mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

This code was added in 391441c28b
, to fix
upgrades from docker 1.11 to 1.12 with existing containers.
Given that any container after 1.12 should have the correct configuration
already, it should be safe to assume this upgrade logic is no longer needed.
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <github@gone.nl>
1580 lines
51 KiB
1580 lines
51 KiB
// Package daemon exposes the functions that occur on the host server
// that the Docker daemon is running.
// In implementing the various functions of the daemon, there is often
// a method-specific struct for configuring the runtime behavior.
package daemon // import "github.com/docker/docker/daemon"
import (
containertypes "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container"
bkconfig "github.com/moby/buildkit/cmd/buildkitd/config"
// register graph drivers
_ "github.com/docker/docker/daemon/graphdriver/register"
dmetadata "github.com/docker/docker/distribution/metadata"
libcontainerdtypes "github.com/docker/docker/libcontainerd/types"
pluginexec "github.com/docker/docker/plugin/executor/containerd"
refstore "github.com/docker/docker/reference"
volumesservice "github.com/docker/docker/volume/service"
nwconfig "github.com/docker/libnetwork/config"
// ContainersNamespace is the name of the namespace used for users containers
const (
ContainersNamespace = "moby"
var (
errSystemNotSupported = errors.New("the Docker daemon is not supported on this platform")
// Daemon holds information about the Docker daemon.
type Daemon struct {
ID string
repository string
containers container.Store
containersReplica container.ViewDB
execCommands *exec.Store
imageService *images.ImageService
idIndex *truncindex.TruncIndex
configStore *config.Config
statsCollector *stats.Collector
defaultLogConfig containertypes.LogConfig
RegistryService registry.Service
EventsService *events.Events
netController libnetwork.NetworkController
volumes *volumesservice.VolumesService
discoveryWatcher discovery.Reloader
root string
seccompEnabled bool
apparmorEnabled bool
shutdown bool
idMapping *idtools.IdentityMapping
// TODO: move graphDrivers field to an InfoService
graphDrivers map[string]string // By operating system
PluginStore *plugin.Store // todo: remove
pluginManager *plugin.Manager
linkIndex *linkIndex
containerdCli *containerd.Client
containerd libcontainerdtypes.Client
defaultIsolation containertypes.Isolation // Default isolation mode on Windows
clusterProvider cluster.Provider
cluster Cluster
genericResources []swarm.GenericResource
metricsPluginListener net.Listener
machineMemory uint64
seccompProfile []byte
seccompProfilePath string
diskUsageRunning int32
pruneRunning int32
hosts map[string]bool // hosts stores the addresses the daemon is listening on
startupDone chan struct{}
attachmentStore network.AttachmentStore
attachableNetworkLock *locker.Locker
// This is used for Windows which doesn't currently support running on containerd
// It stores metadata for the content store (used for manifest caching)
// This needs to be closed on daemon exit
mdDB *bbolt.DB
// StoreHosts stores the addresses the daemon is listening on
func (daemon *Daemon) StoreHosts(hosts []string) {
if daemon.hosts == nil {
daemon.hosts = make(map[string]bool)
for _, h := range hosts {
daemon.hosts[h] = true
// HasExperimental returns whether the experimental features of the daemon are enabled or not
func (daemon *Daemon) HasExperimental() bool {
return daemon.configStore != nil && daemon.configStore.Experimental
// Features returns the features map from configStore
func (daemon *Daemon) Features() *map[string]bool {
return &daemon.configStore.Features
// RegistryHosts returns registry configuration in containerd resolvers format
func (daemon *Daemon) RegistryHosts() docker.RegistryHosts {
var (
registryKey = "docker.io"
mirrors = make([]string, len(daemon.configStore.Mirrors))
m = map[string]bkconfig.RegistryConfig{}
// must trim "https://" or "http://" prefix
for i, v := range daemon.configStore.Mirrors {
if uri, err := url.Parse(v); err == nil {
v = uri.Host
mirrors[i] = v
// set mirrors for default registry
m[registryKey] = bkconfig.RegistryConfig{Mirrors: mirrors}
for _, v := range daemon.configStore.InsecureRegistries {
u, err := url.Parse(v)
c := bkconfig.RegistryConfig{}
if err == nil {
v = u.Host
t := true
if u.Scheme == "http" {
c.PlainHTTP = &t
} else {
c.Insecure = &t
m[v] = c
for k, v := range m {
if d, err := registry.HostCertsDir(k); err == nil {
v.TLSConfigDir = []string{d}
m[k] = v
certsDir := registry.CertsDir()
if fis, err := ioutil.ReadDir(certsDir); err == nil {
for _, fi := range fis {
if _, ok := m[fi.Name()]; !ok {
m[fi.Name()] = bkconfig.RegistryConfig{
TLSConfigDir: []string{filepath.Join(certsDir, fi.Name())},
return resolver.NewRegistryConfig(m)
func (daemon *Daemon) restore() error {
var mapLock sync.Mutex
containers := make(map[string]*container.Container)
logrus.Info("Loading containers: start.")
dir, err := ioutil.ReadDir(daemon.repository)
if err != nil {
return err
// parallelLimit is the maximum number of parallel startup jobs that we
// allow (this is the limited used for all startup semaphores). The multipler
// (128) was chosen after some fairly significant benchmarking -- don't change
// it unless you've tested it significantly (this value is adjusted if
// RLIMIT_NOFILE is small to avoid EMFILE).
