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synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

Finish the refactor which was partially completed with commit
, passing around IdentityMapping structs instead of pairs of
[]IDMap slices.
Existing code which uses []IDMap relies on zero-valued fields to be
valid, empty mappings. So in order to successfully finish the
refactoring without introducing bugs, their replacement therefore also
needs to have a useful zero value which represents an empty mapping.
Change IdentityMapping to be a pass-by-value type so that there are no
nil pointers to worry about.
The functionality provided by the deprecated NewIDMappingsFromMaps
function is required by unit tests to to construct arbitrary
IdentityMapping values. And the daemon will always need to access the
mappings to pass them to the Linux kernel. Accommodate these use cases
by exporting the struct fields instead. BuildKit currently depends on
the UIDs and GIDs methods so we cannot get rid of them yet.
Signed-off-by: Cory Snider <csnider@mirantis.com>
426 lines
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426 lines
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package dockerfile // import "github.com/docker/docker/builder/dockerfile"
// internals for handling commands. Covers many areas and a lot of
// non-contiguous functionality. Please read the comments.
import (
specs "github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/specs-go/v1"
// Archiver defines an interface for copying files from one destination to
// another using Tar/Untar.
type Archiver interface {
TarUntar(src, dst string) error
UntarPath(src, dst string) error
CopyWithTar(src, dst string) error
CopyFileWithTar(src, dst string) error
IdentityMapping() idtools.IdentityMapping
// The builder will use the following interfaces if the container fs implements
// these for optimized copies to and from the container.
type extractor interface {
ExtractArchive(src io.Reader, dst string, opts *archive.TarOptions) error
type archiver interface {
ArchivePath(src string, opts *archive.TarOptions) (io.ReadCloser, error)
// helper functions to get tar/untar func
func untarFunc(i interface{}) containerfs.UntarFunc {
if ea, ok := i.(extractor); ok {
return ea.ExtractArchive
return chrootarchive.Untar
func tarFunc(i interface{}) containerfs.TarFunc {
if ap, ok := i.(archiver); ok {
return ap.ArchivePath
return archive.TarWithOptions
func (b *Builder) getArchiver(src, dst containerfs.Driver) Archiver {
t, u := tarFunc(src), untarFunc(dst)
return &containerfs.Archiver{
SrcDriver: src,
DstDriver: dst,
Tar: t,
Untar: u,
IDMapping: b.idMapping,
func (b *Builder) commit(dispatchState *dispatchState, comment string) error {
if b.disableCommit {
return nil
if !dispatchState.hasFromImage() {
return errors.New("Please provide a source image with `from` prior to commit")
runConfigWithCommentCmd := copyRunConfig(dispatchState.runConfig, withCmdComment(comment, dispatchState.operatingSystem))
id, err := b.probeAndCreate(dispatchState, runConfigWithCommentCmd)
if err != nil || id == "" {
return err
return b.commitContainer(dispatchState, id, runConfigWithCommentCmd)
func (b *Builder) commitContainer(dispatchState *dispatchState, id string, containerConfig *container.Config) error {
if b.disableCommit {
return nil
commitCfg := backend.CommitConfig{
Author: dispatchState.maintainer,
// TODO: this copy should be done by Commit()
Config: copyRunConfig(dispatchState.runConfig),
ContainerConfig: containerConfig,
ContainerID: id,
imageID, err := b.docker.CommitBuildStep(commitCfg)
dispatchState.imageID = string(imageID)
return err
func (b *Builder) exportImage(state *dispatchState, layer builder.RWLayer, parent builder.Image, runConfig *container.Config) error {
newLayer, err := layer.Commit()
if err != nil {
return err
parentImage, ok := parent.(*image.Image)
if !ok {
return errors.Errorf("unexpected image type")
platform := &specs.Platform{
OS: parentImage.OS,
Architecture: parentImage.Architecture,
Variant: parentImage.Variant,
// add an image mount without an image so the layer is properly unmounted
// if there is an error before we can add the full mount with image
b.imageSources.Add(newImageMount(nil, newLayer), platform)
newImage := image.NewChildImage(parentImage, image.ChildConfig{
Author: state.maintainer,
ContainerConfig: runConfig,
DiffID: newLayer.DiffID(),
Config: copyRunConfig(state.runConfig),
}, parentImage.OS)
// TODO: it seems strange to marshal this here instead of just passing in the
// image struct
config, err := newImage.MarshalJSON()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to encode image config")
exportedImage, err := b.docker.CreateImage(config, state.imageID)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to export image")
state.imageID = exportedImage.ImageID()
b.imageSources.Add(newImageMount(exportedImage, newLayer), platform)
return nil
func (b *Builder) performCopy(req dispatchRequest, inst copyInstruction) error {
state := req.state
srcHash := getSourceHashFromInfos(inst.infos)
var chownComment string
if inst.chownStr != "" {
chownComment = fmt.Sprintf("--chown=%s", inst.chownStr)
commentStr := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s%s in %s ", inst.cmdName, chownComment, srcHash, inst.dest)
// TODO: should this have been using origPaths instead of srcHash in the comment?
