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Stephen J Day 349aef06d5 Avoid buffering to tempfile when pushing with V2
The practice of buffering to a tempfile during a pushing contributes massively
to slow V2 push performance perception. The protocol was actually designed to
avoid precalculation, supporting cut-through data push. This means we can
assemble the layer, calculate its digest and push to the remote endpoint, all
at the same time.

This should increase performance massively on systems with slow disks or IO

Signed-off-by: Stephen J Day <stephen.day@docker.com>
2015-08-24 18:08:05 -07:00

193 lines
5.4 KiB

package jsonmessage
import (
// JSONError wraps a concrete Code and Message, `Code` is
// is a integer error code, `Message` is the error message.
type JSONError struct {
Code int `json:"code,omitempty"`
Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
func (e *JSONError) Error() string {
return e.Message
// JSONProgress describes a Progress. terminalFd is the fd of the current terminal,
// Start is the initial value for the operation. Current is the current status and
// value of the progress made towards Total. Total is the end value describing when
// we made 100% progress for an operation.
type JSONProgress struct {
terminalFd uintptr
Current int64 `json:"current,omitempty"`
Total int64 `json:"total,omitempty"`
Start int64 `json:"start,omitempty"`
func (p *JSONProgress) String() string {
var (
width = 200
pbBox string
numbersBox string
timeLeftBox string
ws, err := term.GetWinsize(p.terminalFd)
if err == nil {
width = int(ws.Width)
if p.Current <= 0 && p.Total <= 0 {
return ""
current := units.HumanSize(float64(p.Current))
if p.Total <= 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%8v", current)
total := units.HumanSize(float64(p.Total))
percentage := int(float64(p.Current)/float64(p.Total)*100) / 2
if percentage > 50 {
percentage = 50
if width > 110 {
// this number can't be negetive gh#7136
numSpaces := 0
if 50-percentage > 0 {
numSpaces = 50 - percentage
pbBox = fmt.Sprintf("[%s>%s] ", strings.Repeat("=", percentage), strings.Repeat(" ", numSpaces))
numbersBox = fmt.Sprintf("%8v/%v", current, total)
if p.Current > p.Total {
// remove total display if the reported current is wonky.
numbersBox = fmt.Sprintf("%8v", current)
if p.Current > 0 && p.Start > 0 && percentage < 50 {
fromStart := time.Now().UTC().Sub(time.Unix(p.Start, 0))
perEntry := fromStart / time.Duration(p.Current)
left := time.Duration(p.Total-p.Current) * perEntry
left = (left / time.Second) * time.Second
if width > 50 {
timeLeftBox = " " + left.String()
return pbBox + numbersBox + timeLeftBox
// JSONMessage defines a message struct. It describes
// the created time, where it from, status, ID of the
// message. It's used for docker events.
type JSONMessage struct {
Stream string `json:"stream,omitempty"`
Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`
Progress *JSONProgress `json:"progressDetail,omitempty"`
ProgressMessage string `json:"progress,omitempty"` //deprecated
ID string `json:"id,omitempty"`
From string `json:"from,omitempty"`
Time int64 `json:"time,omitempty"`
Error *JSONError `json:"errorDetail,omitempty"`
ErrorMessage string `json:"error,omitempty"` //deprecated
// Display displays the JSONMessage to `out`. `isTerminal` describes if `out`
// is a terminal. If this is the case, it will erase the entire current line
// when dislaying the progressbar.
func (jm *JSONMessage) Display(out io.Writer, isTerminal bool) error {
if jm.Error != nil {
if jm.Error.Code == 401 {
return fmt.Errorf("Authentication is required.")
return jm.Error
var endl string
if isTerminal && jm.Stream == "" && jm.Progress != nil {
// <ESC>[2K = erase entire current line
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%c[2K\r", 27)
endl = "\r"
} else if jm.Progress != nil && jm.Progress.String() != "" { //disable progressbar in non-terminal
return nil
if jm.Time != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s ", time.Unix(jm.Time, 0).Format(timeutils.RFC3339NanoFixed))
if jm.ID != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s: ", jm.ID)
if jm.From != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "(from %s) ", jm.From)
if jm.Progress != nil && isTerminal {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s %s%s", jm.Status, jm.Progress.String(), endl)
} else if jm.ProgressMessage != "" { //deprecated
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s %s%s", jm.Status, jm.ProgressMessage, endl)
} else if jm.Stream != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s%s", jm.Stream, endl)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s%s\n", jm.Status, endl)
return nil
// DisplayJSONMessagesStream displays a json message stream from `in` to `out`, `isTerminal`
// describes if `out` is a terminal. If this is the case, it will print `\n` at the end of
// each line and move the cursor while displaying.
func DisplayJSONMessagesStream(in io.Reader, out io.Writer, terminalFd uintptr, isTerminal bool) error {
var (
dec = json.NewDecoder(in)
ids = make(map[string]int)
diff = 0
for {
var jm JSONMessage
if err := dec.Decode(&jm); err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return err
if jm.Progress != nil {
jm.Progress.terminalFd = terminalFd
if jm.ID != "" && (jm.Progress != nil || jm.ProgressMessage != "") {
line, ok := ids[jm.ID]
if !ok {
line = len(ids)
ids[jm.ID] = line
if isTerminal {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n")
diff = 0
} else {
diff = len(ids) - line
if jm.ID != "" && isTerminal {
// <ESC>[{diff}A = move cursor up diff rows
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%c[%dA", 27, diff)
err := jm.Display(out, isTerminal)
if jm.ID != "" && isTerminal {
// <ESC>[{diff}B = move cursor down diff rows
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%c[%dB", 27, diff)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil