diff --git a/Changes.md b/Changes.md
index ddeeeb85..81145221 100644
--- a/Changes.md
+++ b/Changes.md
@@ -24,6 +24,16 @@ end
 require "sidekiq/middleware/current_attributes"
 Sidekiq::CurrentAttributes.persist(Myapp::Current) # Your AS::CurrentAttributes singleton
+- **FEATURE**: Introduce new method, `.perform_bulk` on `Sidekiq::Worker` that makes enqueuing
+  jobs in bulk adhere to Redis best practices by enqueuing 1,000 jobs per round trip. This
+  shares a similar args syntax to `Sidekiq::Client.push_bulk`. Batch sizes can be configured
+  with the optional `batch_size:` keyword argument.
+MyJob.perform_bulk([[1], [2], [3]])
+# With a batch size provided:
+MyJob.perform_bulk([[1], [2], [3]], batch_size: 100)
 - Implement `queue_as`, `wait` and `wait_until` for ActiveJob compatibility [#5003]
 - Retry Redis operation if we get an `UNBLOCKED` Redis error. [#4985]
 - Run existing signal traps, if any, before running Sidekiq's trap. [#4991]
diff --git a/lib/sidekiq/worker.rb b/lib/sidekiq/worker.rb
index e85a9488..73c32ba5 100644
--- a/lib/sidekiq/worker.rb
+++ b/lib/sidekiq/worker.rb
@@ -191,6 +191,12 @@ module Sidekiq
         @klass.client_push(@opts.merge("args" => args, "class" => @klass))
+      def perform_bulk(args, batch_size: 1_000)
+        args.each_slice(batch_size).flat_map do |slice|
+          Sidekiq::Client.push_bulk(@opts.merge("class" => @klass, "args" => slice))
+        end
+      end
       # +interval+ must be a timestamp, numeric or something that acts
       #   numeric (like an activesupport time interval).
       def perform_in(interval, *args)
@@ -235,6 +241,32 @@ module Sidekiq
         client_push("class" => self, "args" => args)
+      ##
+      # Push a large number of jobs to Redis, while limiting the batch of
+      # each job payload to 1,000. This method helps cut down on the number
+      # of round trips to Redis, which can increase the performance of enqueueing
+      # large numbers of jobs.
+      #
+      # +items+ must be an Array of Arrays.
+      #
+      # For finer-grained control, use `Sidekiq::Client.push_bulk` directly.
+      #
+      # Example (3 Redis round trips):
+      #
+      #     SomeWorker.perform_async(1)
+      #     SomeWorker.perform_async(2)
+      #     SomeWorker.perform_async(3)
+      #
+      # Would instead become (1 Redis round trip):
+      #
+      #     SomeWorker.perform_bulk([[1], [2], [3]])
+      #
+      def perform_bulk(items, batch_size: 1_000)
+        items.each_slice(batch_size).flat_map do |slice|
+          Sidekiq::Client.push_bulk("class" => self, "args" => slice)
+        end
+      end
       # +interval+ must be a timestamp, numeric or something that acts
       #   numeric (like an activesupport time interval).
       def perform_in(interval, *args)
diff --git a/test/test_client.rb b/test/test_client.rb
index b49386c3..883ec35c 100644
--- a/test/test_client.rb
+++ b/test/test_client.rb
@@ -183,6 +183,31 @@ describe Sidekiq::Client do
+    describe '.perform_bulk' do
+      it 'pushes a large set of jobs' do
+        jids = MyWorker.perform_bulk((1..1_001).to_a.map { |x| Array(x) })
+        assert_equal 1_001, jids.size
+      end
+      it 'pushes a large set of jobs with a different batch size' do
+        jids = MyWorker.perform_bulk((1..1_001).to_a.map { |x| Array(x) }, batch_size: 100)
+        assert_equal 1_001, jids.size
+      end
+      it 'handles no jobs' do
+        jids = MyWorker.perform_bulk([])
+        assert_equal 0, jids.size
+      end
+      describe 'errors' do
+        it 'raises ArgumentError with invalid params' do
+          assert_raises ArgumentError do
+            Sidekiq::Client.push_bulk('class' => 'MyWorker', 'args' => [[1], 2])
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
   class BaseWorker
diff --git a/test/test_worker.rb b/test/test_worker.rb
index dfe6e7de..576e019e 100644
--- a/test/test_worker.rb
+++ b/test/test_worker.rb
@@ -80,5 +80,16 @@ describe Sidekiq::Worker do
       assert_equal 'foo', job['queue']
       assert_equal 'xyz', job['bar']
+    it 'works with .perform_bulk' do
+      q = Sidekiq::Queue.new('bar')
+      assert_equal 0, q.size
+      set = SetWorker.set('queue' => 'bar')
+      jids = set.perform_bulk((1..1_001).to_a.map { |x| Array(x) })
+      assert_equal 1_001, q.size
+      assert_equal 1_001, jids.size
+    end