runConfigWithCommentCmd := copyRunConfig(
withCmdCommentString(commentStr, state.operatingSystem))
hit, err := b.probeCache(state, runConfigWithCommentCmd)
if err != nil || hit {
return err
imageMount, err := b.imageSources.Get(state.imageID, true, req.builder.platform)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get destination image %q", state.imageID)
rwLayer, err := imageMount.NewRWLayer()
if err != nil {
return err
defer rwLayer.Release()
destInfo, err := createDestInfo(state.runConfig.WorkingDir, inst, rwLayer, state.operatingSystem)
if err != nil {
return err
identity := b.idMapping.RootPair()
// if a chown was requested, perform the steps to get the uid, gid
// translated (if necessary because of user namespaces), and replace
// the root pair with the chown pair for copy operations
if inst.chownStr != "" {
identity, err = parseChownFlag(b, state, inst.chownStr, destInfo.root.Path(), b.idMapping)
if err != nil {
if b.options.Platform != "windows" {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to convert uid/gid chown string to host mapping")
return errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to map container user account name to SID")
for _, info := range inst.infos {
opts := copyFileOptions{
decompress: inst.allowLocalDecompression,
archiver: b.getArchiver(info.root, destInfo.root),
if !inst.preserveOwnership {
opts.identity = &identity
if err := performCopyForInfo(destInfo, info, opts); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to copy files")
return b.exportImage(state, rwLayer, imageMount.Image(), runConfigWithCommentCmd)
func createDestInfo(workingDir string, inst copyInstruction, rwLayer builder.RWLayer, platform string) (copyInfo, error) {
// Twiddle the destination when it's a relative path - meaning, make it
// relative to the WORKINGDIR
dest, err := normalizeDest(workingDir, inst.dest)
if err != nil {
return copyInfo{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid %s", inst.cmdName)
return copyInfo{root: rwLayer.Root(), path: dest}, nil
// For backwards compat, if there's just one info then use it as the
// cache look-up string, otherwise hash 'em all into one
func getSourceHashFromInfos(infos []copyInfo) string {
if len(infos) == 1 {
return infos[0].hash
var hashs []string
for _, info := range infos {
hashs = append(hashs, info.hash)
return hashStringSlice("multi", hashs)
func hashStringSlice(prefix string, slice []string) string {
hasher := sha256.New()
hasher.Write([]byte(strings.Join(slice, ",")))
return prefix + ":" + hex.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil))
type runConfigModifier func(*container.Config)
func withCmd(cmd []string) runConfigModifier {
return func(runConfig *container.Config) {
runConfig.Cmd = cmd
func withArgsEscaped(argsEscaped bool) runConfigModifier {
return func(runConfig *container.Config) {
runConfig.ArgsEscaped = argsEscaped
// withCmdComment sets Cmd to a nop comment string. See withCmdCommentString for
// why there are two almost identical versions of this.
func withCmdComment(comment string, platform string) runConfigModifier {
return func(runConfig *container.Config) {
runConfig.Cmd = append(getShell(runConfig, platform), "#(nop) ", comment)
// withCmdCommentString exists to maintain compatibility with older versions.
// A few instructions (workdir, copy, add) used a nop comment that is a single arg
// where as all the other instructions used a two arg comment string. This
// function implements the single arg version.
func withCmdCommentString(comment string, platform string) runConfigModifier {
return func(runConfig *container.Config) {
runConfig.Cmd = append(getShell(runConfig, platform), "#(nop) "+comment)
func withEnv(env []string) runConfigModifier {
return func(runConfig *container.Config) {
runConfig.Env = env
// withEntrypointOverride sets an entrypoint on runConfig if the command is
// not empty. The entrypoint is left unmodified if command is empty.
