require "sidekiq" require "date" require "set" require "sidekiq/metrics/shared" module Sidekiq module Metrics # Allows caller to query for Sidekiq execution metrics within Redis. # Caller sets a set of attributes to act as filters. {#fetch} will call # Redis and return a Hash of results. # # NB: all metrics and times/dates are UTC only. We specifically do not # support timezones. class Query # :hour, :day, :month attr_accessor :period # a specific job class, e.g. "App::OrderJob" attr_accessor :klass # the date specific to the period # for :day or :hour, something like or, 7, 13) # for :month,, 7, 1) attr_accessor :date # for period = :hour, the specific hour, integer e.g. 1 or 18 # note that hours and minutes do not have a leading zero so minute-specific # keys will look like "j|20220718|7:3" for data at 07:03. attr_accessor :hour def initialize(pool: Sidekiq.redis_pool, now: @time = now.utc @pool = pool @klass = nil end # Get metric data from the last hour and roll it up # into top processed count and execution time based on class. def top_jobs resultset = {} resultset[:date] = @time.to_date resultset[:period] = :hour resultset[:ends_at] = @time time = @time results = @pool.with do |conn| conn.pipelined do |pipe| resultset[:size] = 60 60.times do |idx| key = "j|#{time.strftime("%Y%m%d")}|#{time.hour}:#{time.min}" pipe.hgetall key time -= 60 end resultset[:starts_at] = time end end t = klsset = # merge the per-minute data into a totals hash for the hour results.each do |hash| hash.each { |k, v| t[k] = t[k] + v.to_i } klsset.merge( { |k| k.split("|")[0] }) end resultset[:job_classes] = klsset.delete_if { |item| item.size < 3 } resultset[:totals] = t top = t.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), memo| (kls, metric) = k.split("|") memo[metric] ||= memo[metric][kls] = v end sorted = {} top.each_pair do |metric, hash| sorted[metric] = hash.sort_by { |k, v| v }.reverse.to_h end resultset[:top_classes] = sorted resultset end def for_job(klass) resultset = {} resultset[:date] = @time.to_date resultset[:period] = :hour resultset[:ends_at] = @time marks = @pool.with { |c| c.hgetall("#{@time.strftime("%Y%m%d")}-marks") } time = @time initial = @pool.with do |conn| conn.pipelined do |pipe| resultset[:size] = 60 60.times do |idx| key = "j|#{time.strftime("%Y%m%d|%-H:%-M")}" pipe.hmget key, "#{klass}|ms", "#{klass}|p", "#{klass}|f" time -= 60 end end end time = @time hist = results = @pool.with do |conn| do |(ms, p, f)| tm = Time.utc(time.year, time.month, time.mday, time.hour, time.min, 0) { time: tm.rfc3339, epoch: tm.to_i, ms: ms.to_i, p: p.to_i, f: f.to_i, hist: hist.fetch(conn, time) }.tap { |x| x[:mark] = marks[x[:time]] if marks[x[:time]] time -= 60 } end end resultset[:marks] = marks resultset[:starts_at] = time resultset[:data] = results resultset end end end end