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mirror of https://github.com/moby/moby.git synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00
Alessandro Boch fd43ee1323 Introduce Sandbox entity
- Maps 1 to 1 with container's networking stack
- It holds container's specific nw options which
  before were incorrectly owned by Endpoint.
- Sandbox creation no longer coupled with Endpoint Join,
  sandbox and endpoint have now separate lifecycle.
- LeaveAll naturally replaced by Sandbox.Delete
- some pkg and file renaming in order to have clear
  mapping between structure name and entity ("sandbox")
- Revisited hosts and resolv.conf handling
- Removed from JoinInfo interface capability of setting hosts and resolv.conf paths
- Changed etchosts.Build() to first write the search domains and then the nameservers

Signed-off-by: Alessandro Boch <aboch@docker.com>
2015-08-27 11:19:02 -07:00

280 lines
6.3 KiB

package libnetwork
import (
// EndpointInfo provides an interface to retrieve network resources bound to the endpoint.
type EndpointInfo interface {
// InterfaceList returns an interface list which were assigned to the endpoint
// by the driver. This can be used after the endpoint has been created.
InterfaceList() []InterfaceInfo
// Gateway returns the IPv4 gateway assigned by the driver.
// This will only return a valid value if a container has joined the endpoint.
Gateway() net.IP
// GatewayIPv6 returns the IPv6 gateway assigned by the driver.
// This will only return a valid value if a container has joined the endpoint.
GatewayIPv6() net.IP
// Sandbox returns the attached sandbox if there, nil otherwise.
Sandbox() Sandbox
// InterfaceInfo provides an interface to retrieve interface addresses bound to the endpoint.
type InterfaceInfo interface {
// MacAddress returns the MAC address assigned to the endpoint.
MacAddress() net.HardwareAddr
// Address returns the IPv4 address assigned to the endpoint.
Address() net.IPNet
// AddressIPv6 returns the IPv6 address assigned to the endpoint.
AddressIPv6() net.IPNet
type endpointInterface struct {
id int
mac net.HardwareAddr
addr net.IPNet
addrv6 net.IPNet
srcName string
dstPrefix string
routes []*net.IPNet
func (epi *endpointInterface) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
epMap := make(map[string]interface{})
epMap["id"] = epi.id
epMap["mac"] = epi.mac.String()
epMap["addr"] = epi.addr.String()
epMap["addrv6"] = epi.addrv6.String()
epMap["srcName"] = epi.srcName
epMap["dstPrefix"] = epi.dstPrefix
var routes []string
for _, route := range epi.routes {
routes = append(routes, route.String())
epMap["routes"] = routes
return json.Marshal(epMap)
func (epi *endpointInterface) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
var epMap map[string]interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &epMap); err != nil {
return err
epi.id = int(epMap["id"].(float64))
mac, _ := net.ParseMAC(epMap["mac"].(string))
epi.mac = mac
ip, ipnet, _ := net.ParseCIDR(epMap["addr"].(string))
if ipnet != nil {
ipnet.IP = ip
epi.addr = *ipnet
ip, ipnet, _ = net.ParseCIDR(epMap["addrv6"].(string))
if ipnet != nil {
ipnet.IP = ip
epi.addrv6 = *ipnet
epi.srcName = epMap["srcName"].(string)
epi.dstPrefix = epMap["dstPrefix"].(string)
rb, _ := json.Marshal(epMap["routes"])
var routes []string
json.Unmarshal(rb, &routes)
epi.routes = make([]*net.IPNet, 0)
for _, route := range routes {
ip, ipr, err := net.ParseCIDR(route)
if err == nil {
ipr.IP = ip
epi.routes = append(epi.routes, ipr)
return nil
type endpointJoinInfo struct {
gw net.IP
gw6 net.IP
StaticRoutes []*types.StaticRoute
func (ep *endpoint) Info() EndpointInfo {
return ep
func (ep *endpoint) DriverInfo() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
network := ep.network
epid := ep.id
driver := network.driver
nid := network.id
return driver.EndpointOperInfo(nid, epid)
func (ep *endpoint) InterfaceList() []InterfaceInfo {
defer ep.Unlock()
iList := make([]InterfaceInfo, len(ep.iFaces))
for i, iface := range ep.iFaces {
iList[i] = iface
return iList
func (ep *endpoint) Interfaces() []driverapi.InterfaceInfo {
defer ep.Unlock()
iList := make([]driverapi.InterfaceInfo, len(ep.iFaces))
for i, iface := range ep.iFaces {
iList[i] = iface
return iList
func (ep *endpoint) AddInterface(id int, mac net.HardwareAddr, ipv4 net.IPNet, ipv6 net.IPNet) error {
defer ep.Unlock()
iface := &endpointInterface{
id: id,
addr: *types.GetIPNetCopy(&ipv4),
addrv6: *types.GetIPNetCopy(&ipv6),
iface.mac = types.GetMacCopy(mac)
ep.iFaces = append(ep.iFaces, iface)
return nil
func (epi *endpointInterface) ID() int {
return epi.id
func (epi *endpointInterface) MacAddress() net.HardwareAddr {
return types.GetMacCopy(epi.mac)
func (epi *endpointInterface) Address() net.IPNet {
return (*types.GetIPNetCopy(&epi.addr))
func (epi *endpointInterface) AddressIPv6() net.IPNet {
return (*types.GetIPNetCopy(&epi.addrv6))
func (epi *endpointInterface) SetNames(srcName string, dstPrefix string) error {
epi.srcName = srcName
epi.dstPrefix = dstPrefix
return nil
func (ep *endpoint) InterfaceNames() []driverapi.InterfaceNameInfo {
defer ep.Unlock()
iList := make([]driverapi.InterfaceNameInfo, len(ep.iFaces))
for i, iface := range ep.iFaces {
iList[i] = iface
return iList
func (ep *endpoint) AddStaticRoute(destination *net.IPNet, routeType int, nextHop net.IP, interfaceID int) error {
defer ep.Unlock()
r := types.StaticRoute{Destination: destination, RouteType: routeType, NextHop: nextHop, InterfaceID: interfaceID}
if routeType == types.NEXTHOP {
// If the route specifies a next-hop, then it's loosely routed (i.e. not bound to a particular interface).
ep.joinInfo.StaticRoutes = append(ep.joinInfo.StaticRoutes, &r)
} else {
// If the route doesn't specify a next-hop, it must be a connected route, bound to an interface.
if err := ep.addInterfaceRoute(&r); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (ep *endpoint) addInterfaceRoute(route *types.StaticRoute) error {
for _, iface := range ep.iFaces {
if iface.id == route.InterfaceID {
iface.routes = append(iface.routes, route.Destination)
return nil
return types.BadRequestErrorf("Interface with ID %d doesn't exist.",
func (ep *endpoint) Sandbox() Sandbox {
cnt, ok := ep.getSandbox()
if !ok {
return nil
return cnt
func (ep *endpoint) Gateway() net.IP {
defer ep.Unlock()
if ep.joinInfo == nil {
return net.IP{}
return types.GetIPCopy(ep.joinInfo.gw)
func (ep *endpoint) GatewayIPv6() net.IP {
defer ep.Unlock()
if ep.joinInfo == nil {
return net.IP{}
return types.GetIPCopy(ep.joinInfo.gw6)
func (ep *endpoint) SetGateway(gw net.IP) error {
defer ep.Unlock()
ep.joinInfo.gw = types.GetIPCopy(gw)
return nil
func (ep *endpoint) SetGatewayIPv6(gw6 net.IP) error {
defer ep.Unlock()
ep.joinInfo.gw6 = types.GetIPCopy(gw6)
return nil