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Brian Goff ebcef28834 Fix error handling for bind mount spec parser.
Errors were being ignored and always telling the user that the path
doesn't exist even if it was some other problem, such as a permission

Signed-off-by: Brian Goff <cpuguy83@gmail.com>
2019-05-22 11:54:26 -07:00

530 lines
24 KiB

package mounts // import "github.com/docker/docker/volume/mounts"
import (
type parseMountRawTestSet struct {
valid []string
invalid map[string]string
func TestConvertTmpfsOptions(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
opt mount.TmpfsOptions
readOnly bool
expectedSubstrings []string
unexpectedSubstrings []string
cases := []testCase{
opt: mount.TmpfsOptions{SizeBytes: 1024 * 1024, Mode: 0700},
readOnly: false,
expectedSubstrings: []string{"size=1m", "mode=700"},
unexpectedSubstrings: []string{"ro"},
opt: mount.TmpfsOptions{},
readOnly: true,
expectedSubstrings: []string{"ro"},
unexpectedSubstrings: []string{},
p := &linuxParser{}
for _, c := range cases {
data, err := p.ConvertTmpfsOptions(&c.opt, c.readOnly)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("could not convert %+v (readOnly: %v) to string: %v",
c.opt, c.readOnly, err)
t.Logf("data=%q", data)
for _, s := range c.expectedSubstrings {
if !strings.Contains(data, s) {
t.Fatalf("expected substring: %s, got %v (case=%+v)", s, data, c)
for _, s := range c.unexpectedSubstrings {
if strings.Contains(data, s) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected substring: %s, got %v (case=%+v)", s, data, c)
type mockFiProvider struct{}
func (mockFiProvider) fileInfo(path string) (exists, isDir bool, err error) {
dirs := map[string]struct{}{
`c:\`: {},
`c:\windows\`: {},
`c:\windows`: {},
`c:\program files`: {},
`c:\Windows`: {},
`c:\Program Files (x86)`: {},
`\\?\c:\windows\`: {},
files := map[string]struct{}{
`c:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll`: {},
if _, ok := dirs[path]; ok {
return true, true, nil
if _, ok := files[path]; ok {
return true, false, nil
return false, false, nil
func TestParseMountRaw(t *testing.T) {
previousProvider := currentFileInfoProvider
defer func() { currentFileInfoProvider = previousProvider }()
currentFileInfoProvider = mockFiProvider{}
windowsSet := parseMountRawTestSet{
valid: []string{
`d:\path with space`,
`c:\windows:d:\s p a c e`,
`c:\windows:d:\s p a c e:RW`,
`c:\program files:d:\s p a c e i n h o s t d i r`,
`c:/:d:/including with/spaces:ro`,
`c:\Windows`, // With capital
`c:\Program Files (x86)`, // With capitals and brackets
`\\?\c:\windows\:d:`, // Long path handling (source)
`c:\windows\:\\?\d:\`, // Long path handling (target)
`\\.\pipe\foo:\\.\pipe\foo`, // named pipe
`//./pipe/foo://./pipe/foo`, // named pipe forward slashes
invalid: map[string]string{
``: "invalid volume specification: ",
`.`: "invalid volume specification: ",
`..\`: "invalid volume specification: ",
`c:\:..\`: "invalid volume specification: ",
`c:\:d:\:xyzzy`: "invalid volume specification: ",
`c:`: "cannot be `c:`",
`c:\`: "cannot be `c:`",
`c:\notexist:d:`: `source path does not exist: c:\notexist`,
`c:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll:d:`: `source path must be a directory`,
`name<:d:`: `invalid volume specification`,
`name>:d:`: `invalid volume specification`,
`name::d:`: `invalid volume specification`,
`name":d:`: `invalid volume specification`,
`name\:d:`: `invalid volume specification`,
`name*:d:`: `invalid volume specification`,
`name|:d:`: `invalid volume specification`,
`name?:d:`: `invalid volume specification`,
`name/:d:`: `invalid volume specification`,
`d:\pathandmode:rw`: `invalid volume specification`,
`d:\pathandmode:ro`: `invalid volume specification`,