// The dockerfile RUN instruction expect to run without an entrypoint
// so the runConfig entrypoint needs to be modified accordingly. ContainerCreate
// will change a []string{""} entrypoint to nil, so we probe the cache with the
// nil entrypoint.
func withEntrypointOverride(cmd []string, entrypoint []string) runConfigModifier {
return func(runConfig *container.Config) {
if len(cmd) > 0 {
runConfig.Entrypoint = entrypoint
// withoutHealthcheck disables healthcheck.
// The dockerfile RUN instruction expect to run without healthcheck
// so the runConfig Healthcheck needs to be disabled.
func withoutHealthcheck() runConfigModifier {
return func(runConfig *container.Config) {
runConfig.Healthcheck = &container.HealthConfig{
Test: []string{"NONE"},
func copyRunConfig(runConfig *container.Config, modifiers ...runConfigModifier) *container.Config {
copy := *runConfig
copy.Cmd = copyStringSlice(runConfig.Cmd)
copy.Env = copyStringSlice(runConfig.Env)
copy.Entrypoint = copyStringSlice(runConfig.Entrypoint)
copy.OnBuild = copyStringSlice(runConfig.OnBuild)
copy.Shell = copyStringSlice(runConfig.Shell)
if copy.Volumes != nil {
copy.Volumes = make(map[string]struct{}, len(runConfig.Volumes))
for k, v := range runConfig.Volumes {
copy.Volumes[k] = v
if copy.ExposedPorts != nil {
copy.ExposedPorts = make(nat.PortSet, len(runConfig.ExposedPorts))
for k, v := range runConfig.ExposedPorts {
copy.ExposedPorts[k] = v
if copy.Labels != nil {
copy.Labels = make(map[string]string, len(runConfig.Labels))
for k, v := range runConfig.Labels {
copy.Labels[k] = v
for _, modifier := range modifiers {
return ©
func copyStringSlice(orig []string) []string {
if orig == nil {
return nil
return append([]string{}, orig...)
// getShell is a helper function which gets the right shell for prefixing the
// shell-form of RUN, ENTRYPOINT and CMD instructions
func getShell(c *container.Config, os string) []string {
if 0 == len(c.Shell) {
return append([]string{}, defaultShellForOS(os)[:]...)
return append([]string{}, c.Shell[:]...)
func (b *Builder) probeCache(dispatchState *dispatchState, runConfig *container.Config) (bool, error) {
cachedID, err := b.imageProber.Probe(dispatchState.imageID, runConfig)
if cachedID == "" || err != nil {
return false, err
fmt.Fprint(b.Stdout, " ---> Using cache\n")
dispatchState.imageID = cachedID
return true, nil
var defaultLogConfig = container.LogConfig{Type: "none"}
func (b *Builder) probeAndCreate(dispatchState *dispatchState, runConfig *container.Config) (string, error) {
if hit, err := b.probeCache(dispatchState, runConfig); err != nil || hit {
return "", err
return b.create(runConfig)
func (b *Builder) create(runConfig *container.Config) (string, error) {
logrus.Debugf("[BUILDER] Command to be executed: %v", runConfig.Cmd)
hostConfig := hostConfigFromOptions(b.options)
container, err := b.containerManager.Create(runConfig, hostConfig)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// TODO: could this be moved into containerManager.Create() ?
for _, warning := range container.Warnings {
fmt.Fprintf(b.Stdout, " ---> [Warning] %s\n", warning)
fmt.Fprintf(b.Stdout, " ---> Running in %s\n", stringid.TruncateID(container.ID))
return container.ID, nil
func hostConfigFromOptions(options *types.ImageBuildOptions) *container.HostConfig {
resources := container.Resources{
CgroupParent: options.CgroupParent,
CPUShares: options.CPUShares,
CPUPeriod: options.CPUPeriod,
CPUQuota: options.CPUQuota,
CpusetCpus: options.CPUSetCPUs,
CpusetMems: options.CPUSetMems,
Memory: options.Memory,
MemorySwap: options.MemorySwap,
Ulimits: options.Ulimits,
hc := &container.HostConfig{
SecurityOpt: options.SecurityOpt,
Isolation: options.Isolation,
ShmSize: options.ShmSize,
Resources: resources,
NetworkMode: container.NetworkMode(options.NetworkMode),
// Set a log config to override any default value set on the daemon
LogConfig: defaultLogConfig,
ExtraHosts: options.ExtraHosts,
return hc