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synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

Signed-off-by: John Howard <jhoward@microsoft.com> This ensures that any compute processes in HCS are cleanedup during daemon restore. Note Windows cannot (currently) reconnect to containers on restore.
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package libcontainerd
import (
specs "github.com/opencontainers/runtime-spec/specs-go"
type client struct {
// Platform specific properties below here (none presently on Windows)
// Win32 error codes that are used for various workarounds
// These really should be ALL_CAPS to match golangs syscall library and standard
// Win32 error conventions, but golint insists on CamelCase.
const (
CoEClassstring = syscall.Errno(0x800401F3) // Invalid class string
ErrorNoNetwork = syscall.Errno(1222) // The network is not present or not started
ErrorBadPathname = syscall.Errno(161) // The specified path is invalid
ErrorInvalidObject = syscall.Errno(0x800710D8) // The object identifier does not represent a valid object
// defaultOwner is a tag passed to HCS to allow it to differentiate between
// container creator management stacks. We hard code "docker" in the case
// of docker.
const defaultOwner = "docker"
// Create is the entrypoint to create a container from a spec, and if successfully
// created, start it too. Table below shows the fields required for HCS JSON calling parameters,
// where if not populated, is omitted.
// +-----------------+--------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+
// | | Isolation=Process | Isolation=Hyper-V |
// +-----------------+--------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+
// | VolumePath | \\?\\Volume{GUIDa} | |
// | LayerFolderPath | %root%\windowsfilter\containerID | %root%\windowsfilter\containerID (servicing only) |
// | Layers[] | ID=GUIDb;Path=%root%\windowsfilter\layerID | ID=GUIDb;Path=%root%\windowsfilter\layerID |
// | SandboxPath | | %root%\windowsfilter |
// | HvRuntime | | ImagePath=%root%\BaseLayerID\UtilityVM |
// +-----------------+--------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+
// Isolation=Process example:
// {
// "SystemType": "Container",
// "Name": "5e0055c814a6005b8e57ac59f9a522066e0af12b48b3c26a9416e23907698776",
// "Owner": "docker",
// "IsDummy": false,
// "VolumePath": "\\\\\\\\?\\\\Volume{66d1ef4c-7a00-11e6-8948-00155ddbef9d}",
// "IgnoreFlushesDuringBoot": true,
// "LayerFolderPath": "C:\\\\control\\\\windowsfilter\\\\5e0055c814a6005b8e57ac59f9a522066e0af12b48b3c26a9416e23907698776",
// "Layers": [{
// "ID": "18955d65-d45a-557b-bf1c-49d6dfefc526",
// "Path": "C:\\\\control\\\\windowsfilter\\\\65bf96e5760a09edf1790cb229e2dfb2dbd0fcdc0bf7451bae099106bfbfea0c"
// }],
// "HostName": "5e0055c814a6",
// "MappedDirectories": [],
// "HvPartition": false,
// "EndpointList": ["eef2649d-bb17-4d53-9937-295a8efe6f2c"],
// "Servicing": false
// Isolation=Hyper-V example:
// "SystemType": "Container",
// "Name": "475c2c58933b72687a88a441e7e0ca4bd72d76413c5f9d5031fee83b98f6045d",
// "Owner": "docker",
// "IsDummy": false,
// "IgnoreFlushesDuringBoot": true,
// "Layers": [{
// "ID": "18955d65-d45a-557b-bf1c-49d6dfefc526",
// "Path": "C:\\\\control\\\\windowsfilter\\\\65bf96e5760a09edf1790cb229e2dfb2dbd0fcdc0bf7451bae099106bfbfea0c"
// }],
// "HostName": "475c2c58933b",
// "MappedDirectories": [],
// "SandboxPath": "C:\\\\control\\\\windowsfilter",
// "HvPartition": true,
// "EndpointList": ["e1bb1e61-d56f-405e-b75d-fd520cefa0cb"],
// "DNSSearchList": "a.com,b.com,c.com",
// "HvRuntime": {
// "ImagePath": "C:\\\\control\\\\windowsfilter\\\\65bf96e5760a09edf1790cb229e2dfb2dbd0fcdc0bf7451bae099106bfbfea0c\\\\UtilityVM"
// },
// "Servicing": false
func (clnt *client) Create(containerID string, checkpoint string, checkpointDir string, spec specs.Spec, attachStdio StdioCallback, options ...CreateOption) error {
defer clnt.unlock(containerID)
logrus.Debugln("libcontainerd: client.Create() with spec", spec)
configuration := &hcsshim.ContainerConfig{
SystemType: "Container",
Name: containerID,
Owner: defaultOwner,
IgnoreFlushesDuringBoot: false,
HostName: spec.Hostname,
HvPartition: false,
if spec.Windows.Resources != nil {
if spec.Windows.Resources.CPU != nil {
if spec.Windows.Resources.CPU.Count != nil {
// This check is being done here rather than in adaptContainerSettings
// because we don't want to update the HostConfig in case this container
// is moved to a host with more CPUs than this one.
