetServices},
{"/services", nil, procGetServices},
{"/services/" + epID, nil, procGetService},
{"/services/" + epID + "/backend", nil, procGetSandbox},
{"/sandboxes", []string{"partial-container-id", cnPIDQr}, procGetSandboxes},
{"/sandboxes", []string{"container-id", cnIDQr}, procGetSandboxes},
{"/sandboxes", []string{"partial-id", sbPIDQr}, procGetSandboxes},
{"/sandboxes", nil, procGetSandboxes},
{"/sandboxes/" + sbID, nil, procGetSandbox},
"POST": {
{"/networks", nil, procCreateNetwork},
{"/networks/" + nwID + "/endpoints", nil, procCreateEndpoint},
{"/networks/" + nwID + "/endpoints/" + epID + "/sandboxes", nil, procJoinEndpoint},
{"/services", nil, procPublishService},
{"/services/" + epID + "/backend", nil, procAttachBackend},
{"/sandboxes", nil, procCreateSandbox},
{"/networks/" + nwID, nil, procDeleteNetwork},
{"/networks/" + nwID + "/endpoints/" + epID, nil, procDeleteEndpoint},
{"/networks/" + nwID + "/endpoints/" + epID + "/sandboxes/" + sbID, nil, procLeaveEndpoint},
{"/services/" + epID, nil, procUnpublishService},
{"/services/" + epID + "/backend/" + sbID, nil, procDetachBackend},
{"/sandboxes/" + sbID, nil, procDeleteSandbox},
h.r = mux.NewRouter()
for method, routes := range m {
for _, route := range routes {
r := h.r.Path("/{.*}" + route.url).Methods(method).HandlerFunc(makeHandler(h.c, route.fct))
if route.qrs != nil {
r = h.r.Path(route.url).Methods(method).HandlerFunc(makeHandler(h.c, route.fct))
if route.qrs != nil {
func makeHandler(ctrl libnetwork.NetworkController, fct processor) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
var (
body []byte
err error
if req.Body != nil {
body, err = ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Invalid body: "+err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
res, rsp := fct(ctrl, mux.Vars(req), body)
if !rsp.isOK() {
http.Error(w, rsp.Status, rsp.StatusCode)
if res != nil {
writeJSON(w, rsp.StatusCode, res)
Resource Builders
func buildNetworkResource(nw libnetwork.Network) *networkResource {
r := &networkResource{}
if nw != nil {
r.Name = nw.Name()
r.ID = nw.ID()
r.Type = nw.Type()
epl := nw.Endpoints()
r.Endpoints = make([]*endpointResource, 0, len(epl))
for _, e := range epl {
epr := buildEndpointResource(e)
r.Endpoints = append(r.Endpoints, epr)
return r
func buildEndpointResource(ep libnetwork.Endpoint) *endpointResource {
r := &endpointResource{}
if ep != nil {
r.Name = ep.Name()
r.ID = ep.ID()
r.Network = ep.Network()
return r
func buildSandboxResource(sb libnetwork.Sandbox) *sandboxResource {
r := &sandboxResource{}
if sb != nil {
r.ID = sb.ID()
r.Key = sb.Key()
r.ContainerID = sb.ContainerID()
return r
Options Parsers
func (sc *sandboxCreate) parseOptions() []libnetwork.SandboxOption {
var setFctList []libnetwork.SandboxOption
if sc.HostName != "" {
setFctList = append(setFctList, libnetwork.OptionHostname(sc.HostName))
if sc.DomainName != "" {
setFctList = append(setFctList, libnetwork.OptionDomainname(sc.DomainName))
if sc.HostsPath != "" {
setFctList = append(setFctList, libnetwork.OptionHostsPath(sc.HostsPath))
if sc.ResolvConfPath != "" {
setFctList = append(setFctList, libnetwork.OptionResolvConfPath(sc.ResolvConfPath))
if sc.UseDefaultSandbox {
setFctList = append(setFctList, libnetwork.OptionUseDefaultSandbox())
if sc.UseExternalKey {
setFctList = append(setFctList, libnetwork.OptionUseExternalKey())
if sc.DNS != nil {
for _, d := range sc.DNS {
setFctList = append(setFctList, libnetwork.OptionDNS(d))
