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Sebastiaan van Stijn ff3d2eb589
Add Cory Snider (corhere) as maintainer
Cory has actively participated in the project for many months, assisted in several
security advisories, code review, and triage, and (in short) already acted a
maintainer for some time (thank you!).

I nominated Cory as a maintainer per e-mail, and we reached quorum, so opening
this pull request to (should he choose to accept it) be added as a maintainer.

Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <github@gone.nl>
2022-07-14 19:38:48 +02:00

555 lines
18 KiB

# Moby maintainers file
# This file describes the maintainer groups within the moby/moby project.
# More detail on Moby project governance is available in the
# project/GOVERNANCE.md file found in this repository.
# It is structured to be consumable by both humans and programs.
# To extract its contents programmatically, use any TOML-compliant
# parser.
# TODO(estesp): This file should not necessarily depend on docker/opensource
# This file is compiled into the MAINTAINERS file in docker/opensource.
[Org."Core maintainers"]
# The Core maintainers are the ghostbusters of the project: when there's a problem others
# can't solve, they show up and fix it with bizarre devices and weaponry.
# They have final say on technical implementation and coding style.
# They are ultimately responsible for quality in all its forms: usability polish,
# bugfixes, performance, stability, etc. When ownership can cleanly be passed to
# a subsystem, they are responsible for doing so and holding the
# subsystem maintainers accountable. If ownership is unclear, they are the de facto owners.
people = [
# The curators help ensure that incoming issues and pull requests are properly triaged and
# that our various contribution and reviewing processes are respected. With their knowledge of
# the repository activity, they can also guide contributors to relevant material or
# discussions.
# They are neither code nor docs reviewers, so they are never expected to merge. They can
# however:
# - close an issue or pull request when it's an exact duplicate
# - close an issue or pull request when it's inappropriate or off-topic
people = [
# This list contains maintainers that are no longer active on the project.
# It is thanks to these people that the project has become what it is today.
# Thank you!
people = [
# Aaron Lehmann was a maintainer for swarmkit, the registry, and the engine,
# and contributed many improvements, features, and bugfixes in those areas,
# among which "automated service rollbacks", templated secrets and configs,
# and resumable image layer downloads.
# Harald Albers is the mastermind behind the bash completion scripts for the
# Docker CLI. The completion scripts moved to the Docker CLI repository, so
# you can now find him perform his magic in the https://github.com/docker/cli repository.
# Andrea Luzzardi started contributing to the Docker codebase in the "dotCloud"
# era, even before it was called "Docker". He is one of the architects of both
# Swarm and SwarmKit, and its integration into the Docker engine.
# David Calavera contributed many features to Docker, such as an improved
# event system, dynamic configuration reloading, volume plugins, fancy
# new templating options, and an external client credential store. As a
# maintainer, David was release captain for Docker 1.8, and competing
# with Jess Frazelle to be "top dream killer".
# David is now doing amazing stuff as CTO for https://www.netlify.com,
# and tweets as @calavera.
# Michael Crosby was "chief maintainer" of the Docker project.
# During his time as a maintainer, Michael contributed to many
# milestones of the project; he was release captain of Docker v1.0.0,
# started the development of "libcontainer" (what later became runc)
# and containerd, as well as demoing cool hacks such as live migrating
# a game server container with checkpoint/restore.