`con:d:`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`PRN:d:`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`aUx:d:`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`nul:d:`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`com1:d:`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`com2:d:`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`com3:d:`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`com4:d:`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`com5:d:`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`com6:d:`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`com7:d:`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`com8:d:`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`com9:d:`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`lpt1:d:`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`lpt2:d:`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`lpt3:d:`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`lpt4:d:`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`lpt5:d:`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`lpt6:d:`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`lpt7:d:`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`lpt8:d:`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`lpt9:d:`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`c:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll`: `Only directories can be mapped on this platform`,
`\\.\pipe\foo:c:\pipe`: `'c:\pipe' is not a valid pipe path`,
lcowSet := parseMountRawTestSet{
valid: []string{
`/foo bar`,
`c:\windows:/s p a c e`,
`c:\windows:/s p a c e:RW`,
`c:\program files:/s p a c e i n h o s t d i r`,
`c:/:/including with/spaces:ro`,
`/Program Files (x86)`, // With capitals and brackets
invalid: map[string]string{
``: "invalid volume specification: ",
`.`: "invalid volume specification: ",
`c:`: "invalid volume specification: ",
`c:\`: "invalid volume specification: ",
`../`: "invalid volume specification: ",
`c:\:../`: "invalid volume specification: ",
`c:\:/foo:xyzzy`: "invalid volume specification: ",
`/`: "destination can't be '/'",
`/..`: "destination can't be '/'",
`c:\notexist:/foo`: `source path does not exist: c:\notexist`,
`c:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll:/foo`: `source path must be a directory`,
`name<:/foo`: `invalid volume specification`,
`name>:/foo`: `invalid volume specification`,
`name::/foo`: `invalid volume specification`,
`name":/foo`: `invalid volume specification`,
`name\:/foo`: `invalid volume specification`,
`name*:/foo`: `invalid volume specification`,
`name|:/foo`: `invalid volume specification`,
`name?:/foo`: `invalid volume specification`,
`name/:/foo`: `invalid volume specification`,
`/foo:rw`: `invalid volume specification`,
`/foo:ro`: `invalid volume specification`,
`con:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`PRN:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`aUx:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`nul:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`com1:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`com2:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`com3:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`com4:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`com5:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`com6:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`com7:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`com8:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`com9:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`lpt1:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`lpt2:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`lpt3:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`lpt4:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`lpt5:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`lpt6:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`lpt7:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`lpt8:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`lpt9:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