if sc.ExtraHosts != nil {
for _, e := range sc.ExtraHosts {
setFctList = append(setFctList, libnetwork.OptionExtraHost(e.Name, e.Address))
if sc.ExposedPorts != nil {
setFctList = append(setFctList, libnetwork.OptionExposedPorts(sc.ExposedPorts))
if sc.PortMapping != nil {
setFctList = append(setFctList, libnetwork.OptionPortMapping(sc.PortMapping))
return setFctList
func (ej *endpointJoin) parseOptions() []libnetwork.EndpointOption {
// priority will go here
return []libnetwork.EndpointOption{}
Process functions
func processCreateDefaults(c libnetwork.NetworkController, nc *networkCreate) {
if nc.NetworkType == "" {
nc.NetworkType = c.Config().Daemon.DefaultDriver
NetworkController interface
func procCreateNetwork(c libnetwork.NetworkController, vars map[string]string, body []byte) (interface{}, *responseStatus) {
var create networkCreate
err := json.Unmarshal(body, &create)
if err != nil {
return nil, &responseStatus{Status: "Invalid body: " + err.Error(), StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest}
processCreateDefaults(c, &create)
options := []libnetwork.NetworkOption{}
if val, ok := create.NetworkOpts[netlabel.Internal]; ok {
internal, err := strconv.ParseBool(val)
if err != nil {
return nil, &responseStatus{Status: err.Error(), StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest}
if internal {
options = append(options, libnetwork.NetworkOptionInternalNetwork())
if val, ok := create.NetworkOpts[netlabel.EnableIPv6]; ok {
enableIPv6, err := strconv.ParseBool(val)
if err != nil {
return nil, &responseStatus{Status: err.Error(), StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest}
options = append(options, libnetwork.NetworkOptionEnableIPv6(enableIPv6))
if len(create.DriverOpts) > 0 {
options = append(options, libnetwork.NetworkOptionDriverOpts(create.DriverOpts))
nw, err := c.NewNetwork(create.NetworkType, create.Name, "", options...)
if err != nil {
return nil, convertNetworkError(err)
return nw.ID(), &createdResponse
func procGetNetwork(c libnetwork.NetworkController, vars map[string]string, body []byte) (interface{}, *responseStatus) {
t, by := detectNetworkTarget(vars)
nw, errRsp := findNetwork(c, t, by)
if !errRsp.isOK() {
return nil, errRsp
return buildNetworkResource(nw), &successResponse
func procGetNetworks(c libnetwork.NetworkController, vars map[string]string, body []byte) (interface{}, *responseStatus) {
var list []*networkResource
// Look for query filters and validate
name, queryByName := vars[urlNwName]
shortID, queryByPid := vars[urlNwPID]
if queryByName && queryByPid {
return nil, &badQueryResponse
if queryByName {
if nw, errRsp := findNetwork(c, name, byName); errRsp.isOK() {
list = append(list, buildNetworkResource(nw))
} else if queryByPid {
// Return all the prefix-matching networks
l := func(nw libnetwork.Network) bool {
if strings.HasPrefix(nw.ID(), shortID) {
list = append(list, buildNetworkResource(nw))
return false
} else {
for _, nw := range c.Networks() {
list = append(list, buildNetworkResource(nw))
return list, &successResponse
func procCreateSandbox(c libnetwork.NetworkController, vars map[string]string, body []byte) (interface{}, *responseStatus) {
var create sandboxCreate
err := json.Unmarshal(body, &create)
if err != nil {
return "", &responseStatus{Status: "Invalid body: " + err.Error(), StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest}
sb, err := c.NewSandbox(create.ContainerID, create.parseOptions()...)
if err != nil {
return "", convertNetworkError(err)
return sb.ID(), &createdResponse
Network interface
func procCreateEndpoint(c libnetwork.NetworkController, vars map[string]string, body []byte) (interface{}, *responseStatus) {
var ec endpointCreate
err := json.Unmarshal(body, &ec)
if err != nil {
return "", &responseStatus{Status: "Invalid body: " + err.Error(), StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest}
nwT, nwBy := detectNetworkTarget(vars)
n, errRsp := findNetwork(c, nwT, nwBy)
if !errRsp.isOK() {
return "", errRsp
var setFctList []libnetwork.EndpointOption
for _, str := range ec.MyAliases {
setFctList = append(setFctList, libnetwork.CreateOptionMyAlias(str))
ep, err := n.CreateEndpoint(ec.Name, setFctList...)
if err != nil {
return "", convertNetworkError(err)
return ep.ID(), &createdResponse
func procGetEndpoint(c libnetwork.NetworkController, vars map[string]string, body []byte) (interface{}, *responseStatus) {
nwT, nwBy := detectNetworkTarget(vars)
epT, epBy := detectEndpointTarget(vars)
ep, errRsp := findEndpoint(c, nwT, epT, nwBy, epBy)
if !errRsp.isOK() {
return nil, errRsp
return buildEndpointResource(ep), &successResponse
func procGetEndpoints(c libnetwork.NetworkController, vars map[string]string, body []byte) (interface{}, *responseStatus) {
// Look for query filters and validate
name, queryByName := vars[urlEpName]
shortID, queryByPid := vars[urlEpPID]
if queryByName && queryByPid {
return nil, &badQueryResponse
nwT, nwBy := detectNetworkTarget(vars)
nw, errRsp := findNetwork(c, nwT, nwBy)
if !errRsp.isOK() {
return nil, errRsp
var list []*endpointResource
// If query parameter is specified, return a filtered collection
if queryByName {
if ep, errRsp := findEndpoint(c, nwT, name, nwBy, byName); errRsp.isOK() {
list = append(list, buildEndpointResource(ep))
} else if queryByPid {
// Return all the prefix-matching endpoints
l := func(ep libnetwork.Endpoint) bool {
if strings.HasPrefix(ep.ID(), shortID) {
list = append(list, buildEndpointResource(ep))
return false
} else {
for _, ep := range nw.Endpoints() {
epr := buildEndpointResource(ep)
list = append(list, epr)
return list, &successResponse
func procDeleteNetwork(c libnetwork.NetworkController, vars map[string]string, body []byte) (interface{}, *responseStatus) {
target, by := detectNetworkTarget(vars)
nw, errRsp := findNetwork(c, target, by)
if !errRsp.isOK() {
return nil, errRsp
err := nw.Delete()
if err != nil {
return nil, convertNetworkError(err)
return nil, &successResponse
Endpoint interface
func procJoinEndpoint(c libnetwork.NetworkController, vars map[string]string, body []byte) (interface{}, *responseStatus) {
var ej endpointJoin
var setFctList []libnetwork.EndpointOption
err := json.Unmarshal(body, &ej)
if err != nil {
return nil, &responseStatus{Status: "Invalid body: " + err.Error(), StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest}
nwT, nwBy := detectNetworkTarget(vars)
epT, epBy := detectEndpointTarget(vars)
ep, errRsp := findEndpoint(c, nwT, epT, nwBy, epBy)
if !errRsp.isOK() {
return nil, errRsp
sb, errRsp := findSandbox(c, ej.SandboxID, byID)
if !errRsp.isOK() {
return nil, errRsp
for _, str := range ej.Aliases {
name, alias, err := netutils.ParseAlias(str)
if err != nil {
return "", convertNetworkError(err)
setFctList = append(setFctList, libnetwork.CreateOptionAlias(name, alias))
err = ep.Join(sb, setFctList...)
