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synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

Currently builder.Backend is implemented by daemonbuilder.Docker{} for the daemon. This registration happens in the API/server code. However, this is too implementation specific. Ideally we should be able to specify that docker daemon (or any other) is implementing the Backend and abstract the implementation details. So we should remove package daemonbuilder dependency in build_routes.go With this change, daemonbuilder.Docker is nothing more than the daemon. A follow on change will remove the daemonbuilder package and move relevant methods under daemon, so that API only knows about the backend. Also cleanup code in api/client/build.go. docker cli always performs build context tar download for remoteURLs and sends an empty remoteContext. So remove relevant dead code. Signed-off-by: Anusha Ragunathan <anusha@docker.com>
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package dockerfile
// This file contains the dispatchers for each command. Note that
// `nullDispatch` is not actually a command, but support for commands we parse
// but do nothing with.
// See evaluator.go for a higher level discussion of the whole evaluator
// package.
import (
derr "github.com/docker/docker/errors"
runconfigopts "github.com/docker/docker/runconfig/opts"
// dispatch with no layer / parsing. This is effectively not a command.
func nullDispatch(b *Builder, args []string, attributes map[string]bool, original string) error {
return nil
// ENV foo bar
// Sets the environment variable foo to bar, also makes interpolation
// in the dockerfile available from the next statement on via ${foo}.
func env(b *Builder, args []string, attributes map[string]bool, original string) error {
if len(args) == 0 {
return derr.ErrorCodeAtLeastOneArg.WithArgs("ENV")
if len(args)%2 != 0 {
// should never get here, but just in case
return derr.ErrorCodeTooManyArgs.WithArgs("ENV")
if err := b.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
// Just here to show how to use the builder flags stuff within the
// context of a builder command. Will remove once we actually add
// a builder command to something!
flBool1 := b.flags.AddBool("bool1", false)
flStr1 := b.flags.AddString("str1", "HI")
if err := b.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("Bool1:%v\n", flBool1)
fmt.Printf("Str1:%v\n", flStr1)
commitStr := "ENV"
for j := 0; j < len(args); j++ {
// name ==> args[j]
// value ==> args[j+1]
newVar := args[j] + "=" + args[j+1] + ""
commitStr += " " + newVar
gotOne := false
for i, envVar := range b.runConfig.Env {
envParts := strings.SplitN(envVar, "=", 2)
if envParts[0] == args[j] {
b.runConfig.Env[i] = newVar
gotOne = true
if !gotOne {
b.runConfig.Env = append(b.runConfig.Env, newVar)
return b.commit("", b.runConfig.Cmd, commitStr)
// MAINTAINER some text <maybe@an.email.address>
// Sets the maintainer metadata.
func maintainer(b *Builder, args []string, attributes map[string]bool, original string) error {
if len(args) != 1 {
return derr.ErrorCodeExactlyOneArg.WithArgs("MAINTAINER")
if err := b.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
b.maintainer = args[0]
return b.commit("", b.runConfig.Cmd, fmt.Sprintf("MAINTAINER %s", b.maintainer))
// LABEL some json data describing the image
// Sets the Label variable foo to bar,
func label(b *Builder, args []string, attributes map[string]bool, original string) error {
if len(args) == 0 {
return derr.ErrorCodeAtLeastOneArg.WithArgs("LABEL")
if len(args)%2 != 0 {
// should never get here, but just in case
return derr.ErrorCodeTooManyArgs.WithArgs("LABEL")
if err := b.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
commitStr := "LABEL"
if b.runConfig.Labels == nil {
b.runConfig.Labels = map[string]string{}
for j := 0; j < len(args); j++ {
// name ==> args[j]
// value ==> args[j+1]
newVar := args[j] + "=" + args[j+1] + ""
commitStr += " " + newVar
b.runConfig.Labels[args[j]] = args[j+1]
return b.commit("", b.runConfig.Cmd, commitStr)
// ADD foo /path
// Add the file 'foo' to '/path'. Tarball and Remote URL (git, http) handling
// exist here. If you do not wish to have this automatic handling, use COPY.
func add(b *Builder, args []string, attributes map[string]bool, original string) error {
if len(args) < 2 {
return derr.ErrorCodeAtLeastTwoArgs.WithArgs("ADD")
if err := b.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
return b.runContextCommand(args, true, true, "ADD")
// COPY foo /path
// Same as 'ADD' but without the tar and remote url handling.
