mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

Separate the hostname from the node identifier. All the messages that are exchanged on the network are containing a nodeName field that today was hostname-uniqueid. Now being encoded as strings in the protobuf without any length restriction they plays a role on the effieciency of protocol itself. If the hostname is very long the overhead will increase and will degradate the performance of the database itself that each single cycle by default allows 1400 bytes payload Signed-off-by: Flavio Crisciani <flavio.crisciani@docker.com>
698 lines
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698 lines
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package networkdb
import (
rnd "math/rand"
const (
// The garbage collection logic for entries leverage the presence of the network.
// For this reason the expiration time of the network is put slightly higher than the entry expiration so that
// there is at least 5 extra cycle to make sure that all the entries are properly deleted before deleting the network.
reapEntryInterval = 30 * time.Minute
reapNetworkInterval = reapEntryInterval + 5*reapPeriod
reapPeriod = 5 * time.Second
retryInterval = 1 * time.Second
nodeReapInterval = 24 * time.Hour
nodeReapPeriod = 2 * time.Hour
type logWriter struct{}
func (l *logWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
str := string(p)
str = strings.TrimSuffix(str, "\n")
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(str, "[WARN] "):
str = strings.TrimPrefix(str, "[WARN] ")
case strings.HasPrefix(str, "[DEBUG] "):
str = strings.TrimPrefix(str, "[DEBUG] ")
case strings.HasPrefix(str, "[INFO] "):
str = strings.TrimPrefix(str, "[INFO] ")
case strings.HasPrefix(str, "[ERR] "):
str = strings.TrimPrefix(str, "[ERR] ")
return len(p), nil
// SetKey adds a new key to the key ring
func (nDB *NetworkDB) SetKey(key []byte) {
logrus.Debugf("Adding key %s", hex.EncodeToString(key)[0:5])
defer nDB.Unlock()
for _, dbKey := range nDB.config.Keys {
if bytes.Equal(key, dbKey) {
nDB.config.Keys = append(nDB.config.Keys, key)
if nDB.keyring != nil {
// SetPrimaryKey sets the given key as the primary key. This should have
// been added apriori through SetKey
func (nDB *NetworkDB) SetPrimaryKey(key []byte) {
logrus.Debugf("Primary Key %s", hex.EncodeToString(key)[0:5])
defer nDB.RUnlock()
for _, dbKey := range nDB.config.Keys {
if bytes.Equal(key, dbKey) {
if nDB.keyring != nil {
// RemoveKey removes a key from the key ring. The key being removed
// can't be the primary key
func (nDB *NetworkDB) RemoveKey(key []byte) {
logrus.Debugf("Remove Key %s", hex.EncodeToString(key)[0:5])
defer nDB.Unlock()
for i, dbKey := range nDB.config.Keys {
if bytes.Equal(key, dbKey) {
nDB.config.Keys = append(nDB.config.Keys[:i], nDB.config.Keys[i+1:]...)
if nDB.keyring != nil {
func (nDB *NetworkDB) clusterInit() error {
nDB.lastStatsTimestamp = time.Now()
nDB.lastHealthTimestamp = nDB.lastStatsTimestamp
config := memberlist.DefaultLANConfig()
config.Name = nDB.config.NodeID
config.BindAddr = nDB.config.BindAddr
config.AdvertiseAddr = nDB.config.AdvertiseAddr
config.UDPBufferSize = nDB.config.PacketBufferSize
if nDB.config.BindPort != 0 {
config.BindPort = nDB.config.BindPort
config.ProtocolVersion = memberlist.ProtocolVersion2Compatible
config.Delegate = &delegate{nDB: nDB}
config.Events = &eventDelegate{nDB: nDB}
// custom logger that does not add time or date, so they are not
// duplicated by logrus
config.Logger = log.New(&logWriter{}, "", 0)
var err error
if len(nDB.config.Keys) > 0 {
for i, key := range nDB.config.Keys {
logrus.Debugf("Encryption key %d: %s", i+1, hex.EncodeToString(key)[0:5])
nDB.keyring, err = memberlist.NewKeyring(nDB.config.Keys, nDB.config.Keys[0])
