require 'rack' require 'singleton' module OmniAuth module Strategies autoload :Developer, 'omniauth/strategies/developer' end autoload :Builder, 'omniauth/builder' autoload :Strategy, 'omniauth/strategy' autoload :Test, 'omniauth/test' autoload :Form, 'omniauth/form' autoload :AuthHash, 'omniauth/auth_hash' def self.strategies @@strategies ||= [] end class Configuration include Singleton @@defaults = { :camelizations => {}, :path_prefix => '/auth', :on_failure => do |env| message_key = env['omniauth.error.type'] new_path = "#{OmniAuth.config.path_prefix}/failure?message=#{message_key}" [302, {'Location' => new_path, 'Content-Type'=> 'text/html'}, []] end, :form_css => Form::DEFAULT_CSS, :test_mode => false, :allowed_request_methods => [:get, :post], :mock_auth => { :default => { 'provider' => 'default', 'uid' => '1234', 'info' => { 'name' => 'Bob Example' } } } } def self.defaults @@defaults end def initialize @@defaults.each_pair{|k,v| self.send("#{k}=",v)} end def on_failure(&block) if block_given? @on_failure = block else @on_failure end end def add_mock(provider, mock={}) # Stringify keys recursively one level. mock.keys.each do |key| mock[key.to_s] = mock.delete(key) end mock.each_pair do |key, val| if val.is_a? Hash val.keys.each do |subkey| val[subkey.to_s] = val.delete(subkey) end end end # Merge with the default mock and ensure provider is correct. mock = self.mock_auth[:default].dup.merge(mock) mock["provider"] = provider.to_s # Add it to the mocks. self.mock_auth[provider.to_sym] = mock end # This is a convenience method to be used by strategy authors # so that they can add special cases to the camelization utility # method that allows OmniAuth::Builder to work. # # @param name [String] The underscored name, e.g. `oauth` # @param camelized [String] The properly camelized name, e.g. 'OAuth' def add_camelization(name, camelized) self.camelizations[name.to_s] = camelized.to_s end attr_writer :on_failure attr_accessor :path_prefix, :allowed_request_methods, :form_css, :test_mode, :mock_auth, :full_host, :camelizations end def self.config Configuration.instance end def self.configure yield config end def self.mock_auth_for(provider) config.mock_auth[provider.to_sym] || config.mock_auth[:default] end module Utils module_function def form_css "" end def deep_merge(hash, other_hash) target = hash.dup other_hash.keys.each do |key| if other_hash[key].is_a? ::Hash and hash[key].is_a? ::Hash target[key] = deep_merge(target[key],other_hash[key]) next end target[key] = other_hash[key] end target end def camelize(word, first_letter_in_uppercase = true) return OmniAuth.config.camelizations[word.to_s] if OmniAuth.config.camelizations[word.to_s] if first_letter_in_uppercase word.to_s.gsub(/\/(.?)/) { "::" + $1.upcase }.gsub(/(^|_)(.)/) { $2.upcase } else word.first + camelize(word)[1..-1] end end end end