parallelLimit := adjustParallelLimit(len(dir), 128*runtime.NumCPU())
// Re-used for all parallel startup jobs.
var group sync.WaitGroup
sem := semaphore.NewWeighted(int64(parallelLimit))
for _, v := range dir {
go func(id string) {
defer group.Done()
_ = sem.Acquire(context.Background(), 1)
defer sem.Release(1)
log := logrus.WithField("container", id)
c, err := daemon.load(id)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("failed to load container")
if !system.IsOSSupported(c.OS) {
log.Errorf("failed to load container: %s (%q)", system.ErrNotSupportedOperatingSystem, c.OS)
// Ignore the container if it does not support the current driver being used by the graph
currentDriverForContainerOS := daemon.graphDrivers[c.OS]
if (c.Driver == "" && currentDriverForContainerOS == "aufs") || c.Driver == currentDriverForContainerOS {
rwlayer, err := daemon.imageService.GetLayerByID(c.ID, c.OS)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("failed to load container mount")
c.RWLayer = rwlayer
"running": c.IsRunning(),
"paused": c.IsPaused(),
}).Debug("loaded container")
containers[c.ID] = c
} else {
log.Debugf("cannot load container because it was created with another storage driver")
removeContainers := make(map[string]*container.Container)
restartContainers := make(map[*container.Container]chan struct{})
activeSandboxes := make(map[string]interface{})
for _, c := range containers {
go func(c *container.Container) {
defer group.Done()
_ = sem.Acquire(context.Background(), 1)
defer sem.Release(1)
log := logrus.WithField("container", c.ID)
if err := daemon.registerName(c); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("failed to register container name: %s", c.Name)
delete(containers, c.ID)
if err := daemon.Register(c); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("failed to register container")
delete(containers, c.ID)
for _, c := range containers {
go func(c *container.Container) {
defer group.Done()
_ = sem.Acquire(context.Background(), 1)
defer sem.Release(1)
log := logrus.WithField("container", c.ID)
if err := daemon.checkpointAndSave(c); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("error saving backported mountspec to disk")
logger := func(c *container.Container) *logrus.Entry {
return log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
"running": c.IsRunning(),
"paused": c.IsPaused(),
"restarting": c.IsRestarting(),
logger(c).Debug("restoring container")
var (
err error
alive bool
ec uint32
exitedAt time.Time
process libcontainerdtypes.Process
alive, _, process, err = daemon.containerd.Restore(context.Background(), c.ID, c.InitializeStdio)
if err != nil && !errdefs.IsNotFound(err) {
logger(c).WithError(err).Error("failed to restore container with containerd")
logger(c).Debugf("alive: %v", alive)
if !alive {
// If process is not nil, cleanup dead container from containerd.
// If process is nil then the above `containerd.Restore` returned an errdefs.NotFoundError,
// and docker's view of the container state will be updated accorrdingly via SetStopped further down.
if process != nil {
logger(c).Debug("cleaning up dead container process")
ec, exitedAt, err = process.Delete(context.Background())
if err != nil && !errdefs.IsNotFound(err) {
logger(c).WithError(err).Error("failed to delete container from containerd")
} else if !daemon.configStore.LiveRestoreEnabled {
logger(c).Debug("shutting down container considered alive by containerd")
if err := daemon.shutdownContainer(c); err != nil && !errdefs.IsNotFound(err) {
log.WithError(err).Error("error shutting down container")
if c.IsRunning() || c.IsPaused() {
logger(c).Debug("syncing container on disk state with real state")
c.RestartManager().Cancel() // manually start containers because some need to wait for swarm networking
if c.IsPaused() && alive {
s, err := daemon.containerd.Status(context.Background(), c.ID)
if err != nil {
logger(c).WithError(err).Error("failed to get container status")
} else {
logger(c).WithField("state", s).Info("restored container paused")
switch s {
case containerd.Paused, containerd.Pausing:
// nothing to do
case containerd.Stopped:
alive = false
case containerd.Unknown:
log.Error("unknown status for paused container during restore")
// running
c.Paused = false
if err := c.CheckpointTo(daemon.containersReplica); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("failed to update paused container state")
if !alive {
logger(c).Debug("setting stopped state")
c.SetStopped(&container.ExitStatus{ExitCode: int(ec), ExitedAt: exitedAt})
if err := c.CheckpointTo(daemon.containersReplica); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("failed to update stopped container state")
logger(c).Debug("set stopped state")
// we call Mount and then Unmount to get BaseFs of the container
if err := daemon.Mount(c); err != nil {
// The mount is unlikely to fail. However, in case mount fails
// the container should be allowed to restore here. Some functionalities
// (like docker exec -u user) might be missing but container is able to be
// stopped/restarted/removed.
// See #29365 for related information.
// The error is only logged here.
logger(c).WithError(err).Warn("failed to mount container to get BaseFs path")
} else {
if err := daemon.Unmount(c); err != nil {
logger(c).WithError(err).Warn("failed to umount container to get BaseFs path")
if !c.HostConfig.NetworkMode.IsContainer() && c.IsRunning() {
options, err := daemon.buildSandboxOptions(c)
if err != nil {
logger(c).WithError(err).Warn("failed to build sandbox option to restore container")
activeSandboxes[c.NetworkSettings.SandboxID] = options
// get list of containers we need to restart
// Do not autostart containers which
// has endpoints in a swarm scope
// network yet since the cluster is
// not initialized yet. We will start
// it after the cluster is
// initialized.
if daemon.configStore.AutoRestart && c.ShouldRestart() && !c.NetworkSettings.HasSwarmEndpoint && c.HasBeenStartedBefore {
restartContainers[c] = make(chan struct{})
} else if c.HostConfig != nil && c.HostConfig.AutoRemove {
removeContainers[c.ID] = c
if c.RemovalInProgress {
// We probably crashed in the middle of a removal, reset
// the flag.
