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Trapier Marshall 6861aade58 Delay network deletion until after lb cleanup
Removal of PolicyLists from Windows VFP must be performed prior to
removing the HNS network. Otherwise PolicyList removal fails with
HNS error "network not found".

Signed-off-by: Trapier Marshall <tmarshall@mirantis.com>
2022-04-19 14:22:08 +00:00

415 lines
13 KiB

//go:build linux || windows
// +build linux windows
package libnetwork
import (
const maxSetStringLen = 350
func (c *controller) addEndpointNameResolution(svcName, svcID, nID, eID, containerName string, vip net.IP, serviceAliases, taskAliases []string, ip net.IP, addService bool, method string) error {
n, err := c.NetworkByID(nID)
if err != nil {
return err
logrus.Debugf("addEndpointNameResolution %s %s add_service:%t sAliases:%v tAliases:%v", eID, svcName, addService, serviceAliases, taskAliases)
// Add container resolution mappings
if err := c.addContainerNameResolution(nID, eID, containerName, taskAliases, ip, method); err != nil {
return err
serviceID := svcID
if serviceID == "" {
// This is the case of a normal container not part of a service
serviceID = eID
// Add endpoint IP to special "tasks.svc_name" so that the applications have access to DNS RR.
n.(*network).addSvcRecords(eID, "tasks."+svcName, serviceID, ip, nil, false, method)
for _, alias := range serviceAliases {
n.(*network).addSvcRecords(eID, "tasks."+alias, serviceID, ip, nil, false, method)
// Add service name to vip in DNS, if vip is valid. Otherwise resort to DNS RR
if len(vip) == 0 {
n.(*network).addSvcRecords(eID, svcName, serviceID, ip, nil, false, method)
for _, alias := range serviceAliases {
n.(*network).addSvcRecords(eID, alias, serviceID, ip, nil, false, method)
if addService && len(vip) != 0 {
n.(*network).addSvcRecords(eID, svcName, serviceID, vip, nil, false, method)
for _, alias := range serviceAliases {
n.(*network).addSvcRecords(eID, alias, serviceID, vip, nil, false, method)
return nil
func (c *controller) addContainerNameResolution(nID, eID, containerName string, taskAliases []string, ip net.IP, method string) error {
n, err := c.NetworkByID(nID)
if err != nil {
return err
logrus.Debugf("addContainerNameResolution %s %s", eID, containerName)
// Add resolution for container name
n.(*network).addSvcRecords(eID, containerName, eID, ip, nil, true, method)
// Add resolution for taskaliases
for _, alias := range taskAliases {
n.(*network).addSvcRecords(eID, alias, eID, ip, nil, false, method)
return nil
func (c *controller) deleteEndpointNameResolution(svcName, svcID, nID, eID, containerName string, vip net.IP, serviceAliases, taskAliases []string, ip net.IP, rmService, multipleEntries bool, method string) error {
n, err := c.NetworkByID(nID)
if err != nil {
return err
logrus.Debugf("deleteEndpointNameResolution %s %s rm_service:%t suppress:%t sAliases:%v tAliases:%v", eID, svcName, rmService, multipleEntries, serviceAliases, taskAliases)
// Delete container resolution mappings
if err := c.delContainerNameResolution(nID, eID, containerName, taskAliases, ip, method); err != nil {
logrus.WithError(err).Warn("Error delting container from resolver")
serviceID := svcID
if serviceID == "" {
// This is the case of a normal container not part of a service
serviceID = eID
// Delete the special "tasks.svc_name" backend record.
if !multipleEntries {
n.(*network).deleteSvcRecords(eID, "tasks."+svcName, serviceID, ip, nil, false, method)
for _, alias := range serviceAliases {
n.(*network).deleteSvcRecords(eID, "tasks."+alias, serviceID, ip, nil, false, method)
// If we are doing DNS RR delete the endpoint IP from DNS record right away.