cpuCount := *spec.Windows.Resources.CPU.Count
hostCPUCount := uint64(sysinfo.NumCPU())
if cpuCount > hostCPUCount {
logrus.Warnf("Changing requested CPUCount of %d to current number of processors, %d", cpuCount, hostCPUCount)
cpuCount = hostCPUCount
configuration.ProcessorCount = uint32(cpuCount)
if spec.Windows.Resources.CPU.Shares != nil {
configuration.ProcessorWeight = uint64(*spec.Windows.Resources.CPU.Shares)
if spec.Windows.Resources.CPU.Percent != nil {
configuration.ProcessorMaximum = int64(*spec.Windows.Resources.CPU.Percent) * 100 // ProcessorMaximum is a value between 1 and 10000
if spec.Windows.Resources.Memory != nil {
if spec.Windows.Resources.Memory.Limit != nil {
configuration.MemoryMaximumInMB = int64(*spec.Windows.Resources.Memory.Limit) / 1024 / 1024
if spec.Windows.Resources.Storage != nil {
if spec.Windows.Resources.Storage.Bps != nil {
configuration.StorageBandwidthMaximum = *spec.Windows.Resources.Storage.Bps
if spec.Windows.Resources.Storage.Iops != nil {
configuration.StorageIOPSMaximum = *spec.Windows.Resources.Storage.Iops
var layerOpt *LayerOption
for _, option := range options {
if s, ok := option.(*ServicingOption); ok {
configuration.Servicing = s.IsServicing
if f, ok := option.(*FlushOption); ok {
configuration.IgnoreFlushesDuringBoot = f.IgnoreFlushesDuringBoot
if h, ok := option.(*HyperVIsolationOption); ok {
configuration.HvPartition = h.IsHyperV
configuration.SandboxPath = h.SandboxPath
if l, ok := option.(*LayerOption); ok {
layerOpt = l
if n, ok := option.(*NetworkEndpointsOption); ok {
configuration.EndpointList = n.Endpoints
configuration.AllowUnqualifiedDNSQuery = n.AllowUnqualifiedDNSQuery
if n.DNSSearchList != nil {
configuration.DNSSearchList = strings.Join(n.DNSSearchList, ",")
configuration.NetworkSharedContainerName = n.NetworkSharedContainerID
if c, ok := option.(*CredentialsOption); ok {
configuration.Credentials = c.Credentials
// We must have a layer option with at least one path
if layerOpt == nil || layerOpt.LayerPaths == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no layer option or paths were supplied to the runtime")
if configuration.HvPartition {
// Find the upper-most utility VM image, since the utility VM does not
// use layering in RS1.
