require 'celluloid' require 'redis' require 'multi_json' require 'sidekiq/util' require 'sidekiq/processor' module Sidekiq ## # The main router in the system. This # manages the processor state and fetches messages # from Redis to be dispatched to an idle processor. # class Manager include Util include Celluloid trap_exit :processor_died def initialize(options={}) "Booting sidekiq #{Sidekiq::VERSION} with Redis at #{redis.client.location}" logger.debug { options.inspect } @count = options[:concurrency] || 25 @queues = options[:queues] @done_callback = nil @done = false @busy = [] @ready = { Processor.new_link(current_actor) } end def stop @done = true @ready.each(&:terminate) @ready.clear after(5) do signal(:shutdown) end redis.with_connection do |conn| workers = conn.smembers('workers') workers.each do |name| conn.srem('workers', name) if name =~ /:#{process_id}-/ end end end def start dispatch(true) end def when_done(&blk) @done_callback = blk end def processor_done(processor) watchdog('sidekiq processor_done crashed!') do if @done_callback @busy.delete(processor) if stopped? processor.terminate else @ready << processor end dispatch end end def processor_died(processor, reason) @busy.delete(processor) unless stopped? @ready << Processor.new_link(current_actor) dispatch end end private def find_work(queue) msg = redis.lpop("queue:#{queue}") if msg processor = @ready.pop @busy << processor processor.process!(MultiJson.decode(msg), queue) end !!msg end def dispatch(schedule = false) watchdog("Fatal error in sidekiq, dispatch loop died") do return if stopped? # Dispatch loop loop do break logger.debug('no processors') if @ready.empty? found = false @ready.size.times do found ||= find_work(@queues.sample) end break logger.debug('nothing to process') unless found end # This is the polling loop that ensures we check Redis every # second for work, even if there was nothing to do this time # around. after(1) do dispatch(schedule) end if schedule end end def stopped? @done end end end