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synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

Adds a mutex to protect the status, as well. When running the race detector with the unit test, we can see that the Status field is written without holding this lock. Adding a mutex to read and set status addresses the issue. Signed-off-by: Stephen J Day <stephen.day@docker.com>
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278 lines
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package daemon
import (
networktypes "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/network"
volumestore "github.com/docker/docker/volume/store"
// ContainerInspect returns low-level information about a
// container. Returns an error if the container cannot be found, or if
// there is an error getting the data.
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerInspect(name string, size bool, version string) (interface{}, error) {
switch {
case versions.LessThan(version, "1.20"):
return daemon.containerInspectPre120(name)
case versions.Equal(version, "1.20"):
return daemon.containerInspect120(name)
return daemon.ContainerInspectCurrent(name, size)
// ContainerInspectCurrent returns low-level information about a
// container in a most recent api version.
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerInspectCurrent(name string, size bool) (*types.ContainerJSON, error) {
container, err := daemon.GetContainer(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
base, err := daemon.getInspectData(container)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
apiNetworks := make(map[string]*networktypes.EndpointSettings)
for name, epConf := range container.NetworkSettings.Networks {
if epConf.EndpointSettings != nil {
// We must make a copy of this pointer object otherwise it can race with other operations
apiNetworks[name] = epConf.EndpointSettings.Copy()
mountPoints := container.GetMountPoints()
networkSettings := &types.NetworkSettings{
NetworkSettingsBase: types.NetworkSettingsBase{
Bridge: container.NetworkSettings.Bridge,
SandboxID: container.NetworkSettings.SandboxID,
HairpinMode: container.NetworkSettings.HairpinMode,
LinkLocalIPv6Address: container.NetworkSettings.LinkLocalIPv6Address,
LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen: container.NetworkSettings.LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen,
SandboxKey: container.NetworkSettings.SandboxKey,
SecondaryIPAddresses: container.NetworkSettings.SecondaryIPAddresses,
SecondaryIPv6Addresses: container.NetworkSettings.SecondaryIPv6Addresses,
DefaultNetworkSettings: daemon.getDefaultNetworkSettings(container.NetworkSettings.Networks),
Networks: apiNetworks,
ports := make(nat.PortMap, len(container.NetworkSettings.Ports))
for k, pm := range container.NetworkSettings.Ports {
ports[k] = pm
networkSettings.NetworkSettingsBase.Ports = ports
if size {
sizeRw, sizeRootFs := daemon.getSize(base.ID)
base.SizeRw = &sizeRw
base.SizeRootFs = &sizeRootFs
return &types.ContainerJSON{
ContainerJSONBase: base,
Mounts: mountPoints,
Config: container.Config,
NetworkSettings: networkSettings,
}, nil
// containerInspect120 serializes the master version of a container into a json type.
func (daemon *Daemon) containerInspect120(name string) (*v1p20.ContainerJSON, error) {
container, err := daemon.GetContainer(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer container.Unlock()
base, err := daemon.getInspectData(container)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mountPoints := container.GetMountPoints()
config := &v1p20.ContainerConfig{
Config: container.Config,
MacAddress: container.Config.MacAddress,
NetworkDisabled: container.Config.NetworkDisabled,
ExposedPorts: container.Config.ExposedPorts,
VolumeDriver: container.HostConfig.VolumeDriver,
networkSettings := daemon.getBackwardsCompatibleNetworkSettings(container.NetworkSettings)
return &v1p20.ContainerJSON{
ContainerJSONBase: base,
Mounts: mountPoints,
Config: config,
NetworkSettings: networkSettings,
}, nil
func (daemon *Daemon) getInspectData(container *container.Container) (*types.ContainerJSONBase, error) {
// make a copy to play with
hostConfig := *container.HostConfig
children := daemon.children(container)
hostConfig.Links = nil // do not expose the internal structure
for linkAlias, child := range children {
hostConfig.Links = append(hostConfig.Links, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", child.Name, linkAlias))
// We merge the Ulimits from hostConfig with daemon default
var containerHealth *types.Health
if container.State.Health != nil {
containerHealth = &types.Health{
Status: container.State.Health.Status(),
FailingStreak: container.State.Health.FailingStreak,
Log: append([]*types.HealthcheckResult{}, container.State.Health.Log...),
containerState := &types.ContainerState{
Status: container.State.StateString(),
Running: container.State.Running,
Paused: container.State.Paused,
Restarting: container.State.Restarting,
OOMKilled: container.State.OOMKilled,
Dead: container.State.Dead,
Pid: container.State.Pid,
ExitCode: container.State.ExitCode(),
Error: container.State.ErrorMsg,
StartedAt: container.State.StartedAt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
FinishedAt: container.State.FinishedAt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
Health: containerHealth,
contJSONBase := &types.ContainerJSONBase{
ID: container.ID,
Created: container.Created.Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
Path: container.Path,
Args: container.Args,
State: containerState,
Image: container.ImageID.String(),
LogPath: container.LogPath,
Name: container.Name,
RestartCount: container.RestartCount,
Driver: container.Driver,
Platform: container.OS,
MountLabel: container.MountLabel,
ProcessLabel: container.ProcessLabel,
ExecIDs: container.GetExecIDs(),
HostConfig: &hostConfig,
// Now set any platform-specific fields
contJSONBase = setPlatformSpecificContainerFields(container, contJSONBase)
contJSONBase.GraphDriver.Name = container.Driver
graphDriverData, err := container.RWLayer.Metadata()
// If container is marked as Dead, the container's graphdriver metadata
// could have been removed, it will cause error if we try to get the metadata,
// we can ignore the error if the container is dead.