# Michael is currently a maintainer of containerd, but you may see
# him around in other projects on GitHub.
# Before becoming a maintainer, Daniel Nephin was a core contributor
# to "Fig" (now known as Docker Compose). As a maintainer for both the
# Engine and Docker CLI, Daniel contributed many features, among which
# the `docker stack` commands, allowing users to deploy their Docker
# Compose projects as a Swarm service.
# Doug Davis contributed many features and fixes for the classic builder,
# such as "wildcard" copy, the dockerignore file, custom paths/names
# for the Dockerfile, as well as enhancements to the API and documentation.
# Follow Doug on Twitter, where he tweets as @duginabox.
# As a maintainer, Erik was responsible for the "builder", and
# started the first designs for the new networking model in
# Docker. Erik is now working on all kinds of plugins for Docker
# (https://github.com/contiv) and various open source projects
# in his own repository https://github.com/erikh. You may
# still stumble into him in our issue tracker, or on IRC.
# Evan Hazlett is the creator of the Shipyard and Interlock open source projects,
# and the author of "Orca", which became the foundation of Docker Universal Control
# Plane (UCP). As a maintainer, Evan helped integrating SwarmKit (secrets, tasks)
# into the Docker engine.
# Arnaud Porterie (AKA "icecrime") was in charge of maintaining the maintainers.
# As a maintainer, he made life easier for contributors to the Docker open-source
# projects, bringing order in the chaos by designing a triage- and review workflow
# using labels (see https://icecrime.net/technology/a-structured-approach-to-labeling/),
# and automating the hell out of things with his buddies GordonTheTurtle and Poule
# (a chicken!).
# A lesser-known fact is that he created the first commit in the libnetwork repository
# even though he didn't know anything about it. Some say, he's now selling stuff on
# the internet ;-)
# After a false start with his first PR being rejected, James Turnbull became a frequent
# contributor to the documentation, and became a docs maintainer on December 5, 2013. As
# a maintainer, James lifted the docs to a higher standard, and introduced the community
# guidelines ("three strikes"). James is currently changing the world as CTO of https://www.empatico.org,
# meanwhile authoring various books that are worth checking out. You can find him on Twitter,
# rambling as @kartar, and although no longer active as a maintainer, he's always "game" to
# help out reviewing docs PRs, so you may still see him around in the repository.
# Jessica Frazelle, also known as the "Keyser Söze of containers",
# runs *everything* in containers. She started contributing to
# Docker with a (fun fun) change involving both iptables and regular
# expressions (coz, YOLO!) on July 10, 2014
# https://github.com/docker/docker/pull/6950/commits/f3a68ffa390fb851115c77783fa4031f1d3b2995.
# Jess was Release Captain for Docker 1.4, 1.6 and 1.7, and contributed
# many features and improvement, among which "seccomp profiles" (making
# containers a lot more secure). Besides being a maintainer, she
# set up the CI infrastructure for the project, giving everyone
# something to shout at if a PR failed ("noooo Janky!").
# Be sure you don't miss her talks at a conference near you (a must-see),
# read her blog at https://blog.jessfraz.com (a must-read), and
# check out her open source projects on GitHub https://github.com/jessfraz (a must-try).
# As a maintainer, John Howard managed to make the impossible possible;
# to run Docker on Windows. After facing many challenges, teaching
# fellow-maintainers that 'Windows is not Linux', and many changes in
# Windows Server to facilitate containers, native Windows containers
# saw the light of day in 2015.
# John is now enjoying life without containers: playing piano, painting,
# and walking his dogs, but you may occasionally see him drop by on GitHub.