if err != nil {
return err
config.Keyring = nDB.keyring
nDB.networkBroadcasts = &memberlist.TransmitLimitedQueue{
NumNodes: func() int {
num := len(nDB.nodes)
return num
RetransmitMult: config.RetransmitMult,
nDB.nodeBroadcasts = &memberlist.TransmitLimitedQueue{
NumNodes: func() int {
num := len(nDB.nodes)
return num
RetransmitMult: config.RetransmitMult,
mlist, err := memberlist.Create(config)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create memberlist: %v", err)
nDB.stopCh = make(chan struct{})
nDB.memberlist = mlist
for _, trigger := range []struct {
interval time.Duration
fn func()
{reapPeriod, nDB.reapState},
{config.GossipInterval, nDB.gossip},
{config.PushPullInterval, nDB.bulkSyncTables},
{retryInterval, nDB.reconnectNode},
{nodeReapPeriod, nDB.reapDeadNode},
} {
t := time.NewTicker(trigger.interval)
go nDB.triggerFunc(trigger.interval, t.C, nDB.stopCh, trigger.fn)
nDB.tickers = append(nDB.tickers, t)
return nil
func (nDB *NetworkDB) retryJoin(members []string, stop <-chan struct{}) {
t := time.NewTicker(retryInterval)
defer t.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-t.C:
if _, err := nDB.memberlist.Join(members); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Failed to join memberlist %s on retry: %v", members, err)
if err := nDB.sendNodeEvent(NodeEventTypeJoin); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("failed to send node join on retry: %v", err)
case <-stop:
func (nDB *NetworkDB) clusterJoin(members []string) error {
mlist := nDB.memberlist
if _, err := mlist.Join(members); err != nil {
// In case of failure, keep retrying join until it succeeds or the cluster is shutdown.
go nDB.retryJoin(members, nDB.stopCh)
return fmt.Errorf("could not join node to memberlist: %v", err)
if err := nDB.sendNodeEvent(NodeEventTypeJoin); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to send node join: %v", err)
return nil
func (nDB *NetworkDB) clusterLeave() error {
mlist := nDB.memberlist
if err := nDB.sendNodeEvent(NodeEventTypeLeave); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("failed to send node leave: %v", err)
if err := mlist.Leave(time.Second); err != nil {
return err
for _, t := range nDB.tickers {
return mlist.Shutdown()
func (nDB *NetworkDB) triggerFunc(stagger time.Duration, C <-chan time.Time, stop <-chan struct{}, f func()) {
// Use a random stagger to avoid syncronizing
randStagger := time.Duration(uint64(rnd.Int63()) % uint64(stagger))
select {
case <-time.After(randStagger):
case <-stop:
for {
select {
case <-C:
case <-stop:
func (nDB *NetworkDB) reapDeadNode() {
defer nDB.Unlock()
for id, n := range nDB.failedNodes {
if n.reapTime > 0 {
n.reapTime -= nodeReapPeriod
logrus.Debugf("Removing failed node %v from gossip cluster", n.Name)
delete(nDB.failedNodes, id)
func (nDB *NetworkDB) reconnectNode() {
if len(nDB.failedNodes) == 0 {
nodes := make([]*node, 0, len(nDB.failedNodes))
for _, n := range nDB.failedNodes {
nodes = append(nodes, n)
node := nodes[randomOffset(len(nodes))]
addr := net.UDPAddr{IP: node.Addr, Port: int(node.Port)}
if _, err := nDB.memberlist.Join([]string{addr.String()}); err != nil {
if err := nDB.sendNodeEvent(NodeEventTypeJoin); err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("Initiating bulk sync with node %s after reconnect", node.Name)
nDB.bulkSync([]string{node.Name}, true)
// For timing the entry deletion in the repaer APIs that doesn't use monotonic clock
// source (time.Now, Sub etc.) should be avoided. Hence we use reapTime in every
// entry which is set initially to reapInterval and decremented by reapPeriod every time
// the reaper runs. NOTE nDB.reapTableEntries updates the reapTime with a readlock. This
// is safe as long as no other concurrent path touches the reapTime field.