func dispatchCopy(b *Builder, args []string, attributes map[string]bool, original string) error {
if len(args) < 2 {
return derr.ErrorCodeAtLeastTwoArgs.WithArgs("COPY")
if err := b.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
return b.runContextCommand(args, false, false, "COPY")
// FROM imagename
// This sets the image the dockerfile will build on top of.
func from(b *Builder, args []string, attributes map[string]bool, original string) error {
if len(args) != 1 {
return derr.ErrorCodeExactlyOneArg.WithArgs("FROM")
if err := b.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
name := args[0]
var (
image builder.Image
err error
// Windows cannot support a container with no base image.
if name == api.NoBaseImageSpecifier {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
return fmt.Errorf("Windows does not support FROM scratch")
b.image = ""
b.noBaseImage = true
} else {
// TODO: don't use `name`, instead resolve it to a digest
if !b.options.PullParent {
image, err = b.docker.GetImage(name)
// TODO: shouldn't we error out if error is different from "not found" ?
if image == nil {
image, err = b.docker.Pull(name, b.options.AuthConfigs, b.Output)
if err != nil {
return err
return b.processImageFrom(image)
// ONBUILD RUN echo yo
// ONBUILD triggers run when the image is used in a FROM statement.
// ONBUILD handling has a lot of special-case functionality, the heading in
// evaluator.go and comments around dispatch() in the same file explain the
// special cases. search for 'OnBuild' in internals.go for additional special
// cases.
func onbuild(b *Builder, args []string, attributes map[string]bool, original string) error {
if len(args) == 0 {
return derr.ErrorCodeAtLeastOneArg.WithArgs("ONBUILD")
if err := b.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
triggerInstruction := strings.ToUpper(strings.TrimSpace(args[0]))
switch triggerInstruction {
case "ONBUILD":
return derr.ErrorCodeChainOnBuild
return derr.ErrorCodeBadOnBuildCmd.WithArgs(triggerInstruction)
original = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^\s*ONBUILD\s*`).ReplaceAllString(original, "")
b.runConfig.OnBuild = append(b.runConfig.OnBuild, original)
return b.commit("", b.runConfig.Cmd, fmt.Sprintf("ONBUILD %s", original))
// WORKDIR /tmp
// Set the working directory for future RUN/CMD/etc statements.
func workdir(b *Builder, args []string, attributes map[string]bool, original string) error {
if len(args) != 1 {
return derr.ErrorCodeExactlyOneArg.WithArgs("WORKDIR")
if err := b.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
// This is from the Dockerfile and will not necessarily be in platform
// specific semantics, hence ensure it is converted.
workdir := filepath.FromSlash(args[0])
if !system.IsAbs(workdir) {
current := filepath.FromSlash(b.runConfig.WorkingDir)
workdir = filepath.Join(string(os.PathSeparator), current, workdir)
b.runConfig.WorkingDir = workdir
return b.commit("", b.runConfig.Cmd, fmt.Sprintf("WORKDIR %v", workdir))
// RUN some command yo
// run a command and commit the image. Args are automatically prepended with
// 'sh -c' under linux or 'cmd /S /C' under Windows, in the event there is
// only one argument. The difference in processing:
// RUN echo hi # sh -c echo hi (Linux)
// RUN echo hi # cmd /S /C echo hi (Windows)
// RUN [ "echo", "hi" ] # echo hi
func run(b *Builder, args []string, attributes map[string]bool, original string) error {
if b.image == "" && !b.noBaseImage {
return derr.ErrorCodeMissingFrom
if err := b.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
args = handleJSONArgs(args, attributes)
if !attributes["json"] {
if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
args = append([]string{"/bin/sh", "-c"}, args...)
} else {
args = append([]string{"cmd", "/S", "/C"}, args...)
config := &container.Config{
Cmd: strslice.New(args...),
Image: b.image,
// stash the cmd
cmd := b.runConfig.Cmd
if b.runConfig.Entrypoint.Len() == 0 && b.runConfig.Cmd.Len() == 0 {
b.runConfig.Cmd = config.Cmd
// stash the config environment
env := b.runConfig.Env
defer func(cmd *strslice.StrSlice) { b.runConfig.Cmd = cmd }(cmd)
defer func(env []string) { b.runConfig.Env = env }(env)
// derive the net build-time environment for this run. We let config
// environment override the build time environment.