# Alexander Morozov contributed many features to Docker, worked on the premise of
# what later became containerd (and worked on that too), and made a "stupid" Go
# vendor tool specifically for docker/docker needs: vndr (https://github.com/LK4D4/vndr).
# Not many know that Alexander is a master negotiator, being able to change course
# of action with a single "Nope, we're not gonna do that".
# Madhu Venugopal was part of the SocketPlane team that joined Docker.
# As a maintainer, he was working with Jana for the Container Network
# Model (CNM) implemented through libnetwork, and the "routing mesh" powering
# Swarm mode networking.
# As a maintainer, Kenfe-Mickaël Laventure worked on the container runtime,
# integrating containerd 1.0 with the daemon, and adding support for custom
# OCI runtimes, as well as implementing the `docker prune` subcommands,
# which was a welcome feature to be added. You can keep up with Mickaél on
# Twitter (@kmlaventure).
# As a docs maintainer, Mary Anthony contributed greatly to the Docker
# docs. She wrote the Docker Contributor Guide and Getting Started
# Guides. She helped create a doc build system independent of
# docker/docker project, and implemented a new docs.docker.com theme and
# nav for 2015 Dockercon. Fun fact: the most inherited layer in DockerHub
# public repositories was originally referenced in
# maryatdocker/docker-whale back in May 2015.
# Jana Radhakrishnan was part of the SocketPlane team that joined Docker.
# As a maintainer, he was the lead architect for the Container Network
# Model (CNM) implemented through libnetwork, and the "routing mesh" powering
# Swarm mode networking.
# Jana started new adventures in networking, but you can find him tweeting as @mrjana,
# coding on GitHub https://github.com/mrjana, and he may be hiding on the Docker Community
# slack channel :-)
# Sven Dowideit became a well known person in the Docker ecosphere, building
# boot2docker, and became a regular contributor to the project, starting as
# early as October 2013 (https://github.com/docker/docker/pull/2119), to become
# a maintainer less than two months later (https://github.com/docker/docker/pull/3061).
# As a maintainer, Sven took on the task to convert the documentation from
# ReStructuredText to Markdown, migrate to Hugo for generating the docs, and
# writing tooling for building, testing, and publishing them.
# If you're not in the occasion to visit "the Australian office", you
# can keep up with Sven on Twitter (@SvenDowideit), his blog http://fosiki.com,
# and of course on GitHub.
# Vincent "vbatts!" Batts made his first contribution to the project
# in November 2013, to become a maintainer a few months later, on
# May 10, 2014 (https://github.com/docker/docker/commit/d6e666a87a01a5634c250358a94c814bf26cb778).
# As a maintainer, Vincent made important contributions to core elements
# of Docker, such as "distribution" (tarsum) and graphdrivers (btrfs, devicemapper).
# He also contributed the "tar-split" library, an important element
# for the content-addressable store.
# Vincent is currently a member of the Open Containers Initiative
# Technical Oversight Board (TOB), besides his work at Red Hat and
# Project Atomic. You can still find him regularly hanging out in
# our repository and the #docker-dev and #docker-maintainers IRC channels
# for a chat, as he's always a lot of fun.
# Vishnu became a maintainer to help out on the daemon codebase and
# libcontainer integration. He's currently involved in the
# Open Containers Initiative, working on the specifications,
# besides his work on cAdvisor and Kubernetes for Google.
# A reference list of all people associated with the project.
# All other sections should refer to people by their canonical key
# in the people section.
Name = "Aaron Lehmann"
Email = "aaron.lehmann@docker.com"
GitHub = "aaronlehmann"
Name = "Alex Ellis"
Email = "alexellis2@gmail.com"
GitHub = "alexellis"
Name = "Akihiro Suda"
Email = "akihiro.suda.cz@hco.ntt.co.jp"