// TODO @swernli/jhowardmsft at some point post RS1 this may be re-locatable.
var uvmImagePath string
for _, path := range layerOpt.LayerPaths {
fullPath := filepath.Join(path, "UtilityVM")
_, err := os.Stat(fullPath)
if err == nil {
uvmImagePath = fullPath
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
if uvmImagePath == "" {
return errors.New("utility VM image could not be found")
configuration.HvRuntime = &hcsshim.HvRuntime{ImagePath: uvmImagePath}
} else {
configuration.VolumePath = spec.Root.Path
configuration.LayerFolderPath = layerOpt.LayerFolderPath
for _, layerPath := range layerOpt.LayerPaths {
_, filename := filepath.Split(layerPath)
g, err := hcsshim.NameToGuid(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
configuration.Layers = append(configuration.Layers, hcsshim.Layer{
ID: g.ToString(),
Path: layerPath,
// Add the mounts (volumes, bind mounts etc) to the structure
mds := make([]hcsshim.MappedDir, len(spec.Mounts))
for i, mount := range spec.Mounts {
mds[i] = hcsshim.MappedDir{
HostPath: mount.Source,
ContainerPath: mount.Destination,
ReadOnly: false,
for _, o := range mount.Options {
if strings.ToLower(o) == "ro" {
mds[i].ReadOnly = true
configuration.MappedDirectories = mds
hcsContainer, err := hcsshim.CreateContainer(containerID, configuration)
if err != nil {
return err
// Construct a container object for calling start on it.
container := &container{
containerCommon: containerCommon{
process: process{
processCommon: processCommon{
containerID: containerID,
client: clnt,
friendlyName: InitFriendlyName,
processes: make(map[string]*process),
ociSpec: spec,
hcsContainer: hcsContainer,
container.options = options
for _, option := range options {
if err := option.Apply(container); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("libcontainerd: %v", err)
// Call start, and if it fails, delete the container from our
// internal structure, start will keep HCS in sync by deleting the
// container there.
logrus.Debugf("libcontainerd: Create() id=%s, Calling start()", containerID)
if err := container.start(attachStdio); err != nil {
return err
logrus.Debugf("libcontainerd: Create() id=%s completed successfully", containerID)
return nil
// AddProcess is the handler for adding a process to an already running
// container. It's called through docker exec. It returns the system pid of the
// exec'd process.
func (clnt *client) AddProcess(ctx context.Context, containerID, processFriendlyName string, procToAdd Process, attachStdio StdioCallback) (int, error) {
defer clnt.unlock(containerID)
container, err := clnt.getContainer(containerID)
if err != nil {
return -1, err
// Note we always tell HCS to
// create stdout as it's required regardless of '-i' or '-t' options, so that
// docker can always grab the output through logs. We also tell HCS to always
// create stdin, even if it's not used - it will be closed shortly. Stderr
// is only created if it we're not -t.
createProcessParms := hcsshim.ProcessConfig{
EmulateConsole: procToAdd.Terminal,
CreateStdInPipe: true,
CreateStdOutPipe: true,
CreateStdErrPipe: !procToAdd.Terminal,
createProcessParms.ConsoleSize[0] = uint(procToAdd.ConsoleSize.Height)
createProcessParms.ConsoleSize[1] = uint(procToAdd.ConsoleSize.Width)
// Take working directory from the process to add if it is defined,
// otherwise take from the first process.
if procToAdd.Cwd != "" {
createProcessParms.WorkingDirectory = procToAdd.Cwd
} else {
createProcessParms.WorkingDirectory = container.ociSpec.Process.Cwd
// Configure the environment for the process
createProcessParms.Environment = setupEnvironmentVariables(procToAdd.Env)
createProcessParms.CommandLine = strings.Join(procToAdd.Args, " ")
createProcessParms.User = procToAdd.User.Username
logrus.Debugf("libcontainerd: commandLine: %s", createProcessParms.CommandLine)
// Start the command running in the container.