if err != nil && !container.Dead {
return nil, systemError{err}
contJSONBase.GraphDriver.Data = graphDriverData
return contJSONBase, nil
// ContainerExecInspect returns low-level information about the exec
// command. An error is returned if the exec cannot be found.
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerExecInspect(id string) (*backend.ExecInspect, error) {
e := daemon.execCommands.Get(id)
if e == nil {
return nil, errExecNotFound(id)
if container := daemon.containers.Get(e.ContainerID); container == nil {
return nil, errExecNotFound(id)
pc := inspectExecProcessConfig(e)
return &backend.ExecInspect{
ID: e.ID,
Running: e.Running,
ExitCode: e.ExitCode,
ProcessConfig: pc,
OpenStdin: e.OpenStdin,
OpenStdout: e.OpenStdout,
OpenStderr: e.OpenStderr,
CanRemove: e.CanRemove,
ContainerID: e.ContainerID,
DetachKeys: e.DetachKeys,
Pid: e.Pid,
}, nil
// VolumeInspect looks up a volume by name. An error is returned if
// the volume cannot be found.
func (daemon *Daemon) VolumeInspect(name string) (*types.Volume, error) {
v, err := daemon.volumes.Get(name)
if err != nil {
if volumestore.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, volumeNotFound(name)
return nil, systemError{err}
apiV := volumeToAPIType(v)
apiV.Mountpoint = v.Path()
apiV.Status = v.Status()
return apiV, nil
func (daemon *Daemon) getBackwardsCompatibleNetworkSettings(settings *network.Settings) *v1p20.NetworkSettings {
result := &v1p20.NetworkSettings{
NetworkSettingsBase: types.NetworkSettingsBase{
Bridge: settings.Bridge,
SandboxID: settings.SandboxID,
HairpinMode: settings.HairpinMode,
LinkLocalIPv6Address: settings.LinkLocalIPv6Address,
LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen: settings.LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen,
Ports: settings.Ports,
SandboxKey: settings.SandboxKey,
SecondaryIPAddresses: settings.SecondaryIPAddresses,
SecondaryIPv6Addresses: settings.SecondaryIPv6Addresses,
DefaultNetworkSettings: daemon.getDefaultNetworkSettings(settings.Networks),
return result
// getDefaultNetworkSettings creates the deprecated structure that holds the information
// about the bridge network for a container.
func (daemon *Daemon) getDefaultNetworkSettings(networks map[string]*network.EndpointSettings) types.DefaultNetworkSettings {
var settings types.DefaultNetworkSettings
if defaultNetwork, ok := networks["bridge"]; ok && defaultNetwork.EndpointSettings != nil {
settings.EndpointID = defaultNetwork.EndpointID
settings.Gateway = defaultNetwork.Gateway
settings.GlobalIPv6Address = defaultNetwork.GlobalIPv6Address
settings.GlobalIPv6PrefixLen = defaultNetwork.GlobalIPv6PrefixLen
settings.IPAddress = defaultNetwork.IPAddress
settings.IPPrefixLen = defaultNetwork.IPPrefixLen
settings.IPv6Gateway = defaultNetwork.IPv6Gateway
settings.MacAddress = defaultNetwork.MacAddress
return settings