GitHub = "AkihiroSuda"
Name = "Andrea Luzzardi"
Email = "al@docker.com"
GitHub = "aluzzardi"
Name = "Harald Albers"
Email = "github@albersweb.de"
GitHub = "albers"
Name = "Andrew Hsu"
Email = "andrewhsu@docker.com"
GitHub = "andrewhsu"
Name = "Anusha Ragunathan"
Email = "anusha@docker.com"
GitHub = "anusha-ragunathan"
Name = "Bruno de Sousa"
Email = "bruno.sousa@docker.com"
GitHub = "bsousaa"
Name = "David Calavera"
Email = "david.calavera@gmail.com"
GitHub = "calavera"
Name = "Lei Jitang"
Email = "leijitang@huawei.com"
GitHub = "coolljt0725"
Name = "Cory Snider"
Email = "csnider@mirantis.com"
GitHub = "corhere"
Name = "Brian Goff"
Email = "cpuguy83@gmail.com"
GitHub = "cpuguy83"
Name = "Michael Crosby"
Email = "crosbymichael@gmail.com"
GitHub = "crosbymichael"
Name = "Daniel Nephin"
Email = "dnephin@gmail.com"
GitHub = "dnephin"
Name = "Doug Davis"
Email = "dug@us.ibm.com"
GitHub = "duglin"
Name = "Evan Hazlett"
Email = "ejhazlett@gmail.com"
GitHub = "ehazlett"
Name = "Erik Hollensbe"
Email = "erik@docker.com"
GitHub = "erikh"
Name = "Phil Estes"
Email = "estesp@linux.vnet.ibm.com"
GitHub = "estesp"
Name = "Lorenzo Fontana"
Email = "fontanalorenz@gmail.com"
GitHub = "fntlnz"
Name = "Gianluca Arbezzano"
Email = "ga@thumpflow.com"
GitHub = "gianarb"
Name = "Arnaud Porterie"
Email = "icecrime@gmail.com"
GitHub = "icecrime"
Name = "James Turnbull"
Email = "james@lovedthanlost.net"
GitHub = "jamtur01"
Name = "Jessie Frazelle"
Email = "jess@linux.com"
GitHub = "jessfraz"
Name = "John Stephens"
Email = "johnstep@docker.com"
GitHub = "johnstep"
Name = "Justin Cormack"
Email = "justin.cormack@docker.com"
GitHub = "justincormack"
Name = "Kir Kolyshkin"
Email = "kolyshkin@gmail.com"
GitHub = "kolyshkin"
Name = "Alexander Morozov"
Email = "lk4d4@docker.com"
GitHub = "lk4d4"
Name = "John Howard"
Email = "github@lowenna.com"
GitHub = "lowenna"
Name = "Madhu Venugopal"
Email = "madhu@docker.com"
GitHub = "mavenugo"
Name = "Morgan Bauer"
Email = "mbauer@us.ibm.com"
GitHub = "mhbauer"
Name = "Kenfe-Mickaël Laventure"
Email = "mickael.laventure@gmail.com"
GitHub = "mlaventure"
Name = "Mary Anthony"
Email = "mary.anthony@docker.com"
GitHub = "moxiegirl"
Name = "Jana Radhakrishnan"
Email = "mrjana@docker.com"
GitHub = "mrjana"
Name = "Nicolas De Loof"
Email = "nicolas.deloof@gmail.com"
GitHub = "ndeloof"
Name = "Bjorn Neergaard"
Email = "bneergaard@mirantis.com"
GitHub = "neersighted"
Name = "Olli Janatuinen"
Email = "olli.janatuinen@gmail.com"
GitHub = "olljanat"
Name = "Jeff Anderson"
Email = "jeff@docker.com"
GitHub = "programmerq"
Name = "Boaz Shuster"
Email = "ripcurld.github@gmail.com"
GitHub = "ripcurld"
Name = "Djordje Lukic"
Email = "djordje.lukic@docker.com"
GitHub = "rumpl"
Name = "Antonio Murdaca"
Email = "runcom@redhat.com"
GitHub = "runcom"
Name = "Samuel Karp"
Email = "me@samuelkarp.com"
GitHub = "samuelkarp"
Name = "Sam Whited"
Email = "sam@samwhited.com"
GitHub = "samwhited"
Name = "Solomon Hykes"
Email = "solomon@docker.com"
GitHub = "shykes"
Name = "Stephen Day"
Email = "stephen.day@docker.com"
GitHub = "stevvooe"
Name = "Sven Dowideit"
Email = "SvenDowideit@home.org.au"
GitHub = "SvenDowideit"
Name = "Sebastiaan van Stijn"
Email = "github@gone.nl"
GitHub = "thaJeztah"
Name = "Tianon Gravi"
Email = "admwiggin@gmail.com"
GitHub = "tianon"
Name = "Tibor Vass"
Email = "tibor@docker.com"
GitHub = "tiborvass"
Name = "Tõnis Tiigi"
Email = "tonis@docker.com"
GitHub = "tonistiigi"
Name = "Cristian Staretu"
Email = "cristian.staretu@gmail.com"
GitHub = "unclejack"
Name = "Vincent Batts"
Email = "vbatts@redhat.com"
GitHub = "vbatts"
Name = "Vincent Demeester"
Email = "vincent@sbr.pm"
GitHub = "vdemeester"
Name = "Victor Vieux"
Email = "vieux@docker.com"
GitHub = "vieux"
Name = "Vishnu Kannan"
Email = "vishnuk@google.com"
GitHub = "vishh"
Name = "Paweł Gronowski"
Email = "pawel.gronowski@docker.com"
GitHub = "vvoland"
Name = "Yong Tang"
Email = "yong.tang.github@outlook.com"
GitHub = "yongtang"