if err != nil {
return nil, convertNetworkError(err)
return sb.Key(), &successResponse
func procLeaveEndpoint(c libnetwork.NetworkController, vars map[string]string, body []byte) (interface{}, *responseStatus) {
nwT, nwBy := detectNetworkTarget(vars)
epT, epBy := detectEndpointTarget(vars)
ep, errRsp := findEndpoint(c, nwT, epT, nwBy, epBy)
if !errRsp.isOK() {
return nil, errRsp
sb, errRsp := findSandbox(c, vars[urlSbID], byID)
if !errRsp.isOK() {
return nil, errRsp
err := ep.Leave(sb)
if err != nil {
return nil, convertNetworkError(err)
return nil, &successResponse
func procDeleteEndpoint(c libnetwork.NetworkController, vars map[string]string, body []byte) (interface{}, *responseStatus) {
nwT, nwBy := detectNetworkTarget(vars)
epT, epBy := detectEndpointTarget(vars)
ep, errRsp := findEndpoint(c, nwT, epT, nwBy, epBy)
if !errRsp.isOK() {
return nil, errRsp
err := ep.Delete(false)
if err != nil {
return nil, convertNetworkError(err)
return nil, &successResponse
Service interface
func procGetServices(c libnetwork.NetworkController, vars map[string]string, body []byte) (interface{}, *responseStatus) {
// Look for query filters and validate
nwName, filterByNwName := vars[urlNwName]
svName, queryBySvName := vars[urlEpName]
shortID, queryBySvPID := vars[urlEpPID]
if filterByNwName && queryBySvName || filterByNwName && queryBySvPID || queryBySvName && queryBySvPID {
return nil, &badQueryResponse
var list []*endpointResource
switch {
case filterByNwName:
// return all service present on the specified network
nw, errRsp := findNetwork(c, nwName, byName)
if !errRsp.isOK() {
return list, &successResponse
for _, ep := range nw.Endpoints() {
epr := buildEndpointResource(ep)
list = append(list, epr)
case queryBySvName:
// Look in each network for the service with the specified name
l := func(ep libnetwork.Endpoint) bool {
if ep.Name() == svName {
list = append(list, buildEndpointResource(ep))
return true
return false
for _, nw := range c.Networks() {
case queryBySvPID:
// Return all the prefix-matching services
l := func(ep libnetwork.Endpoint) bool {
if strings.HasPrefix(ep.ID(), shortID) {
list = append(list, buildEndpointResource(ep))
return false
for _, nw := range c.Networks() {
for _, nw := range c.Networks() {
for _, ep := range nw.Endpoints() {
epr := buildEndpointResource(ep)
list = append(list, epr)
return list, &successResponse
func procGetService(c libnetwork.NetworkController, vars map[string]string, body []byte) (interface{}, *responseStatus) {
epT, epBy := detectEndpointTarget(vars)
sv, errRsp := findService(c, epT, epBy)
if !errRsp.isOK() {
return nil, endpointToService(errRsp)
return buildEndpointResource(sv), &successResponse
func procPublishService(c libnetwork.NetworkController, vars map[string]string, body []byte) (interface{}, *responseStatus) {
var sp servicePublish
err := json.Unmarshal(body, &sp)
if err != nil {
return "", &responseStatus{Status: "Invalid body: " + err.Error(), StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest}
n, errRsp := findNetwork(c, sp.Network, byName)
if !errRsp.isOK() {
return "", errRsp
var setFctList []libnetwork.EndpointOption
for _, str := range sp.MyAliases {
setFctList = append(setFctList, libnetwork.CreateOptionMyAlias(str))
ep, err := n.CreateEndpoint(sp.Name, setFctList...)
