Changelog = Version 1.1.0 - * Handle namespaced controllers: `rails g paloma:add namespace/controller action` Version 1.0.0 - * `AddGenerator` changed from `rails g paloma:add controller/action` to `rails g paloma:add controller action` Version 0.0.8 - * Bug Fix: _callback.js cannot find _local.js Version 0.0.7 - * Fix A Major Bug that copies the _local.js template instead of _callbacks.js Version 0.0.6 - * `SetupGenerator` moved from `paloma_generator.rb` to `paloma/generators/setup_generator.rb` * `AddGenerator` moved from `paloma_generator` to `paloma/generators/add_generator.rb` * Refactored both generators * Test for both generators Version 0.0.5 - * Callbacks are executed after the DOM is ready Version 0.0.4 - * First release