// We DO NOT remove the container here as we do not
// know if the user had requested for either the
// associated volumes, network links or both to also
// be removed. So we put the container in the "dead"
// state and leave further processing up to them.
c.RemovalInProgress = false
c.Dead = true
if err := c.CheckpointTo(daemon.containersReplica); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("failed to update RemovalInProgress container state")
} else {
log.Debugf("reset RemovalInProgress state for container")
logger(c).Debug("done restoring container")
daemon.netController, err = daemon.initNetworkController(daemon.configStore, activeSandboxes)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error initializing network controller: %v", err)
// Now that all the containers are registered, register the links
for _, c := range containers {
go func(c *container.Container) {
_ = sem.Acquire(context.Background(), 1)
if err := daemon.registerLinks(c, c.HostConfig); err != nil {
logrus.WithField("container", c.ID).WithError(err).Error("failed to register link for container")
for c, notifier := range restartContainers {
go func(c *container.Container, chNotify chan struct{}) {
_ = sem.Acquire(context.Background(), 1)
log := logrus.WithField("container", c.ID)
log.Debug("starting container")
// ignore errors here as this is a best effort to wait for children to be
// running before we try to start the container
children := daemon.children(c)
timeout := time.NewTimer(5 * time.Second)
defer timeout.Stop()
for _, child := range children {
if notifier, exists := restartContainers[child]; exists {
select {
case <-notifier:
case <-timeout.C:
// Make sure networks are available before starting
if err := daemon.containerStart(c, "", "", true); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("failed to start container")
}(c, notifier)
for id := range removeContainers {
go func(cid string) {
_ = sem.Acquire(context.Background(), 1)
if err := daemon.ContainerRm(cid, &types.ContainerRmConfig{ForceRemove: true, RemoveVolume: true}); err != nil {
logrus.WithField("container", cid).WithError(err).Error("failed to remove container")
// any containers that were started above would already have had this done,
// however we need to now prepare the mountpoints for the rest of the containers as well.
// This shouldn't cause any issue running on the containers that already had this run.
// This must be run after any containers with a restart policy so that containerized plugins
// can have a chance to be running before we try to initialize them.
for _, c := range containers {
// if the container has restart policy, do not
// prepare the mountpoints since it has been done on restarting.
// This is to speed up the daemon start when a restart container
// has a volume and the volume driver is not available.
if _, ok := restartContainers[c]; ok {
} else if _, ok := removeContainers[c.ID]; ok {
// container is automatically removed, skip it.
go func(c *container.Container) {
_ = sem.Acquire(context.Background(), 1)
if err := daemon.prepareMountPoints(c); err != nil {
logrus.WithField("container", c.ID).WithError(err).Error("failed to prepare mountpoints for container")
logrus.Info("Loading containers: done.")
return nil
// RestartSwarmContainers restarts any autostart container which has a
// swarm endpoint.
func (daemon *Daemon) RestartSwarmContainers() {
ctx := context.Background()
// parallelLimit is the maximum number of parallel startup jobs that we
// allow (this is the limited used for all startup semaphores). The multipler
// (128) was chosen after some fairly significant benchmarking -- don't change
// it unless you've tested it significantly (this value is adjusted if
// RLIMIT_NOFILE is small to avoid EMFILE).
parallelLimit := adjustParallelLimit(len(daemon.List()), 128*runtime.NumCPU())
var group sync.WaitGroup
sem := semaphore.NewWeighted(int64(parallelLimit))
for _, c := range daemon.List() {
if !c.IsRunning() && !c.IsPaused() {
// Autostart all the containers which has a
// swarm endpoint now that the cluster is
// initialized.
if daemon.configStore.AutoRestart && c.ShouldRestart() && c.NetworkSettings.HasSwarmEndpoint && c.HasBeenStartedBefore {
go func(c *container.Container) {
if err := sem.Acquire(ctx, 1); err != nil {
// ctx is done.
if err := daemon.containerStart(c, "", "", true); err != nil {
logrus.WithField("container", c.ID).WithError(err).Error("failed to start swarm container")
// waitForNetworks is used during daemon initialization when starting up containers
// It ensures that all of a container's networks are available before the daemon tries to start the container.
// In practice it just makes sure the discovery service is available for containers which use a network that require discovery.
func (daemon *Daemon) waitForNetworks(c *container.Container) {
if daemon.discoveryWatcher == nil {
// Make sure if the container has a network that requires discovery that the discovery service is available before starting
for netName := range c.NetworkSettings.Networks {
// If we get `ErrNoSuchNetwork` here, we can assume that it is due to discovery not being ready
// Most likely this is because the K/V store used for discovery is in a container and needs to be started
if _, err := daemon.netController.NetworkByName(netName); err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(libnetwork.ErrNoSuchNetwork); !ok {
// use a longish timeout here due to some slowdowns in libnetwork if the k/v store is on anything other than --net=host
// FIXME: why is this slow???