func (nDB *NetworkDB) reapState() {
// The reapTableEntries leverage the presence of the network so garbage collect entries first
func (nDB *NetworkDB) reapNetworks() {
for _, nn := range nDB.networks {
for id, n := range nn {
if n.leaving {
if n.reapTime <= 0 {
delete(nn, id)
n.reapTime -= reapPeriod
func (nDB *NetworkDB) reapTableEntries() {
var nodeNetworks []string
// This is best effort, if the list of network changes will be picked up in the next cycle
for nid := range nDB.networks[nDB.config.NodeID] {
nodeNetworks = append(nodeNetworks, nid)
cycleStart := time.Now()
// In order to avoid blocking the database for a long time, apply the garbage collection logic by network
// The lock is taken at the beginning of the cycle and the deletion is inline
for _, nid := range nodeNetworks {
nDB.indexes[byNetwork].WalkPrefix(fmt.Sprintf("/%s", nid), func(path string, v interface{}) bool {
// timeCompensation compensate in case the lock took some time to be released
timeCompensation := time.Since(cycleStart)
entry, ok := v.(*entry)
if !ok || !entry.deleting {
return false
// In this check we are adding an extra 1 second to guarantee that when the number is truncated to int32 to fit the packet
// for the tableEvent the number is always strictly > 1 and never 0
if entry.reapTime > reapPeriod+timeCompensation+time.Second {
entry.reapTime -= reapPeriod + timeCompensation
return false
params := strings.Split(path[1:], "/")
nid := params[0]
tname := params[1]
key := params[2]
okTable, okNetwork := nDB.deleteEntry(nid, tname, key)
if !okTable {
logrus.Errorf("Table tree delete failed, entry with key:%s does not exists in the table:%s network:%s", key, tname, nid)
if !okNetwork {
logrus.Errorf("Network tree delete failed, entry with key:%s does not exists in the network:%s table:%s", key, nid, tname)
return false
func (nDB *NetworkDB) gossip() {
networkNodes := make(map[string][]string)
thisNodeNetworks := nDB.networks[nDB.config.NodeID]
for nid := range thisNodeNetworks {
networkNodes[nid] = nDB.networkNodes[nid]
printStats := time.Since(nDB.lastStatsTimestamp) >= nDB.config.StatsPrintPeriod
printHealth := time.Since(nDB.lastHealthTimestamp) >= nDB.config.HealthPrintPeriod
if printHealth {
healthScore := nDB.memberlist.GetHealthScore()
if healthScore != 0 {
logrus.Warnf("NetworkDB stats %v(%v) - healthscore:%d (connectivity issues)", nDB.config.Hostname, nDB.config.NodeID, healthScore)
nDB.lastHealthTimestamp = time.Now()
for nid, nodes := range networkNodes {
mNodes := nDB.mRandomNodes(3, nodes)
bytesAvail := nDB.config.PacketBufferSize - compoundHeaderOverhead
network, ok := thisNodeNetworks[nid]
if !ok || network == nil {
// It is normal for the network to be removed
// between the time we collect the network
// attachments of this node and processing
// them here.
broadcastQ := network.tableBroadcasts
if broadcastQ == nil {
logrus.Errorf("Invalid broadcastQ encountered while gossiping for network %s", nid)
msgs := broadcastQ.GetBroadcasts(compoundOverhead, bytesAvail)
// Collect stats and print the queue info, note this code is here also to have a view of the queues empty
network.qMessagesSent += len(msgs)
if printStats {
logrus.Infof("NetworkDB stats %v(%v) - netID:%s leaving:%t netPeers:%d entries:%d Queue qLen:%d netMsg/s:%d",
nDB.config.Hostname, nDB.config.NodeID,
nid, network.leaving, broadcastQ.NumNodes(), network.entriesNumber, broadcastQ.NumQueued(),
network.qMessagesSent = 0
if len(msgs) == 0 {
// Create a compound message
compound := makeCompoundMessage(msgs)
for _, node := range mNodes {
mnode := nDB.nodes[node]
if mnode == nil {
// Send the compound message
if err := nDB.memberlist.SendBestEffort(&mnode.Node, compound); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Failed to send gossip to %s: %s", mnode.Addr, err)
// Reset the stats
if printStats {
nDB.lastStatsTimestamp = time.Now()
func (nDB *NetworkDB) bulkSyncTables() {
var networks []string
for nid, network := range nDB.networks[nDB.config.NodeID] {
if network.leaving {
networks = append(networks, nid)
for {
if len(networks) == 0 {
nid := networks[0]
networks = networks[1:]
nodes := nDB.networkNodes[nid]
// No peer nodes on this network. Move on.
if len(nodes) == 0 {
completed, err := nDB.bulkSync(nodes, false)
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("periodic bulk sync failure for network %s: %v", nid, err)
// Remove all the networks for which we have
// successfully completed bulk sync in this iteration.
