# encoding: utf-8 require_relative 'helper' class TestSidekiq < Sidekiq::Test describe 'json processing' do it 'handles json' do assert_equal({"foo" => "bar"}, Sidekiq.load_json("{\"foo\":\"bar\"}")) assert_equal "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}", Sidekiq.dump_json({ "foo" => "bar" }) end end describe "redis connection" do it "returns error without creating a connection if block is not given" do assert_raises(ArgumentError) do Sidekiq.redis end end end describe "❨╯°□°❩╯︵┻━┻" do before { $stdout = StringIO.new } after { $stdout = STDOUT } it "allows angry developers to express their emotional constitution and remedies it" do Sidekiq.❨╯°□°❩╯︵┻━┻ assert_equal "Calm down, yo.\n", $stdout.string end end describe 'lifecycle events' do it 'handles invalid input' do Sidekiq.options[:lifecycle_events][:startup].clear e = assert_raises ArgumentError do Sidekiq.on(:startp) end assert_match(/Invalid event name/, e.message) e = assert_raises ArgumentError do Sidekiq.on('startup') end assert_match(/Symbols only/, e.message) Sidekiq.on(:startup) do 1 + 1 end assert_equal 2, Sidekiq.options[:lifecycle_events][:startup].first.call end end describe 'default_worker_options' do it 'stringifies keys' do @old_options = Sidekiq.default_worker_options begin Sidekiq.default_worker_options = { queue: 'cat'} assert_equal 'cat', Sidekiq.default_worker_options['queue'] ensure Sidekiq.default_worker_options = @old_options end end end describe 'error handling' do it 'deals with user-specified error handlers which raise errors' do output = capture_logging do begin Sidekiq.error_handlers << proc {|x, hash| raise 'boom' } cli = Sidekiq::CLI.new cli.handle_exception(RuntimeError.new("hello")) ensure Sidekiq.error_handlers.pop end end assert_includes output, "boom" assert_includes output, "ERROR" end end describe 'redis connection' do it 'does not continually retry' do assert_raises Redis::CommandError do Sidekiq.redis do |c| raise Redis::CommandError, "READONLY You can't write against a read only slave." end end end it 'reconnects if connection is flagged as readonly' do counts = [] Sidekiq.redis do |c| counts << c.info['total_connections_received'].to_i raise Redis::CommandError, "READONLY You can't write against a read only slave." if counts.size == 1 end assert_equal 2, counts.size assert_equal counts[0] + 1, counts[1] end end end