dur := 60 * time.Second
timer := time.NewTimer(dur)
logrus.WithField("container", c.ID).Debugf("Container %s waiting for network to be ready", c.Name)
select {
case <-daemon.discoveryWatcher.ReadyCh():
case <-timer.C:
func (daemon *Daemon) children(c *container.Container) map[string]*container.Container {
return daemon.linkIndex.children(c)
// parents returns the names of the parent containers of the container
// with the given name.
func (daemon *Daemon) parents(c *container.Container) map[string]*container.Container {
return daemon.linkIndex.parents(c)
func (daemon *Daemon) registerLink(parent, child *container.Container, alias string) error {
fullName := path.Join(parent.Name, alias)
if err := daemon.containersReplica.ReserveName(fullName, child.ID); err != nil {
if err == container.ErrNameReserved {
logrus.Warnf("error registering link for %s, to %s, as alias %s, ignoring: %v", parent.ID, child.ID, alias, err)
return nil
return err
daemon.linkIndex.link(parent, child, fullName)
return nil
// DaemonJoinsCluster informs the daemon has joined the cluster and provides
// the handler to query the cluster component
func (daemon *Daemon) DaemonJoinsCluster(clusterProvider cluster.Provider) {
// DaemonLeavesCluster informs the daemon has left the cluster
func (daemon *Daemon) DaemonLeavesCluster() {
// Daemon is in charge of removing the attachable networks with
// connected containers when the node leaves the swarm
// We no longer need the cluster provider, stop it now so that
// the network agent will stop listening to cluster events.
// Wait for the networking cluster agent to stop
// Daemon is in charge of removing the ingress network when the
// node leaves the swarm. Wait for job to be done or timeout.
// This is called also on graceful daemon shutdown. We need to
// wait, because the ingress release has to happen before the
// network controller is stopped.
if done, err := daemon.ReleaseIngress(); err == nil {
timeout := time.NewTimer(5 * time.Second)
defer timeout.Stop()
select {
case <-done:
case <-timeout.C:
logrus.Warn("timeout while waiting for ingress network removal")
} else {
logrus.Warnf("failed to initiate ingress network removal: %v", err)
// setClusterProvider sets a component for querying the current cluster state.
func (daemon *Daemon) setClusterProvider(clusterProvider cluster.Provider) {
daemon.clusterProvider = clusterProvider
daemon.attachableNetworkLock = locker.New()
// IsSwarmCompatible verifies if the current daemon
// configuration is compatible with the swarm mode
func (daemon *Daemon) IsSwarmCompatible() error {
if daemon.configStore == nil {
return nil
return daemon.configStore.IsSwarmCompatible()
// NewDaemon sets up everything for the daemon to be able to service
// requests from the webserver.
func NewDaemon(ctx context.Context, config *config.Config, pluginStore *plugin.Store) (daemon *Daemon, err error) {
registryService, err := registry.NewService(config.ServiceOptions)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Ensure that we have a correct root key limit for launching containers.
if err := ModifyRootKeyLimit(); err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("unable to modify root key limit, number of containers could be limited by this quota: %v", err)
// Ensure we have compatible and valid configuration options
if err := verifyDaemonSettings(config); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Do we have a disabled network?
config.DisableBridge = isBridgeNetworkDisabled(config)
// Setup the resolv.conf
// Verify the platform is supported as a daemon
if !platformSupported {
return nil, errSystemNotSupported
// Validate platform-specific requirements
if err := checkSystem(); err != nil {
return nil, err
idMapping, err := setupRemappedRoot(config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rootIDs := idMapping.RootPair()
if err := setupDaemonProcess(config); err != nil {
return nil, err
// set up the tmpDir to use a canonical path
tmp, err := prepareTempDir(config.Root)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to get the TempDir under %s: %s", config.Root, err)
realTmp, err := fileutils.ReadSymlinkedDirectory(tmp)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to get the full path to the TempDir (%s): %s", tmp, err)
if isWindows {
if _, err := os.Stat(realTmp); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) {
if err := system.MkdirAll(realTmp, 0700); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to create the TempDir (%s): %s", realTmp, err)
os.Setenv("TEMP", realTmp)
os.Setenv("TMP", realTmp)
} else {
os.Setenv("TMPDIR", realTmp)
d := &Daemon{
configStore: config,
PluginStore: pluginStore,
startupDone: make(chan struct{}),
// Ensure the daemon is properly shutdown if there is a failure during
// initialization
defer func() {
if err != nil {
if err := d.Shutdown(); err != nil {
if err := d.setGenericResources(config); err != nil {
return nil, err
// set up SIGUSR1 handler on Unix-like systems, or a Win32 global event
// on Windows to dump Go routine stacks
stackDumpDir := config.Root
if execRoot := config.GetExecRoot(); execRoot != "" {
stackDumpDir = execRoot
if err := d.setupSeccompProfile(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Set the default isolation mode (only applicable on Windows)
if err := d.setDefaultIsolation(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error setting default isolation mode: %v", err)
if err := configureMaxThreads(config); err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("Failed to configure golang's threads limit: %v", err)
// ensureDefaultAppArmorProfile does nothing if apparmor is disabled
if err := ensureDefaultAppArmorProfile(); err != nil {
daemonRepo := filepath.Join(config.Root, "containers")
if err := idtools.MkdirAllAndChown(daemonRepo, 0701, idtools.CurrentIdentity()); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create the directory where we'll store the runtime scripts (i.e. in
// order to support runtimeArgs)
daemonRuntimes := filepath.Join(config.Root, "runtimes")
if err := system.MkdirAll(daemonRuntimes, 0700); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := d.loadRuntimes(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if isWindows {
if err := system.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(config.Root, "credentialspecs"), 0); err != nil {
return nil, err
// On Windows we don't support the environment variable, or a user supplied graphdriver
// as Windows has no choice in terms of which graphdrivers to use. It's a case of
// running Windows containers on Windows - windowsfilter, running Linux containers on Windows,
// lcow. Unix platforms however run a single graphdriver for all containers, and it can
// be set through an environment variable, a daemon start parameter, or chosen through
// initialization of the layerstore through driver priority order for example.