updatedNetworks := make([]string, 0, len(networks))
for _, nid := range networks {
var found bool
for _, completedNid := range completed {
if nid == completedNid {
found = true
if !found {
updatedNetworks = append(updatedNetworks, nid)
networks = updatedNetworks
func (nDB *NetworkDB) bulkSync(nodes []string, all bool) ([]string, error) {
if !all {
// Get 2 random nodes. 2nd node will be tried if the bulk sync to
// 1st node fails.
nodes = nDB.mRandomNodes(2, nodes)
if len(nodes) == 0 {
return nil, nil
var err error
var networks []string
for _, node := range nodes {
if node == nDB.config.NodeID {
logrus.Debugf("%v(%v): Initiating bulk sync with node %v", nDB.config.Hostname, nDB.config.NodeID, node)
networks = nDB.findCommonNetworks(node)
err = nDB.bulkSyncNode(networks, node, true)
// if its periodic bulksync stop after the first successful sync
if !all && err == nil {
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("bulk sync to node %s failed: %v", node, err)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return networks, nil
// Bulk sync all the table entries belonging to a set of networks to a
// single peer node. It can be unsolicited or can be in response to an
// unsolicited bulk sync
func (nDB *NetworkDB) bulkSyncNode(networks []string, node string, unsolicited bool) error {
var msgs [][]byte
var unsolMsg string
if unsolicited {
unsolMsg = "unsolicited"
logrus.Debugf("%v(%v): Initiating %s bulk sync for networks %v with node %s",
nDB.config.Hostname, nDB.config.NodeID, unsolMsg, networks, node)
mnode := nDB.nodes[node]
if mnode == nil {
return nil
for _, nid := range networks {
nDB.indexes[byNetwork].WalkPrefix(fmt.Sprintf("/%s", nid), func(path string, v interface{}) bool {
entry, ok := v.(*entry)
if !ok {
return false
eType := TableEventTypeCreate
if entry.deleting {
eType = TableEventTypeDelete
params := strings.Split(path[1:], "/")
tEvent := TableEvent{
Type: eType,
LTime: entry.ltime,
NodeName: entry.node,
NetworkID: nid,
TableName: params[1],
Key: params[2],
Value: entry.value,
// The duration in second is a float that below would be truncated
ResidualReapTime: int32(entry.reapTime.Seconds()),
msg, err := encodeMessage(MessageTypeTableEvent, &tEvent)
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Encode failure during bulk sync: %#v", tEvent)
return false
msgs = append(msgs, msg)
return false
// Create a compound message
compound := makeCompoundMessage(msgs)
bsm := BulkSyncMessage{
LTime: nDB.tableClock.Time(),
Unsolicited: unsolicited,
NodeName: nDB.config.NodeID,
Networks: networks,
Payload: compound,
buf, err := encodeMessage(MessageTypeBulkSync, &bsm)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to encode bulk sync message: %v", err)
ch := make(chan struct{})
nDB.bulkSyncAckTbl[node] = ch
err = nDB.memberlist.SendReliable(&mnode.Node, buf)
if err != nil {
delete(nDB.bulkSyncAckTbl, node)
return fmt.Errorf("failed to send a TCP message during bulk sync: %v", err)
// Wait on a response only if it is unsolicited.
if unsolicited {
startTime := time.Now()
t := time.NewTimer(30 * time.Second)
select {
case <-t.C:
logrus.Errorf("Bulk sync to node %s timed out", node)
case <-ch:
logrus.Debugf("%v(%v): Bulk sync to node %s took %s", nDB.config.Hostname, nDB.config.NodeID, node, time.Since(startTime))
return nil
// Returns a random offset between 0 and n
func randomOffset(n int) int {
if n == 0 {
return 0
val, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, big.NewInt(int64(n)))
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Failed to get a random offset: %v", err)
return 0
return int(val.Int64())
// mRandomNodes is used to select up to m random nodes. It is possible
// that less than m nodes are returned.
func (nDB *NetworkDB) mRandomNodes(m int, nodes []string) []string {
n := len(nodes)
mNodes := make([]string, 0, m)
// Probe up to 3*n times, with large n this is not necessary
// since k << n, but with small n we want search to be
// exhaustive
for i := 0; i < 3*n && len(mNodes) < m; i++ {
// Get random node
idx := randomOffset(n)
node := nodes[idx]
if node == nDB.config.NodeID {
// Check if we have this node already
for j := 0; j < len(mNodes); j++ {
if node == mNodes[j] {
continue OUTER
// Append the node
mNodes = append(mNodes, node)
return mNodes