trap 'INT' do # Handle Ctrl-C in JRuby like MRI # Thread.main.raise Interrupt end trap 'TERM' do # Heroku sends TERM and then waits 10 seconds for process to exit. Thread.main.raise Interrupt end trap 'USR1' do "Received USR1, no longer accepting new work" mgr = Sidekiq::CLI.instance.manager mgr.stop! if mgr end trap 'TTIN' do Thread.list.each do |thread| puts "Thread TID-#{thread.object_id.to_s(36)} #{thread['label']}" puts thread.backtrace.join("\n") end end require 'yaml' require 'singleton' require 'optparse' require 'celluloid' require 'sidekiq' require 'sidekiq/util' require 'sidekiq/manager' require 'sidekiq/retry' module Sidekiq class CLI include Util include Singleton # Used for CLI testing attr_accessor :code attr_accessor :manager def initialize @code = nil end def parse(args=ARGV) @code = nil Sidekiq::Util.logger cli = parse_options(args) config = parse_config(cli) options.merge!(config.merge(cli)) Sidekiq::Util.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG if options[:verbose] Celluloid.logger = nil validate! write_pid boot_system end def run @manager = poller = begin 'Starting processing, hit Ctrl-C to stop' @manager.start! poller.poll! sleep rescue Interrupt 'Shutting down' poller.terminate! if poller.alive? @manager.stop!(:shutdown => true, :timeout => options[:timeout]) @manager.wait(:shutdown) # Explicitly exit so busy Processor threads can't block # process shutdown. exit(0) end end private def die(code) exit(code) end def options Sidekiq.options end def detected_environment options[:environment] ||= ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'development' end def boot_system ENV['RACK_ENV'] = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = detected_environment raise ArgumentError, "#{options[:require]} does not exist" unless File.exist?(options[:require]) if[:require]) require 'rails' require 'sidekiq/rails' require File.expand_path("#{options[:require]}/config/environment.rb") ::Rails.application.eager_load! else require options[:require] end end def validate! options[:queues] << 'default' if options[:queues].empty? options[:queues].shuffle! if !File.exist?(options[:require]) || ([:require]) && !File.exist?("#{options[:require]}/config/application.rb")) "==================================================================" " Please point sidekiq to a Rails 3 application or a Ruby file " " to load your worker classes with -r [DIR|FILE]." "==================================================================" @parser die(1) end end def parse_options(argv) opts = {} @parser = do |o| o.on "-q", "--queue QUEUE,WEIGHT", "Queue to process, with optional weight" do |arg| q, weight = arg.split(",") parse_queues(opts, q, weight) end o.on "-v", "--verbose", "Print more verbose output" do Sidekiq::Util.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG end o.on '-e', '--environment ENV', "Application environment" do |arg| opts[:environment] = arg end o.on '-t', '--timeout NUM', "Shutdown timeout" do |arg| opts[:timeout] = arg.to_i end o.on '-r', '--require [PATH|DIR]', "Location of Rails application with workers or file to require" do |arg| opts[:require] = arg end o.on '-c', '--concurrency INT', "processor threads to use" do |arg| opts[:concurrency] = arg.to_i end o.on '-P', '--pidfile PATH', "path to pidfile" do |arg| opts[:pidfile] = arg end o.on '-C', '--config PATH', "path to YAML config file" do |arg| opts[:config_file] = arg end o.on '-V', '--version', "Print version and exit" do |arg| puts "Sidekiq #{Sidekiq::VERSION}" die(0) end end @parser.banner = "sidekiq [options]" @parser.on_tail "-h", "--help", "Show help" do @parser die 1 end @parser.parse!(argv) opts end def write_pid if path = options[:pidfile], 'w') do |f| f.puts end end end def parse_config(cli) opts = {} if cli[:config_file] && File.exist?(cli[:config_file]) opts = YAML.load_file cli[:config_file] queues = opts.delete(:queues) || [] queues.each { |name, weight| parse_queues(opts, name, weight) } end opts end def parse_queues(opts, q, weight) (weight || 1).to_i.times do (opts[:queues] ||= []) << q end end end end