d.graphDrivers = make(map[string]string)
layerStores := make(map[string]layer.Store)
if isWindows {
d.graphDrivers[runtime.GOOS] = "windowsfilter"
if system.LCOWSupported() {
d.graphDrivers["linux"] = "lcow"
} else {
driverName := os.Getenv("DOCKER_DRIVER")
if driverName == "" {
driverName = config.GraphDriver
} else {
logrus.Infof("Setting the storage driver from the $DOCKER_DRIVER environment variable (%s)", driverName)
d.graphDrivers[runtime.GOOS] = driverName // May still be empty. Layerstore init determines instead.
d.RegistryService = registryService
metricsSockPath, err := d.listenMetricsSock()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
registerMetricsPluginCallback(d.PluginStore, metricsSockPath)
backoffConfig := backoff.DefaultConfig
backoffConfig.MaxDelay = 3 * time.Second
connParams := grpc.ConnectParams{
Backoff: backoffConfig,
gopts := []grpc.DialOption{
// WithBlock makes sure that the following containerd request
// is reliable.
// NOTE: In one edge case with high load pressure, kernel kills
// dockerd, containerd and containerd-shims caused by OOM.
// When both dockerd and containerd restart, but containerd
// will take time to recover all the existing containers. Before
// containerd serving, dockerd will failed with gRPC error.
// That bad thing is that restore action will still ignore the
// any non-NotFound errors and returns running state for
// already stopped container. It is unexpected behavior. And
// we need to restart dockerd to make sure that anything is OK.
// It is painful. Add WithBlock can prevent the edge case. And
// n common case, the containerd will be serving in shortly.
// It is not harm to add WithBlock for containerd connection.
// TODO(stevvooe): We may need to allow configuration of this on the client.
if config.ContainerdAddr != "" {
d.containerdCli, err = containerd.New(config.ContainerdAddr, containerd.WithDefaultNamespace(config.ContainerdNamespace), containerd.WithDialOpts(gopts), containerd.WithTimeout(60*time.Second))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to dial %q", config.ContainerdAddr)
createPluginExec := func(m *plugin.Manager) (plugin.Executor, error) {
var pluginCli *containerd.Client
// Windows is not currently using containerd, keep the
// client as nil
if config.ContainerdAddr != "" {
pluginCli, err = containerd.New(config.ContainerdAddr, containerd.WithDefaultNamespace(config.ContainerdPluginNamespace), containerd.WithDialOpts(gopts), containerd.WithTimeout(60*time.Second))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to dial %q", config.ContainerdAddr)
var rt types.Runtime
if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
rtPtr, err := d.getRuntime(config.GetDefaultRuntimeName())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rt = *rtPtr
return pluginexec.New(ctx, getPluginExecRoot(config.Root), pluginCli, config.ContainerdPluginNamespace, m, rt)
// Plugin system initialization should happen before restore. Do not change order.
d.pluginManager, err = plugin.NewManager(plugin.ManagerConfig{
Root: filepath.Join(config.Root, "plugins"),
ExecRoot: getPluginExecRoot(config.Root),
Store: d.PluginStore,
CreateExecutor: createPluginExec,
RegistryService: registryService,
LiveRestoreEnabled: config.LiveRestoreEnabled,
LogPluginEvent: d.LogPluginEvent, // todo: make private
AuthzMiddleware: config.AuthzMiddleware,
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "couldn't create plugin manager")
if err := d.setupDefaultLogConfig(); err != nil {
return nil, err
for operatingSystem, gd := range d.graphDrivers {
layerStores[operatingSystem], err = layer.NewStoreFromOptions(layer.StoreOptions{
Root: config.Root,
MetadataStorePathTemplate: filepath.Join(config.Root, "image", "%s", "layerdb"),
GraphDriver: gd,
GraphDriverOptions: config.GraphOptions,
IDMapping: idMapping,
PluginGetter: d.PluginStore,
ExperimentalEnabled: config.Experimental,
OS: operatingSystem,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// As layerstore initialization may set the driver
d.graphDrivers[operatingSystem] = layerStores[operatingSystem].DriverName()
// Configure and validate the kernels security support. Note this is a Linux/FreeBSD
// operation only, so it is safe to pass *just* the runtime OS graphdriver.
if err := configureKernelSecuritySupport(config, d.graphDrivers[runtime.GOOS]); err != nil {
return nil, err
imageRoot := filepath.Join(config.Root, "image", d.graphDrivers[runtime.GOOS])
ifs, err := image.NewFSStoreBackend(filepath.Join(imageRoot, "imagedb"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
lgrMap := make(map[string]image.LayerGetReleaser)
for los, ls := range layerStores {
lgrMap[los] = ls
imageStore, err := image.NewImageStore(ifs, lgrMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
d.volumes, err = volumesservice.NewVolumeService(config.Root, d.PluginStore, rootIDs, d)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
trustKey, err := loadOrCreateTrustKey(config.TrustKeyPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
trustDir := filepath.Join(config.Root, "trust")
if err := system.MkdirAll(trustDir, 0700); err != nil {
return nil, err
// We have a single tag/reference store for the daemon globally. However, it's
// stored under the graphdriver. On host platforms which only support a single
// container OS, but multiple selectable graphdrivers, this means depending on which
// graphdriver is chosen, the global reference store is under there. For
// platforms which support multiple container operating systems, this is slightly
// more problematic as where does the global ref store get located? Fortunately,
// for Windows, which is currently the only daemon supporting multiple container
// operating systems, the list of graphdrivers available isn't user configurable.
