# encoding: utf-8 require 'sidekiq' module Sidekiq class Stats def initialize fetch_stats! end def processed stat :processed end def failed stat :failed end def scheduled_size stat :scheduled_size end def retry_size stat :retry_size end def dead_size stat :dead_size end def enqueued stat :enqueued end def processes_size stat :processes_size end def workers_size stat :workers_size end def default_queue_latency stat :default_queue_latency end def queues Sidekiq::Stats::Queues.new.lengths end def fetch_stats! pipe1_res = Sidekiq.redis do |conn| conn.pipelined do conn.get('stat:processed'.freeze) conn.get('stat:failed'.freeze) conn.zcard('schedule'.freeze) conn.zcard('retry'.freeze) conn.zcard('dead'.freeze) conn.scard('processes'.freeze) conn.lrange('queue:default'.freeze, -1, -1) conn.smembers('processes'.freeze) conn.smembers('queues'.freeze) end end pipe2_res = Sidekiq.redis do |conn| conn.pipelined do pipe1_res[7].each {|key| conn.hget(key, 'busy'.freeze) } pipe1_res[8].each {|queue| conn.llen("queue:#{queue}") } end end s = pipe1_res[7].size workers_size = pipe2_res[0...s].map(&:to_i).inject(0, &:+) enqueued = pipe2_res[s..-1].map(&:to_i).inject(0, &:+) default_queue_latency = if (entry = pipe1_res[6].first) Time.now.to_f - Sidekiq.load_json(entry)['enqueued_at'.freeze] else 0 end @stats = { processed: pipe1_res[0].to_i, failed: pipe1_res[1].to_i, scheduled_size: pipe1_res[2], retry_size: pipe1_res[3], dead_size: pipe1_res[4], processes_size: pipe1_res[5], default_queue_latency: default_queue_latency, workers_size: workers_size, enqueued: enqueued } end def reset(*stats) all = %w(failed processed) stats = stats.empty? ? all : all & stats.flatten.compact.map(&:to_s) mset_args = [] stats.each do |stat| mset_args << "stat:#{stat}" mset_args << 0 end Sidekiq.redis do |conn| conn.mset(*mset_args) end end private def stat(s) @stats[s] end class Queues def lengths Sidekiq.redis do |conn| queues = conn.smembers('queues'.freeze) lengths = conn.pipelined do queues.each do |queue| conn.llen("queue:#{queue}") end end i = 0 array_of_arrays = queues.inject({}) do |memo, queue| memo[queue] = lengths[i] i += 1 memo end.sort_by { |_, size| size } Hash[array_of_arrays.reverse] end end end class History def initialize(days_previous, start_date = nil) @days_previous = days_previous @start_date = start_date || Time.now.utc.to_date end def processed date_stat_hash("processed") end def failed date_stat_hash("failed") end private def date_stat_hash(stat) i = 0 stat_hash = {} keys = [] dates = [] while i < @days_previous date = @start_date - i keys << "stat:#{stat}:#{date}" dates << date i += 1 end Sidekiq.redis do |conn| conn.mget(keys).each_with_index do |value, idx| stat_hash[dates[idx].to_s] = value ? value.to_i : 0 end end stat_hash end end end ## # Encapsulates a queue within Sidekiq. # Allows enumeration of all jobs within the queue # and deletion of jobs. # # queue = Sidekiq::Queue.new("mailer") # queue.each do |job| # job.klass # => 'MyWorker' # job.args # => [1, 2, 3] # job.delete if job.jid == 'abcdef1234567890' # end # class Queue include Enumerable def self.all Sidekiq.redis {|c| c.smembers('queues'.freeze) }.sort.map {|q| Sidekiq::Queue.new(q) } end attr_reader :name def initialize(name="default") @name = name @rname = "queue:#{name}" end def size Sidekiq.redis { |con| con.llen(@rname) } end # Sidekiq Pro overrides this def paused? false end def latency entry = Sidekiq.redis do |conn| conn.lrange(@rname, -1, -1) end.first return 0 unless entry Time.now.to_f - Sidekiq.load_json(entry)['enqueued_at'] end def each initial_size = size deleted_size = 0 page = 0 page_size = 50 loop do range_start = page * page_size - deleted_size range_end = page * page_size - deleted_size + (page_size - 1) entries = Sidekiq.redis do |conn| conn.lrange @rname, range_start, range_end end break if entries.empty? page += 1 entries.each do |entry| yield Job.new(entry, @name) end deleted_size = initial_size - size end end def find_job(jid) detect { |j| j.jid == jid } end def clear Sidekiq.redis do |conn| conn.multi do conn.del(@rname) conn.srem("queues".freeze, name) end end end alias_method :💣, :clear end ## # Encapsulates a pending job within a Sidekiq queue or # sorted set. # # The job should be considered immutable but may be # removed from the queue via Job#delete. # class Job KNOWN_WRAPPERS = [/\ASidekiq::Extensions::Delayed/, "ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::SidekiqAdapter::JobWrapper"] attr_reader :item def initialize(item, queue_name=nil) @value = item @item = item.is_a?(Hash) ? item : Sidekiq.load_json(item) @queue = queue_name || @item['queue'] end def klass @item['class'] end def display_class # Unwrap known wrappers so they show up in a human-friendly manner in the Web UI @klass ||= case klass when /\ASidekiq::Extensions::Delayed/ safe_load(args[0], klass) do |target, method, _| "#{target}.