var stdout, stderr io.ReadCloser
var stdin io.WriteCloser
newProcess, err := container.hcsContainer.CreateProcess(&createProcessParms)
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("libcontainerd: AddProcess(%s) CreateProcess() failed %s", containerID, err)
return -1, err
pid := newProcess.Pid()
stdin, stdout, stderr, err = newProcess.Stdio()
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("libcontainerd: %s getting std pipes failed %s", containerID, err)
return -1, err
iopipe := &IOPipe{Terminal: procToAdd.Terminal}
iopipe.Stdin = createStdInCloser(stdin, newProcess)
// Convert io.ReadClosers to io.Readers
if stdout != nil {
iopipe.Stdout = ioutil.NopCloser(&autoClosingReader{ReadCloser: stdout})
if stderr != nil {
iopipe.Stderr = ioutil.NopCloser(&autoClosingReader{ReadCloser: stderr})
proc := &process{
processCommon: processCommon{
containerID: containerID,
friendlyName: processFriendlyName,
client: clnt,
systemPid: uint32(pid),
hcsProcess: newProcess,
// Add the process to the container's list of processes
container.processes[processFriendlyName] = proc
// Tell the engine to attach streams back to the client
if err := attachStdio(*iopipe); err != nil {
return -1, err
// Spin up a go routine waiting for exit to handle cleanup
go container.waitExit(proc, false)
return pid, nil
// Signal handles `docker stop` on Windows. While Linux has support for
// the full range of signals, signals aren't really implemented on Windows.
// We fake supporting regular stop and -9 to force kill.
func (clnt *client) Signal(containerID string, sig int) error {
var (
cont *container
err error
// Get the container as we need it to get the container handle.
defer clnt.unlock(containerID)
if cont, err = clnt.getContainer(containerID); err != nil {
return err
cont.manualStopRequested = true
logrus.Debugf("libcontainerd: Signal() containerID=%s sig=%d pid=%d", containerID, sig, cont.systemPid)
if syscall.Signal(sig) == syscall.SIGKILL {
// Terminate the compute system
if err := cont.hcsContainer.Terminate(); err != nil {
if !hcsshim.IsPending(err) {
logrus.Errorf("libcontainerd: failed to terminate %s - %q", containerID, err)
} else {
// Shut down the container
if err := cont.hcsContainer.Shutdown(); err != nil {
if !hcsshim.IsPending(err) && !hcsshim.IsAlreadyStopped(err) {
// ignore errors
logrus.Warnf("libcontainerd: failed to shutdown container %s: %q", containerID, err)
return nil
// While Linux has support for the full range of signals, signals aren't really implemented on Windows.
// We try to terminate the specified process whatever signal is requested.
func (clnt *client) SignalProcess(containerID string, processFriendlyName string, sig int) error {
defer clnt.unlock(containerID)
cont, err := clnt.getContainer(containerID)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, p := range cont.processes {
if p.friendlyName == processFriendlyName {
return p.hcsProcess.Kill()
return fmt.Errorf("SignalProcess could not find process %s in %s", processFriendlyName, containerID)
// Resize handles a CLI event to resize an interactive docker run or docker exec
// window.
