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synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

This patch creates a new cli package that allows to combine both client and daemon commands (there is only one daemon command: docker daemon). The `-d` and `--daemon` top-level flags are deprecated and a special message is added to prompt the user to use `docker daemon`. Providing top-level daemon-specific flags for client commands result in an error message prompting the user to use `docker daemon`. This patch does not break any old but correct usages. This also makes `-d` and `--daemon` flags, as well as the `daemon` command illegal in client-only binaries. Signed-off-by: Tibor Vass <tibor@docker.com>
134 lines
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134 lines
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package client
import (
Cli "github.com/docker/docker/cli"
// CmdExec runs a command in a running container.
// Usage: docker exec [OPTIONS] CONTAINER COMMAND [ARG...]
func (cli *DockerCli) CmdExec(args ...string) error {
cmd := Cli.Subcmd("exec", []string{"CONTAINER COMMAND [ARG...]"}, "Run a command in a running container", true)
execConfig, err := runconfig.ParseExec(cmd, args)
// just in case the ParseExec does not exit
if execConfig.Container == "" || err != nil {
return Cli.StatusError{StatusCode: 1}
serverResp, err := cli.call("POST", "/containers/"+execConfig.Container+"/exec", execConfig, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
defer serverResp.body.Close()
var response types.ContainerExecCreateResponse
if err := json.NewDecoder(serverResp.body).Decode(&response); err != nil {
return err
execID := response.ID
if execID == "" {
fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "exec ID empty")
return nil
//Temp struct for execStart so that we don't need to transfer all the execConfig
execStartCheck := &types.ExecStartCheck{
Detach: execConfig.Detach,
Tty: execConfig.Tty,
if !execConfig.Detach {
if err := cli.CheckTtyInput(execConfig.AttachStdin, execConfig.Tty); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if _, _, err := readBody(cli.call("POST", "/exec/"+execID+"/start", execStartCheck, nil)); err != nil {
return err
// For now don't print this - wait for when we support exec wait()
// fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "%s\n", execID)
return nil
// Interactive exec requested.
var (
out, stderr io.Writer
in io.ReadCloser
hijacked = make(chan io.Closer)
errCh chan error
// Block the return until the chan gets closed
defer func() {
logrus.Debugf("End of CmdExec(), Waiting for hijack to finish.")
if _, ok := <-hijacked; ok {
fmt.Fprintln(cli.err, "Hijack did not finish (chan still open)")
if execConfig.AttachStdin {
in = cli.in
if execConfig.AttachStdout {
out = cli.out
if execConfig.AttachStderr {
if execConfig.Tty {
stderr = cli.out
} else {
stderr = cli.err
errCh = promise.Go(func() error {
return cli.hijack("POST", "/exec/"+execID+"/start", execConfig.Tty, in, out, stderr, hijacked, execConfig)
// Acknowledge the hijack before starting
select {
case closer := <-hijacked:
// Make sure that hijack gets closed when returning. (result
// in closing hijack chan and freeing server's goroutines.
if closer != nil {
defer closer.Close()
case err := <-errCh:
if err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("Error hijack: %s", err)
return err
if execConfig.Tty && cli.isTerminalIn {
if err := cli.monitorTtySize(execID, true); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "Error monitoring TTY size: %s\n", err)
if err := <-errCh; err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("Error hijack: %s", err)
return err
var status int
if _, status, err = getExecExitCode(cli, execID); err != nil {
return err
if status != 0 {
return Cli.StatusError{StatusCode: status}
return nil