// This means that we take the b.buildArgs list of env vars and remove
// any of those variables that are defined as part of the container. In other
// words, anything in b.Config.Env. What's left is the list of build-time env
// vars that we need to add to each RUN command - note the list could be empty.
// We don't persist the build time environment with container's config
// environment, but just sort and prepend it to the command string at time
// of commit.
// This helps with tracing back the image's actual environment at the time
// of RUN, without leaking it to the final image. It also aids cache
// lookup for same image built with same build time environment.
cmdBuildEnv := []string{}
configEnv := runconfigopts.ConvertKVStringsToMap(b.runConfig.Env)
for key, val := range b.options.BuildArgs {
if !b.isBuildArgAllowed(key) {
// skip build-args that are not in allowed list, meaning they have
// not been defined by an "ARG" Dockerfile command yet.
// This is an error condition but only if there is no "ARG" in the entire
// Dockerfile, so we'll generate any necessary errors after we parsed
// the entire file (see 'leftoverArgs' processing in evaluator.go )
if _, ok := configEnv[key]; !ok {
cmdBuildEnv = append(cmdBuildEnv, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", key, val))
// derive the command to use for probeCache() and to commit in this container.
// Note that we only do this if there are any build-time env vars. Also, we
// use the special argument "|#" at the start of the args array. This will
// avoid conflicts with any RUN command since commands can not
// start with | (vertical bar). The "#" (number of build envs) is there to
// help ensure proper cache matches. We don't want a RUN command
// that starts with "foo=abc" to be considered part of a build-time env var.
saveCmd := config.Cmd
if len(cmdBuildEnv) > 0 {
tmpEnv := append([]string{fmt.Sprintf("|%d", len(cmdBuildEnv))}, cmdBuildEnv...)
saveCmd = strslice.New(append(tmpEnv, saveCmd.Slice()...)...)
b.runConfig.Cmd = saveCmd
hit, err := b.probeCache()
if err != nil {
return err
if hit {
return nil
// set Cmd manually, this is special case only for Dockerfiles
b.runConfig.Cmd = config.Cmd
// set build-time environment for 'run'.
b.runConfig.Env = append(b.runConfig.Env, cmdBuildEnv...)
// set config as already being escaped, this prevents double escaping on windows
b.runConfig.ArgsEscaped = true
logrus.Debugf("[BUILDER] Command to be executed: %v", b.runConfig.Cmd)
cID, err := b.create()
if err != nil {
return err
if err := b.run(cID); err != nil {
return err
// revert to original config environment and set the command string to
// have the build-time env vars in it (if any) so that future cache look-ups
// properly match it.
b.runConfig.Env = env
b.runConfig.Cmd = saveCmd
return b.commit(cID, cmd, "run")
// CMD foo
// Set the default command to run in the container (which may be empty).
// Argument handling is the same as RUN.
func cmd(b *Builder, args []string, attributes map[string]bool, original string) error {
if err := b.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
cmdSlice := handleJSONArgs(args, attributes)
if !attributes["json"] {
if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
cmdSlice = append([]string{"/bin/sh", "-c"}, cmdSlice...)
} else {
cmdSlice = append([]string{"cmd", "/S", "/C"}, cmdSlice...)
b.runConfig.Cmd = strslice.New(cmdSlice...)
if err := b.commit("", b.runConfig.Cmd, fmt.Sprintf("CMD %q", cmdSlice)); err != nil {
return err
if len(args) != 0 {
b.cmdSet = true
return nil
// ENTRYPOINT /usr/sbin/nginx
// Set the entrypoint (which defaults to sh -c on linux, or cmd /S /C on Windows) to
// /usr/sbin/nginx. Will accept the CMD as the arguments to /usr/sbin/nginx.
// Handles command processing similar to CMD and RUN, only b.runConfig.Entrypoint
// is initialized at NewBuilder time instead of through argument parsing.
func entrypoint(b *Builder, args []string, attributes map[string]bool, original string) error {
if err := b.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
parsed := handleJSONArgs(args, attributes)
switch {
case attributes["json"]:
// ENTRYPOINT ["echo", "hi"]
b.runConfig.Entrypoint = strslice.New(parsed...)
