require "sidekiq" require "time" # This file is designed to be required within the user's # deployment script; it should need a bare minimum of dependencies. # # require "sidekiq/metrics/deploy" # gitdesc = `git log -1 --format="%h %s"`.strip # d = # d.mark(label: gitdesc) # # Note that you cannot mark more than once per minute. This is a feature, not a bug. module Sidekiq module Metrics class Deploy MARK_TTL = 90 * 24 * 60 * 60 # 90 days def initialize(pool = Sidekiq.redis_pool) @pool = pool end def mark(at:, label: "") # we need to round the timestamp so that we gracefully # handle an excepted common error in marking deploys: # having every process mark its deploy, leading # to N marks for each deploy. Instead we round the time # to the minute so that multple marks within that minute # will all naturally rollup into one mark per minute. whence = at.utc floor = Time.utc(whence.year, whence.month, whence.mday, whence.hour, whence.min, 0) datecode = floor.strftime("%Y%m%d") key = "#{datecode}-marks" @pool.with do |c| c.pipelined do |pipe| pipe.hsetnx(key, floor.iso8601, label) pipe.expire(key, MARK_TTL) end end end def fetch(date = datecode = date.strftime("%Y%m%d") @pool.with { |c| c.hgetall("#{datecode}-marks") } end end end end