
252 lines
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// Package dockerfile is the evaluation step in the Dockerfile parse/evaluate pipeline.
// It incorporates a dispatch table based on the parser.Node values (see the
// parser package for more information) that are yielded from the parser itself.
// Calling NewBuilder with the BuildOpts struct can be used to customize the
// experience for execution purposes only. Parsing is controlled in the parser
// package, and this division of responsibility should be respected.
// Please see the jump table targets for the actual invocations, most of which
// will call out to the functions in internals.go to deal with their tasks.
// ONBUILD is a special case, which is covered in the onbuild() func in
// dispatchers.go.
// The evaluator uses the concept of "steps", which are usually each processable
// line in the Dockerfile. Each step is numbered and certain actions are taken
// before and after each step, such as creating an image ID and removing temporary
// containers and images. Note that ONBUILD creates a kinda-sorta "sub run" which
// includes its own set of steps (usually only one of them).
package dockerfile
import (
// Environment variable interpolation will happen on these statements only.
var replaceEnvAllowed = map[string]bool{
command.Env: true,
command.Label: true,
command.Add: true,
command.Copy: true,
command.Workdir: true,
command.Expose: true,
command.Volume: true,
command.User: true,
command.StopSignal: true,
command.Arg: true,
// Certain commands are allowed to have their args split into more
// words after env var replacements. Meaning:
// ENV foo="123 456"
// EXPOSE $foo
// should result in the same thing as:
// EXPOSE 123 456
// and not treat "123 456" as a single word.
// Note that: EXPOSE "$foo" and EXPOSE $foo are not the same thing.
// Quotes will cause it to still be treated as single word.
var allowWordExpansion = map[string]bool{
command.Expose: true,
type dispatchRequest struct {
builder *Builder // TODO: replace this with a smaller interface
args []string
attributes map[string]bool
flags *BFlags
original string
runConfig *container.Config
func newDispatchRequestFromNode(node *parser.Node, builder *Builder, args []string) dispatchRequest {
return dispatchRequest{
builder: builder,
args: args,
attributes: node.Attributes,
original: node.Original,
flags: NewBFlagsWithArgs(node.Flags),
runConfig: builder.runConfig,
type dispatcher func(dispatchRequest) error
var evaluateTable map[string]dispatcher
func init() {
evaluateTable = map[string]dispatcher{
command.Add: add,
command.Arg: arg,
command.Cmd: cmd,
command.Copy: dispatchCopy, // copy() is a go builtin
command.Entrypoint: entrypoint,
command.Env: env,
command.Expose: expose,
command.From: from,
command.Healthcheck: healthcheck,
command.Label: label,
command.Maintainer: maintainer,
command.Onbuild: onbuild,
command.Run: run,
command.Shell: shell,
command.StopSignal: stopSignal,
command.User: user,
command.Volume: volume,
command.Workdir: workdir,
// This method is the entrypoint to all statement handling routines.
// Almost all nodes will have this structure:
// Child[Node, Node, Node] where Child is from parser.Node.Children and each
// node comes from parser.Node.Next. This forms a "line" with a statement and
// arguments and we process them in this normalized form by hitting
// evaluateTable with the leaf nodes of the command and the Builder object.
// ONBUILD is a special case; in this case the parser will emit:
// Child[Node, Child[Node, Node...]] where the first node is the literal
// "onbuild" and the child entrypoint is the command of the ONBUILD statement,
// such as `RUN` in ONBUILD RUN foo. There is special case logic in here to
// deal with that, at least until it becomes more of a general concern with new
// features.
func (b *Builder) dispatch(stepN int, stepTotal int, node *parser.Node) error {
cmd := node.Value
upperCasedCmd := strings.ToUpper(cmd)
// To ensure the user is given a decent error message if the platform
// on which the daemon is running does not support a builder command.
if err := platformSupports(strings.ToLower(cmd)); err != nil {
return err
strList := []string{}
msg := bytes.NewBufferString(fmt.Sprintf("Step %d/%d : %s", stepN+1, stepTotal, upperCasedCmd))
if len(node.Flags) > 0 {
msg.WriteString(strings.Join(node.Flags, " "))
ast := node
if cmd == "onbuild" {
if ast.Next == nil {
return errors.New("ONBUILD requires at least one argument")
ast = ast.Next.Children[0]
strList = append(strList, ast.Value)
msg.WriteString(" " + ast.Value)
if len(ast.Flags) > 0 {
msg.WriteString(" " + strings.Join(ast.Flags, " "))
msgList := initMsgList(ast)
// Append build args to runConfig environment variables
envs := append(b.runConfig.Env, b.buildArgsWithoutConfigEnv()...)
for i := 0; ast.Next != nil; i++ {
ast = ast.Next
words, err := b.evaluateEnv(cmd, ast.Value, envs)
if err != nil {
return err
strList = append(strList, words...)
msgList[i] = ast.Value
msg.WriteString(" " + strings.Join(msgList, " "))
fmt.Fprintln(b.Stdout, msg.String())
// XXX yes, we skip any cmds that are not valid; the parser should have
// picked these out already.
if f, ok := evaluateTable[cmd]; ok {
return f(newDispatchRequestFromNode(node, b, strList))
return fmt.Errorf("Unknown instruction: %s", upperCasedCmd)
// count the number of nodes that we are going to traverse first
// allocation of those list a lot when they have a lot of arguments
func initMsgList(cursor *parser.Node) []string {
var n int
for ; cursor.Next != nil; n++ {
cursor = cursor.Next
return make([]string, n)
func (b *Builder) evaluateEnv(cmd string, str string, envs []string) ([]string, error) {
if !replaceEnvAllowed[cmd] {
return []string{str}, nil
var processFunc func(string, []string, rune) ([]string, error)
if allowWordExpansion[cmd] {
processFunc = ProcessWords
} else {
processFunc = func(word string, envs []string, escape rune) ([]string, error) {
word, err := ProcessWord(word, envs, escape)
return []string{word}, err
return processFunc(str, envs, b.escapeToken)
// buildArgsWithoutConfigEnv returns a list of key=value pairs for all the build
// args that are not overriden by runConfig environment variables.
func (b *Builder) buildArgsWithoutConfigEnv() []string {
envs := []string{}
configEnv := b.runConfigEnvMapping()
for key, val := range b.buildArgs.GetAllAllowed() {
if _, ok := configEnv[key]; !ok {
envs = append(envs, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", key, val))
return envs
func (b *Builder) runConfigEnvMapping() map[string]string {
return opts.ConvertKVStringsToMap(b.runConfig.Env)
// checkDispatch does a simple check for syntax errors of the Dockerfile.
// Because some of the instructions can only be validated through runtime,
// arg, env, etc., this syntax check will not be complete and could not replace
// the runtime check. Instead, this function is only a helper that allows
// user to find out the obvious error in Dockerfile earlier on.
func checkDispatch(ast *parser.Node) error {
cmd := ast.Value
upperCasedCmd := strings.ToUpper(cmd)
// To ensure the user is given a decent error message if the platform
// on which the daemon is running does not support a builder command.
if err := platformSupports(strings.ToLower(cmd)); err != nil {
return err
// The instruction itself is ONBUILD, we will make sure it follows with at
// least one argument
if upperCasedCmd == "ONBUILD" {
if ast.Next == nil {
return errors.New("ONBUILD requires at least one argument")
if _, ok := evaluateTable[cmd]; ok {
return nil
return errors.Errorf("unknown instruction: %s", upperCasedCmd)