if err != nil {
return "", endpointToService(convertNetworkError(err))
return ep.ID(), &createdResponse
func procUnpublishService(c libnetwork.NetworkController, vars map[string]string, body []byte) (interface{}, *responseStatus) {
var sd serviceDelete
if body != nil {
err := json.Unmarshal(body, &sd)
if err != nil {
return "", &responseStatus{Status: "Invalid body: " + err.Error(), StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest}
epT, epBy := detectEndpointTarget(vars)
sv, errRsp := findService(c, epT, epBy)
if !errRsp.isOK() {
return nil, errRsp
if err := sv.Delete(sd.Force); err != nil {
return nil, endpointToService(convertNetworkError(err))
return nil, &successResponse
func procAttachBackend(c libnetwork.NetworkController, vars map[string]string, body []byte) (interface{}, *responseStatus) {
var bk endpointJoin
var setFctList []libnetwork.EndpointOption
err := json.Unmarshal(body, &bk)
if err != nil {
return nil, &responseStatus{Status: "Invalid body: " + err.Error(), StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest}
epT, epBy := detectEndpointTarget(vars)
sv, errRsp := findService(c, epT, epBy)
if !errRsp.isOK() {
return nil, errRsp
sb, errRsp := findSandbox(c, bk.SandboxID, byID)
if !errRsp.isOK() {
return nil, errRsp
for _, str := range bk.Aliases {
name, alias, err := netutils.ParseAlias(str)
if err != nil {
return "", convertNetworkError(err)
setFctList = append(setFctList, libnetwork.CreateOptionAlias(name, alias))
err = sv.Join(sb, setFctList...)
if err != nil {
return nil, convertNetworkError(err)
return sb.Key(), &successResponse
func procDetachBackend(c libnetwork.NetworkController, vars map[string]string, body []byte) (interface{}, *responseStatus) {
epT, epBy := detectEndpointTarget(vars)
sv, errRsp := findService(c, epT, epBy)
if !errRsp.isOK() {
return nil, errRsp
sb, errRsp := findSandbox(c, vars[urlSbID], byID)
if !errRsp.isOK() {
return nil, errRsp
err := sv.Leave(sb)
if err != nil {
return nil, convertNetworkError(err)
return nil, &successResponse
Sandbox interface
func procGetSandbox(c libnetwork.NetworkController, vars map[string]string, body []byte) (interface{}, *responseStatus) {
if epT, ok := vars[urlEpID]; ok {
sv, errRsp := findService(c, epT, byID)
if !errRsp.isOK() {
return nil, endpointToService(errRsp)
return buildSandboxResource(sv.Info().Sandbox()), &successResponse
sbT, by := detectSandboxTarget(vars)
sb, errRsp := findSandbox(c, sbT, by)
if !errRsp.isOK() {
return nil, errRsp
return buildSandboxResource(sb), &successResponse
type cndFnMkr func(string) cndFn
type cndFn func(libnetwork.Sandbox) bool
// list of (query type, condition function makers) couples
var cndMkrList = []struct {
identifier string
maker cndFnMkr
{urlSbPID, func(id string) cndFn {
return func(sb libnetwork.Sandbox) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(sb.ID(), id) }
{urlCnID, func(id string) cndFn {
return func(sb libnetwork.Sandbox) bool { return sb.ContainerID() == id }
{urlCnPID, func(id string) cndFn {
return func(sb libnetwork.Sandbox) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(sb.ContainerID(), id) }
func getQueryCondition(vars map[string]string) func(libnetwork.Sandbox) bool {
for _, im := range cndMkrList {
if val, ok := vars[im.identifier]; ok {
return im.maker(val)
return func(sb libnetwork.Sandbox) bool { return true }
func sandboxWalker(condition cndFn, list *[]*sandboxResource) libnetwork.SandboxWalker {
return func(sb libnetwork.Sandbox) bool {
if condition(sb) {
*list = append(*list, buildSandboxResource(sb))
return false
func procGetSandboxes(c libnetwork.NetworkController, vars map[string]string, body []byte) (interface{}, *responseStatus) {
var list []*sandboxResource
cnd := getQueryCondition(vars)
c.WalkSandboxes(sandboxWalker(cnd, &list))
return list, &successResponse
func procDeleteSandbox(c libnetwork.NetworkController, vars map[string]string, body []byte) (interface{}, *responseStatus) {
sbT, by := detectSandboxTarget(vars)
sb, errRsp := findSandbox(c, sbT, by)
if !errRsp.isOK() {
return nil, errRsp
err := sb.Delete()
if err != nil {
return nil, convertNetworkError(err)
return nil, &successResponse
const (
byID = iota
func detectNetworkTarget(vars map[string]string) (string, int) {
if target, ok := vars[urlNwName]; ok {
return target, byName
