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2009-05-27 15:21:20 +00:00
# PaperTrail
PaperTrail lets you track changes to your models' data. It's good for auditing or versioning. You can see how a model looked at any stage in its lifecycle, revert it to any version, and even undelete it after it's been destroyed.
2009-05-27 15:21:20 +00:00
## Features
* Stores every create, update and destroy.
2010-01-06 12:57:54 +00:00
* Does not store updates which don't change anything.
* Does not store updates which only change attributes you are ignoring.
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* Allows you to get at every version, including the original, even once destroyed.
* Allows you to get at every version even if the schema has since changed.
* Allows you to get at the version as of a particular time.
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* Automatically records who was responsible if your controller has a `current_user` method.
* Allows you to set who is responsible at model-level (useful for migrations).
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* Allows you to store arbitrary metadata with each version (useful for filtering versions).
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* Can be turned off/on (useful for migrations).
* No configuration necessary.
* Stores everything in a single database table (generates migration for you).
* Thoroughly tested.
## Rails Version
Known to work on Rails 2.3. Probably works on Rails 2.2 and 2.1.
## Basic Usage
2009-06-23 09:39:16 +00:00
PaperTrail is simple to use. Just add 15 characters to a model to get a paper trail of every `create`, `update`, and `destroy`.
2009-05-27 15:21:20 +00:00
class Widget < ActiveRecord::Base
This gives you a `versions` method which returns the paper trail of changes to your model.
>> widget = Widget.find 42
>> widget.versions # [<Version>, <Version>, ...]
Once you have a version, you can find out what happened:
>> v = widget.versions.last
>> v.event # 'update' (or 'create' or 'destroy')
>> v.whodunnit # '153' (if the update was via a controller and
# the controller has a current_user method,
# here returning the id of the current user)
>> v.created_at # when the update occurred
>> widget = v.reify # the widget as it was before the update;
# would be nil for a create event
2009-06-23 09:39:16 +00:00
PaperTrail stores the pre-change version of the model, unlike some other auditing/versioning plugins, so you can retrieve the original version. This is useful when you start keeping a paper trail for models that already have records in the database.
2009-05-27 15:21:20 +00:00
>> widget = Widget.find 153
>> # 'Doobly'
2009-06-23 09:39:16 +00:00
# Add has_paper_trail to Widget model.
2009-05-27 15:21:20 +00:00
>> widget.versions # []
>> widget.update_attributes :name => 'Wotsit'
>> # 'Doobly'
>> widget.versions.first.event # 'update'
2009-06-23 09:39:16 +00:00
This also means that PaperTrail does not waste space storing a version of the object as it currently stands. The `versions` method gives you previous versions; to get the current one just call a finder on your `Widget` model as usual.
2009-05-27 15:21:20 +00:00
Here's a helpful table showing what PaperTrail stores:
<th>Model Before</th>
<th>Model After</th>
2009-06-23 09:39:16 +00:00
PaperTrail stores the values in the Model Before column. Most other auditing/versioning plugins store the After column.
2009-10-28 13:12:36 +00:00
## Ignoring changes to certain attributes
You can ignore changes to certain attributes like this:
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
has_paper_trail :ignore => [:title, :rating]
This means that changes to just the `title` or `rating` will not store another version of the article. It does not mean that the `title` and `rating` attributes will be ignored if some other change causes a new `Version` to be crated. For example:
>> a = Article.create
>> a.versions.length # 1
>> a.update_attributes :title => 'My Title', :rating => 3
>> a.versions.length # 1
>> a.update_attributes :content => 'Hello'
>> a.versions.length # 2
>> a.versions.last.reify.title # 'My Title'
## Reverting And Undeleting A Model
2009-06-23 09:39:16 +00:00
PaperTrail makes reverting to a previous version easy:
2009-06-23 09:39:16 +00:00
>> widget = Widget.find 42
>> widget.update_attributes :name => 'Blah blah'
2009-06-23 09:39:16 +00:00
# Time passes....
>> widget = widget.versions.last.reify # the widget as it was before the update
>> # reverted
Alternatively you can find the version at a given time:
>> widget = widget.version_at( # the widget as it was one day ago
>> # reverted
Note `version_at` gives you the object, not a version, so you don't need to call `reify`.