// For backwards compatibility, we just put it under the windowsfilter
// directory regardless.
refStoreLocation := filepath.Join(imageRoot, `repositories.json`)
rs, err := refstore.NewReferenceStore(refStoreLocation)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Couldn't create reference store repository: %s", err)
distributionMetadataStore, err := dmetadata.NewFSMetadataStore(filepath.Join(imageRoot, "distribution"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Discovery is only enabled when the daemon is launched with an address to advertise. When
// initialized, the daemon is registered and we can store the discovery backend as it's read-only
if err := d.initDiscovery(config); err != nil {
return nil, err
sysInfo := d.RawSysInfo(false)
// Check if Devices cgroup is mounted, it is hard requirement for container security,
// on Linux.
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" && !sysInfo.CgroupDevicesEnabled && !sys.RunningInUserNS() {
return nil, errors.New("Devices cgroup isn't mounted")
d.ID = trustKey.PublicKey().KeyID()
d.repository = daemonRepo
d.containers = container.NewMemoryStore()
if d.containersReplica, err = container.NewViewDB(); err != nil {
return nil, err
d.execCommands = exec.NewStore()
d.idIndex = truncindex.NewTruncIndex([]string{})
d.statsCollector = d.newStatsCollector(1 * time.Second)
d.EventsService = events.New()
d.root = config.Root
d.idMapping = idMapping
d.seccompEnabled = sysInfo.Seccomp
d.apparmorEnabled = sysInfo.AppArmor
d.linkIndex = newLinkIndex()
imgSvcConfig := images.ImageServiceConfig{
ContainerStore: d.containers,
DistributionMetadataStore: distributionMetadataStore,
EventsService: d.EventsService,
ImageStore: imageStore,
LayerStores: layerStores,
MaxConcurrentDownloads: *config.MaxConcurrentDownloads,
MaxConcurrentUploads: *config.MaxConcurrentUploads,
MaxDownloadAttempts: *config.MaxDownloadAttempts,
ReferenceStore: rs,
RegistryService: registryService,
TrustKey: trustKey,
ContentNamespace: config.ContainerdNamespace,
// containerd is not currently supported with Windows.
// So sometimes d.containerdCli will be nil
// In that case we'll create a local content store... but otherwise we'll use containerd
if d.containerdCli != nil {
imgSvcConfig.Leases = d.containerdCli.LeasesService()
imgSvcConfig.ContentStore = d.containerdCli.ContentStore()
} else {
cs, lm, err := d.configureLocalContentStore()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
imgSvcConfig.ContentStore = cs
imgSvcConfig.Leases = lm
// TODO: imageStore, distributionMetadataStore, and ReferenceStore are only
// used above to run migration. They could be initialized in ImageService
// if migration is called from daemon/images. layerStore might move as well.
d.imageService = images.NewImageService(imgSvcConfig)
go d.execCommandGC()
d.containerd, err = libcontainerd.NewClient(ctx, d.containerdCli, filepath.Join(config.ExecRoot, "containerd"), config.ContainerdNamespace, d)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := d.restore(); err != nil {
return nil, err
info := d.SystemInfo()
gd := ""
for os, driver := range d.graphDrivers {
if len(gd) > 0 {
gd += ", "
gd += driver
if len(d.graphDrivers) > 1 {
gd = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", gd, os)
"version": dockerversion.Version,
"commit": dockerversion.GitCommit,
"graphdriver(s)": gd,
}).Info("Docker daemon")
return d, nil
// DistributionServices returns services controlling daemon storage
func (daemon *Daemon) DistributionServices() images.DistributionServices {
return daemon.imageService.DistributionServices()
func (daemon *Daemon) waitForStartupDone() {
func (daemon *Daemon) shutdownContainer(c *container.Container) error {
stopTimeout := c.StopTimeout()
// If container failed to exit in stopTimeout seconds of SIGTERM, then using the force
if err := daemon.containerStop(c, stopTimeout); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to stop container %s with error: %v", c.ID, err)
// Wait without timeout for the container to exit.
// Ignore the result.
<-c.Wait(context.Background(), container.WaitConditionNotRunning)
return nil
// ShutdownTimeout returns the timeout (in seconds) before containers are forcibly
// killed during shutdown. The default timeout can be configured both on the daemon
// and per container, and the longest timeout will be used. A grace-period of
// 5 seconds is added to the configured timeout.
