Add has_paper_trail_defaults (#1166)

This commit is contained in:
Gerry 2018-11-13 14:41:38 -05:00 committed by Jared Beck
parent 2c2a531773
commit 21cc89a696
4 changed files with 46 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ recommendations of [](
### Added
- [#1166]( -
New global option `has_paper_trail_defaults`, defaults for `has_paper_trail`
- [#1158]( — Add the
ability to pass options, such as `scope` or `extend:` to the `has_many
:versions` association macro.

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@ -268,6 +268,33 @@ A common place to put these settings is in a Rails initializer file
such as `config/initializers/paper_trail.rb` or in an environment-specific
configuration file such as `config/environments/test.rb`.
#### 1.e.1 Global
Global configuration options affect all threads.
- association_reify_error_behaviour
- enabled
- has_paper_trail_defaults
- object_changes_adapter
- serializer
- version_limit
Syntax example: (options described in detail later)
# config/initializers/paper_trail.rb
PaperTrail.config.enabled = true
PaperTrail.config.has_paper_trail_defaults = {
on: %i[create update destroy]
PaperTrail.config.version_limit = 3
These options are intended to be set only once, during app initialization (eg.
in `config/initializers`). It is unsafe to change them while the app is running.
In contrast, `PaperTrail.request` has various options that only apply to a
single HTTP request and thus are safe to use while the app is running.
## 2. Limiting What is Versioned, and When
### 2.a. Choosing Lifecycle Events To Monitor
@ -617,8 +644,8 @@ previous and next versions.
widget = Widget.find 42
version = widget.versions[-2] # assuming widget has several versions
previous = version.previous
next =
previous_version = version.previous
next_version =
You can find out which of an item's versions yours is:
@ -1000,7 +1027,6 @@ end
Overriding (instead of configuring) the `versions` method is not supported.
Overriding associations is not recommended in general.
### 5.c. Generators
PaperTrail has one generator, `paper_trail:install`. It writes, but does not

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@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ module PaperTrail
def initialize
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ module PaperTrail
# Variables which affect all threads, whose access is *not* synchronized.
@serializer = PaperTrail::Serializers::YAML
@has_paper_trail_defaults = {}
# Indicates whether PaperTrail is on or off. Default: true.

View File

@ -23,18 +23,18 @@ module PaperTrail
# Options:
# - :on - The events to track (optional; defaults to all of them). Set
# to an array of `:create`, `:update`, `:destroy` as desired.
# to an array of `:create`, `:update`, `:destroy` and `:touch` as desired.
# - :class_name (deprecated) - The name of a custom Version class that
# includes `PaperTrail::VersionConcern`.
# - :ignore - An array of attributes for which a new `Version` will not be
# created if only they change. It can also aceept a Hash as an
# created if only they change. It can also accept a Hash as an
# argument where the key is the attribute to ignore (a `String` or
# `Symbol`), which will only be ignored if the value is a `Proc` which
# returns truthily.
# - :if, :unless - Procs that allow to specify conditions when to save
# versions for an object.
# - :only - Inverse of `ignore`. A new `Version` will be created only
# for these attributes if supplied it can also aceept a Hash as an
# for these attributes if supplied it can also accept a Hash as an
# argument where the key is the attribute to track (a `String` or
# `Symbol`), which will only be counted if the value is a `Proc` which
# returns truthily.
@ -57,9 +57,15 @@ module PaperTrail
# Plugins like the experimental `paper_trail-association_tracking` gem
# may accept additional options.
# You can define a default set of options via the configurable
# `PaperTrail.config.has_paper_trail_defaults` hash in your applications
# initializer. The hash can contain any of the following options and will
# provide an overridable default for all models.
# @api public
def has_paper_trail(options = {})
defaults = PaperTrail.config.has_paper_trail_defaults
# @api public