# frozen_string_literal: true $stdout.sync = true require "yaml" require "singleton" require "optparse" require "erb" require "fileutils" require "sidekiq" require "sidekiq/component" require "sidekiq/launcher" module Sidekiq # :nodoc: class CLI include Sidekiq::Component include Singleton unless $TESTING attr_accessor :launcher attr_accessor :environment attr_accessor :config def parse(args = ARGV.dup) @config = Sidekiq @config[:error_handlers].clear @config[:error_handlers] << @config.method(:default_error_handler) setup_options(args) initialize_logger validate! end def jruby? defined?(::JRUBY_VERSION) end # Code within this method is not tested because it alters # global process state irreversibly. PRs which improve the # test coverage of Sidekiq::CLI are welcomed. def run(boot_app: true) boot_application if boot_app if environment == "development" && $stdout.tty? && @config.log_formatter.is_a?(Sidekiq::Logger::Formatters::Pretty) print_banner end logger.info "Booted Rails #{::Rails.version} application in #{environment} environment" if rails_app? self_read, self_write = IO.pipe sigs = %w[INT TERM TTIN TSTP] # USR1 and USR2 don't work on the JVM sigs << "USR2" if Sidekiq.pro? && !jruby? sigs.each do |sig| old_handler = Signal.trap(sig) do if old_handler.respond_to?(:call) begin old_handler.call rescue Exception => exc # signal handlers can't use Logger so puts only puts ["Error in #{sig} handler", exc].inspect end end self_write.puts(sig) end rescue ArgumentError puts "Signal #{sig} not supported" end logger.info "Running in #{RUBY_DESCRIPTION}" logger.info Sidekiq::LICENSE logger.info "Upgrade to Sidekiq Pro for more features and support: https://sidekiq.org" unless defined?(::Sidekiq::Pro) # touch the connection pool so it is created before we # fire startup and start multithreading. info = @config.redis_info ver = info["redis_version"] raise "You are connecting to Redis v#{ver}, Sidekiq requires Redis v4.0.0 or greater" if ver < "4" maxmemory_policy = info["maxmemory_policy"] if maxmemory_policy != "noeviction" logger.warn <<~EOM WARNING: Your Redis instance will evict Sidekiq data under heavy load. The 'noeviction' maxmemory policy is recommended (current policy: '#{maxmemory_policy}'). See: https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/wiki/Using-Redis#memory EOM end # Since the user can pass us a connection pool explicitly in the initializer, we # need to verify the size is large enough or else Sidekiq's performance is dramatically slowed. cursize = @config.redis_pool.size needed = @config[:concurrency] + 2 raise "Your pool of #{cursize} Redis connections is too small, please increase the size to at least #{needed}" if cursize < needed # cache process identity @config[:identity] = identity # Touch middleware so it isn't lazy loaded by multiple threads, #3043 @config.server_middleware # Before this point, the process is initializing with just the main thread. # Starting here the process will now have multiple threads running. fire_event(:startup, reverse: false, reraise: true) logger.debug { "Client Middleware: #{@config.client_middleware.map(&:klass).join(", ")}" } logger.debug { "Server Middleware: #{@config.server_middleware.map(&:klass).join(", ")}" } launch(self_read) end def launch(self_read) if environment == "development" && $stdout.tty? logger.info "Starting processing, hit Ctrl-C to stop" end @launcher = Sidekiq::Launcher.new(@config) begin launcher.run while self_read.wait_readable signal = self_read.gets.strip handle_signal(signal) end rescue Interrupt logger.info "Shutting down" launcher.stop logger.info "Bye!" # Explicitly exit so busy Processor threads won't block process