// A negative (-1) timeout means "indefinitely", which means that containers
// are not forcibly killed, and the daemon shuts down after all containers exit.
func (daemon *Daemon) ShutdownTimeout() int {
shutdownTimeout := daemon.configStore.ShutdownTimeout
if shutdownTimeout < 0 {
return -1
if daemon.containers == nil {
return shutdownTimeout
graceTimeout := 5
for _, c := range daemon.containers.List() {
stopTimeout := c.StopTimeout()
if stopTimeout < 0 {
return -1
if stopTimeout+graceTimeout > shutdownTimeout {
shutdownTimeout = stopTimeout + graceTimeout
return shutdownTimeout
// Shutdown stops the daemon.
func (daemon *Daemon) Shutdown() error {
daemon.shutdown = true
// Keep mounts and networking running on daemon shutdown if
// we are to keep containers running and restore them.
if daemon.configStore.LiveRestoreEnabled && daemon.containers != nil {
// check if there are any running containers, if none we should do some cleanup
if ls, err := daemon.Containers(&types.ContainerListOptions{}); len(ls) != 0 || err != nil {
// metrics plugins still need some cleanup
return nil
if daemon.containers != nil {
logrus.Debugf("daemon configured with a %d seconds minimum shutdown timeout", daemon.configStore.ShutdownTimeout)
logrus.Debugf("start clean shutdown of all containers with a %d seconds timeout...", daemon.ShutdownTimeout())
daemon.containers.ApplyAll(func(c *container.Container) {
if !c.IsRunning() {
log := logrus.WithField("container", c.ID)
log.Debug("shutting down container")
if err := daemon.shutdownContainer(c); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("failed to shut down container")
if mountid, err := daemon.imageService.GetLayerMountID(c.ID, c.OS); err == nil {
log.Debugf("shut down container")
if daemon.volumes != nil {
if err := daemon.volumes.Shutdown(); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Error shutting down volume store: %v", err)
if daemon.imageService != nil {
// If we are part of a cluster, clean up cluster's stuff
if daemon.clusterProvider != nil {
logrus.Debugf("start clean shutdown of cluster resources...")
// Shutdown plugins after containers and layerstore. Don't change the order.
// trigger libnetwork Stop only if it's initialized
if daemon.netController != nil {
if daemon.containerdCli != nil {
if daemon.mdDB != nil {
return daemon.cleanupMounts()
// Mount sets container.BaseFS
// (is it not set coming in? why is it unset?)
func (daemon *Daemon) Mount(container *container.Container) error {
if container.RWLayer == nil {
return errors.New("RWLayer of container " + container.ID + " is unexpectedly nil")
dir, err := container.RWLayer.Mount(container.GetMountLabel())
if err != nil {
return err
logrus.WithField("container", container.ID).Debugf("container mounted via layerStore: %v", dir)
if container.BaseFS != nil && container.BaseFS.Path() != dir.Path() {
// The mount path reported by the graph driver should always be trusted on Windows, since the
// volume path for a given mounted layer may change over time. This should only be an error
// on non-Windows operating systems.
if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
return fmt.Errorf("Error: driver %s is returning inconsistent paths for container %s ('%s' then '%s')",
daemon.imageService.GraphDriverForOS(container.OS), container.ID, container.BaseFS, dir)
container.BaseFS = dir // TODO: combine these fields
return nil
// Unmount unsets the container base filesystem
func (daemon *Daemon) Unmount(container *container.Container) error {
if container.RWLayer == nil {
return errors.New("RWLayer of container " + container.ID + " is unexpectedly nil")
if err := container.RWLayer.Unmount(); err != nil {
logrus.WithField("container", container.ID).WithError(err).Error("error unmounting container")
return err
return nil
// Subnets return the IPv4 and IPv6 subnets of networks that are manager by Docker.
func (daemon *Daemon) Subnets() ([]net.IPNet, []net.IPNet) {
var v4Subnets []net.IPNet
var v6Subnets []net.IPNet
managedNetworks := daemon.netController.Networks()
for _, managedNetwork := range managedNetworks {
v4infos, v6infos := managedNetwork.Info().IpamInfo()
for _, info := range v4infos {
if info.IPAMData.Pool != nil {
v4Subnets = append(v4Subnets, *info.IPAMData.Pool)
for _, info := range v6infos {
if info.IPAMData.Pool != nil {
v6Subnets = append(v6Subnets, *info.IPAMData.Pool)
return v4Subnets, v6Subnets
// prepareTempDir prepares and returns the default directory to use
// for temporary files.
// If it doesn't exist, it is created. If it exists, its content is removed.
func prepareTempDir(rootDir string) (string, error) {
var tmpDir string
if tmpDir = os.Getenv("DOCKER_TMPDIR"); tmpDir == "" {
tmpDir = filepath.Join(rootDir, "tmp")
newName := tmpDir + "-old"
if err := os.Rename(tmpDir, newName); err == nil {
go func() {
if err := os.RemoveAll(newName); err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("failed to delete old tmp directory: %s", newName)
} else if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
logrus.Warnf("failed to rename %s for background deletion: %s. Deleting synchronously", tmpDir, err)
if err := os.RemoveAll(tmpDir); err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("failed to delete old tmp directory: %s", tmpDir)
return tmpDir, idtools.MkdirAllAndChown(tmpDir, 0700, idtools.CurrentIdentity())
func (daemon *Daemon) setGenericResources(conf *config.Config) error {
genericResources, err := config.ParseGenericResources(conf.NodeGenericResources)
if err != nil {
return err
daemon.genericResources = genericResources
return nil
func setDefaultMtu(conf *config.Config) {
// do nothing if the config does not have the default 0 value.
