#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'fileutils' require 'sidekiq/api' class Sidekiqctl DEFAULT_KILL_TIMEOUT = 10 CMD = File.basename($0) attr_reader :stage, :pidfile, :kill_timeout def self.print_usage puts "#{CMD} - control Sidekiq from the command line." puts puts "Usage: #{CMD} quiet " puts " #{CMD} stop " puts " #{CMD} status
" puts puts " is path to a pidfile" puts " is number of seconds to wait until Sidekiq exits" puts " (default: #{Sidekiqctl::DEFAULT_KILL_TIMEOUT}), after which Sidekiq will be KILL'd" puts puts "
(optional) view a specific section of the status output" puts " Valid sections are: #{Sidekiqctl::Status::VALID_SECTIONS.join(', ')}" puts puts "Be sure to set the kill_timeout LONGER than Sidekiq's -t timeout. If you want" puts "to wait 60 seconds for jobs to finish, use `sidekiq -t 60` and `sidekiqctl stop" puts " path_to_pidfile 61`" puts end def initialize(stage, pidfile, timeout) @stage = stage @pidfile = pidfile @kill_timeout = timeout done('No pidfile given', :error) if !pidfile done("Pidfile #{pidfile} does not exist", :warn) if !File.exist?(pidfile) done('Invalid pidfile content', :error) if pid == 0 fetch_process begin send(stage) rescue NoMethodError done "Invalid command: #{stage}", :error end end def fetch_process Process.kill(0, pid) rescue Errno::ESRCH done "Process doesn't exist", :error # We were not allowed to send a signal, but the process must have existed # when Process.kill() was called. rescue Errno::EPERM return pid end def done(msg, error = nil) puts msg exit(exit_signal(error)) end def exit_signal(error) (error == :error) ? 1 : 0 end def pid @pid ||= File.read(pidfile).to_i end def quiet `kill -TSTP #{pid}` end def stop `kill -TERM #{pid}` kill_timeout.times do begin Process.kill(0, pid) rescue Errno::ESRCH FileUtils.rm_f pidfile done 'Sidekiq shut down gracefully.' rescue Errno::EPERM done 'Not permitted to shut down Sidekiq.' end sleep 1 end `kill -9 #{pid}` FileUtils.rm_f pidfile done 'Sidekiq shut down forcefully.' end alias_method :shutdown, :stop class Status VALID_SECTIONS = %w[all version overview processes queues] def display(section = nil) section ||= 'all' unless VALID_SECTIONS.include? section puts "I don't know how to check the status of '#{section}'!" puts "Try one of these: #{VALID_SECTIONS.join(', ')}" return end send(section) rescue StandardError => e puts "Couldn't get status: #{e}" end def all version puts overview puts processes puts queues end def version puts "Sidekiq #{Sidekiq::VERSION}" puts Time.now end def overview puts '---- Overview ----' puts " Processed: #{delimit stats.processed}" puts " Failed: #{delimit stats.failed}" puts " Busy: #{delimit stats.workers_size}" puts " Enqueued: #{delimit stats.enqueued}" puts " Retries: #{delimit stats.retry_size}" puts " Scheduled: #{delimit stats.scheduled_size}" puts " Dead: #{delimit stats.dead_size}" end def processes puts "---- Processes (#{process_set.size}) ----" process_set.each_with_index do |process, index| puts "#{process['identity']} #{tags_for(process)}" puts " Started: #{Time.at(process['started_at'])} (#{time_ago(process['started_at'])})" puts " Threads: #{process['concurrency']} (#{process['busy']} busy)" puts " Queues: #{split_multiline(process['queues'].sort, pad: 11)}" puts '' unless (index+1) == process_set.size end end COL_PAD = 2 def queues puts "---- Queues (#{queue_data.size}) ----" columns = { name: [:ljust, (['name'] + queue_data.map(&:name)).map(&:length).max + COL_PAD], size: [:rjust, (['size'] + queue_data.map(&:size)).map(&:length).max + COL_PAD], latency: [:rjust, (['latency'] + queue_data.map(&:latency)).map(&:length).max + COL_PAD] } columns.each { |col, (dir, width)| print col.to_s.upcase.public_send(dir, width) } puts queue_data.each do |q| columns.each do |col, (dir, width)| print q.send(col).public_send(dir, width) end puts end end private def delimit(number) number.to_s.reverse.scan(/.{1,3}/).join(',').reverse end def split_multiline(values, opts = {}) return 'none' unless values pad = opts[:pad] || 0 max_length = opts[:max_length] || (80 - pad) out = [] line = '' values.each do |value| if (line.length + value.length) > max_length out << line line = ' ' * pad end line << value + ', ' end out << line[0..-3] out.join("\n") end def tags_for(process) tags = [ process['tag'], process['labels'], (process['quiet'] == 'true' ? 'quiet' : nil) ].flatten.compact tags.any? ? "[#{tags.join('] [')}]" : nil end def time_ago(timestamp) seconds = Time.now - Time.at(timestamp) return 'just now' if seconds < 60 return 'a minute ago' if seconds < 120 return "#{seconds.floor / 60} minutes ago" if seconds < 3600 return 'an hour ago' if seconds < 7200 "#{seconds.floor / 60 / 60} hours ago" end QUEUE_STRUCT = Struct.new(:name, :size, :latency) def queue_data @queue_data ||= Sidekiq::Queue.all.map do |q| QUEUE_STRUCT.new(q.name, q.size.to_s, sprintf('%#.2f', q.latency)) end end def process_set @process_set ||= Sidekiq::ProcessSet.new end def stats @stats ||= Sidekiq::Stats.new end end end if ARGV[0] == 'status' Sidekiqctl::Status.new.display(ARGV[1]) exit end if ARGV.length < 2 Sidekiqctl.print_usage else stage = ARGV[0] pidfile = ARGV[1] timeout = ARGV[2].to_i timeout = Sidekiqctl::DEFAULT_KILL_TIMEOUT if timeout == 0 Sidekiqctl.new(stage, pidfile, timeout) end