`\\.\pipe\foo:/foo`: `Linux containers on Windows do not support named pipe mounts`,
linuxSet := parseMountRawTestSet{
valid: []string{
"/with space",
"/home:/with space",
invalid: map[string]string{
"": "invalid volume specification",
"./": "mount path must be absolute",
"../": "mount path must be absolute",
"/:../": "mount path must be absolute",
"/:path": "mount path must be absolute",
":": "invalid volume specification",
"/tmp:": "invalid volume specification",
":test": "invalid volume specification",
":/test": "invalid volume specification",
"tmp:": "invalid volume specification",
":test:": "invalid volume specification",
"::": "invalid volume specification",
":::": "invalid volume specification",
"/tmp:::": "invalid volume specification",
":/tmp::": "invalid volume specification",
"/path:rw": "invalid volume specification",
"/path:ro": "invalid volume specification",
"/rw:rw": "invalid volume specification",
"path:ro": "invalid volume specification",
"/path:/path:sw": `invalid mode`,
"/path:/path:rwz": `invalid mode`,
"/path:/path:ro,rshared,rslave": `invalid mode`,
"/path:/path:ro,z,rshared,rslave": `invalid mode`,
"/path:shared": "invalid volume specification",
"/path:slave": "invalid volume specification",
"/path:private": "invalid volume specification",
"name:/absolute-path:shared": "invalid volume specification",
"name:/absolute-path:rshared": "invalid volume specification",
"name:/absolute-path:slave": "invalid volume specification",
"name:/absolute-path:rslave": "invalid volume specification",
"name:/absolute-path:private": "invalid volume specification",
"name:/absolute-path:rprivate": "invalid volume specification",
linParser := &linuxParser{}
winParser := &windowsParser{}
lcowParser := &lcowParser{}
tester := func(parser Parser, set parseMountRawTestSet) {
for _, path := range set.valid {
if _, err := parser.ParseMountRaw(path, "local"); err != nil {
t.Errorf("ParseMountRaw(`%q`) should succeed: error %q", path, err)
for path, expectedError := range set.invalid {
if mp, err := parser.ParseMountRaw(path, "local"); err == nil {
t.Errorf("ParseMountRaw(`%q`) should have failed validation. Err '%v' - MP: %v", path, err, mp)
} else {
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expectedError) {
t.Errorf("ParseMountRaw(`%q`) error should contain %q, got %v", path, expectedError, err.Error())
tester(linParser, linuxSet)
tester(winParser, windowsSet)
tester(lcowParser, lcowSet)
// testParseMountRaw is a structure used by TestParseMountRawSplit for
// specifying test cases for the ParseMountRaw() function.
type testParseMountRaw struct {
bind string
driver string
expType mount.Type
expDest string
expSource string
expName string
expDriver string
expRW bool
fail bool
func TestParseMountRawSplit(t *testing.T) {
previousProvider := currentFileInfoProvider
defer func() { currentFileInfoProvider = previousProvider }()
currentFileInfoProvider = mockFiProvider{}
windowsCases := []testParseMountRaw{
{`c:\:d:`, "local", mount.TypeBind, `d:`, `c:\`, ``, "", true, false},
{`c:\:d:\`, "local", mount.TypeBind, `d:\`, `c:\`, ``, "", true, false},
{`c:\:d:\:ro`, "local", mount.TypeBind, `d:\`, `c:\`, ``, "", false, false},
{`c:\:d:\:rw`, "local", mount.TypeBind, `d:\`, `c:\`, ``, "", true, false},
{`c:\:d:\:foo`, "local", mount.TypeBind, `d:\`, `c:\`, ``, "", false, true},
{`name:d::rw`, "local", mount.TypeVolume, `d:`, ``, `name`, "local", true, false},
{`name:d:`, "local", mount.TypeVolume, `d:`, ``, `name`, "local", true, false},
{`name:d::ro`, "local", mount.TypeVolume, `d:`, ``, `name`, "local", false, false},
{`name:c:`, "", mount.TypeVolume, ``, ``, ``, "", true, true},
{`driver/name:c:`, "", mount.TypeVolume, ``, ``, ``, "", true, true},