if !multipleEntries && len(vip) == 0 {
n.(*network).deleteSvcRecords(eID, svcName, serviceID, ip, nil, false, method)
for _, alias := range serviceAliases {
n.(*network).deleteSvcRecords(eID, alias, serviceID, ip, nil, false, method)
// Remove the DNS record for VIP only if we are removing the service
if rmService && len(vip) != 0 && !multipleEntries {
n.(*network).deleteSvcRecords(eID, svcName, serviceID, vip, nil, false, method)
for _, alias := range serviceAliases {
n.(*network).deleteSvcRecords(eID, alias, serviceID, vip, nil, false, method)
return nil
func (c *controller) delContainerNameResolution(nID, eID, containerName string, taskAliases []string, ip net.IP, method string) error {
n, err := c.NetworkByID(nID)
if err != nil {
return err
logrus.Debugf("delContainerNameResolution %s %s", eID, containerName)
// Delete resolution for container name
n.(*network).deleteSvcRecords(eID, containerName, eID, ip, nil, true, method)
// Delete resolution for taskaliases
for _, alias := range taskAliases {
n.(*network).deleteSvcRecords(eID, alias, eID, ip, nil, true, method)
return nil
func newService(name string, id string, ingressPorts []*PortConfig, serviceAliases []string) *service {
return &service{
name: name,
id: id,
ingressPorts: ingressPorts,
loadBalancers: make(map[string]*loadBalancer),
aliases: serviceAliases,
ipToEndpoint: setmatrix.NewSetMatrix(),
func (c *controller) getLBIndex(sid, nid string, ingressPorts []*PortConfig) int {
skey := serviceKey{
id: sid,
ports: portConfigs(ingressPorts).String(),
s, ok := c.serviceBindings[skey]
if !ok {
return 0
lb := s.loadBalancers[nid]
return int(lb.fwMark)
// cleanupServiceDiscovery when the network is being deleted, erase all the associated service discovery records
func (c *controller) cleanupServiceDiscovery(cleanupNID string) {
defer c.Unlock()
if cleanupNID == "" {
logrus.Debugf("cleanupServiceDiscovery for all networks")
c.svcRecords = make(map[string]svcInfo)
logrus.Debugf("cleanupServiceDiscovery for network:%s", cleanupNID)
delete(c.svcRecords, cleanupNID)
func (c *controller) cleanupServiceBindings(cleanupNID string) {
var cleanupFuncs []func()
logrus.Debugf("cleanupServiceBindings for %s", cleanupNID)
services := make([]*service, 0, len(c.serviceBindings))
for _, s := range c.serviceBindings {
services = append(services, s)
for _, s := range services {
// Skip the serviceBindings that got deleted
if s.deleted {
for nid, lb := range s.loadBalancers {
if cleanupNID != "" && nid != cleanupNID {
for eid, be := range lb.backEnds {
cleanupFuncs = append(cleanupFuncs, makeServiceCleanupFunc(c, s, nid, eid, lb.vip, be.ip))
for _, f := range cleanupFuncs {
func makeServiceCleanupFunc(c *controller, s *service, nID, eID string, vip net.IP, ip net.IP) func() {
// ContainerName and taskAliases are not available here, this is still fine because the Service discovery
// cleanup already happened before. The only thing that rmServiceBinding is still doing here a part from the Load
// Balancer bookeeping, is to keep consistent the mapping of endpoint to IP.
return func() {
if err := c.rmServiceBinding(s.name, s.id, nID, eID, "", vip, s.ingressPorts, s.aliases, []string{}, ip, "cleanupServiceBindings", false, true); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Failed to remove service bindings for service %s network %s endpoint %s while cleanup: %v", s.id, nID, eID, err)
func (c *controller) addServiceBinding(svcName, svcID, nID, eID, containerName string, vip net.IP, ingressPorts []*PortConfig, serviceAliases, taskAliases []string, ip net.IP, method string) error {
var addService bool
// Failure to lock the network ID on add can result in racing
// racing against network deletion resulting in inconsistent
// state in the c.serviceBindings map and it's sub-maps. Also,
// always lock network ID before services to avoid deadlock.
defer c.networkLocker.Unlock(nID) // nolint:errcheck
n, err := c.NetworkByID(nID)
if err != nil {
return err
skey := serviceKey{
id: svcID,
ports: portConfigs(ingressPorts).String(),
var s *service
for {
var ok bool
s, ok = c.serviceBindings[skey]
if !ok {
// Create a new service if we are seeing this service
// for the first time.
s = newService(svcName, svcID, ingressPorts, serviceAliases)
c.serviceBindings[skey] = s
if !s.deleted {
// ok the object is good to be used
logrus.Debugf("addServiceBinding from %s START for %s %s p:%p nid:%s skey:%v", method, svcName, eID, s, nID, skey)
defer s.Unlock()
lb, ok := s.loadBalancers[nID]
if !ok {
// Create a new load balancer if we are seeing this
// network attachment on the service for the first
// time.