if target, ok := vars[urlNwID]; ok {
return target, byID
// vars are populated from the URL, following cannot happen
panic("Missing URL variable parameter for network")
func detectSandboxTarget(vars map[string]string) (string, int) {
if target, ok := vars[urlSbID]; ok {
return target, byID
// vars are populated from the URL, following cannot happen
panic("Missing URL variable parameter for sandbox")
func detectEndpointTarget(vars map[string]string) (string, int) {
if target, ok := vars[urlEpName]; ok {
return target, byName
if target, ok := vars[urlEpID]; ok {
return target, byID
// vars are populated from the URL, following cannot happen
panic("Missing URL variable parameter for endpoint")
func findNetwork(c libnetwork.NetworkController, s string, by int) (libnetwork.Network, *responseStatus) {
var (
nw libnetwork.Network
err error
switch by {
case byID:
nw, err = c.NetworkByID(s)
case byName:
if s == "" {
s = c.Config().Daemon.DefaultNetwork
nw, err = c.NetworkByName(s)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected selector for network search: %d", by))
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(types.NotFoundError); ok {
return nil, &responseStatus{Status: "Resource not found: Network", StatusCode: http.StatusNotFound}
return nil, &responseStatus{Status: err.Error(), StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest}
return nw, &successResponse
func findSandbox(c libnetwork.NetworkController, s string, by int) (libnetwork.Sandbox, *responseStatus) {
var (
sb libnetwork.Sandbox
err error
switch by {
case byID:
sb, err = c.SandboxByID(s)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected selector for sandbox search: %d", by))
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(types.NotFoundError); ok {
return nil, &responseStatus{Status: "Resource not found: Sandbox", StatusCode: http.StatusNotFound}
return nil, &responseStatus{Status: err.Error(), StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest}
return sb, &successResponse
func findEndpoint(c libnetwork.NetworkController, ns, es string, nwBy, epBy int) (libnetwork.Endpoint, *responseStatus) {
nw, errRsp := findNetwork(c, ns, nwBy)
if !errRsp.isOK() {
return nil, errRsp
var (
err error
ep libnetwork.Endpoint
switch epBy {
case byID:
ep, err = nw.EndpointByID(es)
case byName:
ep, err = nw.EndpointByName(es)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected selector for endpoint search: %d", epBy))
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(types.NotFoundError); ok {
return nil, &responseStatus{Status: "Resource not found: Endpoint", StatusCode: http.StatusNotFound}
return nil, &responseStatus{Status: err.Error(), StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest}
return ep, &successResponse
func findService(c libnetwork.NetworkController, svs string, svBy int) (libnetwork.Endpoint, *responseStatus) {
for _, nw := range c.Networks() {
var (
ep libnetwork.Endpoint
err error
switch svBy {
case byID:
ep, err = nw.EndpointByID(svs)
case byName:
ep, err = nw.EndpointByName(svs)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected selector for service search: %d", svBy))
if err == nil {
return ep, &successResponse
} else if _, ok := err.(types.NotFoundError); !ok {
return nil, convertNetworkError(err)
return nil, &responseStatus{Status: "Service not found", StatusCode: http.StatusNotFound}
func endpointToService(rsp *responseStatus) *responseStatus {
rsp.Status = strings.Replace(rsp.Status, "endpoint", "service", -1)
return rsp
func convertNetworkError(err error) *responseStatus {
var code int
switch err.(type) {
case types.BadRequestError:
code = http.StatusBadRequest
case types.ForbiddenError:
code = http.StatusForbidden
case types.NotFoundError:
code = http.StatusNotFound
case types.TimeoutError:
code = http.StatusRequestTimeout
case types.NotImplementedError:
code = http.StatusNotImplemented
case types.NoServiceError:
code = http.StatusServiceUnavailable
case types.InternalError:
code = http.StatusInternalServerError
code = http.StatusInternalServerError
return &responseStatus{Status: err.Error(), StatusCode: code}
func writeJSON(w http.ResponseWriter, code int, v interface{}) error {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
return json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(v)