module OmniAuth # This simple Rack endpoint that serves as the default # 'failure' mechanism for OmniAuth. If a strategy fails for # any reason this endpoint will be invoked. The default behavior # is to redirect to `/auth/failure` except in the case of # a development `RACK_ENV`, in which case an exception will # be raised. class FailureEndpoint attr_reader :env def new(env).call end def initialize(env) @env = env end def call raise_out! if ENV['RACK_ENV'].to_s == 'development' redirect_to_failure end def raise_out! raise env['omniauth.error'] ||['omniauth.error.type']) end def redirect_to_failure message_key = env['omniauth.error.type'] new_path = "#{env['SCRIPT_NAME']}#{OmniAuth.config.path_prefix}/failure?message=#{message_key}#{origin_query_param}"["302 Moved"], 302, 'Location' => new_path).finish end def origin_query_param return "" unless env['omniauth.origin'] "&origin=#{CGI.escape(env['omniauth.origin'])}" end end end