if conf.Mtu != 0 {
conf.Mtu = config.DefaultNetworkMtu
// IsShuttingDown tells whether the daemon is shutting down or not
func (daemon *Daemon) IsShuttingDown() bool {
return daemon.shutdown
// initDiscovery initializes the discovery watcher for this daemon.
func (daemon *Daemon) initDiscovery(conf *config.Config) error {
advertise, err := config.ParseClusterAdvertiseSettings(conf.ClusterStore, conf.ClusterAdvertise)
if err != nil {
if err == discovery.ErrDiscoveryDisabled {
return nil
return err
conf.ClusterAdvertise = advertise
discoveryWatcher, err := discovery.Init(conf.ClusterStore, conf.ClusterAdvertise, conf.ClusterOpts)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("discovery initialization failed (%v)", err)
daemon.discoveryWatcher = discoveryWatcher
return nil
func isBridgeNetworkDisabled(conf *config.Config) bool {
return conf.BridgeConfig.Iface == config.DisableNetworkBridge
func (daemon *Daemon) networkOptions(dconfig *config.Config, pg plugingetter.PluginGetter, activeSandboxes map[string]interface{}) ([]nwconfig.Option, error) {
options := []nwconfig.Option{}
if dconfig == nil {
return options, nil
options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionExperimental(dconfig.Experimental))
options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionDataDir(dconfig.Root))
options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionExecRoot(dconfig.GetExecRoot()))
dd := runconfig.DefaultDaemonNetworkMode()
dn := runconfig.DefaultDaemonNetworkMode().NetworkName()
options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionDefaultDriver(string(dd)))
options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionDefaultNetwork(dn))
if strings.TrimSpace(dconfig.ClusterStore) != "" {
kv := strings.Split(dconfig.ClusterStore, "://")
if len(kv) != 2 {
return nil, errors.New("kv store daemon config must be of the form KV-PROVIDER://KV-URL")
options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionKVProvider(kv[0]))
options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionKVProviderURL(kv[1]))
if len(dconfig.ClusterOpts) > 0 {
options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionKVOpts(dconfig.ClusterOpts))
if daemon.discoveryWatcher != nil {
options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionDiscoveryWatcher(daemon.discoveryWatcher))
if dconfig.ClusterAdvertise != "" {
options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionDiscoveryAddress(dconfig.ClusterAdvertise))
options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionLabels(dconfig.Labels))
options = append(options, driverOptions(dconfig)...)
if len(dconfig.NetworkConfig.DefaultAddressPools.Value()) > 0 {
options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionDefaultAddressPoolConfig(dconfig.NetworkConfig.DefaultAddressPools.Value()))
if daemon.configStore != nil && daemon.configStore.LiveRestoreEnabled && len(activeSandboxes) != 0 {
options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionActiveSandboxes(activeSandboxes))
if pg != nil {
options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionPluginGetter(pg))
options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionNetworkControlPlaneMTU(dconfig.NetworkControlPlaneMTU))
return options, nil
// GetCluster returns the cluster
func (daemon *Daemon) GetCluster() Cluster {
return daemon.cluster
// SetCluster sets the cluster
func (daemon *Daemon) SetCluster(cluster Cluster) {
daemon.cluster = cluster
func (daemon *Daemon) pluginShutdown() {
manager := daemon.pluginManager
// Check for a valid manager object. In error conditions, daemon init can fail
// and shutdown called, before plugin manager is initialized.
if manager != nil {
// PluginManager returns current pluginManager associated with the daemon
func (daemon *Daemon) PluginManager() *plugin.Manager { // set up before daemon to avoid this method
return daemon.pluginManager
// PluginGetter returns current pluginStore associated with the daemon
func (daemon *Daemon) PluginGetter() *plugin.Store {
return daemon.PluginStore
// CreateDaemonRoot creates the root for the daemon
func CreateDaemonRoot(config *config.Config) error {
// get the canonical path to the Docker root directory
var realRoot string
if _, err := os.Stat(config.Root); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) {
realRoot = config.Root
} else {
realRoot, err = fileutils.ReadSymlinkedDirectory(config.Root)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to get the full path to root (%s): %s", config.Root, err)
idMapping, err := setupRemappedRoot(config)
if err != nil {
return err
return setupDaemonRoot(config, realRoot, idMapping.RootPair())
// checkpointAndSave grabs a container lock to safely call container.CheckpointTo
func (daemon *Daemon) checkpointAndSave(container *container.Container) error {
defer container.Unlock()
if err := container.CheckpointTo(daemon.containersReplica); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error saving container state: %v", err)
return nil
// because the CLI sends a -1 when it wants to unset the swappiness value
// we need to clear it on the server side
func fixMemorySwappiness(resources *containertypes.Resources) {
if resources.MemorySwappiness != nil && *resources.MemorySwappiness == -1 {
resources.MemorySwappiness = nil
// GetAttachmentStore returns current attachment store associated with the daemon
func (daemon *Daemon) GetAttachmentStore() *network.AttachmentStore {
return &daemon.attachmentStore
// IdentityMapping returns uid/gid mapping or a SID (in the case of Windows) for the builder
func (daemon *Daemon) IdentityMapping() *idtools.IdentityMapping {
return daemon.idMapping
// ImageService returns the Daemon's ImageService
func (daemon *Daemon) ImageService() *images.ImageService {
return daemon.imageService
// BuilderBackend returns the backend used by builder
func (daemon *Daemon) BuilderBackend() builder.Backend {
return struct {
}{daemon, daemon.imageService}