shutdown. # # NB: slow at_exit handlers will prevent a timely exit if they take # a while to run. If Sidekiq is getting here but the process isn't exiting, # use the TTIN signal to determine where things are stuck. exit(0) end end def self.w "\e[37m" end def self.r "\e[31m" end def self.b "\e[30m" end def self.reset "\e[0m" end def self.banner %{ #{w} m, #{w} `$b #{w} .ss, $$: .,d$ #{w} `$$P,d$P' .,md$P"' #{w} ,$$$$$b#{b}/#{w}md$$$P^' #{w} .d$$$$$$#{b}/#{w}$$$P' #{w} $$^' `"#{b}/#{w}$$$' #{r}____ _ _ _ _ #{w} $: ,$$: #{r} / ___|(_) __| | ___| | _(_) __ _ #{w} `b :$$ #{r} \\___ \\| |/ _` |/ _ \\ |/ / |/ _` | #{w} $$: #{r} ___) | | (_| | __/ <| | (_| | #{w} $$ #{r}|____/|_|\\__,_|\\___|_|\\_\\_|\\__, | #{w} .d$$ #{r} |_| #{reset}} end SIGNAL_HANDLERS = { # Ctrl-C in terminal "INT" => ->(cli) { raise Interrupt }, # TERM is the signal that Sidekiq must exit. # Heroku sends TERM and then waits 30 seconds for process to exit. "TERM" => ->(cli) { raise Interrupt }, "TSTP" => ->(cli) { cli.logger.info "Received TSTP, no longer accepting new work" cli.launcher.quiet }, "TTIN" => ->(cli) { Thread.list.each do |thread| cli.logger.warn "Thread TID-#{(thread.object_id ^ ::Process.pid).to_s(36)} #{thread.name}" if thread.backtrace cli.logger.warn thread.backtrace.join("\n") else cli.logger.warn "" end end } } UNHANDLED_SIGNAL_HANDLER = ->(cli) { cli.logger.info "No signal handler registered, ignoring" } SIGNAL_HANDLERS.default = UNHANDLED_SIGNAL_HANDLER def handle_signal(sig) logger.debug "Got #{sig} signal" SIGNAL_HANDLERS[sig].call(self) end private def print_banner puts "\e[31m" puts Sidekiq::CLI.banner puts "\e[0m" end def set_environment(cli_env) # See #984 for discussion. # APP_ENV is now the preferred ENV term since it is not tech-specific. # Both Sinatra 2.0+ and Sidekiq support this term. # RAILS_ENV and RACK_ENV are there for legacy support. @environment = cli_env || ENV["APP_ENV"] || ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || ENV["RACK_ENV"] || "development" end def symbolize_keys_deep!(hash) hash.keys.each do |k| symkey = k.respond_to?(:to_sym) ? k.to_sym : k hash[symkey] = hash.delete k symbolize_keys_deep! hash[symkey] if hash[symkey].is_a? Hash end end alias_method :die, :exit alias_method :☠, :exit def setup_options(args) # parse CLI options opts = parse_options(args) set_environment opts[:environment] # check config file presence if opts[:config_file] unless File.exist?(opts[:config_file]) raise ArgumentError, "No such file #{opts[:config_file]}" end else config_dir = if File.directory?(opts[:require].to_s) File.join(opts[:require], "config") else File.join(@config[:require], "config") end %w[sidekiq.yml sidekiq.yml.erb].each do |config_file| path = File.join(config_dir, config_file) opts[:config_file] ||= path if File.exist?(path) end end # parse config file options opts = parse_config(opts[:config_file]).merge(opts) if opts[:config_file] # set defaults opts[:queues] = ["default"] if opts[:queues].nil? opts[:concurrency] = Integer(ENV["RAILS_MAX_THREADS"]) if opts[:concurrency].nil? && ENV["RAILS_MAX_THREADS"] # merge with defaults @config.merge!(opts) end def boot_application ENV["RACK_ENV"] = ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = environment if File.directory?(@config[:require]) require "rails" if ::Rails::VERSION::MAJOR < 5 raise "Sidekiq no longer supports this version of Rails" else require "sidekiq/rails" require File.expand_path("#{@config[:require]}/config/environment.rb") end @config[:tag] ||= default_tag else require @config[:require] end end def default_tag dir = ::Rails.root name = File.basename(dir) prevdir = File.dirname(dir) # Capistrano release directory? if name.to_i != 0 && prevdir if File.basename(prevdir) == "releases" return File.basename(File.dirname(prevdir)) end end name end def validate! if !File.exist?