lb = &loadBalancer{
vip: vip,
fwMark: fwMarkCtr,
backEnds: make(map[string]*lbBackend),
service: s,
s.loadBalancers[nID] = lb
addService = true
lb.backEnds[eID] = &lbBackend{ip, false}
ok, entries := s.assignIPToEndpoint(ip.String(), eID)
if !ok || entries > 1 {
setStr, b := s.printIPToEndpoint(ip.String())
if len(setStr) > maxSetStringLen {
setStr = setStr[:maxSetStringLen]
logrus.Warnf("addServiceBinding %s possible transient state ok:%t entries:%d set:%t %s", eID, ok, entries, b, setStr)
// Add loadbalancer service and backend to the network
n.(*network).addLBBackend(ip, lb)
// Add the appropriate name resolutions
if err := c.addEndpointNameResolution(svcName, svcID, nID, eID, containerName, vip, serviceAliases, taskAliases, ip, addService, "addServiceBinding"); err != nil {
return err
logrus.Debugf("addServiceBinding from %s END for %s %s", method, svcName, eID)
return nil
func (c *controller) rmServiceBinding(svcName, svcID, nID, eID, containerName string, vip net.IP, ingressPorts []*PortConfig, serviceAliases []string, taskAliases []string, ip net.IP, method string, deleteSvcRecords bool, fullRemove bool) error {
var rmService bool
skey := serviceKey{
id: svcID,
ports: portConfigs(ingressPorts).String(),
s, ok := c.serviceBindings[skey]
if !ok {
logrus.Warnf("rmServiceBinding %s %s %s aborted c.serviceBindings[skey] !ok", method, svcName, eID)
return nil
defer s.Unlock()
logrus.Debugf("rmServiceBinding from %s START for %s %s p:%p nid:%s sKey:%v deleteSvc:%t", method, svcName, eID, s, nID, skey, deleteSvcRecords)
lb, ok := s.loadBalancers[nID]
if !ok {
logrus.Warnf("rmServiceBinding %s %s %s aborted s.loadBalancers[nid] !ok", method, svcName, eID)
return nil
be, ok := lb.backEnds[eID]
if !ok {
logrus.Warnf("rmServiceBinding %s %s %s aborted lb.backEnds[eid] && lb.disabled[eid] !ok", method, svcName, eID)
return nil
if fullRemove {
// delete regardless
delete(lb.backEnds, eID)
} else {
be.disabled = true
if len(lb.backEnds) == 0 {
// All the backends for this service have been
// removed. Time to remove the load balancer and also
// remove the service entry in IPVS.
rmService = true
delete(s.loadBalancers, nID)
logrus.Debugf("rmServiceBinding %s delete %s, p:%p in loadbalancers len:%d", eID, nID, lb, len(s.loadBalancers))
ok, entries := s.removeIPToEndpoint(ip.String(), eID)
if !ok || entries > 0 {
setStr, b := s.printIPToEndpoint(ip.String())
if len(setStr) > maxSetStringLen {
setStr = setStr[:maxSetStringLen]
logrus.Warnf("rmServiceBinding %s possible transient state ok:%t entries:%d set:%t %s", eID, ok, entries, b, setStr)
// Remove loadbalancer service(if needed) and backend in all
// sandboxes in the network only if the vip is valid.
if entries == 0 {
// The network may well have been deleted from the store (and
// dataplane) before the last of the service bindings. On Linux that's
// ok because removing the network sandbox from the dataplane
// implicitly cleans up all related dataplane state.
// On the Windows dataplane, VFP policylists must be removed
// independently of the network, and they must be removed before the HNS
// network. Otherwise, policylist removal fails with "network not
// found." On Windows cleanupServiceBindings must be called prior to
// removing the network from the store or dataplane.
n, err := c.NetworkByID(nID)
if err == nil {
n.(*network).rmLBBackend(ip, lb, rmService, fullRemove)
// Delete the name resolutions
if deleteSvcRecords {
if err := c.deleteEndpointNameResolution(svcName, svcID, nID, eID, containerName, vip, serviceAliases, taskAliases, ip, rmService, entries > 0, "rmServiceBinding"); err != nil {
return err
if len(s.loadBalancers) == 0 {
// All loadbalancers for the service removed. Time to
// remove the service itself.
// Mark the object as deleted so that the add won't use it wrongly
s.deleted = true
// NOTE The delete from the serviceBindings map has to be the last operation else we are allowing a race between this service
// that is getting deleted and a new service that will be created if the entry is not anymore there
delete(c.serviceBindings, skey)
logrus.Debugf("rmServiceBinding from %s END for %s %s", method, svcName, eID)
return nil