{`\\.\pipe\foo:\\.\pipe\bar`, "local", mount.TypeNamedPipe, `\\.\pipe\bar`, `\\.\pipe\foo`, "", "", true, false},
{`\\.\pipe\foo:c:\foo\bar`, "local", mount.TypeNamedPipe, ``, ``, "", "", true, true},
{`c:\foo\bar:\\.\pipe\foo`, "local", mount.TypeNamedPipe, ``, ``, "", "", true, true},
lcowCases := []testParseMountRaw{
{`c:\:/foo`, "local", mount.TypeBind, `/foo`, `c:\`, ``, "", true, false},
{`c:\:/foo:ro`, "local", mount.TypeBind, `/foo`, `c:\`, ``, "", false, false},
{`c:\:/foo:rw`, "local", mount.TypeBind, `/foo`, `c:\`, ``, "", true, false},
{`c:\:/foo:foo`, "local", mount.TypeBind, `/foo`, `c:\`, ``, "", false, true},
{`name:/foo:rw`, "local", mount.TypeVolume, `/foo`, ``, `name`, "local", true, false},
{`name:/foo`, "local", mount.TypeVolume, `/foo`, ``, `name`, "local", true, false},
{`name:/foo:ro`, "local", mount.TypeVolume, `/foo`, ``, `name`, "local", false, false},
{`name:/`, "", mount.TypeVolume, ``, ``, ``, "", true, true},
{`driver/name:/`, "", mount.TypeVolume, ``, ``, ``, "", true, true},
{`\\.\pipe\foo:\\.\pipe\bar`, "local", mount.TypeNamedPipe, `\\.\pipe\bar`, `\\.\pipe\foo`, "", "", true, true},
{`\\.\pipe\foo:/data`, "local", mount.TypeNamedPipe, ``, ``, "", "", true, true},
{`c:\foo\bar:\\.\pipe\foo`, "local", mount.TypeNamedPipe, ``, ``, "", "", true, true},
linuxCases := []testParseMountRaw{
{"/tmp:/tmp1", "", mount.TypeBind, "/tmp1", "/tmp", "", "", true, false},
{"/tmp:/tmp2:ro", "", mount.TypeBind, "/tmp2", "/tmp", "", "", false, false},
{"/tmp:/tmp3:rw", "", mount.TypeBind, "/tmp3", "/tmp", "", "", true, false},
{"/tmp:/tmp4:foo", "", mount.TypeBind, "", "", "", "", false, true},
{"name:/named1", "", mount.TypeVolume, "/named1", "", "name", "", true, false},
{"name:/named2", "external", mount.TypeVolume, "/named2", "", "name", "external", true, false},
{"name:/named3:ro", "local", mount.TypeVolume, "/named3", "", "name", "local", false, false},
{"local/name:/tmp:rw", "", mount.TypeVolume, "/tmp", "", "local/name", "", true, false},
{"/tmp:tmp", "", mount.TypeBind, "", "", "", "", true, true},
linParser := &linuxParser{}
winParser := &windowsParser{}
lcowParser := &lcowParser{}
tester := func(parser Parser, cases []testParseMountRaw) {
for i, c := range cases {
t.Logf("case %d", i)
m, err := parser.ParseMountRaw(c.bind, c.driver)
if c.fail {
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected error, was nil, for spec %s\n", c.bind)
if m == nil || err != nil {
t.Errorf("ParseMountRaw failed for spec '%s', driver '%s', error '%v'", c.bind, c.driver, err.Error())
if m.Destination != c.expDest {
t.Errorf("Expected destination '%s, was %s', for spec '%s'", c.expDest, m.Destination, c.bind)
if m.Source != c.expSource {
t.Errorf("Expected source '%s', was '%s', for spec '%s'", c.expSource, m.Source, c.bind)
if m.Name != c.expName {
t.Errorf("Expected name '%s', was '%s' for spec '%s'", c.expName, m.Name, c.bind)
if m.Driver != c.expDriver {
t.Errorf("Expected driver '%s', was '%s', for spec '%s'", c.expDriver, m.Driver, c.bind)
if m.RW != c.expRW {
t.Errorf("Expected RW '%v', was '%v' for spec '%s'", c.expRW, m.RW, c.bind)
if m.Type != c.expType {
t.Fatalf("Expected type '%s', was '%s', for spec '%s'", c.expType, m.Type, c.bind)
tester(linParser, linuxCases)
tester(winParser, windowsCases)
tester(lcowParser, lcowCases)
func TestParseMountSpec(t *testing.T) {
type c struct {
input mount.Mount
expected MountPoint
testDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "test-mount-config")
if err != nil {
defer os.RemoveAll(testDir)
parser := NewParser(runtime.GOOS)
cases := []c{
{mount.Mount{Type: mount.TypeBind, Source: testDir, Target: testDestinationPath, ReadOnly: true}, MountPoint{Type: mount.TypeBind, Source: testDir, Destination: testDestinationPath, Propagation: parser.DefaultPropagationMode()}},
