require 'rubygems' require 'rake' begin require 'term/ansicolor' include Term::ANSIColor rescue LoadError def cyan; '' end def blue; '' end def clear; '' end def green; '' end def red; '' end end OMNIAUTH_GEMS = %w(oa-basic oa-core oa-oauth oa-openid oa-enterprise omniauth) def each_gem(action, &block) OMNIAUTH_GEMS.each_with_index do |dir, i| print blue, "\n\n== ", cyan, dir, blue, " ", action, clear, "\n\n" Dir.chdir(dir) do end end end def version_file File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/VERSION' end def version, 'r').read.strip end def bump_version(position) v = version v = v.split('.').map{|s| s.to_i} v[position] += 1 write_version(*v) end def write_version(major, minor, patch) major = nil if major == '' minor = nil if minor == '' patch = nil if patch == '' v = version v = v.split('.').map{|s| s.to_i} v[0] = major || v[0] v[1] = minor || v[1] v[2] = patch || v[2], 'w'){ |f| f.write{|i| i.to_s}.join('.') } puts "Version is now: #{version}" end desc 'Run specs for all of the gems.' task :spec do error_gems = [] each_gem('specs are running...') do |jem| ENV['RSPEC_FORMAT'] = 'progress' unless system('rake spec') error_gems << jem end end puts if error_gems.any? puts "#{red}#{error_gems.size} gems with failing specs: #{error_gems.join(', ')}#{clear}" exit(1) else puts "#{green}All gems passed specs.#{clear}" end end namespace :dependencies do desc 'Install all dependencies via Bundler' task :install do each_gem('is installing dependencies...') do system('bundle install') end end end task :release => ['release:tag', 'gems:publish', 'doc:pages:publish'] namespace :release do task :tag do system("git tag v#{version}") system('git push origin --tags') end end namespace :gems do desc 'Build all gems' task :build do each_gem('is building gems...') do system('rake gem') end end desc 'Push all gems to Gemcutter' task :push do each_gem('is releasing to Gemcutter...') do system('rake gem:publish') end end desc 'Install all gems' task :install do each_gem('is installing gems...') do system('rake gem:install') end end desc "Uninstall gems" task :uninstall do sh "sudo gem uninstall #{OMNIAUTH_GEMS.join(" ")} -a" end end desc "Clean pkg and other stuff" task :clean do OMNIAUTH_GEMS.each do |dir| Dir.chdir(dir) do %w(tmp pkg coverage dist).each { |d| FileUtils.rm_rf d } end end Dir["**/*.gem"].each { |gem| FileUtils.rm_rf gem } end desc 'Display the current version.' task :version do puts "Current Version: #{version}" end namespace :version do desc "Write version with MAJOR, MINOR, and PATCH level env variables." task :write do write_version(ENV['MAJOR'], ENV['MINOR'], ENV['PATCH']) end namespace :bump do desc "Increment the major version." task(:major){ bump_version(0) } desc "Increment the minor version." task(:minor){ bump_version(1) } desc "Increment the patch version." task(:patch){ bump_version(2) } end end task :default => :spec begin YARD_OPTS = ['-m', 'markdown', '-M', 'maruku'] require 'yard' do |t| t.files = OMNIAUTH_GEMS.inject([]){|a,g| a = a + ["#{g}/lib/**/*.rb"]; a} + ['README.markdown'] t.options = YARD_OPTS end namespace :doc do do |t| t.files = OMNIAUTH_GEMS.inject([]){|a,g| a = a + ["#{g}/lib/**/*.rb"]; a} + ['README.markdown'] t.options = YARD_OPTS + ['-o', '../omniauth.doc'] end namespace :pages do desc 'Generate and publish YARD docs to GitHub pages.' task :publish => ['doc:pages'] do Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../omniauth.doc') do system("git add .") system("git add -u") system("git commit -m 'Generating docs for version #{version}.'") system("git push origin gh-pages") end end end end rescue LoadError puts "You need to install YARD." end