case len(parsed) == 0:
b.runConfig.Entrypoint = nil
// ENTRYPOINT echo hi
if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
b.runConfig.Entrypoint = strslice.New("/bin/sh", "-c", parsed[0])
} else {
b.runConfig.Entrypoint = strslice.New("cmd", "/S", "/C", parsed[0])
// when setting the entrypoint if a CMD was not explicitly set then
// set the command to nil
if !b.cmdSet {
b.runConfig.Cmd = nil
if err := b.commit("", b.runConfig.Cmd, fmt.Sprintf("ENTRYPOINT %q", b.runConfig.Entrypoint)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// EXPOSE 6667/tcp 7000/tcp
// Expose ports for links and port mappings. This all ends up in
// b.runConfig.ExposedPorts for runconfig.
func expose(b *Builder, args []string, attributes map[string]bool, original string) error {
portsTab := args
if len(args) == 0 {
return derr.ErrorCodeAtLeastOneArg.WithArgs("EXPOSE")
if err := b.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
if b.runConfig.ExposedPorts == nil {
b.runConfig.ExposedPorts = make(nat.PortSet)
ports, _, err := nat.ParsePortSpecs(portsTab)
if err != nil {
return err
// instead of using ports directly, we build a list of ports and sort it so
// the order is consistent. This prevents cache burst where map ordering
// changes between builds
portList := make([]string, len(ports))
var i int
for port := range ports {
if _, exists := b.runConfig.ExposedPorts[port]; !exists {
b.runConfig.ExposedPorts[port] = struct{}{}
portList[i] = string(port)
return b.commit("", b.runConfig.Cmd, fmt.Sprintf("EXPOSE %s", strings.Join(portList, " ")))
// USER foo
// Set the user to 'foo' for future commands and when running the
// ENTRYPOINT/CMD at container run time.
func user(b *Builder, args []string, attributes map[string]bool, original string) error {
if len(args) != 1 {
return derr.ErrorCodeExactlyOneArg.WithArgs("USER")
if err := b.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
b.runConfig.User = args[0]
return b.commit("", b.runConfig.Cmd, fmt.Sprintf("USER %v", args))
// VOLUME /foo
// Expose the volume /foo for use. Will also accept the JSON array form.
func volume(b *Builder, args []string, attributes map[string]bool, original string) error {
if len(args) == 0 {
return derr.ErrorCodeAtLeastOneArg.WithArgs("VOLUME")
if err := b.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
if b.runConfig.Volumes == nil {
b.runConfig.Volumes = map[string]struct{}{}
for _, v := range args {
v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
if v == "" {
return derr.ErrorCodeVolumeEmpty
b.runConfig.Volumes[v] = struct{}{}
if err := b.commit("", b.runConfig.Cmd, fmt.Sprintf("VOLUME %v", args)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// STOPSIGNAL signal
// Set the signal that will be used to kill the container.
func stopSignal(b *Builder, args []string, attributes map[string]bool, original string) error {
if len(args) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("STOPSIGNAL requires exactly one argument")
sig := args[0]
_, err := signal.ParseSignal(sig)
if err != nil {
return err
b.runConfig.StopSignal = sig
return b.commit("", b.runConfig.Cmd, fmt.Sprintf("STOPSIGNAL %v", args))
// ARG name[=value]
// Adds the variable foo to the trusted list of variables that can be passed
// to builder using the --build-arg flag for expansion/subsitution or passing to 'run'.
// Dockerfile author may optionally set a default value of this variable.
func arg(b *Builder, args []string, attributes map[string]bool, original string) error {
if len(args) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("ARG requires exactly one argument definition")
var (
name string
value string
hasDefault bool
arg := args[0]
// 'arg' can just be a name or name-value pair. Note that this is different
// from 'env' that handles the split of name and value at the parser level.
// The reason for doing it differently for 'arg' is that we support just
// defining an arg and not assign it a value (while 'env' always expects a
// name-value pair). If possible, it will be good to harmonize the two.
if strings.Contains(arg, "=") {
parts := strings.SplitN(arg, "=", 2)
name = parts[0]
value = parts[1]
hasDefault = true
} else {
name = arg
hasDefault = false
// add the arg to allowed list of build-time args from this step on.
b.allowedBuildArgs[name] = true
// If there is a default value associated with this arg then add it to the
// b.buildArgs if one is not already passed to the builder. The args passed
// to builder override the default value of 'arg'.
if _, ok := b.options.BuildArgs[name]; !ok && hasDefault {
b.options.BuildArgs[name] = value
return b.commit("", b.runConfig.Cmd, fmt.Sprintf("ARG %s", arg))