#{method}" end when "ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::SidekiqAdapter::JobWrapper" @item['wrapped'] || args[0] else klass end end def display_args # Unwrap known wrappers so they show up in a human-friendly manner in the Web UI @args ||= case klass when /\ASidekiq::Extensions::Delayed/ safe_load(args[0], args) do |_, _, arg| arg end when "ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::SidekiqAdapter::JobWrapper" @item['wrapped'] ? args[0]["arguments"] : [] else args end end def args @item['args'] end def jid @item['jid'] end def enqueued_at Time.at(@item['enqueued_at'] || 0).utc end def queue @queue end def latency Time.now.to_f - @item['enqueued_at'] end ## # Remove this job from the queue. def delete count = Sidekiq.redis do |conn| conn.lrem("queue:#{@queue}", 1, @value) end count != 0 end def [](name) @item.__send__(:[], name) end private def safe_load(content, default) begin yield(*YAML.load(content)) rescue => ex # #1761 in dev mode, it's possible to have jobs enqueued which haven't been loaded into # memory yet so the YAML can't be loaded. Sidekiq.logger.warn "Unable to load YAML: #{ex.message}" unless Sidekiq.options[:environment] == 'development' default end end end class SortedEntry < Job attr_reader :score attr_reader :parent def initialize(parent, score, item) super(item) @score = score @parent = parent end def at Time.at(score).utc end def delete @parent.delete(score, jid) end def reschedule(at) @parent.delete(score, jid) @parent.schedule(at, item) end def add_to_queue remove_job do |message| msg = Sidekiq.load_json(message) Sidekiq::Client.push(msg) end end def retry raise "Retry not available on jobs which have not failed" unless item["failed_at"] remove_job do |message| msg = Sidekiq.load_json(message) msg['retry_count'] -= 1 Sidekiq::Client.push(msg) end end ## # Place job in the dead set def kill raise 'Kill not available on jobs which have not failed' unless item['failed_at'] remove_job do |message| Sidekiq.logger.info { "Killing job #{message['jid']}" } now = Time.now.to_f Sidekiq.redis do |conn| conn.multi do conn.zadd('dead', now, message) conn.zremrangebyscore('dead', '-inf', now - DeadSet.timeout) conn.zremrangebyrank('dead', 0, - DeadSet.max_jobs) end end end end private def remove_job Sidekiq.redis do |conn| results = conn.multi do conn.zrangebyscore(parent.name, score, score) conn.zremrangebyscore(parent.name, score, score) end.first if results.size == 1 yield results.first else # multiple jobs with the same score # find the one with the right JID and push it hash = results.group_by do |message| if message.index(jid) msg = Sidekiq.load_json(message) msg['jid'] == jid else false end end msg = hash.fetch(true, []).first yield msg if msg # push the rest back onto the sorted set conn.multi do hash.fetch(false, []).each do |message| conn.zadd(parent.name, score.to_f.to_s, message) end end end end end end class SortedSet include Enumerable attr_reader :name def initialize(name) @name = name @_size = size end def size Sidekiq.redis { |c| c.zcard(name) } end def clear Sidekiq.redis do |conn| conn.del(name) end end alias_method :💣, :clear end class JobSet < SortedSet def schedule(timestamp, message) Sidekiq.redis do |conn| conn.zadd(name, timestamp.to_f.to_s, Sidekiq.dump_json(message)) end end def each initial_size = @_size offset_size = 0 page = -1 page_size = 50 loop do range_start = page * page_size + offset_size range_end = page * page_size + offset_size + (page_size - 1) elements = Sidekiq.redis do |conn| conn.zrange name, range_start, range_end, with_scores: true end break if elements.empty? page -= 1 elements.each do |element, score| yield SortedEntry.new(self, score, element) end offset_size = initial_size - @_size end end def fetch(score, jid = nil) elements = Sidekiq.redis do |conn| conn.zrangebyscore(name, score, score) end elements.inject([]) do |result, element| entry = SortedEntry.new(self, score, element) if jid result << entry if entry.jid == jid else result << entry end result end end def find_job(jid) self.detect { |j| j.jid == jid } end def delete(score, jid = nil) if jid elements = Sidekiq.redis do |conn| conn.zrangebyscore(name, score, score) end elements_with_jid = elements.map do |element| message = Sidekiq.load_json(element) if message["jid"] == jid _, @_size = Sidekiq.redis do |conn| conn.multi do conn.zrem(name, element) conn.zcard name end end end end elements_with_jid.count != 0 else count, @_size = Sidekiq.redis do |conn| conn.multi do conn.zremrangebyscore(name, score, score) conn.zcard name end end count != 0 end end end ## # Allows enumeration of scheduled jobs within Sidekiq. # Based on this, you can search/filter for jobs. Here's an # example where I'm selecting all jobs of a certain type # and deleting them from the retry queue. # # r = Sidekiq::ScheduledSet.new # r.select do |retri| # retri.klass == 'Sidekiq::Extensions::DelayedClass' && # retri.args[0] == 'User' && # retri.args[1] == 'setup_new_subscriber' # end.map(&:delete) class ScheduledSet < JobSet def initialize super 'schedule' end end ## # Allows enumeration of retries within Sidekiq. # Based on this, you can search/filter for jobs. Here's an # example where I'm selecting all jobs of a certain type # and deleting them from the retry queue. # # r = Sidekiq::RetrySet.new # r.select do |retri| # retri.klass == 'Sidekiq::Extensions::DelayedClass' && # retri.args[0] == 'User' && # retri.args[1] == 'setup_new_subscriber' # end.map(&:delete) class RetrySet < JobSet def initialize super 'retry' end def retry_all while size > 0 each(&:retry) end end end ## # Allows enumeration of dead jobs within Sidekiq. # class DeadSet < JobSet def initialize super 'dead' end def retry_all while size > 0 each(&:retry) end end def self.max_jobs Sidekiq.options[:dead_max_jobs] end def self.timeout Sidekiq.options[:dead_timeout_in_seconds] end end ## # Enumerates the set of Sidekiq processes which are actively working # right now. Each process send a heartbeat to Redis every 5 seconds # so this set should be relatively accurate, barring network partitions. # # Yields a Sidekiq::Process. # class ProcessSet include Enumerable def initialize(clean_plz=true) self.class.cleanup if clean_plz end # Cleans up dead processes recorded in Redis. # Returns the number of processes cleaned. def self.cleanup count = 0 Sidekiq.redis do |conn| procs = conn.smembers('processes').sort heartbeats = conn.pipelined do procs.each do |key| conn.hget(key, 'info') end end # the hash named key has an expiry of 60 seconds. # if it's not found, that means the process has not reported # in to Redis and probably died. to_prune = [] heartbeats.each_with_index do |beat, i| to_prune << procs[i] if beat.nil? end count = conn.srem('processes', to_prune) unless to_prune.empty? end count end def each procs = Sidekiq.redis { |conn| conn.smembers('processes') }.sort Sidekiq.redis do |conn| # We're making a tradeoff here between consuming more memory instead of # making more roundtrips to Redis, but if you have hundreds or thousands of workers, # you'll be happier this way result = conn.pipelined do procs.each do |key| conn.hmget(key, 'info', 'busy', 'beat') end end result.each do |info, busy, at_s| hash = Sidekiq.load_json(info) yield Process.new(hash.merge('busy' => busy.to_i, 'beat' => at_s.to_f)) end end nil end # This method is not guaranteed accurate since it does not prune the set # based on current heartbeat. #each does that and ensures the set only # contains Sidekiq processes which have sent a heartbeat within the last # 60 seconds. def size Sidekiq.redis { |conn| conn.scard('processes') } end end # # Sidekiq::Process has a set of attributes which look like this: # # { # 'hostname' => 'app-1.example.com', # 'started_at' => , # 'pid' => 12345, # 'tag' => 'myapp' # 'concurrency' => 25, # 'queues' => ['default', 'low'], # 'busy' => 10, # 'beat' => , # 'identity' => , # } class Process def initialize(hash) @attribs = hash end def tag self['tag'] end def labels Array(self['labels']) end def [](key) @attribs[key] end def quiet! signal('USR1') end def stop! signal('TERM') end def dump_threads signal('TTIN') end private def signal(sig) key = "#{identity}-signals" Sidekiq.redis do |c| c.multi do c.lpush(key, sig) c.expire(key, 60) end end end def identity self['identity'] end end ## # Programmatic access to the current active worker set. # # WARNING WARNING WARNING # # This is live data that can change every millisecond. # If you call #size => 5 and then expect #each to be # called 5 times, you're going to have a bad time. # # workers = Sidekiq::Workers.new # workers.size => 2 # workers.each do |process_id, thread_id, work| # # process_id is a unique identifier per Sidekiq process # # thread_id is a unique identifier per thread # # work is a Hash which looks like: # # { 'queue' => name, 'run_at' => timestamp, 'payload' => msg } # # run_at is an epoch Integer. # end # class Workers include Enumerable def each Sidekiq.redis do |conn| procs = conn.smembers('processes') procs.sort.each do |key| valid, workers = conn.pipelined do conn.exists(key) conn.hgetall("#{key}:workers") end next unless valid workers.each_pair do |tid, json| yield key, tid, Sidekiq.load_json(json) end end end end # Note that #size is only as accurate as Sidekiq's heartbeat, # which happens every 5 seconds. It is NOT real-time. # # Not very efficient if you have lots of Sidekiq # processes but the alternative is a global counter # which can easily get out of sync with crashy processes. def size Sidekiq.redis do |conn| procs = conn.smembers('processes') if procs.empty? 0 else conn.pipelined do procs.each do |key| conn.hget(key, 'busy') end end.map(&:to_i).inject(:+) end end end end end