{mount.Mount{Type: mount.TypeBind, Source: testDir, Target: testDestinationPath}, MountPoint{Type: mount.TypeBind, Source: testDir, Destination: testDestinationPath, RW: true, Propagation: parser.DefaultPropagationMode()}},
{mount.Mount{Type: mount.TypeBind, Source: testDir + string(os.PathSeparator), Target: testDestinationPath, ReadOnly: true}, MountPoint{Type: mount.TypeBind, Source: testDir, Destination: testDestinationPath, Propagation: parser.DefaultPropagationMode()}},
{mount.Mount{Type: mount.TypeBind, Source: testDir, Target: testDestinationPath + string(os.PathSeparator), ReadOnly: true}, MountPoint{Type: mount.TypeBind, Source: testDir, Destination: testDestinationPath, Propagation: parser.DefaultPropagationMode()}},
{mount.Mount{Type: mount.TypeVolume, Target: testDestinationPath}, MountPoint{Type: mount.TypeVolume, Destination: testDestinationPath, RW: true, CopyData: parser.DefaultCopyMode()}},
{mount.Mount{Type: mount.TypeVolume, Target: testDestinationPath + string(os.PathSeparator)}, MountPoint{Type: mount.TypeVolume, Destination: testDestinationPath, RW: true, CopyData: parser.DefaultCopyMode()}},
for i, c := range cases {
t.Logf("case %d", i)
mp, err := parser.ParseMountSpec(c.input)
if err != nil {
if c.expected.Type != mp.Type {
t.Errorf("Expected mount types to match. Expected: '%s', Actual: '%s'", c.expected.Type, mp.Type)
if c.expected.Destination != mp.Destination {
t.Errorf("Expected mount destination to match. Expected: '%s', Actual: '%s'", c.expected.Destination, mp.Destination)
if c.expected.Source != mp.Source {
t.Errorf("Expected mount source to match. Expected: '%s', Actual: '%s'", c.expected.Source, mp.Source)
if c.expected.RW != mp.RW {
t.Errorf("Expected mount writable to match. Expected: '%v', Actual: '%v'", c.expected.RW, mp.RW)
if c.expected.Propagation != mp.Propagation {
t.Errorf("Expected mount propagation to match. Expected: '%v', Actual: '%s'", c.expected.Propagation, mp.Propagation)
if c.expected.Driver != mp.Driver {
t.Errorf("Expected mount driver to match. Expected: '%v', Actual: '%s'", c.expected.Driver, mp.Driver)
if c.expected.CopyData != mp.CopyData {
t.Errorf("Expected mount copy data to match. Expected: '%v', Actual: '%v'", c.expected.CopyData, mp.CopyData)
// always returns the configured error
// this is used to test error handling
type mockFiProviderWithError struct{ err error }
func (m mockFiProviderWithError) fileInfo(path string) (bool, bool, error) {
return false, false, m.err
// TestParseMountSpecBindWithFileinfoError makes sure that the parser returns
// the error produced by the fileinfo provider.
// Some extra context for the future in case of changes and possible wtf are we
// testing this for:
// Currently this "fileInfoProvider" returns (bool, bool, error)
// The 1st bool is "does this path exist"
// The 2nd bool is "is this path a dir"
// Then of course the error is an error.
// The issue is the parser was ignoring the error and only looking at the
// "does this path exist" boolean, which is always false if there is an error.
// Then the error returned to the caller was a (slightly, maybe) friendlier
// error string than what comes from `os.Stat`
// So ...the caller was always getting an error saying the path doesn't exist
// even if it does exist but got some other error (like a permission error).
// This is confusing to users.
func TestParseMountSpecBindWithFileinfoError(t *testing.T) {
previousProvider := currentFileInfoProvider
defer func() { currentFileInfoProvider = previousProvider }()
testErr := errors.New("some crazy error")
currentFileInfoProvider = &mockFiProviderWithError{err: testErr}
p := "/bananas"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
p = `c:\bananas`
m := mount.Mount{Type: mount.TypeBind, Source: p, Target: p}
parser := NewParser(runtime.GOOS)
_, err := parser.ParseMountSpec(m)
assert.Assert(t, err != nil)
assert.Assert(t, cmp.Contains(err.Error(), "some crazy error"))