Undeleting is just as simple:
2009-06-23 09:39:16 +00:00
>> widget = Widget.find 42
>> widget.destroy
# Time passes....
2009-06-23 09:39:16 +00:00
>> widget = Version.find(153).reify # the widget as it was before it was destroyed
>> # the widget lives!
In fact you could use PaperTrail to implement an undo system, though I haven't had the opportunity yet to do it myself.
2009-05-27 15:21:20 +00:00
## Finding Out Who Was Responsible For A Change
2009-06-23 09:39:16 +00:00
If your `ApplicationController` has a `current_user` method, PaperTrail will store the value it returns in the `version`'s `whodunnit` column. Note that this column is a string so you will have to convert it to an integer if it's an id and you want to look up the user later on:
2009-05-27 15:21:20 +00:00
>> last_change = Widget.versions.last
>> user_who_made_the_change = User.find last_change.whodunnit.to_i
In a migration or in `script/console` you can set who is responsible like this:
>> PaperTrail.whodunnit = 'Andy Stewart'
>> widget.update_attributes :name => 'Wibble'
>> widget.versions.last.whodunnit # Andy Stewart
2010-01-06 12:57:54 +00:00
## Storing metadata
You can store arbitrary metadata alongside each version like this:
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :author
has_paper_trail :meta => { :author_id => { |article| article.author_id },
:answer => 42 }
PaperTrail will call your proc with the current article and store the result in the `author_id` column of the `versions` table. (Remember to add your metadata columns to the table.)
Why would you do this? In this example, `author_id` is an attribute of `Article` and PaperTrail will store it anyway in serialized (YAML) form in the `object` column of the `version` record. But let's say you wanted to pull out all versions for a particular author; without the metadata you would have to deserialize (reify) each `version` object to see if belonged to the author in question. Clearly this is inefficient. Using the metadata you can find just those versions you want:
Version.all(:conditions => ['author_id = ?', author_id])
2009-05-27 15:21:20 +00:00
## Turning PaperTrail Off/On
Sometimes you don't want to store changes. Perhaps you are only interested in changes made
by your users and don't need to store changes you make yourself in, say, a migration.
If you are about change some widgets and you don't want a paper trail of your changes, you can
turn PaperTrail off like this:
>> Widget.paper_trail_off
And on again like this:
>> Widget.paper_trail_on
## Installation
1. Install PaperTrail either as a gem (from Gemcutter; the ones on GitHub are obsolete) or as a plugin:
2009-05-27 15:21:20 +00:00
`config.gem 'paper_trail', :source => ''`
2009-05-27 15:21:20 +00:00
2009-05-28 07:22:29 +00:00
2009-05-28 07:00:34 +00:00
`script/plugin install git://`
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2009-05-28 07:22:29 +00:00
2. Generate a migration which will add a `versions` table to your database.
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2009-05-28 07:00:34 +00:00
`script/generate paper_trail`
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3. Run the migration.
2009-05-28 07:00:34 +00:00
`rake db:migrate`
2009-05-27 15:21:20 +00:00
4. Add `has_paper_trail` to the models you want to track.
2009-05-27 17:29:58 +00:00
## Testing
PaperTrail has a thorough suite of tests. Thanks to [Zachery Hostens]( for making them able to run standalone, i.e. without needing PaperTrail to be sitting in a Rails app.
2009-05-27 17:29:58 +00:00
2009-06-23 09:39:16 +00:00
## Problems
Please use GitHub's [issue tracker](
## Contributors
Many thanks to:
* [Zachery Hostens](
* [Jeremy Weiskotten](
2009-05-27 15:21:20 +00:00
## Inspirations
* [Simply Versioned](
* [Acts As Audited](
## Intellectual Property
Copyright (c) 2009 Andy Stewart (
Released under the MIT licence.