(@config[:require]) || (File.directory?(@config[:require]) && !File.exist?("#{@config[:require]}/config/application.rb")) logger.info "==================================================================" logger.info " Please point Sidekiq to a Rails application or a Ruby file " logger.info " to load your job classes with -r [DIR|FILE]." logger.info "==================================================================" logger.info @parser die(1) end [:concurrency, :timeout].each do |opt| raise ArgumentError, "#{opt}: #{@config[opt]} is not a valid value" if @config[opt].to_i <= 0 end end def parse_options(argv) opts = {} @parser = option_parser(opts) @parser.parse!(argv) opts end def option_parser(opts) parser = OptionParser.new { |o| o.on "-c", "--concurrency INT", "processor threads to use" do |arg| opts[:concurrency] = Integer(arg) end o.on "-d", "--daemon", "Daemonize process" do |arg| puts "ERROR: Daemonization mode was removed in Sidekiq 6.0, please use a proper process supervisor to start and manage your services" end o.on "-e", "--environment ENV", "Application environment" do |arg| opts[:environment] = arg end o.on "-g", "--tag TAG", "Process tag for procline" do |arg| opts[:tag] = arg end o.on "-q", "--queue QUEUE[,WEIGHT]", "Queues to process with optional weights" do |arg| queue, weight = arg.split(",") parse_queue opts, queue, weight end o.on "-r", "--require [PATH|DIR]", "Location of Rails application with jobs or file to require" do |arg| opts[:require] = arg end o.on "-t", "--timeout NUM", "Shutdown timeout" do |arg| opts[:timeout] = Integer(arg) end o.on "-v", "--verbose", "Print more verbose output" do |arg| opts[:verbose] = arg end o.on "-C", "--config PATH", "path to YAML config file" do |arg| opts[:config_file] = arg end o.on "-L", "--logfile PATH", "path to writable logfile" do |arg| puts "ERROR: Logfile redirection was removed in Sidekiq 6.0, Sidekiq will only log to STDOUT" end o.on "-P", "--pidfile PATH", "path to pidfile" do |arg| puts "ERROR: PID file creation was removed in Sidekiq 6.0, please use a proper process supervisor to start and manage your services" end o.on "-V", "--version", "Print version and exit" do |arg| puts "Sidekiq #{Sidekiq::VERSION}" die(0) end } parser.banner = "sidekiq [options]" parser.on_tail "-h", "--help", "Show help" do logger.info parser die 1 end parser end def initialize_logger @config.logger.level = ::Logger::DEBUG if @config[:verbose] end def parse_config(path) erb = ERB.new(File.read(path)) erb.filename = File.expand_path(path) opts = load_yaml(erb.result) || {} if opts.respond_to? :deep_symbolize_keys! opts.deep_symbolize_keys! else symbolize_keys_deep!(opts) end opts = opts.merge(opts.delete(environment.to_sym) || {}) opts.delete(:strict) parse_queues(opts, opts.delete(:queues) || []) opts end def load_yaml(src) if Psych::VERSION > "4.0" YAML.safe_load(src, permitted_classes: [Symbol], aliases: true) else YAML.load(src) end end def parse_queues(opts, queues_and_weights) queues_and_weights.each { |queue_and_weight| parse_queue(opts, *queue_and_weight) } end def parse_queue(opts, queue, weight = nil) opts[:queues] ||= [] opts[:strict] = true if opts[:strict].nil? raise ArgumentError, "queues: #{queue} cannot be defined twice" if opts[:queues].include?(queue) [weight.to_i, 1].max.times { opts[:queues] << queue.to_s } opts[:strict] = false if weight.to_i > 0 end def rails_app? defined?(::Rails) && ::Rails.respond_to?(:application) end end end require "sidekiq/systemd" require "sidekiq/metrics/tracking"