diff --git a/lib/sidekiq/manager.rb b/lib/sidekiq/manager.rb
index ba6e3f50..031253f6 100644
--- a/lib/sidekiq/manager.rb
+++ b/lib/sidekiq/manager.rb
@@ -23,17 +23,12 @@ module Sidekiq
       verbose options.inspect
       @count = options[:processor_count] || 25
       @queues = options[:queues]
-      @queue_idx = 0
-      @queues_size = @queues.size
       @redis = redis
       @done_callback = nil
       @done = false
       @busy = []
-      @ready = []
-      @count.times do
-        @ready << Processor.new_link(current_actor)
-      end
+      @ready = @count.times.map { Processor.new_link(current_actor) }
     def stop
@@ -83,13 +78,12 @@ module Sidekiq
-    def find_work(queue_idx)
-      current_queue = @queues[queue_idx]
-      msg = @redis.lpop("queue:#{current_queue}")
+    def find_work(queue)
+      msg = @redis.lpop("queue:#{queue}")
       if msg
         processor = @ready.pop
         @busy << processor
-        processor.process!(MultiJson.decode(msg), current_queue)
+        processor.process!(MultiJson.decode(msg), queue)
@@ -98,26 +92,14 @@ module Sidekiq
       watchdog("Fatal error in sidekiq, dispatch loop died") do
         return if stopped?
-        # Our dispatch loop
-        # Loop through the queues, looking for a message in each.
-        queue_idx = 0
-        found = false
+        # Dispatch loop
         loop do
-          # return so that we don't dispatch again until processor_done
-          break verbose('no processors') if @ready.size == 0
-          found ||= find_work(queue_idx)
-          queue_idx += 1
-          # if we find no messages in any of the queues, we can break
-          # out of the loop.  Otherwise we loop again.
-          lastq = (queue_idx % @queues.size == 0)
-          if lastq && !found
-            verbose('nothing to process'); break
-          elsif lastq
-            queue_idx = 0
-            found = false
+          break verbose('no processors') if @ready.empty?
+          found = false
+          @ready.size.times do
+            found ||= find_work(@queues.sample)
+          break verbose('nothing to process') unless found
         # This is the polling loop that ensures we check Redis every