func (clnt *client) Resize(containerID, processFriendlyName string, width, height int) error {
// Get the libcontainerd container object
defer clnt.unlock(containerID)
cont, err := clnt.getContainer(containerID)
if err != nil {
return err
h, w := uint16(height), uint16(width)
if processFriendlyName == InitFriendlyName {
logrus.Debugln("libcontainerd: resizing systemPID in", containerID, cont.process.systemPid)
return cont.process.hcsProcess.ResizeConsole(w, h)
for _, p := range cont.processes {
if p.friendlyName == processFriendlyName {
logrus.Debugln("libcontainerd: resizing exec'd process", containerID, p.systemPid)
return p.hcsProcess.ResizeConsole(w, h)
return fmt.Errorf("Resize could not find containerID %s to resize", containerID)
// Pause handles pause requests for containers
func (clnt *client) Pause(containerID string) error {
unlockContainer := true
// Get the libcontainerd container object
defer func() {
if unlockContainer {
container, err := clnt.getContainer(containerID)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, option := range container.options {
if h, ok := option.(*HyperVIsolationOption); ok {
if !h.IsHyperV {
return errors.New("cannot pause Windows Server Containers")
err = container.hcsContainer.Pause()
if err != nil {
return err
// Unlock container before calling back into the daemon
unlockContainer = false
return clnt.backend.StateChanged(containerID, StateInfo{
CommonStateInfo: CommonStateInfo{
State: StatePause,
// Resume handles resume requests for containers
func (clnt *client) Resume(containerID string) error {
unlockContainer := true
// Get the libcontainerd container object
defer func() {
if unlockContainer {
container, err := clnt.getContainer(containerID)
if err != nil {
return err
// This should never happen, since Windows Server Containers cannot be paused
for _, option := range container.options {
if h, ok := option.(*HyperVIsolationOption); ok {
if !h.IsHyperV {
return errors.New("cannot resume Windows Server Containers")
err = container.hcsContainer.Resume()
if err != nil {
return err
// Unlock container before calling back into the daemon
unlockContainer = false
return clnt.backend.StateChanged(containerID, StateInfo{
CommonStateInfo: CommonStateInfo{
State: StateResume,
// Stats handles stats requests for containers
func (clnt *client) Stats(containerID string) (*Stats, error) {
// Get the libcontainerd container object
defer clnt.unlock(containerID)
container, err := clnt.getContainer(containerID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s, err := container.hcsContainer.Statistics()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
st := Stats(s)
return &st, nil
// Restore is the handler for restoring a container
func (clnt *client) Restore(containerID string, _ StdioCallback, unusedOnWindows ...CreateOption) error {
logrus.Debugf("libcontainerd: Restore(%s)", containerID)
// TODO Windows: On RS1, a re-attach isn't possible.
// However, there is a scenario in which there is an issue.
// Consider a background container. The daemon dies unexpectedly.
// HCS will still have the compute service alive and running.
// For consistence, we call in to shoot it regardless if HCS knows about it
// We explicitly just log a warning if the terminate fails.
// Then we tell the backend the container exited.
if hc, err := hcsshim.OpenContainer(containerID); err == nil {
if err := hc.Terminate(); err != nil {
if !hcsshim.IsPending(err) {
logrus.Warnf("libcontainerd: failed to terminate %s on restore - %q", containerID, err)
return clnt.backend.StateChanged(containerID, StateInfo{
CommonStateInfo: CommonStateInfo{
State: StateExit,
ExitCode: 1 << 31,
// GetPidsForContainer returns a list of process IDs running in a container.
// Not used on Windows.
func (clnt *client) GetPidsForContainer(containerID string) ([]int, error) {
return nil, errors.New("not implemented on Windows")
// Summary returns a summary of the processes running in a container.
// This is present in Windows to support docker top. In linux, the
// engine shells out to ps to get process information. On Windows, as
// the containers could be Hyper-V containers, they would not be
// visible on the container host. However, libcontainerd does have
// that information.
func (clnt *client) Summary(containerID string) ([]Summary, error) {
// Get the libcontainerd container object
defer clnt.unlock(containerID)
container, err := clnt.getContainer(containerID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p, err := container.hcsContainer.ProcessList()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pl := make([]Summary, len(p))
for i := range p {
pl[i] = Summary(p[i])
return pl, nil
// UpdateResources updates resources for a running container.
func (clnt *client) UpdateResources(containerID string, resources Resources) error {
// Updating resource isn't supported on Windows
// but we should return nil for enabling updating container
return nil
func (clnt *client) CreateCheckpoint(containerID string, checkpointID string, checkpointDir string, exit bool) error {
return errors.New("Windows: Containers do not support checkpoints")
func (clnt *client) DeleteCheckpoint(containerID string, checkpointID string, checkpointDir string) error {
return errors.New("Windows: Containers do not support checkpoints")
func (clnt *client) ListCheckpoints(containerID string, checkpointDir string) (*Checkpoints, error) {
return nil, errors.New("Windows: Containers do not support checkpoints")
func (clnt *client) GetServerVersion(ctx context.Context) (*ServerVersion, error) {
return &ServerVersion{}, nil